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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 258 Fighting the Jinchuuriki again (please subscribe and vote)

While Jiraiya was communicating with Yahiko and Konan, a Konoha ANBU responsible for conveying information came to Tsunade and respectfully delivered an encrypted information to Tsunade.

“It’s really a wave of ups and downs. Iwagakure actually came to join in the fun at this time. These great ninja villages really don’t want to see Konoha rise again.”

After reading this latest information, Tsunade’s face quickly became serious and she sighed in her heart.

The content of the intelligence was about things on Iwagakure’s side. Konoha’s intelligence officers discovered that Iwagakure was mobilizing on a large scale to gather at the border between Rain Country and Earth Country. These unusual signals were obviously that Iwagakure was preparing to attack Amegakure. Signs of action.

However, Amegakure’s current situation is extremely bad, and it is impossible for him to be a prepared and vigilant opponent of Iwagakure. Obviously, Iwagakure’s real target is Konoha who is now behind Amegakure.

After the battle between Amegakure and Kumogakure, there are now only more than a thousand border guards who came to Amegakure Village for support from the border of Rain Country and Fire Country. According to intelligence, there are nearly Thousands of rock ninjas are gathering, and the situation is very unfavorable to their side.

“We must move as soon as possible. Everything here is ruined. Moreover, Iwagakure is good at collective earth escape ninjutsu and is good at attacking fortresses and trapping enemies. Once they are retained, most of the people here will definitely die.”

Tsunade mentally compared the advantages and disadvantages between herself and Iwagakure, and immediately made a calculation.

Afterwards, she quickly found Hattori Masashige, who was arranging various post-war aftermath tasks for his subordinates.

“That’s it for now, you go do your work.”

Seeing Tsunade coming over, Kirito obviously had something urgent to come to him, so he said to the men around him.

All the rain ninja resigned in a wise manner, leaving enough space for Kirito and Tsunade to communicate.

“Look, there’s trouble.”

Tsunade handed the information in her hand to Kirito and said.

Kirito took a look at the information, smiled immediately, and said nonchalantly: “It’s okay, as long as Onoki doesn’t take action personally, a group of ordinary Iwa ninjas are useless no matter how many they have. If they dare to enter the Kingdom of Rain, I can kill them all by myself.” Get rid of them.”

When Tsunade heard this, she immediately felt a strong sense of confidence from the man in front of her, which made her a little stunned.

With such a good tone, he actually treated tens of thousands of Iwagakures as trash.

She admitted that Hattori Masashige was very strong, but it was a bit too blind and arrogant to fight against tens of thousands of Iwa ninjas on his own.

They say victory makes you blind, and it turns out it’s true.

After the man in front of him defeated Yunyin, his self-confidence suddenly expanded to such an extent.

“What, don’t you believe it?”

Kirito said with a smile when he saw Tsunade was silent and had a suspicious expression on her face.

“Although Ōnoki did not dispatch, he also sent out Loess and the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki Han. With these two here, you cannot successfully fight against tens of thousands of Iwa Ninjas.”

Tsunade doubted.

“You are not afraid of wearing shoes when you are barefoot. Now Yugakure has nothing to lose. I personally have no so-called constraints. And with you here, I feel at ease and can rest assured to use my personal mobility. , just wait for my good news, Yu Yin without a home is actually the scariest thing.”

Seeing Tsunade’s disbelief, Kirito explained with a cold expression on his face.

As soon as he finished speaking, he blew a whistle.

The next moment, six Amegakure jounin came to Kirito.

Tsunade recognized these six Amegakure jounin, because these six were all ninjas who had mastered the ability to fly, but their ability to fly came from a secret technique called Shiki Paper Dance.

In the previous battle between Yugakure and Kumogakure, these six people had achieved quite dazzling results.

They rely on the secret technique of shikizhi dance to inject chakra into the detonating talisman, so that they can control the detonating talisman from a long distance in the air to attack. The detonating talisman they control turns into an explosive paper that can be detonated at any time. Crane caused heavy losses to Kumogakure’s ninjas.

“Tsunade-hime, can you lend us a batch of detonating charms?”

After Kirito gathered his men, he asked Tsunade.

After the battle with Kumogakure, Kumogakure basically destroyed all his wealth and even lacked necessary ninja tools such as detonating charms.

As for the ninja who mastered the secret technique of Shiki Paper Dance, without the extremely lethal ninja tool such as the detonating talisman, the combat effectiveness would be reduced by at least half.

“no problem.”

