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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 232 Dancing with Madara (1) (Please subscribe and vote)

Madara Uchiha saw that the person in front of him dared to look at him condescendingly, and he suddenly felt a little angry. However, he did not act rashly because of this, but carefully looked at the person in front of him, and tried to use the information gap to catch the other person off guard.

Although he is not very good at genjutsu, it would not be too much to say that his genjutsu ability is the best in the ninja world.

He now does not have the Rinnegan, but has a pair of Sharingan from someone else.

But since he obtained the power of Asura from Hashirama, mastered Wood Release, and merged it with the power of Indra in his body, mastering the power of Yin and Yang Release, the power of these newly replaced Sharingan Eyes is rare in these worlds. Nourished by the power of , it has been improving.

Over the years, his pair of three magatama sharingan eyes have become more powerful than the ordinary Mangekyo Sharingan. He can even use them to activate Susanoo, but he has not developed a unique eye technique.

He was confident that as long as his eyes could make eye contact with the other person’s eyes, he could control the other person’s life and death in an instant, even if the person in front of him gave him a far stronger feeling than the Kirito ninja named Goju Yagura he had met before. Much more powerful.

“Madara-sama, this guy should be the mysterious shadow-level strongman who killed Danzo.”

At the same time, Black Zetsu hidden in Uchiha Madara’s sleeve said.

Wearing samurai armor and an evil ghost mask, on his feet is a bird-shaped masked monster made of a large number of black silk threads.

This image is indeed very similar to the mysterious shadow-level powerhouse Hei Jue told him before. It is most likely the same person.

“Who are you from? Tell me your name.”

Uchiha Madara asked, raising his head slightly.

Kirito controlled the White Zetsu clone and looked at Uchiha Madara below with his white eyes. He sneered in his heart and had a little understanding of Uchiha Madara’s arrogance.

This guy may have been at the top for so long that he has forgotten the politeness of asking someone’s name.

It’s obvious that both parties are hiding their heads and showing their tails, but they still have the nerve to ask other people’s names?

But having said that, he really didn’t expect to find Uchiha Madara just after returning to Amegakure Village. He had thought that if Nagato and others were left with him, sooner or later he would run into the masterminds like Uchiha Madara and Black Zetsu, but Never met at this time.

These two black-hearted guys suddenly appeared in Yuyin Village, which must be up to no good.

Kirito knew this well, and of course he couldn’t let these two evil-hearted people stay in his territory for a long time. He decisively showed his energy and used the Byakugan of the White Zetsu clone to gain magical power and wood for a long time. The power derived from the nourishment of escape power.

Rolling eyes·coercion!

This is a kind of Byakugan Eye Technique. Once deployed, it can exert strong mental pressure on the witnesses and ignore obstacles. As long as it is within the range shown by Byakugan, it will take effect. The only flaw is that the farther the distance, the worse the effect. Difference.

This pupil technique is used to deal with the weak, and it is naturally invincible. It can be said to be a magical skill of torturing vegetables, and it can completely stare anyone to death.

But it is not very effective when used against shadow-level warriors, because every shadow-level warrior is a person with a strong will. For a warrior of Uchiha Madara’s level, the Byakugan·Coercion is almost ineffective.

But it doesn’t matter, he just used this move to attract Uchiha Madara.

Sure enough, Uchiha Madara, the old Yinbi, is really here. He is worthy of being a member of the Uchiha clan. Even if he fakes his death and hides his name in the world, he still can’t help but come over and take a look once he is provoked.

“What a rude guy. You asked me my name. Shouldn’t you tell me your name first?”

Kirito didn’t want to give Madara Uchiha any face, so he started to fight directly.

Madara Uchiha narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard Kirito’s stinging words.

The next moment, a huge blue chakra arm suddenly grew out of Uchiha Madara’s body and grabbed Kirito in the air with lightning speed.

Susanoo·Initial stage.

Uchiha Madara’s Susanoo, which he can activate at will, is extremely fast. An average Kage-level powerhouse might be caught before he has time to react, and then be crushed to pieces by the terrifying power contained in it.

But in the eyes of Kirito, who had the Byakugan, this speed was unusual.

Suddenly lightning flashed across his body, a highly concentrated chakra wrapped around his right hand, and then he shot it out with a palm.

A powerful chakra shock wave appeared instantly.

The chakra arm created by Uchiha Madara using Susanoo’s initial stage was hit by this shock wave and was instantly shattered. The whole arm burst into pieces, turned into a large number of chakra fragments, and finally disappeared.

Soft Fist and Divine Air Strike!

