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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 27 Practical Lesson

“Medical class? Teacher Zhu Yun, have you finally agreed to teach me medical ninjutsu?”

After hearing Nara Shuun’s words, Kirito realized that the opportunity he had been waiting for was coming, and said excitedly.

“No, I just let you go there to learn, but it’s not free. You have to use your pharmaceutical technology to help the frontline heroes make pills. If you want to learn medical ninjutsu, you are still far away.”

Nara Zhu Yun pressed Kirito’s head with his big hand, wiped it hard, shook his head with a smile.

He can’t talk too much now. If Mito-sama doesn’t agree, then he will be slapped in the face, and he will not be able to maintain the dignity of a teacher in front of Kirito in the future.

“Can I help the heroes on the front lines?”

Kirito said excitedly again.

There is such a good thing, I can definitely get a lot of opportunities to practice in the medical class, and even learn more medical knowledge and herbal formulas.

You must definitely seize this internship opportunity.

The process of making pills is not simple. If you only have the formula and knowledge, if you don’t have enough production experience, there will still be a very high failure rate.

In order to successfully make the hemostatic pills, he had to invest a lot of money. After all, the price of medicinal materials is very high now. Without the support of the pharmacist Nonou’s restaurant and him from time to time making some sealing charms and sealing scrolls to sell, he would It has been bankrupt for a long time, and it is absolutely impossible to succeed so quickly.

There are also biological experiments, which are also a bottomless pit.

In short, he is short of money now, but he also lacks the ability to make big money.

And selling medicine is a good choice.

“No problem. If you can successfully make hemostatic pills, you can already help the heroes on the front lines who are fighting the enemy bravely.”

Nara Zhuyun nodded affirmatively, which made Kirito even more happy, saying that he must go to the medical class.

“What a good boy. Let’s go tell Mr. Mito about this later. Let him come forward and tell Mr. Mito about this. Kirito needs more in-depth medical knowledge.”

Nara Zhu Yun thought so.

Soon after, Nara Shuun’s report fell into the hands of the third generation.

“Entering the medical class?”

After reading Nara Shuun’s report, Sandai felt doubtful.

Zhu Yun Nara’s report highlighted Kirito’s outstanding talent as a medical ninja and begged him to let Kirito enter the medical class.

The third generation was confident that Mito would agree to let Kirito enter the medical class, because Tsunade herself was an excellent medical ninja. If Kirito could really become an excellent medical ninja, he would definitely be able to help Tsunade.

However, rather than letting Kirito become a medical ninja, the third generation wanted Kirito to become a powerful combat ninja.

In the past two years, he has been paying attention to Kirito’s performance in school.

In addition to being top-notch in theoretical classes, Kirito also had top-notch grades in practical classes.

Teachers at the Ninja School have repeatedly told him that Kirito already has Chunin-level strength through taijutsu alone, and this strength is still rising at an extremely fast rate.

He has also developed the chakra properties of thunder and mastered several thunder escape ninjutsu.

Not to mention the sealing technique. Under the guidance of Master Mito, Kirito has mastered the difficult sealing technique of the Four Elephants Seal. If it were not for the lack of chakra, he could even use the Five Elements Seal alone.

There is no doubt that Kirito, who is only 8 years old, is already stronger than many Chunin.

If it weren’t for the lack of chakra, and he was only at the level of an ordinary chuunin, he might have the strength to become a special jounin.

“Calculate the time, the school’s practical classes should have started. Let me see the recent growth of the seedlings.”

Sandai glanced at the clock on the wall and thought.

Then, he decisively stopped working, took out the crystal ball from the drawer, and used the telescope technique.

Soon, a scene on the ninja school playground appeared in the crystal ball.

At this time, on the playground of the Ninja School, Kirito’s Class A was having a practical class under the leadership of the class teacher Wasabi Mitarai. A group of students formed a seal of war and then started fighting. After the end, the two formed a seal of reconciliation.

Chizuru, who was mixed in the crowd, suddenly opened his Sharingan, then quickly closed it again, letting out a cold snort.

“What’s wrong?”

Kirito on the side said doubtfully.

In the past two years, he often fought against the opponent, with each winning and losing during the period. In the past year, the opponent’s chakra and ninjutsu have increased by leaps and bounds, making him lose more than he wins.

