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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 261 The Cunning Five-Tails (please subscribe and vote)

After the head of the rock giant disappeared, it seemed that it had lost the control of the owner who was standing on top of it. Its body collapsed suddenly, and the huge tail that was torn off the five tails in its hand also slipped from its hand and fell. on the ground.

At the same time, Wuwei also got a chance to breathe and quickly moved away from the rock giant, but its eyes were no longer on the rock giant, but looking into the air, with deep anger and a hint of hidden fear in its eyes.

The white beam that had just killed the rock giant’s head and the rain ninja named Hattori Masashige with one blow was very familiar to it. It was the dust escape ability that the hateful ninja named Onoki from Iwagakure relied on to become famous.

A terrifying escape technique that goes beyond the limits of blood inheritance, called blood inheritance elimination.

Once hit by Dust Release’s ninjutsu, any tangible substance will be instantly broken down into molecules.

“Lord Tsuchikage, Lord Tsuchikage is here.”

“That was Dust Release just now. There is absolutely no mistake. It was Master Tsuchikage. He killed Hattori Masashige.”

“Great, Tsuchikage-sama killed that nasty rain ninja and we are saved.”

On the other side, a large number of rock ninjas scattered nearby also clearly saw the white beam destroying the head of the rock giant and Hattori Masashige. They quickly realized who was coming and cheered, and their originally low morale quickly recovered.

Then, without Loess’s command, the remaining three thousand or so Iwa ninjas who had been reduced to a piece of scattered sand due to the defeat rushed towards the Five-Tails, intending to cooperate with their Tsuchikage-sama to capture the Five-Tails again.

When Huang Tu saw this, he was happy but also smiled bitterly, but no matter what, with his father coming, the huge pressure in his heart could finally be relieved.

“Damn ants.”

Wuwei said angrily when he saw that the group of Iwagakure ninjas who had just been beaten to collapse by it gathered again.

But it has no time to care about these ants now. That damn Onoki is here. With the powerful lethality of Fang Chen’s Ninjutsu, once it is hit, even if it cannot die, it will definitely be severely injured.

When the time comes, it will inevitably be sealed by Iwagakure’s people again.

Therefore, it simply ran away, and its escape direction was towards the Kingdom of Rain.

It is a tailed beast that is proficient in Water Release, Fire Release and Boiling Release. As long as it escapes to the Land of Rain and then finds a huge lake or a large river to hide, even Onoki will never be able to catch it.

In the sky, the panting Onoki noticed Wuwei’s behavior, his face suddenly darkened, and he cursed secretly: “This cunning beast.”

The next moment, he planned to launch a Dust Escape attack on Wuwei who was escaping.

Today’s Ohnoki is only in his fifties, and he is not the 80-year-old man he was during the Fourth Ninja World War. He relied on the blood successors eliminated by the blood successors who surpassed the boundaries of the blood successors. His strength is still at its peak, and he is good at Dust escape can be created easily.

There was no need for seals at all, a cube with white light shining inside quickly condensed in Ohnoki’s hands.

But just when he was about to aim at the five tails below and release them, he suddenly turned the gun head and shot the cube formed by the dust escape and original world peeling technique in his hand behind him, and a huge circular light beam appeared instantly, passing by Here, all objects are transformed into molecules that are indistinguishable to the naked eye.

For example, a large cloud has a large piece missing in the middle.

Onoki looked at the destruction caused by his Dust Release Ninjutsu, frowned, and looked around quickly with his eyes.

Then, an annoying voice slowly appeared above his head: “Ohnoki, you are really sharp. I originally wanted to sneak attack you, but it seems that I can’t do it.”

When Ohnoki heard this voice, he did not look up following the voice, but immediately clapped his hands.

At this time, a water dragon instantly bit Ohnoki’s body.

At the same time, Kirito, who had just used the Water Release and Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu in the sky, saw Ohnoki turning into a stone statue and then being shattered by the Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu. The real Ohnoki had already appeared in the air more than ten meters away from the stone statue.

Obviously, the Third Tsuchikage had just used a teleportation technique at the expense of the rock clone, which was similar to the water escape and water teleportation technique.

This move may be called the earth escape and rock teleportation technique.

“You are indeed alive, Hattori Masashige.”

