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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 244 The Fallen Uchiha (please subscribe and vote)

“Shameful resurrection coins, just cheating if you can’t beat them.”

When Kirito heard Uchiha Madara’s annoying voice, he knew where he had failed and complained.

His voice was undisguised, which made Uchiha Madara behind him very harsh. Killing intent quickly rose in his heart, and he sneered: “The cry of a defeated dog.”

Of course he listened to the irony in Kirito’s words. If he hadn’t used Izanagi to rewrite reality, he would have been killed by Kirito’s unexpected sealing technique.

But Izanagi was originally his method, so why should he be despicable?

If you can’t beat it, you just can’t beat it. It’s just an excuse, the cry of a defeated dog.

“Ah, yes, yes, it is indeed the cry of a defeated dog, but I don’t know who used the same trick to escape under the eyes of the Ninja God. Who is the real defeated dog?”

Kirito sneered, ruthlessly uncovering the scars in Uchiha Madara’s heart.

The conflict between him and Uchiha Madara is no longer irreconcilable, so they might as well openly confront each other.

“you wanna die!”

Madara Uchiha was poked in a painful spot by Kirito, and he immediately crushed a spare three-magatama Sharingan in his right hand and said angrily.

As he spoke, the Mangekyō Sharingan in his right eye shone red, and a black flame instantly appeared out of thin air and shot towards Hatake Sakumo.

Damn boy, he is going to burn this boy to ashes bit by bit.

Kirito was powerless at this time. He could only watch Uchiha Madara use black flames to burn Hatake Sakumo’s body, and sighed secretly: “I’m sorry, teacher, I really can’t save you. I can only make you suffer less.” ”

Hatake Sakumomoto’s body suffered backlash from the side effects of eating the replica chili pills and being forced to use the Eight Gate Armor Technique by Kirito. Now he was attacked by Uchiha Madara’s black fire, and his injuries suddenly exploded. The vitality disappears quickly.

“Humph, I almost fell for this kid like you.”

Suddenly, Madara Uchiha snorted coldly, decisively dispelling the black fire from Hatake Sakumo.

How could he not see how bad Hatake Sakumo’s injuries were? Even if he didn’t take action, if he didn’t get timely treatment, he wouldn’t live long. What Tohsaka Kirito said just now was more irritating than irritating him. It would be better to say that he would use his help to save Hatake Sakumo from suffering.

In this way, Hatake Sakumo would really die in his hands, and he would no longer have the leverage to threaten Tohsaka Kirito.

He had already seen what Tohsaka Kirito was capable of, but it was just the tip of the iceberg.

The opponent was able to exert powerful combat power by relying on Hatake Sakumo’s body, and even successfully plotted against him once, forcing him to use Izanagi to complete the counterattack. There was no indication that this kid was a formidable enemy.

The weakness of this enemy is that he is too emotional, otherwise he would not be able to use the art of spiritual transformation to support Hatake Sakumo from a long distance.

If he kills Hatake Sakumo here, he will really lose a bargaining chip to threaten Tohsaka Kirito. Anyway, Hatake Sakumo is basically useless even if he survives. It is impossible to pose any threat to him. It’s better to keep his life and use him to threaten Tohsaka Kirito.

As soon as he thought of this, Uchiha Madara used the Wood Release: Silent Killing Binding Technique, restrained Hatake Sakumo with a large number of wooden sticks, then put his hands on Hatake Sakumo, used Palm Senju to heal his injuries, and hung him up. Hatake Sakumo’s life.

When Kirito saw Uchiha Madara’s actions, he immediately understood Uchiha Madara’s intentions and couldn’t help but smile: “Thank you very much.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a blue soul light ball emerged from Hatake Sakumo’s heart.

This soul light ball is the soul seed that Kirito left in Hatake Sakumo’s body.

Now that Hatake Sakumo is in the hands of Uchiha Madara, it is naturally impossible for Kirito to leave the soul seed on Hatake Sakumo. He knows Uchiha Madara’s ability, and maybe he will be able to use the soul seed. Find out and grab it.

The soul seed carries a large amount of his memories, and this information must not fall into the hands of Uchiha Madara.

The soul seed quickly flew high into the sky to escape, and a rocket condensed from black flames immediately hit it. With a soul-shaking scream, the soul seed dissipated in the air.

“Want to escape, hum.”

Uchiha Madara looked at the soul seeds dissipating in the sky with his Sharingan, and sneered in his heart.

Ordinary people don’t have the means to deal with the soul, but he is different. He is the one who has opened the Eye of Reincarnation, and the ability of the Eye of Reincarnation has means to deal with the soul. Although he does not have the Eye of Reincarnation in hand now, he can rely on Yin-Yang Escape and Writing The power of the chakra eye can also harm the soul.

