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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 260 Battle with the Five-Tails (please subscribe and vote)

“Damn it, hold on, use the earth flow wall to block these high-temperature steam, and those who know water escape can use water escape ninjutsu to cool down.”

Huang Tu was now standing on top of the rock giant he had created using Earth Release and Gangli Shiki techniques. He watched the Five-Tails use a steam storm move to severely injure the large number of rock ninjas surrounding it. He was angry and anxious, and quickly gave orders loudly. .

At the same time, he controlled the rock giant under him to try to catch the five tails.

However, the Five-Tails had already been on guard, and a stream of high-temperature steam instantly spurted out from its mouth. Loess quickly hid behind the rock giant’s head, and his vision was thus obscured, making him unable to accurately control the Rock Giant to continue attacking the Five-Tails.

Not only that, the high-temperature steam made the rock giant’s body extremely hot. Although the loess on its body was not directly attacked by the high-temperature steam, it was also made uncomfortable by the high temperature released by the high-temperature steam.

After all, he was a mortal body and could not withstand such a terrifying high temperature. A large amount of sweat flowed from his body, quickly making him dehydrated.

This situation is not just like Loess, but also the large number of rock ninja who participated in the containment of the Five-Tails.

“Hmph, a bunch of ants, just die in this high-temperature steam.”

King Mu roared angrily, and released a steam storm from his body again, sweeping in all directions, turning the area hundreds of meters around into a high-temperature hell.

However, this time the people of Iwagakure were already on guard after suffering the big loss last time. With the reminder of Loess, they all used Earth Release, Earth Current Wall or Water Release, Water Formation Wall to defend themselves as much as possible. Resist King Mu’s steam attack.

On the other side, some rock ninjas who were protected by their companions used the Unearth Release and Rock Iron Cannon techniques to attack King Mu.

A large number of rock shells hit King Mu, causing King Mu to scream in pain, and the anger in his heart became more and more intense.

It originally planned to run away and ignore these rock hidden things, but now it should pay attention. It wants to kill all these ants here.

For a moment, the five white tails on its tail suddenly extended, and then swept the surrounding enemies in a sweeping manner. Huangtu and other five rock ninjas who controlled the rock giant quickly controlled the rock giant to block it.

After a confrontation, except for Loess and one elite Jonin whose rock giant barely blocked one of Five-tails’ tails, the other three elite Jonin’s rock giants were all shattered, and they could only watch helplessly as Five-tails’ three tails were unleashed. Sweeping towards a large number of rock ninjas, causing a large number of casualties.

“It’s another bad move, Huang Tu. You guys can’t stop this tailed beast. Without Ohnoki and the outstanding sealing technique ninjas, no matter how many people there are, they can’t withstand the attack of the tailed beast. This This thing is not human and cannot be killed by ordinary means.”

In the sky, Kirito looked at King Mu killing a group of rock ninjas below. He shook his head and said as if he was in a deserted place.

However, when he saw Iwagakure losing his troops at the hands of the tailed beasts, he was in a very happy mood and had no intention of helping.

The more Iwagakure’s ninjas are damaged here, the lower the pressure Amegakure will have to face Iwagakure next, and with the help of Konoha’s power, more development time can be obtained.

Finally, the Second Ninja War was officially over.

To be honest, he is personally tired of the war. He wants to end it as soon as possible and continue to live a peaceful life. In addition, he has obtained many good things from Uchiha Madara. He really needs time and a lot of money to conduct research, but he can no longer be affected by this war. A drag.

“Damn Kumogakure, if it weren’t for these black barbarians, my wallet wouldn’t have shrunk so much. And I don’t know how much money it will cost to rebuild Yugakure. It’s really difficult to build and easy to destroy.”

Kirito couldn’t help but feel a headache when he thought about how much money the subsequent reconstruction of the Country of Rain would cost.

Relying on Hattori Masashige’s identity, the entire Rain Country has quietly become his money bag. However, because of Kumogakure, this money bag is now leaking everywhere. If he wants to plug the holes in this money bag again, he will have to stick it inside in the future. money.

As a result, the various research projects under his control are expected to be short of funds in a short period of time.

The only good news is that the Higanbana Pharmaceutical Company under his control has flourished everywhere during the Second Ninja War and has successfully opened branches in various countries. Although the headquarters and main production line in the Land of Rain were seriously damaged, the core Members and most of the funds have been successfully transferred.

When peace returns to the Kingdom of Rain, as long as the funds are in place, production can be resumed soon and continue to make money.

. . .

Nearly five thousand ninjas attacked King Mu. Although King Mu was powerful as a tailed beast and had huge chakra in his body, it was still very difficult to kill Loess and other Iwagakure who were good at defense and combined ninjutsu in a short time.