After Ohnoki avoided Kirito’s attack, he did not launch a counterattack, but just stared at Kirito with a fearful expression.

“Ha, my shortcoming is that I am afraid of death, so I never risk my true body easily. Of course I can’t take risks with something as dangerous as a head-on battle with a tailed beast.”

Kirito laughed and said, not showing any shame at all about fear of death.

In fact, it was not what Kirito said. When he just fought with the Five-Tails, he was indeed using his real body to control the rock giant to beat the Five-Tails violently. It was just that he was in time just before Ohnoki used the Dust Release and Original Realm Peeling Technique. Just use the technique of water teleportation to avoid the attack.

His White Zetsu clone had Byakugan, and even if Ohnoki came here secretly, he would have already discovered it, but he just pretended not to know.

“Huh, don’t talk nonsense. I hope you won’t stop me when I capture the Five-Tails later. The Five-Tails is Iwagakure’s valuable property. If you dare to snatch it or stop our Iwagakure from capturing the Five-Tails, Iwagakure will General Yin will fight with you Yuyin until death.”

Ohnoki didn’t have time to chat now, so he immediately stated his request forcefully.

With his ability, it is not difficult to capture Wuwei. What is difficult is to catch Wuwei under the obstruction of the person in front of him.

The power of his dust escape is powerful, but after all, it is not a ninjutsu that can be cast instantly. Once someone detects it, even an elite jounin may avoid it, let alone a shadow-level expert who is proficient in various teleportation techniques. .

Therefore, his Dust Escape has always been used only for sneak attacks.

“Your request is not too much, but please forgive me for refusing. Are Iwagakure and Amegakure still fighting to the death? Haha, isn’t that what it is now? Lord Tsuchikage, to be honest, our cooperation before was quite pleasant, and Iwagakure has never The Country of Rain has made a lot of money, but why do you not recognize people in a blink of an eye? When we Yugakure and Kumogakure went to war, it was just that we were unwilling to support, and now we are doing such despicable behavior as adding insult to injury. It really breaks my heart to have so many people here at the border.”

Onoki was anxious, but Kirito was not anxious. He refused slowly and calmly, and also scolded Onoki for his villainous behavior.

Ohnoki was scolded by Kirito’s rejection, his face turned red with anger, but he did not make any rebuttal.

He doesn’t care at all whether he is a villain or not. As long as it is beneficial to Iwagakure, he will do it. And judging from the situation of Amegakure at that time and now, he does not think that the decision he made is the right thing to do. Wrong, it’s just that the difference between Kumogakure and Yugakure in his understanding is a bit different, which leads to unsatisfactory results.

Who would have thought that Yu Yin, who was like a wolf and a tiger, would be killed by Yu Yin when he had an absolute advantage.

Not to mention that Ohnoki couldn’t think of it, nor could other people in power in the Ninja Village think of it.

“Who asked you Yugakure to cooperate with Konoha? Things have reached this point. I will not quibble. Since our Iwagakure invasion of your Yugakure has failed this time, I will not take any further actions. As long as you don’t prevent our Iwagakure from capturing the Five-Tails, I promise not to take action against your Ugakure within two years, and will continue to open trade with you.

My promise is only once. You’d better think clearly before answering. You should know better than me who your Yuyin’s best partner is. “

Onoki said quickly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and flew in the direction of Five-Tails without waiting for Kirito to reply.

At the moment when he was talking to Kirito, Wuwei had already run a long distance away. If not for Loess and others holding him back, he would have already entered the Kingdom of Rain.

Seeing this, Kirito did not stop him, but stopped where he was and thought about what Ohnoki had just said.

Onoki’s promise not to attack Amegakure within two years, Kirito thought it was a fart. This kind of non-binding promise was like toilet paper, just throw it away after use, but the trade the other party mentioned, he But we cannot ignore it.

Due to its own climate and environment, the Country of Rain cannot develop agriculture. It is a purely industrial country, but it is not a country rich in mineral resources. If the country of Rain wants to develop its industry, it must rely heavily on imports.

The Kingdom of Earth is the main country that imports mineral resources from the Kingdom of Rain.

Although the Country of Fire is also a country rich in mineral resources, compared to the high-quality, cheap and complete range of mineral resources in the Country of Earth, the mineral resources of the Country of Fire have no advantage at all.