This is a soft boxing developed by Kirito after he obtained the high-purity Byakugan on the basis of the Soft Fist and Bagua Kong Palm. It is extremely lethal and can instantly crush ninja tools made of chakra metal.

Since this move requires the eye power of Byakugan to be released, only the White Zetsu clone can use this move.

The powerful chakra shock wave formed by the divine attack shattered the chakra arms and hands. Its power was not weakened much, and the attack momentum was still fierce. It advanced all the way and quickly hit Uchiha Madara, who was slightly shocked at this time.


A huge splash instantly exploded from the water where Uchiha Madara was, and a large amount of water flowed into the sky above the town. Countless fish and shrimps in the lake were wiped out.

Soon, the water splash disappeared, and a skull covered with a large amount of blue chakra appeared in front of Kirito.

This skeleton only has an upper body, not a lower body, and inside the skull is Uchiha Madara himself, who is unscathed at this time.

But at this time, his Sharingan had been opened and he was staring at Kirito in mid-air.

He said: “I haven’t seen such a powerful Rou Fist for a long time. I didn’t expect that after the Warring States Period, there would still be such a strong person in the Hyuga clan.”

He was absolutely unmistakable. The move Kirito just used was a soft fist, but this was the first time he had seen such a soft fist.

But this is not the most terrifying thing. What is terrifying is that the opponent has just penetrated the weakness of the chakra arm he created by using Susanoo·Initial Stage, and accurately hit this weakness, which resulted in poor defense. The chakra arm, which is stronger than steel, shatters at a touch.

The powerful soft fist, coupled with the powerful insight that can penetrate the enemy’s chakra flow weakness.

At this moment, the status of Byakugan, the blood successor, soared rapidly in Uchiha Madara’s heart.

Once upon a time, he looked down on Byakugan, believing that the bloodline potential of the opponent who inherited the self-proclaimed Otsutsuki Hamura bloodline was too low, and was far less powerful than the Sharingan. He could only dominate the shadow-level powerhouses, and could not give birth to top powerhouses.

But now it seems that he underestimated Bai Yan’s power before.

“That was mom’s move just now. Although it is far from as powerful as mom, it is indeed a divine attack. Who is this person? Has such a powerful white-eyed ninja ever been born in the Hyuga clan? Could it be that he came down from the sky? of?”

Black Zetsu, who was hidden in Uchiha Madara’s sleeves, was shocked after seeing Kirito’s Divine Sky Strike, and stared blankly at Kirito in the sky.

At this time, through the eye slits of the evil ghost mask, both it and Madara Uchiha saw the Byakugan of the White Zetsu clone.

But what surprised them was that the white eyes showed a light purple color, and a large amount of deep blue light was revealed in the center. At a glance, they knew that these were extraordinary white eyes, far from the ordinary ones they had seen before. The rolling eyes are comparable.

Kirito had neither the intention nor the obligation to answer Uchiha Madara’s question. He looked at Susanoo’s first form on Uchiha Madara’s body, and there was only one thing left in his mind, and that was to see the man in front of him who had once been able to The strength of a powerful ninja who competes with the Ninja God.

The burning desire to fight burned in his heart.

With a thought in his mind, the bird-shaped masked monster with five masks at his feet suddenly split into four masked monsters. One of the masked monsters with a lightning mask instantly spit out a huge blue and white thunder gun from its mouth.

Thunder Escape·Pseudo Darkness!

Kirito’s Thunder Release level has reached the fifth level, reaching what ninjas commonly call the mysterious realm. The Thunder Release Ninjutsu he used at this time is naturally different from what it used to be. Both its power and attack speed have been greatly improved.

Uchiha Madara is a discerning person, and he immediately noticed that the thunder escape ninjutsu used by Kirito was quite powerful.

He was confident that he could block the attack with the Susanoo in the first stage, but he did not intend to be so hard-headed next time. He subconsciously wanted to dodge, and then found that his Chakra Chakra head had been entangled with a large number of water whips. , unable to move as he wishes.

This was exactly the result of Kirito’s single-minded use of the Water Release and Water Whip to control the Water Release Mask Monster.

It is certainly impossible for these water whips to completely restrain Uchiha Madara’s Susanoo, but it is more than enough to entangle him for a moment.

In just a split second, the huge thunder gun successfully hit the chakra half skeleton.

The chakra half-skeleton was not shattered by the huge thunder gun, but the powerful penetrability of the thunder escape ninjutsu was revealed at this time. The terrifying high-voltage current passed through the chakra half-skeleton’s defense and hit Uchiha Madara hard. , making him feel numb all over.