Tsunade felt the trust from Kirito’s words just now and was in a good mood. When she heard that Kirito wanted to borrow the detonating talisman, she agreed generously.

Konoha has now eliminated the threat of Kumogakure without much cost, all thanks to Kumogakure’s efforts. Paying some detonating charms now is nothing.

With Tsunade’s promise, thousands of waterproof detonating charms were taken away by six Amegakure Jōnin who mastered the Dance of Paper, and followed Kirito to the border between the Land of Rain and the Land of Earth.

“What happened? Where are they going?”

Just as Kirito led the people away, Jiraiya came to Tsunade and asked about the situation.

Tsunade didn’t hide it from Jiraiya and told the reason exactly.

“This war is really unstoppable.”

Jiraiya sighed when he heard that Iwagakure was invading.

This Yugakure is really in trouble, this Yugakure has just finished fighting, and Iwagakure comes again.

“There is no way. The location of Rain Country means that it is difficult for Amegakure to escape the war. Now Amegakure has formed an alliance with us Konoha. Both Sunagakure and Kumogakure are greatly weakened and have no time to take care of themselves. It would be strange if Iwagakure didn’t make any movement. , that Third Tsuchikage is a man of foresight.”

Tsunade also sighed.

At the same time, she looked at Sansho Hanzo who was staring at her and the people of Konoha, and she couldn’t help thinking that maybe it was because of Amegakure’s troubles that strong men like Hanzo and Hattori Masashige were born. By.

On the other side, after Huangtu received the appointment and order from Onoki, he immediately led a large number of Iwa nin to the border between the Land of Rain and the Land of Earth, and joined the defenders in the Iwagakure base on the border.

As more and more Iwagakure arrived, the military base standing on the border of Iwagakure gradually became overcrowded, and because of the impending war, the atmosphere in the base was very solemn.

Regarding the news of Ugakure’s defeat of Kumogakure, the Iwa ninja in the base are basically aware of it. Now that they know that they are about to launch an attack on Ugakure, their general morale is not high.

Once upon a time, they looked down on Yugakure.

But in the battle between Yugakure and Kumogakure last night, they were completely impressed by Yugakure and knew that they were about to face a group of bloody enemies. Even if they won, they would have to pay a heavy price.

Loess is a taciturn ninja, and the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki is usually taciturn because he usually stays away from the village and lives a solitary life.

The two of them were not familiar with each other, so they were in the same room together, and the atmosphere was very awkward.

But speaking of embarrassment, Loess was more embarrassed because he found that Han was ignoring him as the commander-in-chief.

“Han, our battle with Amegakure this time will not be easy. The main task of the two of us is to contain Hattori Masashige and Sansho Hanzo as much as possible.”

Huang Tu couldn’t help but speak first.

“Well, I’ll try my best.”

Han replied coldly, and then stopped talking.

Huang Tu saw Han’s cold attitude and didn’t want to talk to him. He even felt a hint of hostility. His mind suddenly got stuck and he didn’t know how to continue getting along with Han.

Huangtu didn’t have much contact with Han, the Jinchuuriki, and it was the first time for him to cooperate like this. Now that he had close contact with him, he realized that this Jinchuuriki was not easy to get along with. The other person seemed to hate him and didn’t want to talk to him.

Huang Tu was puzzled by this, not knowing where Han’s hostility towards him came from.

But he knew that if he could not eliminate the conflict between himself and Han as soon as possible, it would be difficult to fight side by side with him on the battlefield.

Iwagakure was able to gain a foothold in the ninja world and become one of the five great ninja villages because of unity.

“Bang bang bang~”

Just when Huang Tu was about to try to change the topic to talk to Han, a series of explosions suddenly came from outside the base.

Huang Tu and Han heard the noise, looked at each other, and dared to go outside without saying a word.

When they came outside, there were already many fires in the base, and the very important granary was also caught in the fire. Many Iwa ninjas wanted to put out the fire, but an exploding paper crane kept falling above their heads. It was difficult to get close, and I could only watch the granary being devoured by fire.

“Damn it, the enemy is in the sky.”

When Huang Tu saw the situation, he instantly realized where the enemy was coming from. Then he looked up and saw a very familiar figure.

Hattori Masashige is Kirito’s White Zetsu clone.

When he saw Huang Tu and a strong man in red armor beside him, they raised their heads and looked over. He immediately smiled and waved to the two of them, and said loudly: “Two of you, do the fireworks we Yuyin present for you look good?”

