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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 24 Great increase in strength

Kirito added strengthening points to the virtuous attribute again, and the number in the suffix suddenly changed from 4 to 5.

At the same time, his brain experienced another sharp pain.

The pain this time was much worse than last time. In just ten seconds, his whole body was soaked, his face became extremely pale, he almost fainted, and a lot of blood flowed from his nose.

But after the pain comes the extremely sweet reward.

He concentrated and mobilized the chakra in his body.

Soon, a dark chakra with a cold aura appeared on his right hand.

This is Yin chakra.

“I didn’t expect that I would have such a harvest after improving my sage attribute this time. I can cultivate the Yin attribute chakra naturally.”

Kirito looked at the ball of Yin-type chakra in his hand, with a surprised smile on his face.

Yin Escape Chakra, a chakra that creates tangible things from the invisible, is essentially a spiritual power.

His intelligence was improved, which obviously strengthened his spiritual power in disguise.

Afterwards, he removed the Yin attribute chakra, then closed his eyes to carefully experience the benefits of improving his intelligence again.

After a while, he opened his eyes again and slapped his hand on the ground.

The next moment, a large number of sealing techniques formed by chakra spread rapidly on the ground, and then formed a complex sealing technique in just a few seconds.

Sealing Technique·Triple Light Array!


This sealing technique is an upgraded version of the sealing technique formed by three superpositions on the basis of the first series of lamp arrays. Its binding ability is much more powerful than that of the first series of lamp arrays. It is enough to restrain a jounin for several seconds, and its range is wider than that of the first series of lamps. The formation should be large enough to restrain several enemies at the same time.

However, the triple lamp array is much more complex than the one-series lamp array.

For example, the first series of light arrays is just a linear equation, then the triple light array is a cubic equation, and the difficulty is not at the same level.

Before that, although Kirito could successfully deploy this sealing technique, it would take at least thirty seconds. Obviously, such a sealing technique would be difficult to play a big role in a life-and-death battle measured in seconds, and could only be used as a Traps are laid out in advance for use.

But now, Kirito successfully deployed it in only three seconds this time, and it has the initial possibility of being used in actual combat.

After his intelligence was improved again, Kirito’s mental arithmetic ability was once again amazingly improved.

If Kirito’s mental arithmetic ability was only a single-core processor before, it has now been upgraded to a dual-core processor, and the performance has been greatly improved.

Because of this, Kirito’s chakra control ability has been further improved.

He quickly completed the seal on the spot and used Thunder Release and Thunder Ball.

Suddenly, a large number of electric balls appeared, much more than when he had just fought against the rope tree.

This is proof that his chakra control ability has been further improved. He can now create more electric balls with the same amount of chakra. This is because his chakra control ability has been further improved and the efficiency of chakra use has been improved.

Then, he stretched out his right hand and began to mobilize chakra.

A large amount of chakra suddenly rotated in his right hand, finally forming a thumb-sized Rasengan.

Although this Rasengan was small, it was obviously very powerful. As soon as it was completed, it stirred the surrounding airflow and formed a small whirlwind around Kirito.

Rasengan is the ultimate form of chakra change, and using it to exercise chakra control is a very good way.

Therefore, Kirito had been practicing the Rasengan in order to improve his chakra control.

With his excellent chakra control ability, he has certainly been able to successfully cultivate this A-level ninjutsu for a long time.

However, as an A-level ninjutsu, the Rasengan consumes a very large amount of chakra, and it requires at least a Jonin-level chakra amount to be released normally.

Kirito had been unable to successfully release the Rasengan before because of insufficient chakra.

Nowadays, the chakra control ability has been further improved, which greatly improved the efficiency of chakra use and greatly reduced the unnecessary chakra loss caused when the Rasengan was released. He finally succeeded in releasing the Rasengan.

Although the Rasengan in Kirito’s hand is pitifully small, there is no doubt that he has successfully cultivated the Rasengan.

“I successfully used the Rasengan with normal genin level chakra. I don’t know where my current chakra control ability ranks in the entire Konoha. It should not be low, hehe.”

Kirito looked at the small chakra ball in his hand and smiled slightly, feeling a little proud in his heart.

Now that he has such excellent chakra control power, he will be able to learn various ninjutsu with twice the result with half the effort in the future, and when releasing ninjutsu, he can greatly reduce the consumption of chakra, which will increase his chakra amount in disguise.

Kirito did not feel complacent for too long because he successfully cultivated the Rasengan. He quickly removed the miniature Rasengan and began to close his eyes and concentrate on refining chakra.

After a few minutes, he reopened his eyes and took out a psychic card from his body.

Spiritualism·The art of release.

The next second, an iron rod with a large number of iron wires wrapped around it appeared on the ground.

“Give it a try, I think it will work this time.”

Kirito looked at the strange iron rod on the ground with an expectant expression on his face, then picked up the iron rod and released a large amount of thunder attribute chakra.

In an instant, the thunder attribute chakra clung to the iron rod under Kirito’s control and flowed along a large number of iron wires on it.

During the process, the thunder attribute chakra turns into high-voltage current.

Dazzling electric sparks suddenly bloomed on the iron rod.

After a while, some black iron sand began to emerge from the ground and suspended in mid-air.

“It seems it was successful.”

Kirito watched the black iron sand continue to emerge from the ground, and he was filled with joy.

Using the principle of electromagnetic generation, and then using the thunder attribute chakra to simulate the process of electromagnetic generation, and then using powerful mental arithmetic ability to control the magnetic field, the ultimate goal is to control the iron sand in the earth.

This is the magnetic escape ninjutsu that Kirito is currently trying to develop.

Ever since he successfully cultivated thunder attribute chakra, he began to study this magnetic escape ninjutsu.

To this end, he has been working hard to study electricity.

Unfortunately, he has never succeeded because the magnetic field formed by electromagnetism is too difficult to control.

This is of course, normal magnetic escape is when the human body produces a special kind of chakra with magnetic force. Iron sand can be easily controlled by simply attaching this chakra to iron sand.

But Kirito relies on the magnetic force formed by electromagnetism, and the process is much more complicated. It requires not only excellent chakra control, but also strong mental arithmetic ability.

This was the first time Kirito felt that he could control the magnetic force formed by electromagnetism without any pressure.

Next, Kirito began to try to manipulate some iron sand to make some simple shapes, shaping them into shapes such as kunai, shurikens, and walls.

But as soon as he completed a few simple shapes, he felt weak all over and his head felt dizzy.

At this time, the high-voltage current on the iron rod also disappeared.

There was not much chakra left in his body.

“Although he succeeded in controlling the magnetic field formed by electromagnetism with his greatly improved mental arithmetic ability, the current amount of chakra is far from enough to successfully complete this ninjutsu.”

Kirito endured the discomfort caused by excessive chakra consumption and sighed helplessly.

But his eyes were shining with excitement at the moment.

The most difficult first step has been taken, and all that remains is to continuously improve the level of application.

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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