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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 276 Mention Wood Escape Again

“Chizuru Uchiha and Minato Namikaze.”

The third generation pondered for a moment and said the genius ninja he wanted to cultivate.

“You recommend Namikaze Minato. I can understand. This child can master the flying thunder god technique of Lord Nima. He is indeed an outstanding genius. As long as the problem of insufficient chakra in him is solved, he will definitely be a powerful fighter for us in Konoha. force.

However, is it unreasonable for you to recommend Uchiha Chizuru? She is a member of the Uchiha clan after all. “

Momoka suddenly frowned and said when she heard the two names spoken by Sandai.

From the beginning to the end, her hostility towards the Uchiha clan has never disappeared. It is just for the sake of the overall situation of Konoha that she has always tolerated the Uchiha clan to thrive in Konoha, but this does not mean that she will support the cultivation of ninjas from the Uchiha clan.

This is true even if she knows that the relationship between Uchiha Chizuru and Kirito is unusual.

“This woman is still the same as before. She is not at all hostile to the Uchiha clan.”

Xiaochun thought to himself as he went to bed, and couldn’t help but praise Sandai’s suggestion.

Namikaze Minato is a disciple of Orochimaru, and he is obviously from their side. He also masters the Flying Thunder God Technique and is an outstanding talent.

Flying Thunder God Jutsu may not be a powerful ninjutsu, but its auxiliary ability is ridiculously strong. As long as the user cooperates with a powerful ninjutsu, he will instantly transform into an elusive ninjutsu who can come and go freely. The top assassin ninja.

As long as Namikaze Minato grows up, he will be able to fight anyone, and may even kill Uchiha Madara and Kirito.

This is the ninjutsu of Flying Thunder God Jutsu. The upper limit of strength it brings to ninjas is very high.

Although Uchiha Chizuru is not from their side, he is personally a member of the Uchiha clan. The Senju clan and the Uchiha clan have a blood feud, and it is almost impossible to resolve it. In other words, Uchiha Chizuru also There is no way he could be from the Thousand Hands Clan.

Uchiha Madara killed Uchiha Homura and was the enemy of Uchiha Chizuru, which meant that Uchiha Chizuru would not betray Konoha and was worthy of Konoha’s vigorous cultivation.

Because of Kirito, the Senju clan is obviously too powerful now, and they must use other forces to balance it.

Uchiha Chizuru is a very good choice. According to the information sent back by Orochimaru, Uchiha Chizuru has already started the Mangekyō Sharingan, and the pupil ability of one of the Mangekyō Sharingan is very terrifying, which can make ninjutsu Nullification.

If Chizuru Uchiha grows up, and she cooperates with Namikaze Minato’s Flying Thunder God Technique, she will definitely have the strength to fight Kirito.

Of course, she also knew that Uchiha Chizuru had a very good relationship with Kirito, and it would be difficult for Uchiha Chizuru to deal with Kirito, but it was possible after all.

In the future, the Senju clan will dominate the Konoha family. Due to the bad relationship between the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan, the Uchiha clan will definitely be suppressed.

At that time, it was reasonable for Uchiha Chizuru to join forces with them for the benefit of the Uchiha clan.

In just ten seconds, when Koharu went to bed, he automatically figured out a lot of reasons why the third generation would recommend Uchiha Chizuru and Namikaze Minato. He suddenly felt that the third generation had not completely given up resistance and was still trying to retain the power of resistance.

Mito Kaden’s thoughts at this time were similar to Koharu’s, but he was not optimistic about the third generation’s proposal to train Uchiha Chizuru.

Because of the influence of the second generation teacher, he has done a lot of research on the Uchiha clan, and he deeply understands that this clan actually does not have much sense of belonging to the same clan, and they pay more attention to their own emotions.

Just look at Uchiha Madara. He killed Uchiha Homura and planned to take action against Uchiha Chizuru’s Mangekyō Sharingan. It can be seen that the Uchiha clan will not kill anyone as long as they are not facing someone they value. Will be soft-hearted.

This is especially true for Uchiha ninjas who activate the Mangekyō Sharingan.

“Uchiha Homura is dead. In Uchiha Chizuru’s mind, Tohsaka Kirito should be the person she values ​​the most. Is it realistic for her to confront Tohsaka Kirito in the future?”

Mito Menyan is deeply worried about this.

