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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 256 Surrender and Destruction (please subscribe and vote)

When Beiruhu heard the sound, he turned around instantly without saying a word, opened his Sharingan eye at the same time, condensed a large amount of Yang Release chakra on his right hand, and punched the person who suddenly appeared behind him.

But as soon as he turned around and saw the person and those familiar eyes, his body suddenly lost control. His fist was fixed in front of the opponent’s chest. No matter how hard he pushed his body, he couldn’t move forward an inch. One cent.

“How is it possible? I’m actually under an illusion.”

Seeing this, Bei Liuhu was horrified and said in disbelief.

Not to mention that he now possesses the Sharingan, and the powerful large psychic beast he fused with is itself a psychic beast with a large amount of chakra and super resistance to illusions. Logically speaking, he It is impossible to plant illusions.

Unless the enemy’s illusion ability has exceeded his own understanding and imagination of illusion.

When Madara Uchiha heard what Beiruhu said, he just sneered and didn’t explain anything.

Compared to his fire escape and other good methods, his genjutsu is just the worst method and not worth mentioning. However, in this ninja world, the number of people who can resist his genjutsu is no more than one palm. .

Obviously, the guy named Bei Liuhu in front of him is not among them.

“Tell me, what’s the answer to the question I just asked?”

Uchiha Madara used his fingers to open the eyelid of Beiruhu’s right eye, carefully looked at the Sharingan in Beihu’s right eye socket, and asked.

Beilihu remained silent and acted very tough in front of Uchiha Madara.

Of course, he is not a tough guy who would rather die than give in. On the contrary, his bones are not very tough, and he is also very adaptable and aware of current affairs. Otherwise, he would not have achieved what he has achieved now from a ninja with low qualifications and a civilian background. .

Along the way, he has bowed to others countless times, but he always has the last laugh.

The reason why he showed toughness in front of Uchiha Madara this time was because the opponent himself was a ninja of the Uchiha clan. Based on his understanding of the ninjas of the Uchiha clan, people like him who dared to covet the Sharingan would often end up with only One, that is death.

The person in front of him felt like a pure Uchiha ninja, and his sharingan eyes were filled with the arrogance he was familiar with.

Rather than being looked down upon by the other party and dying, it is better to be tougher, and maybe there will be a turn for the better. With the brain circuit of the Uchiha clan ninjas, they always prefer tough ninjas.

Besides, his Oni Yaluo Technique is the result of his research for so many years. How could he hand it over to someone of unknown origin so easily?

Finally, he bet that the people in this base had noticed the situation here and someone would come to rescue him soon.

“It seems that you don’t intend to speak. Whatever, if I kill you and then use the art of reincarnation from the dirty soil to bring you back to life, I can still make you speak.”

Uchiha Madara said impatiently.

He doesn’t have the patience to play tricks with an insect like Bei Liuhu who can be crushed to death at will. He has controlled the eyes of reincarnation and has some understanding of the soul extraction and memory reading abilities of the human world in the eyes of reincarnation. He is completely It can take some time to recreate it using the eye power of Uchiha Homura’s Mangekyō Sharingan.

“What, this guy knows the art of reincarnation from dirty soil!”

When Beiruhu heard Uchiha Madara’s words, he began to feel doubtful in his heart.

He didn’t know whether what Uchiha Madara said was true or false, but if Uchiha Madara really mastered the art of reincarnation, the other party might really be able to use the art of reincarnation to resurrect him, and then force him to use the art of Oni Meira. speak out.

Of course, the greatest possibility is still failure.

Because the ninjas who came out of the Reincarnation Technique will retain their own will, and the summoner needs to control them, the only way is to obliterate their will and control it personally. In this way, it is very difficult for the summoner to obtain information from the summoned ninjas. difficulty.

However, it does not rule out that the other party has some special means of stealing intelligence.

Just when Beiruhu was in shock and doubt, Uchiha Madara began to deal with Beiruhu. His method was very rough. The first thing he had to do was to forcefully take out the two three-magatama Sharingan from Beihuhu’s eye sockets.

Like the Uchiha ninjas in Beiruhu’s impression, Uchiha Madara also hates non-Uchiha people using the Sharingan, which makes him feel disgusted.


His eyes were forcibly dug out, and Beiliuhu let out a miserable scream in pain.