However, although Uchiha Madara killed Kirito’s soul seed, he didn’t feel much joy and regret.

Because he found that Tohsaka Kirito’s spiritual transformation technique was much more powerful than he imagined. The soul seed just now was obviously not Tohsaka Kirito’s real soul, but just a small and insignificant piece that he separated using soul ninjutsu. Just fragments of soul.

But this small and insignificant piece of soul fragment can actually allow Tohsaka Kirito to control Hatake Sakumo from a long distance, displaying amazing strength. It can be seen that Tohsaka Kirito has gone very far in the cultivation of the soul. .

“There is such a monster in this world. If he was born in the Warring States Period, he would definitely be the enemy of Senju Hashirama and me.”

Uchiha Madara was filled with emotion.

Until now, he finally looked directly at Kirito as his enemy. He no longer recognized Kirito’s strength on the surface. He still felt a little disapproval in his heart, thinking that he was still fully confident in handling this Konoha genius.

At the same time, Kirito’s soul, which was flying rapidly across the border of the Land of Fire, suddenly felt a slight pain and his brows suddenly furrowed.

Each soul type is actually equivalent to one of his soul clones, which is just a low-end version. It is far less powerful than the soul clone he created from large pieces of soul fragments, but it still has relatively complete functions, such as memory sharing.

After the Soul Seed was killed, he immediately obtained the Soul Seed’s memory and knew about Uchiha Madara’s capture of Hatake Sakumo.

Things get difficult.

Hatake Sakumo is now in the hands of Uchiha Madara, and he will inevitably be helpless against this old Yinbi.

“Although I had known that this old Yinbi’s lower limit had been lowered, and his arrogance had long been shattered by Senju Hashirama, I didn’t expect that his lower limit had been lowered to this point. If the Uchiha clan knew what he had done, They will definitely be disillusioned with their impression of their ancestor.”

Kirito wanted Uchiha Madara to threaten him with Hatake Sakumo, and cursed secretly.

At the same time, he was also a little annoyed with himself.

If he had not returned to the Kingdom of Wind last night, Hatake Sakumo would not have fallen into the hands of Uchiha Madara.

It’s a pity that without if, he can only see and walk now.

However, Hatake Sakumo was not killed by Uchiha Madara, which is a good thing after all. As long as the person is not dead, there is room for change.

Also, Uchiha Homura’s life and death are now uncertain, and he may have died in the hands of Uchiha Madara.

“It has to be faster.”

At this moment, Kirito thought of the tears on Chizuru’s face before setting off, and his heart tightened.

The next moment, he used the Thunder Transformation Technique again, turning it into a bolt of lightning and shooting towards the location where the Soul Seed disappeared.

In about a minute, Kirito arrived at the place where the soul seed disappeared.

At this time, Uchiha Madara and Hatake Sakumo had long disappeared, and his various powerful sensory abilities could not find any clues about Uchiha Madara. It can be seen that Uchiha Madara knew his sensory abilities very well and had taken precautions. .

“Intelligence is indeed the life of a ninja. The more I take action, the less advantage I have in intelligence. This guy Uchiha Madara might be watching me in the dark now.”

Kirito looked around and used various sensory abilities to investigate, but still found no whereabouts of Madara Uchiha, and his heart sank.

Now, the enemy is hidden and we are clear.

Just as Kirito thought, Madara Uchiha was observing Kirito in the dark. He used the Mayfly Technique to hide in a big tree with the help of Bai Jue Fei, and used some kind of magic to shield his soul from the perception of his soul. The sealing technique is used to target Kirito’s soul perception.

The Mayfly Technique is an extremely advanced concealment ability, and Bai Zetsu himself is naturally close to natural energy. If Kirito had no soul perception, he would not be able to detect Bai Zetsu who was hiding using the Mayfly Technique alone.

In the original plot, there were only three people who could discover White Zetsu, one was Naruto, and the other two were Orochimaru and Orochimaru Kabuto, who had in-depth research on White Zetsu.

Kirito has also conducted research on creatures like White Zetsu, but since he has the art of spiritualization, he can easily discover White Zetsu, so he has not worked hard on how to find such creatures. What is the main direction of his research on White Zetsu? Prosthetics made from white cells coexist with ordinary humans.

Bai Jue is a magical good thing. As long as we can find a solution to the problem of rejection between Bai Jue cells and human cells, it can greatly benefit mankind.

By then, maybe everyone will be able to awaken the Wood Release.