Therefore, if the Kingdom of Rain wants to complete its reconstruction as soon as possible after the war, it is indispensable to trade with the Kingdom of Earth.

Without trade with the Kingdom of Earth, it would be very difficult to rebuild the Kingdom of Rain.

“From the very beginning, he pressed on Yugakure’s current Achilles’ heel. He is really a scary old guy. He was sure that Hattori Masashige would not dare to fall out with him for Yugakure’s benefit.”

Kirito quickly came up with an analysis and sighed.

Judging from Hattori Masashige’s character, Onoki’s naked conspiracy will definitely take effect.

In this regard, Kirito quickly made a decision to continue to maintain the character of Hattori Masashige and give up when things get better.

He quickly flew down from the air, and then came to the huge tail that was removed from King Mu’s body below.

At this time, there were many Iwa Ninja here. When they saw Hattori Masashige, who was obviously dead, come back to life, their expressions changed greatly. However, due to Onoki’s majesty, they did not dare to run or attack Kirito. , could only watch as Kirito used the earth escape and super light heavy rock technique to lift King Mu’s huge tail into the sky.

“Okay, there’s no one else here anymore, so stop pretending. I have to say, you’re really smart. You managed to survive with a short tail under the noses of Ohnoki and I.”

After Kirito lifted King Mu’s huge tail into the air, he spoke to King Mu’s tail.

However, the tail that fell from King Mu did not react at all.

Seeing that King Mu’s tail didn’t react at all, Kirito sneered and shot out a large number of wood sticks from his body, then wrapped around King Mu’s tail.

Wood Release: The Technique of Silent Killing and Binding!

The wooden sticks produced by the Wood Release fell on King Mu’s tail. A large amount of chakra was immediately extracted from King Mu’s tail and quickly fell into Bai Juefen’s body, quickly injecting new chakra pools formed by the Yin seal in Bai Juefen’s body. Chakra.

As a large amount of chakra was extracted from King Mu’s tail, King Mu’s tail was rapidly becoming smaller.

“Stop, damn human, stop quickly. Who are you? How can you master Senju Hashirama’s Wood Release?”

Soon, a frightened voice came from King Mu’s tail.

Then, a small head of King Mu grew out of the tail, looking at Kirito with a horrified expression.

Seeing this, Kirito not only did not stop, but also accelerated the speed of absorption.

This Five-tailed King Mu is obviously a very cunning guy. He shouted to such a guy that the best way is to strip it of all the cards in its hand and make it realize that it is at the mercy of mermaids.

“Human, stop quickly. Also, how do you know this tail is my clone.”

Seeing Kirito’s reluctance, King Mu continued to shout and asked the doubts in his heart.

Kirito did not intend to answer King Mu’s question.

As for why he knew about King Mu’s short-tail survival, it was of course because he mastered the art of spiritualization and had an extremely keen perception of the soul.

He had long known that the soul was a special carrier of chakra. It was precisely because of this that tailed beasts could give birth to new individuals by dividing their own flexibility.

When the five-tailed King Mu was beaten by him, he had obviously expected that he might be caught and sealed again, so he took advantage of the trick and divided part of his soul into the torn tail, so that even if the main body was caught and sealed, the clone would still be alive. Take the opportunity to escape and continue to roam outside.

However, it never expected that its short-tailed survival plan would be discovered by humans so quickly.

After a while, most of the chakra from King Mu’s tail was absorbed by Kirito, and the originally huge King Mu’s tail in front of him had turned into a five-tailed King Mu that was about the size of an ordinary adult horse.

“Human, you win, kill or chop as you wish.”

Little King Mu said dejectedly at this time.

Chakra is its power. Because of the Wood Release and Silent Killing Binding Technique, it is not only unable to move and condense chakra, but most of its chakra has been taken away by this terrifying human who masters Wood Release. .

Now it is really a fish on the chopping board, and it can only be eaten as it is.

Life or death, it all depends on the thought of this hateful human being in front of me.

This feels bad.

“Relax, Wuwei. I don’t actually have any ill intentions towards you. I just want to make a deal with you. As long as I get what I want, letting you go is no problem.”

Seeing that King Mu had finally become honest, Kirito finally opened his mouth to communicate with King Mu again.

King Mu, who had become a prisoner, heard what Kirito said and asked doubtfully: “Deal? What deal?”


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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