And Iwagakure’s collective earth escape ninjutsu is indeed powerful.

After withstanding the first and second rounds of large-scale attacks by King Mu, Iwagakure’s ninjas also successively set up numerous obstacles around King Mu through the collective earth escape, earth flow wall and collective earth escape, seismic core. This greatly restricted King Mu’s mobility.

Use the earth flow wall to create a solid wall, and use the earth’s nuclear movement to cause the ground to sink, trapping King Mu.

However, in order to achieve this step, Iwagakure also made huge sacrifices. Nearly a thousand ninjas have paid their precious lives before and after.

“You bunch of idiots, you think you can trap me like this?”

King Mu, who was in the depression formed by the seismic core, raised his head and looked at the large number of rock ninjas standing on the rock wall formed by the earth flow wall, and said with a smile.

The next moment, it spewed out a large amount of high-temperature steam again, but this time the steam was released from underneath its body. Relying on the strong thrust brought by this spray of colored steam, King Mu directly withstood a large number of Iwa Ninja’s Earth Release and Rock The stones shot by the iron cannon technique flew upward quickly.

“Stop it with the Rock Giant.”

When Huang Tu saw this, he immediately shouted loudly, and then controlled the rock giant under him to jump down from the rock wall, hoping to push King Mu back to the ground from the recessed ground.

But at this time, a small black sphere was released from King Mu’s mouth.

It is a miniature version of the Tailed Beast Jade.

However, the power of this miniature version of the tailed beast jade still successfully shattered the rock giant. King Mu soared into the sky and flew out of the predicament, staring down at Loess and other rock ninjas with desperate expressions in the air.

“Can fly.”

Seeing this, Huang Tu smiled bitterly.

At this time, they Iwa Ninjas really had nothing to do with the tailed beast in front of them. The collective earth escape ninjutsu they were good at could not pose any threat to the enemies flying in the air, just like the Hattori Masashige they met before. .

Thinking of Hattori Masashige at this time, Huang Tu couldn’t help but subconsciously look at the hateful Amegakure not far away.

This Hattori Masashige hasn’t left yet, and has been staring at this place from the nearby sky. It’s self-evident what this guy is planning.

Even if Iwagakure succeeded in suppressing the Five-Tails, this guy would definitely not sit idly by and cause trouble, in order to use the tailed beasts to get rid of their Iwagakure people.


Huangtu shouted unwillingly.

No matter how unwilling you are, when you find that you are unable to subdue the Five-Tails and there are powerful enemies around you, it is the best choice to preserve your strength as much as possible.

The other Iwa ninjas have been fighting the Five-Tails until now, and they also know that with their current strength, it is impossible to bring the Five-Tails back to the village. When they heard Loess’s retreat order, they immediately turned around and ran away, wishing to give birth to more. Legs, lest I be one step behind.

King Mu was very proud to see Yanyin’s people fleeing in all directions, and couldn’t help laughing, but how could it easily let these humans who attacked it escape.

While laughing, a large number of water balls appeared around its body, and then shot out in all directions like a goddess scattering flowers.

A large number of Iwa ninjas who escaped were attacked one after another, and serious casualties occurred again.

“Damn beast, when father comes, you must make it look good.”

Huang Tuhong watched King Mu slaughter the fleeing compatriots, and her hatred for King Mu suddenly surpassed her hatred for Hattori Masashige.

“As expected of a tailed beast that masters the boiling style. This water style ability is very good.”

Kirito looked at King Mu who was killing Iwagakure with his water escape ability, and praised him, while a strange look flashed in his eyes.

At this time, he wanted to get some of its tailed beast chakra from King Mu. It would be best to split its soul to create a smaller five-tailed one, which he could use to study water escape and fire escape. .

Unfortunately, his White Zetsu clone’s current identity is not suitable for taking action against the tailed beasts.

Once he takes action, it will be equivalent to Amegakure coveting the tailed beast. This will violate the taboos of the five great ninja villages. With the current size and strength of Amegakure Village, there is no way to eat the next tailed beast.

“By the way, if this tailed beast is packaged and sold to Konoha, it will definitely give Amegakure Village strong support from Konoha.”

Kirito changed his mind and thought so.

Tailed beasts are good things that can only be encountered. Once you encounter them, there is obviously no way to let them go easily.

“Human, are you going to take action against me?”

Suddenly, King Mu turned his head, stared at Kirito with cold eyes and said.

Just now, it clearly noticed that the human in front of it was hostile to him, which made it a little wary.

It was able to come out of the human body, and the human being in front of it was indispensable.

Therefore, it knew very well that the human being in front of it was different from the Iwagakure ninjas it had just dealt with. The other person was very strong and a human being capable of posing a threat to it.