Then, he spoke as fast as he could: “The reason why the Sharingan has not been rejected is because I used the Oni Meira Jutsu I developed to integrate an Uchiha Jonin into my body. “

“Oh~, you finally said it, but it’s too late, you have to be punished.”

Uchiha Madara sneered when he saw that Beiruhu was beginning to surrender, and then cruelly pulled down Beiruhu’s other Sharingan again.

This made Beiliuhu scream again, and his vision completely plunged into darkness.

After Uchiha Madara took off the two Sharingan eyes of Bei Liuhu, he stopped attacking Bei Liuhu and warned: “Don’t let me see you put the Sharingan eyes on yourself again in the future. This makes me sad.” I kind of hate it.”

The technique of reincarnation of dirty soil at the root still has major flaws. The Beiliu Hu in front of him is still useful to him and can be left temporarily.

“Yes, thank you for your forgiveness.”

A line of blood flowed out of the eye sockets of the blinded Beiruhu. He looked in a miserable state, but Uchiha Madara, who did not dare to do violence to him, showed any dissatisfaction and replied in a respectful tone.

The best way to face a strong person with tough methods is to show enough respect and flattery, so that the other party can lose their thoughts against him.

“I still prefer the way you looked tough just now.”

Uchiha Madara said sarcastically, seeing that Beiruhu’s attitude changed so quickly.

Hearing this, Beiruhu was so frightened that he crouched on the ground and buried his head on the ground, showing a gesture of surrender. At the same time, he quickly took out a scroll from his body, raised it with both hands, and gave it to Uchiha Madara.

Seeing this, Madara Uchiha said no more, but the sarcasm in his eyes became deeper and deeper. Then he stretched out his hand to pick up the scroll and opened it to read.

He was very clear about the inner thoughts of people like Bei Liuhu at this time. On the surface, he was respectful to him, but in his heart he hated him deeply. If he showed weakness in the future, this person would definitely stab him in the back.

But one day, he deserves it.

He doesn’t care about this, as long as others respect him.

As for loyalty, he didn’t believe it for a long time because he no longer trusted anyone.

The scroll that Beilihu gave to Uchiha Madara was the Oni Meiluo Jutsu that he had worked tirelessly on over the years, and it was also the latest version.

He is very clear about his current situation. He is a slave to others, and if he dares to be caught by the other party again, not to mention that Gui Yaluo’s technique will not be preserved, his own life will be in danger, so he might as well kill Gui Yaluo honestly. Luo Zhishu is offered without reservation, and maybe there will be unexpected gains.

No matter what, the strength of the Uchiha ninja in front of him is the most terrifying he has ever seen, and the other party’s vision must be wider than his. It is very likely that he will see the flaws in his Onigaura Jutsu and give him something different. suggestions for improvements.

“Onigaura no Jutsu, haha, you are very ambitious. You can plunder other people’s blood successor boundaries for your own use. If one day you can plunder several powerful blood successor boundaries, you might be able to become one of the best in the ninja world. Where’s the ninja?”

After reading the contents of the scroll, Uchiha Madara couldn’t help but appreciate Beiruhu’s whimsical ideas.

The opponent’s Oni Yaluo Technique obviously has huge flaws. The biggest flaw is that different blood inheritance boundaries will repel each other. After all, they are two things with different origins. It would be strange if they were forcibly fused together and no rejection would occur.

Beilihu’s current method to solve this rejection is to fight fire with fire, trying to maintain a relatively balanced state of power between the two blood inheritance boundaries as much as possible, so as to achieve a fragile fusion state.

If this fragile fusion state can be maintained for a long time, maybe the two blood inheritance boundaries can really complete the fusion.

Of course, that’s only theoretically possible.

“This is just a clumsy work by a mediocre person like me. It is not worth mentioning to a ninja like you, sir.”

Bei Liuhu laughed at himself.

He is really laughing at himself from the bottom of his heart now, because his Oni Meiluo Jutsu was completely defeated by the opponent’s Sharingan, at least for now.

It can be seen from this that the Sharingan, a kind of bloody limit, is very powerful. As long as it is developed well, it can also achieve what he imagined after the completion of Oni Meira’s art.

For a time, his heart’s desire for the Sharingan, the blood limit, became stronger and stronger, but the Sharingan he was pursuing now was no longer an ordinary Sharingan, but the Sharingan of the person in front of him, the other person’s Sharingan. The Sharingan was the scariest Sharingan he had ever seen.

