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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 266 Three Shadows Attack (please subscribe and vote)


There were three people walking out of the coffin. Not long after they came out, bursts of sizzling smoke emitted from their bodies. In the process, their originally dead gray skin quickly returned to a healthy appearance, but the skin The cracks have not been eliminated.

“Where is this place? Which bastard reincarnated me this time?”

“Who are you? You can’t be a subordinate of that nasty Konoha ninja named Danzo.”

“Madara Uchiha, you actually mastered a damn ninjutsu like the Earth Reincarnation Technique, using the dead to fight. I didn’t expect you to fall this far.”

Soon, the three people who came out of the coffin quickly regained their consciousness and found that their personal consciousness had not been touched. They all looked at Uchiha Madara and made their own voices.

“Hey, hey, you said this guy is Uchiha Madara, you are not mistaken, right? That guy should be dead long ago.”

When one of the ninjas with a mustache heard this, he immediately turned his head and looked at the person who had just said the name Uchiha Madara, and said in surprise.

At the same time, another man with bandages all over his body also turned his head and looked at this man.

The second generation Mizukage, the second generation Tsuchikage, and Uchiha Homura.

This is the person Uchiha Madara summoned from the Pure Land through the art of reincarnation in the dirty land at this time, and it is Uchiha Homura who just prepared to indicate the identity of Uchiha Madara.

When Uchiha Homura heard the second generation Mizukage Kiden Genzuki’s question, he did not intend to answer, but continued to stare fiercely at Uchiha Madara who was looking at him, and said coldly: “You took away my eyes, Why are you resurrecting me now?”

“As a dead person, you really have a lot of questions, Yan. But since you asked, I will answer you. Have you seen the oasis over there? This is the Kingdom of Wind. There are two troops stationed in that military camp. There are more than a thousand Konoha ninjas, I have said so much, you should understand what I want to do.”

When Uchiha Madara heard this, he immediately said something that made Uchiha Homura feel cold all over.

The land of wind, Konoha ninja.

Uchiha Homura instantly realized what Uchiha Madara was planning to do. It was not enough for this bastard to kill him, but he also wanted to distract his granddaughter Uchiha Chizuru.

The reason why Uchiha Madara did that might be that Chizuru had opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Chizuru opened the Mangekyo Sharingan because of his death.

When Uchiha Homura heard this news, his heart was filled with mixed feelings. He was happy that his granddaughter had an important position in his heart, but he was also extremely worried that Chizuru had opened the Mangekyō Sharingan and was coveted by Uchiha Madara.

“You are shameless, Uchiha Madara, I will kill you.”

Uchiha Homura angrily dealt with.

It’s a pity that no matter how angry he is now, he can’t break free from the powerful restraint on his body, and can only be helpless and furious in front of Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara looked at Uchiha Homura’s helpless and furious look, and felt inexplicably happy.

When he left Konoha, this guy was the one who took the lead in betraying him. Now that he has ended up like this, he can be considered avenged.

What’s more, there are more interesting things going on next.

In fact, the main reason why he used the Earth Reincarnation Technique to resurrect Uchiha Homura was to use him to stimulate Uchiha Chizuru and let Uchiha Chizuru’s Sharingan evolve into the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Just when Uchiha Madara was about to give the order to Uchiha Homura to kill Uchiha Chizuru, a sinister voice suddenly appeared: “I didn’t expect it to be Uchiha Madara, but you seem to have become the proud person I remembered. The Sharingan ninja is completely different, using dead people to fight, tsk tsk tsk~, it seems that no matter how proud a person is, he has lost all his energy after being defeated by the God of Ninja.”

The one who spoke was none other than the second-generation Mizukage Kiden Genzuki.

By listening to the conversation between Uchiha Homura and Uchiha Madara, he finally confirmed that the guy in front of him with his head hidden and his tail shrunken was undoubtedly Uchiha Madara.

Naturally, he doesn’t have a good impression of Uchiha Madara personally. Now that he has been reincarnated by Uchiha Madara and used as a tool, he feels so aggrieved and aggrieved. While he is still sane, of course he has to ridicule him a few times. , otherwise there will be no chance later.

“Indeed, the once proud Uchiha Madara is dead.”

As soon as Kiden Genzuki finished speaking, the second-generation Tsuchikage Muya continued, his eyes fixed on Madara Uchiha, with deep ridicule in his eyes.