“This guy really came here. He really cares about love and justice.”

Uchiha Madara secretly observed Kirito and thought to himself.

He had thought that Kirito would come here in person, but after discovering the soul seed, he changed his mind and thought that it was impossible for Kirito to come, but he did come.

Now that he has seen Kirito with his own eyes, he has a new understanding of Kirito.

This was indeed a ninja that could threaten his life. It had been a long time since he had felt extreme danger from other ninjas. It was right for him to hide temporarily.

He had just fought with Uchiha Homura and the sage-turned-Sakumo Hatake, which had consumed a lot of chakra and pupil power. He also had very little spare three magatama sharingan left. Now he was fighting Tohsaka Kiri. It is unwise to hit others.

Tohsaka Kirito is not comparable to the ‘Hatake Sakumo’ just now. Whether it is chakra amount or method, the latter is much worse than the former.

He is now a little unsure whether he can take down Tohsaka Kirito without endangering his own life. If the prerequisite for killing Tosaka Kirito is that he must also die, it will only be more loss than gain.

“It doesn’t matter. Although you are a genius, you don’t have the power of the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan. Your final achievements will be like that. I have plenty of time to play with you slowly now.”

Uchiha Madara looked at Kirito’s retreating back, then slowly got into the ground and went to join Black Zetsu.

The technique of reincarnation of dirty soil at the root is a good thing. He was originally worried that he would not have enough time, but now he is not afraid. Once he completely controls the root left by the bed bug, even if he dies, his Eye of the Moon plan can continue. Go down.

. . .

On the other side, in the land of rain, in the village hidden in the rain.

Hattori Masashige, played by Kirito’s White Zetsu clone, is closing his eyes and meditating in a secret room in the tower in the center of Amegakure Village.

Sansho Hanzo was also here at this time. He looked at Kirito’s calm look with an unhappy expression on his face.

The current situation in Yuyin Village is very bad. According to the reactions of people who went out to conduct reconnaissance, the Kumoyin ninjas outside Yuyin Village have begun to prepare for war before dawn. As expected, as soon as the day breaks, the opponent will attack again. attack.

And the Amegakure Anbu he sent to fight with the group of ‘mercenaries’ in Kirigakure Village had not returned yet.

The current situation was really worrying him to death, but his good companion didn’t look anxious at all. Who gave him the confidence?

“Zhengcheng, it’s almost dawn. Will the person you are waiting for really come?”

Hanzo couldn’t help but ask again.

That’s right, the reason why he and Hattori Masashige are here is to meet someone. As for who this person is, he doesn’t know, and neither does Hattori Masashige.

But one thing is for sure, as long as this person comes, the current crisis in Yuyin Village will really turn around.

“Relax, Hanzo. You and I have done our best in everything. No matter how bad our Yuyin’s current situation is, it won’t get any worse. It’s just a change of nest and we will continue to develop. As long as the Kingdom of Rain doesn’t exist for a day, If we perish, we Yugakure will not truly perish.”

Kirito heard Hanzo’s anxious question again, opened his eyes and sighed.

He has already received news from the main body about Hatake Sakumo. The thing he is concerned about now is no longer here waiting for people from Konoha to come here, but he is a little annoyed that he did not let everything pass with the main body.

However, if his Bai Jue clone is gone, there is a high probability that his identity cannot be hidden and will be revealed.

Moreover, this body was seriously injured, and the body’s senjutsu chakra reserves had also dropped to the bottom. It would take some time to recharge them and restore the combat effectiveness of their heyday.

“After all, the Blood Dragon Eye’s ability is still a bit lacking. You should find a new pair of Byakugan for your body, or one Byakugan and one Sharingan.”

Kirito thought absently.

“I’m not as optimistic as you. If Yuyin Village is breached, those bandits will definitely destroy it completely. It will be very difficult for us to build a new Yuyin Village. The surrounding great ninja villages will not give us a chance. And we”

Hanzo said with a painful look on his face when he heard this.

After seeing too much despair, he is now pessimistic about the future of Amegakure. If he hadn’t heard Kirito say that Konoha would probably support them, he had already planned to let the remaining Amegakure ninjas evacuate Amegakure Village.

The less than two thousand ninjas remaining in Yuyin Village at this time are the last hope of Yuyin Village. He does not want these ninjas to stay and fight against Yuyin.

It’s such an uncomfortable feeling to put your hope in someone else.


Kirito suddenly interrupted Hanzo and turned his head to look in the direction of the door.

Hanzo also immediately turned his head to look over.

The next moment, the door opened, and a bright and elegant blonde female ninja walked in.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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