Black Jue was also implicated at this time. It had not been attacked for many years and was suddenly howled with electricity.

Taking advantage of Uchiha Madara being paralyzed by the Thunder Release Ninjutsu, Kirito decisively combined with the Senjutsu Chakra to hit the Divine Sky Strike again.

Immortal Technique, Soft Fist, Divine Air Strike!

A pale golden fist emitting senjutsu chakra fluctuations shot toward Uchiha Madara like a rocket, leaving with the overwhelming momentum of a mountain.

“Hahaha~, I haven’t felt pain in a long time.”

Uchiha Madara watched Kirito greet him with a more powerful divine attack, and suddenly laughed nervously.

At the same time, the half-skeleton grew a large amount of flesh and blood made of chakra, and also grew a pair of hands, and a huge chakra katana appeared on all four hands.

Two of the hands crossed two huge chakra katana swords together to block the incoming pale golden fist. The other two hands waved the chakra katana swords in their hands and slashed at Kirito in the sky.

Before the sword arrived, the terrifying power of the sword had already struck.

This Uchiha ninja who has reached the top of the ninja world is obviously a master of swordsmanship. The sword he swings seems to be very slow, and it is even more slow in Kirito’s eyes, but the power of the sword is incredible. A powerful coercion directly acts on the enemy, making it difficult for the enemy to move for a while.

“Is this the strength of Uchiha Madara? This is the second stage of Susanoo, and he’s still an old man now.”

Kirito felt that his body was being suppressed by an unknown huge force at this moment, his hands and feet became unsteady, and the flow of chakra in his body also showed a slight sluggishness. He was unable to activate ninjutsu instantly as usual, and he couldn’t help but be surprised.

Obviously, all of this is caused by the power of the Sharingan in Uchiha Madara.

He now guesses that Uchiha Madara’s Yin Escape level must have reached level five or above, and he has given birth to some incredible Yin Escape power. This power can not only suppress the enemy’s body silently, but also suppress the enemy’s body. Chakra in the body.

There is no doubt that this kind of power is very scary for ninjas.

After all, in critical moments, the release speed of a ninja’s ninjutsu is a lifeline. Once the release speed is slower, it will be death.

Fortunately, this strange Yin Escape power can only affect ordinary chakra, and has minimal impact on magical chakra.

This is a blessing in misfortune.

Kirito immediately mobilized the senjutsu chakra in his body to use water escape and water teleportation techniques.

In an instant, two huge sword lights flashed across the sky.

One of Kirito’s masked monsters was cut in half, and Kirito appeared behind Uchiha Madara, but Uchiha Madara seemed to have eyes on the back of his head, and two huge chakra samurai swords once again carried unparalleled power. The sword slashed towards him.

That weird escaping force struck again.

In response, Kirito had to give up the sneak attack and once again used the magic chakra to use the water teleportation technique to leave.

Uchiha Madara took advantage of this and used his other two hands that had blocked Kirito’s air attack to slash at the two masked monsters in the sky formed by the secret technique of Earth Resentment Yu.

For a time, the two masked monsters were also affected by the strange escape power from Uchiha Madara. Their bodies and the chakra in their bodies were affected and they were unable to respond in time.

But at the critical moment, the Earth Escape Mask Monster, which had not been attacked, took action. Astonishing chakra fluctuations instantly erupted from its body. A simple fairy face appeared on the mask, and then it suddenly aimed at the two chakra katana swords and punched.

Two huge rock fists suddenly appeared from the hands of the earth escape mask monster. They hit the two chakra katana swords hard and broke the two chakra katana swords.

Immortal Technique·Earth Release·Rock Fist Technique!

The crisis between the Thunder Mask Monster and the Wind Mask Monster has been resolved.

“Is it Immortal Mode? It’s really exciting. I didn’t expect you to be able to use it on an Earth Resentment Yu Puppet. It seems that your Immortal Magic ability is very powerful. It feels like it’s not much worse than someone I know.”

Seeing this, Uchiha Madara turned his head and looked at Kirito behind him, and praised, with excitement in his voice.

“Compared to your Susanoo, senior, my senjutsu is nothing. You can use the three Magatama Sharingan to use the God of Destruction ability that only the Mangekyo Sharingan can use. Your strength is really great. It’s unfathomable, can you tell me how much effort you’ve put into this junior?”

Kirito said modestly after hearing Uchiha Madara’s praise.

The next moment, with a flash of sword light, Kirito was cut in half by a chakra katana of Susanoo, the second stage of Madara Uchiha.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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