Thinking back then, he and his disciple Onoki were defeated by the man in front of him with unparalleled strength, but were let go later. Although he did not like his impression of Uchiha Madara, he also admired this man’s magnanimity.

He never thought that this man would fall to this level after he escaped from Senju Hashirama’s hands by feigning death.

Now he kept his head down and kept silent. He actually used dead people to fight and did not dare to fight others head-on. This really shocked him.

“Humph, a group of men who only know how to talk are defeated,”

Facing the ridicule of Ghost Light Genzuki and Wu, Uchiha Madara said indifferently.

How could a group of defeated generals have the right to taunt him? For Senju Hashirama, he might have cared about it, but the taunts of his defeated generals were just the wails of defeated dogs, and there was nothing to care about.

“What, my general is defeated? I was not defeated back then”

When Ghost Demon Moon heard what Uchiha Madara said, he immediately became angry. He wanted to refute that he had never fought Uchiha Madara head-on, but in the middle of his words, he could no longer move his mouth. He could only The monster glared at Uchiha Madara.

The same is true for Uchiha Homura and Wu.

“Go and kill all the Konoha ninjas in the oasis.”

Uchiha Madara no longer wanted to waste words with the defeated group of subordinates in front of him. He directly controlled their bodies with his own will and then issued orders to them.

The next moment, Uchiha Homura, Oniden Genzuki and Mu took a mask and a black cloak from Uchiha Madara and put them on, and quickly rushed to the oasis in their own way.

Uchiha Homura uses Earth Release to burrow into the ground.

Ghost Lantern Huanyue immediately used his psychic skills to summon a big clam.

Wu flew into the air and quickly became invisible, even hiding his own breath.

However, as soon as the three of them approached the oasis less than five kilometers away, a sharp alarm sounded from the Konoha military camp in the oasis.

“It’s strange, Madara-sama, you clearly used the sealing technique that can hide the soul breath on these three people, why did the alarm sound sound so quickly in the Konoha military camp.”

Hei Jue heard the siren and wondered.

“There are not only Tohsaka Kiritos in the Konoha military camp, but also ninjas from the Hyuga clan. Although the strength of this clan is not very good, their eyes are still somewhat unique in their detection capabilities. They should be… The powerful Byakugan ninja must have discovered it.”

Uchiha Madara said disapprovingly.

It didn’t matter to him whether the three of them would be discovered in advance. He only needed the three of them to create as much chaos as possible in the Konoha military camp, forcing Tohsaka Kirito to take action, and leaving him no time to take care of him in a short period of time.

The task of capturing Uchiha Chizuru must be carried out by him himself.

“Madara-sama, since you plan to use the three of them to attract Tohsaka Kirito’s attention, why don’t you also send Senju Hashirama out? With your ability, it shouldn’t be difficult to control a weakened Senju Hashirama. Bar.”

Black Zetsu continued to ask.

He didn’t doubt Uchiha Madara’s strength, but when it came to capturing Uchiha Chizuru, wasn’t the higher the success rate, the better?

Tohsaka Kirito is still very powerful, and he is also a powerful sealing ninja. The three of them are not at the peak of their strength due to the shortcomings of the Earth Reincarnation Technique. There is a high probability that they will not be able to defeat Tohsaka Kirito together.

There are many Konoha ninjas in the military camp, including Orochimaru and a lot of elite jounin. With the help of these people, Tohsaka Kirito can defeat those three people in a short time.

Therefore, it is necessary to send out Senju Hashirama again.

The strength of Senju Hashirama, who was reincarnated from the dirt, has not reached its peak, but after turning on the sage mode, the strength is still very strong, and it is not a problem to entangle Kirito Tohsaka for a period of time.

“I have my own arrangements. Why do I feel like you’ve been talking too much lately?”

Uchiha Madara said coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he opened his Sharingan and stared at Black Zetsu coldly.

Although the recent behavior of this strange life form created by him is for his benefit, it is actually taking over the spotlight, which is not good.

Black Zetsu was stared at by Uchiha Madara like this, and he instantly realized that something was wrong, and immediately put his acting skills into action. It suddenly withered like an eggplant beaten by frost, and shrank back into Uchiha Madara’s sleeves fearfully, saying no more.

Seeing this, Madara Uchiha withdrew his gaze from Black Zetsu.