Kirito didn’t expect that King Mu’s perception was so sharp that he lost the possibility of a sneak attack. When he heard King Mu’s words, he smiled slightly and said: “No, no, but if you can, can you give me a small part of your body?” Well, it can be regarded as my reward for helping you get the Jinchuuriki out of your body, how about it?”

“Shut up, human. You don’t want to deceive me. You just want to weaken my power so that you can defeat me more easily. You want to make me hurt myself and dream.”

King Mu roared at Kirito.

As soon as he finished speaking, a steam storm erupted from King Mu’s mouth and shot at Kirito at high speed.

“This attack doesn’t work on me.”

Seeing this, Kirito shook his head and said, then he clapped his hands and sprayed out a powerful earth escape chakra from his body, injecting it into the surrounding air.

The next moment, the steam ejected from King Mu’s mouth was blocked more than ten meters in front of Kirito, unable to move any further.

Earth Release·Super Heavy Rock Technique·Air Control·Air Wall!

At the same time, King Mu also felt that his body had become heavier, as if a huge boulder was pressing on him, which made him unable to continue flying in the air with the power generated by the jets. His body descended rapidly and fell heavily to the ground.

Earth Release·Super Heavy Rock Technique·Air Control·Air Pressure!

“This guy really has ideas about Wuwei.”

On the other side, Huang Tu, who had already escaped some distance, stopped immediately when he saw Kirito starting to fight with King Mu, his teeth itching with hatred.

However, Hattori Masashige fought with King Mu, which gave him renewed hope of bringing King Mu back to Iwagakure.

He now hopes that King Mu will not be caught by Hattori Masashige so easily, and it is best to give Hattori Masashige some color.

The longer time passes, the more hope his father Ohnoki comes to support. As soon as his father arrives, King Mu and Hattori Masashige will be nothing but rotten fish.

King Mu landed on the ground, and quickly stood up again while staring at the huge gravity formed by the high-density air, and quickly ran out of the gravity field formed by Kirito’s Earth Release and Super Heavy Rock Technique.

“It’s really difficult to fight. It seems that it will be difficult to defeat it just by relying on ordinary earth escape ninjutsu.”

Kirito frowned and said when he saw King Mu break free from his gravity restraint.

The five-tailed man’s combat intelligence was higher than he thought. He immediately saw the shortcomings of the gravity field formed by his super heavy rock jutsu. In all likelihood, he had seen the same method from Iwagakure before.

For a time, his interest in capturing Wuwei quickly dropped.

The reason is that there are still many people from Iwagakure here, and many of his White Zetsu clone’s methods cannot be used openly, such as sealing techniques, which greatly increases the difficulty for him to capture the tailed beast.

His interest in capturing the Five-Tails plummeted, but the Five-Tails’ hatred towards him soared. It opened its mouth, and a black sphere quickly condensed in front of his mouth, apparently intending to use the Tailed Beast Jade on him. attack.

Kirito was well aware of the destructive power of the Tailed Beast Jade, but he was not confident that it could be blocked by a wall of high-density air alone. He immediately clapped his hands and caused the Earth’s core to move.

The next moment, the ground of King Mu’s lower forelimbs quickly sunk, and his body suddenly lost its damage and fell to the ground. The Tailed Beast Jade was interrupted.

Almost at the same time, a huge rock giant nearly fifteen meters tall rose from the ground behind King Mu.

Kirito was also standing on top of the rock giant at this time.

As soon as he stood on top of the rock giant, the rock giant’s bulky body suddenly slowed down and became more flexible. It quickly came to King Mu, and then aimed its huge right fist at King Mu with crazy output, beating King Mu. Screams continued.

Immortal Technique·Earth Release·Gangli Style Technique!

Earth Escape·Super Light Heavy Rock Technique!

When King Mu was violently beaten by Kirito with the rock giant, his counterattack was also extremely violent. The five tails behind him kept sweeping and stabbing at the rock giant, but they were blocked by the rock giant’s extremely hard body, leaving only traces of the blows on it. .

“Just be obedient and let me take away part of your body, King Mu.”

Kirito was concentrating on three things. While controlling the rock giant to suppress it with one hand, he used the Unearthed Release: Super Heavy Rock Technique to further suppress King Mu with gravity, and then controlled the rock giant to grab one of King Mu’s tails with the other hand. said coldly.

As the rock giant grabbed the five-tailed tail and exerted force, King Mu immediately let out a scream.

A sound of “tear~”.

A white tail separated from King Mu’s body.

But then, a huge white beam of light fell from the sky and hit the rock giant on the head.

In an instant, the rock giant’s head turned into ashes in the beam.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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