If he can obtain it using Oni Yaluo’s technique, he will definitely be able to reach the sky in one step.

“It’s a poor work, haha, no need to be modest. The ninjutsu you developed has great potential, and the fact that you can improve the art of reincarnation in the dirty earth shows that you have a good brain. This is what I want. You are here My men should do their jobs well, as long as they handle the tasks assigned well, I can help you get whatever blood inheritance limit you want in the future.”

Uchiha Madara began to draw a pie for Beiruhu and gave him a sweet date to appease Beiruhu’s heart.

“Thank you for your generosity. From today on, I, Beiliuhu, will be your most loyal subordinate.”

When Beiruhu learned that Madara Uchiha was going to use him, he knew that he had finally survived. He was relieved and continued to speak respectfully.

“The most loyal, haha~”

Uchiha Madara couldn’t help but smile when he heard his loyal son, and then put his hand on Beiruhu’s head.

The next moment, Bei Liuhu discovered that a stream of Yin Escape Chakra invaded his head, and then disappeared in the blink of an eye. No matter how he checked his head over and over again with various detection methods, he could not find it. Where is the missing chakra?

This weird thing made Bei Liuhu’s heart sink to the bottom, knowing that his life was already in the hands of the person in front of him, and he must think twice before betraying him in the future.

On the other side, Iwagakure Village, Tsuchikage’s office.

Onoki, the third Tsuchikage, was standing in front of the window, looking at the depressed appearance of Iwagakure outside with a melancholy expression.

Since the war between Amegakure and Kumogakure broke out, the trade between Earth Country and Amegakure has been severely hit, and the economy of Iwagakure Village has also become sluggish.

In addition to the military expenditures given by the Daimyo of Earth Country, part of the economic source of Iwagakure Village comes from completing various commissions.

However, this was the previous economic source model of Iwagakure Village. Ever since he learned that Hattori Masashige secretly controlled a large number of companies in the Land of Rain, thereby bringing huge benefits to the Village, he also secretly supported and controlled some companies in the Land of Earth. , the benefits are quite good, and it has greatly alleviated Yanyin Village’s increasingly huge military expenditures.

“Oh~, why did you win? Yunyin’s people are too useless.”

Onoki sighed.

He has already received news about Ugakure’s defeat of Kumogakure in the Land of Rain and Konoha’s intervention to support Ugakure.

When he heard the news, his first reaction was that the news was wrong. However, after multiple verifications, the news was indeed accurate. The biggest proof of this was that the group of black barbarians who had been clamoring on the border of the Kingdom of Earth began to massacre. A large-scale retreat, the direction of the retreat is towards the Kingdom of Rain.

It can be seen that Kumogakure on the Rain Country side has indeed suffered a heavy defeat and is in urgent need of new military support.

In this regard, Onoki naturally would not miss the opportunity, and decisively ordered the ninjas of Iwagakure to actively pursue, eliminate Kumogakure’s effective forces, and occupy or destroy the military base on the border of Kumogakure’s Earth Country.

Because of this, Iwagakure finally achieved a great victory in his years of battle with Kumogakure.

However, Onoki was not very happy in his heart. That was because the fundamental reason for this great victory was not created by Iwagakure on his own. This was completely taking advantage of Amegakure.

When he said this, he, the third generation Tsuchikage, really had no shame in his face.

Also, his investment in Amegakure and Hattori Masashige this time was a complete failure. The hateful Konoha suddenly ran out and picked his peaches, which made him feel a bit hard to swallow.

“Bang bang~”

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

Onoki heard the movement and immediately spoke.

Then, the door was opened, and Onoki’s son Huangtu walked in.

“Lord Tsuchikage, what are your orders for calling us here in such a hurry.”

Huang Tu, who looked tired, asked as soon as he came in.

Not long ago, he just returned from the Land of Rain. When he returned, he had a fight with Kumogakure’s people and was slightly injured. This time, before he could go home to have a good rest and make love with his wife, he was killed by his father. Called over.

“Loess, I now order you to become the frontline commander of the Kingdom of Rain, responsible for eliminating the forces involved in Yugakure. Han will follow you to the front line of the Kingdom of Rain.”

When Onoki saw Loess, the melancholy on his face disappeared instantly, and he became stern and serious, and ordered.

Now that Amegakure has found Konoha to become its new backer, Amegakure is Iwagakure’s enemy from now on and must be eliminated.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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