He had actually thought about this plan to let Senju Hashirama cooperate with Uchiha Homura and three others to attack the Konoha military camp, but for the sake of safety, he gave up.

The reason is that Tohsaka Kirito is a powerful sealing ninja.

Senju Hashirama’s current strength is far from reaching its peak. In the future, as long as he continues to make breakthroughs in the art of reincarnation, his strength will definitely continue to improve.

If he was sent out now and was sealed by Tohsaka Kirito, unable to recover Senju Hashirama’s filthy earth body, wouldn’t it be a huge loss?

In his eyes, the value of Senju Hashirama is much greater than that of Uchiha Chizuru.

. . .

On the other side, in the Konoha military camp, due to the emergency siren, a large number of Konoha ninjas had come out of their tents, quickly entered combat mode, and then arrived at the defense line of the military camp in an orderly manner.

“Everyone, please pay attention. There are three enemies. One is invisible in the air and coming from the west. The other is hiding using the ability of the psychic beast and coming from the south. The last one is coming from the east.”

In the sky, Rei Hyuga, who was flying in the air with chakra wings, held a loudspeaker and loudly pointed out the direction of the enemy to his comrades in the military camp.

In the Konoha military camp, the first person to discover the enemy was her who was patrolling over the Konoha camp.

The Konoha ninjas were alerted by Hana Rei’s reminder.

Suddenly, a huge white beam suddenly appeared and landed on the position to the west of the military camp.

Wherever the white beam passed, a large number of Konoha ninjas who had no time to dodge turned into flying ashes and disappeared, not even having time to scream.

“What’s this!”

When Hua Lian in the sky witnessed this scene, the hair on her body stood up instantly, and she sensed a strong aura of death.

Relying on his Byakugan, he clearly saw that the ninjutsu just now was used by the invisible enemy in the sky, and the opponent just glanced at her while using this ninjutsu.

“This guy just wanted to attack me. If he attacks me, can I avoid it?”

Hua Lian asked herself unconsciously.

The result of the self-answer was that she couldn’t do it, at least in her current state.

The next moment, Hua Lian didn’t hesitate at all. The curse seal on her back was activated, and a large number of mantras were released from the curse seal, covering her body, and her image quickly changed.

In just a few seconds, Hua Lian’s hair turned silver-white, and her white eyes turned dark yellow, with a blue pupil in the center. Her aura was also rising steadily, and she had surpassed the category of elite jounin. .

“What kind of ninjutsu is this? It can actually increase the strength of this little white-eyed girl so much all at once. Konoha’s background is really great, and it has developed such a powerful ninjutsu.”

Wu noticed Hua Lian’s change and said in surprise.

Because he personally sensed that Hua Lian’s threat had increased a lot, he had already developed a desire to kill Hua Lian, and therefore his body attacked Hua Lian uncontrollably.

A transparent cube emitting dazzling white light quickly appeared in his hands.

Dust Escape·Original Realm Peeling Technique!

The fatal crisis has come. Hua Lian has already watched Wu’s actions. As soon as Wu moves, she suddenly flaps her chakra wings, moves at high speed in the air, and when she is close to Wu, she hits softly one after another. Boxing·Bagua empty palm.

Chakra shock waves shot out from Hua Lian’s palm and hit Wu in the air.

Facing Hua Lian’s fierce attack, everyone flinched. The transparent cube that had appeared in his hand instantly turned into a huge beam of light, defeating the incoming large amount of chakra shock waves and almost hitting Hua Lian.

After Hua Lian avoided Wu’s dust escape, she also successfully approached Wu. The distance to Wu was already less than a hundred meters away.

But when she was about to get within fifty meters of Wu, she suddenly stopped because her white eyes noticed that a yellow field suddenly appeared within fifty meters of Wu, which was created by the opponent after he released a large amount of earth escape chakra in an instant.

She didn’t know what this yellow field was, but she smelled the breath of death in it.

She had a premonition that once she entered this yellow realm, she would most likely die without a burial place.

“Who is this person? Judging from the intensity of the chakra fluctuations and the power he displayed, his strength has obviously reached the Kage level. Such a person is definitely not an ordinary person. Could it be that he is behind Sunagakure’s preparations? “

Hua Lian quickly retreated and secretly guessed.

At the same time, after the gravity field created by the useless earth escape and super heavy rock technique forced Hua Lian away, a transparent cube quickly appeared on his hand again.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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