It has to be said that Uchiha’s power is great. Since the opponent opened the second magatama sharingan, his strength has been growing very fast.

If he hadn’t had a sage-like physique, could absorb natural energy to cheat, and had the support of Qianju, as well as no lack of training resources such as medicinal diet, medicinal baths, and instructors in ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu, he would have been far surpassed by the other party.

The poor rely on mutation and the rich rely on technology.

Chizuru has both. Not only does she have the Sharingan, which can evolve and mutate, she is also the granddaughter of the clan leader. She is a wealthy woman with a lot of training resources and precious ninjutsu.

The second pillar was not very powerful when he was young, which was undoubtedly mainly due to the fact that the Uchiha clan was exterminated. Otherwise, with his status as the son of the clan leader and the talent of Indra’s reincarnation, he would have a lot of training resources and precious ninjutsu supplies. Not to mention it when he graduated. Stronger than Itachi of the same age, but at least not too far behind.

“Nothing, just found out that some annoying old guy was peeking in again. It’s really annoying.”

Chizuru said dissatisfied.

After the Sharingan evolved to the second magatama, she could see the chakra and its flow on other people’s bodies, and her perception of chakra was also greatly enhanced.

Just now, she noticed a burst of chakra coming from the top of her head, which made her feel disgusted with being spied on.

She had discovered this chakra many times, and later when she went back to consult her grandfather, she learned that it was a ninjutsu used by the third generation to monitor the village.

When Kirito heard this, he just smiled and said nothing.

Relying on his excellent chakra sensing ability, he actually also discovered this sudden appearance of chakra, and he also knew that this was the third generation using the telescope technique using the seal barrier that enveloped the entire village.

In fact, he has countermeasures.

It was not for nothing that he had learned sealing techniques under Mito in the past two years. He was already capable of performing advanced sealing techniques such as the Four Elephants Seal, the Four Elephants Seal, and the Bagua Seal.

Although it felt bad to be spied on, he could only endure it now.

As for scolding the third generation as a peeping tom, let’s forget it. Who knows if the third generation can lip read and let him wear small shoes in the future.

A small leak will sink a great ship.

“Tohsaka Kirito, Uchiha Chizuru, come out.”

Mitarai Wasabi said to the two of them.

“I hope you can make me happy this time, otherwise you will lose to me like yesterday.”

Chizuru turned to Kirito and said coldly.

“It’s scary. It just so happens that I recently completed a good ninjutsu, so I’ll let you take a look.”

Kirito smiled.

On the other side, Naoki Masaru said to Mitarai Wasabi with a dissatisfied look on his face: “Teacher, why are they fighting again? You want me to fight them both.”

He also really wanted to fight against Kirito and Chizuru. Although he often trained with the two in private, he was never able to play against them in class, which made him a little unwilling.

“Do you like being beaten so much? You are such a heartless child.”

When Mitarashi Wasabi heard this, she sighed in her heart and gave Naoki a decisive blow on the head to make him calm down.

This child usually lacks education. Although he has matured a lot in the past two years, he is still so careless in class.

As Chizuru and Kirito were in place, the people watching the battle subconsciously stayed away from these two people to prevent them from being affected by the battle between the two. There were more or less expressions of jealousy, awe or admiration on their faces.

They get along day and night on weekdays, and their classmates have long known that the two of them are on a different level than them.

Except for the rope tree that can keep up with the two, no one in the class can compete with the two.

After the two formed the battle seal, the battle officially began with Mitarashi Wasabi’s command.

The two of them threw a kunai almost at the same time.


The next moment, two kunai collided in mid-air, making a sharp collision sound.

Sparks flew.

After the spark appeared, several more sparks appeared.

“Ding ding ding~”

A series of collisions occurred.

Kirito and Chizuru quickly caught the kunai that bounced back, and then engaged in close combat at extremely fast speeds.

The two of them were fighting so fast that only Mitarai Wasabi, Nogeki, Inoka Butterfly and a little girl with her Byakugan could see clearly in the class. Everyone else could only see two blurry afterimages and a trace of sparkle. of electric light.

“Well~, this level of speed is already at the elite chuunin level. We haven’t seen each other for a while, and the two of them have improved a lot. They are really formidable.”

The third generation looked at the picture in the crystal ball and admired.

But soon, he looked at Qianzhe with a hint of fear in his eyes.

He understood what Chizuru just said.

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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