“Hattori Masashige, why did you, Amegakure, attack our Iwagakure? Are you planning to provoke a war between Amegakure and Iwagakure?”

Upon hearing this, Huang Tu pointed his finger at Kirito in the sky and shouted angrily.

“Isn’t this what you Iwagakure wants? We, Amegakure, have just defeated Kumogakure. Instead of taking the opportunity to deal with Kumogakure, who has a big hatred against you, you instead sent so many ninjas to gather here. What’s your intention?”

Kirito sneered when he saw that Huang Tu, an honest man, actually complained first.

He understands the principle of striking first. Now that the Yangakure people have traveled a long distance to this base, it is the best time for a sneak attack. If they wait until the Yangakure people feel it one after another and have enough food, drink and rest, then they can continue to follow. If Iwagakure fights, Amegakure will definitely lose.

Now that the sneak attack on Amegakure was exposed, Huangtu didn’t intend to keep pretending. He broke out on the spot and said loudly: “Huh, Hattori Masashige, you Amegakure asked for this. If you don’t ally with Konoha, we won’t either. To get to this point.”

After he finished speaking, he immediately ordered the other rock ninjas: “Everyone listen and attack the enemy immediately.”

As Loess spoke, the Iwa ninja in the base finally found their backbone. They no longer cared about putting out the fire, and launched attacks one after another at Kirito in the sky and the six Amegakure jounin who controlled the explosive paper cranes.

For a time, nearly 6,000 rock ninjas in the base used earth escape and rock iron cannon techniques to attack, and dense rock shells were suddenly shot into the air.

Facing the attacks of a large number of rock ninjas below, Kirito was not afraid. He quickly completed the seal with his hands, and a powerful earth escape chakra suddenly erupted from his body and injected into the surrounding air.

In an instant, a large number of Iwagakure in the base below felt their bodies sink, as if there was an invisible boulder on their backs.

At the same time, the rock cannonballs shot into the sky quickly fell from the air halfway and hit the base below. The Iwa Ninjas wanted to dodge, but the invisible boulders they carried on their backs greatly slowed down their speed, and they hit the base above their heads. Falling rock cannonballs can’t be dodged.

As a result, a large number of Iwa ninjas were hit by rock shells fired by their own people, causing heavy casualties.

“How is it possible? This is the super heavy rock jutsu. How can you use this ninjutsu?”

Huang Tu felt the sudden invisible pressure on his body, and then when he saw this painful scene, he immediately thought of what was going on and said with a shocked face.

There was no mistaking it. This was the Super Heavy Rock Technique that his father once demonstrated in front of him. By using this technique into the air, the weight of the air was changed, thereby changing the surrounding gravity.

“Hmph, there’s nothing to make a fuss about. Although the two earth escape ninjutsu, Super Light Heavy Rock Jutsu and Super Heavy Rock Jutsu, have opposite effects, they have a lot in common. The core of them is to change the weight of matter. As long as you add a little By deduction, it is not difficult to deduce the formula of another ninjutsu through one ninjutsu, and then master it. Unfortunately, except for Ohnoki, everyone else in Iwagakure is a fool and cannot learn it.”

Seeing that Loess was so shocked by his use of the Super Heavy Rock Technique, Kirito sneered, using this to further demoralize Iwagakure.

As soon as these words came out, Loess and other rock ninjas were ashamed. They wanted to refute, but they couldn’t, so they could only keep silent.

At this time, they were suppressed and beaten by the enemy using their own village’s S-level ninjutsu. This was really a humiliation.

Anger burned in the hearts of many Iwa ninjas.

However, no matter how angry they were, facing Kirito’s use of the Super Heavy Rock Technique at this time, they were unable to fight back. No matter whether it was ninja tools or the Rock Iron Cannon Technique, they could not hit the enemy in the sky. enemy.

On the contrary, the six Amegakure jounin in the sky were like a fish in water, and the explosive paper cranes they controlled easily hit them.

At this time, the shortcomings of their Yanyin Earth Escape that were not good at other escape techniques were clearly reflected, and their morale became even lower.

However, Iwagakure’s side was not without capable people. At the critical moment, the five-tailed Jinchuriki Han who had been silent stood up.

Suddenly, a terrifying steam spurted out from Han’s body and turned into a powerful force, carrying him quickly into the air and rushing towards Kirito.

During the process, Han let out a roar and was instantly covered with a scarlet tailed beast suit, with two chakra tails sprouting from behind his butt.

The two chakra tails stretched out quickly as soon as they appeared, like two scarlet spears, stabbing Kirito like lightning.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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