The third generation didn’t know what Koharu and Mito Kaden were thinking at the moment. If he knew, he might yell at them and accuse them of slandering him.

This time he recommended Uchiha Chizuru and Namikaze Minato as key training targets. He really didn’t think too much about it. He simply felt that it was not safe to rely on Tohsaka Kirito alone to deal with Uchiha Madara, and he wanted to train more Several combat capabilities against Uchiha Madara.

He fell in love with Minato Namikaze because of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu. With this ninjutsu in hand, Kirito would have a chance to escape even if he lost to Uchiha Madara in battle. He could also raid the formation for Kirito and give Uchiha Madara a chance to escape. threaten.

As for his attraction to Uchiha Chizuru, that is because Uchiha Chizuru has the Mangekyō Sharingan, can also use Susanoo, and also masters the special eye technique that can resolve ninjutsu, so he can perfectly cooperate with Kirito on the frontal battlefield. fighting.

It can be said that with the help of these two people, Kirito’s winning rate in defeating Uchiha Madara will be greatly improved.

Ninjas have never been a profession that can be fought alone. Different types of ninjas are combined and as long as they work together tacitly, even if one of them is defeated by the opponent alone, the combination can be enough to compete with the enemy.

Therefore, when Momo asked him the reason, he answered with a clear conscience: “Although Chizuru is from the Uchiha clan, she and Uchiha Madara are enemies, and she has opened the Mangekyo Sharingan, so her strength is guaranteed , and besides, she is someone Kirito trusts, and she will definitely be able to play a role in Kirito’s dealing with Uchiha Madara.”

“Humph, I hope so, Sandai, you’d better not trust the Uchiha clan too much, especially the Uchiha who have activated the Mangekyo Sharingan. They are all unstable bombs. If you provoke their emotions a little, they may Kill ourselves.”

Taohua stared closely at Sandai’s eyes, and found that Sandai’s eyes were clear and there was no sign of a guilty conscience, so she said coldly.

Of course she knew that Uchiha Chizuru was a weapon against Uchiha Madara, but she did not trust the Uchiha clan after all. She was worried that Uchiha Chizuru would become the second Uchiha Madara.

Judging from the potential shown by Uchiha Chizuru, she has the potential to become Uchiha Madara’s second.

He started using the Mangekyō Sharingan at the age of 11, and his potential is extraordinary.

“Well, I personally think that training Uchiha Chizuru and Namikaze Minato is a good idea, but training them closely is not enough. We still have many talented ninjas in Konoha, such as Hizashi from the Hyuga clan. The Foot Brothers and Rei Hinata, and Nezuki are also very good, and the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki Uzumaki Kushina, I think they are very good, as long as they grow up, they will be enough to become an outstanding fighting force.”

Mito Kadoyan interrupted at this time.

When Sandai and Momo heard this, they quickly began to think about it.

Then, the third generation said: “Yan is right. Konoha is in a difficult period now, and we must make more efforts to cultivate talented ninjas.”

After all, Konoha is a community of interests composed of many ninja clans. He only recommended Uchiha Chizuru and Namikaze Minato. This is obviously not in the interest of other ninja clans in Konoha, especially the Hyuga clan, one of the three powerful clans. .

Although the Hyuga clan has always seemed old-fashioned and conservative, their overall strength is still very strong. It would be unjustifiable if they were excluded from this mass cultivation of talented ninjas.

What’s more, the role of the Byakugan in battle is still very good. With the Byakugan ninja around, it will be difficult for Uchiha Madara to carry out a sneak attack.

What Mito Kadoyan said just now made up for the loophole that he just lacked consideration, which is worthy of praise.

“I also agree to let people from the Hyuga clan participate. As for Naoki and Kushina, I think we need to seriously consider it.”

After Sandai finished speaking, Taohua said with a helpless expression.

It’s not that she doesn’t want to recommend Nao Shu if he’s in the genius ninja training program, but she still knows very well how much Nao Shu’s personal ability is. Calling him a genius can barely be considered a genius. After all, the amount of chakra is really terrifying, and it’s a bit… The style of the first generation.

It’s a pity that the rope tree did not inherit the original wood escape blood inheritance limit after all. He has a huge chakra, but he can’t release it well through other ninjutsu. Currently, he is best at taijutsu.

She didn’t deny that the Eight Doors Dunjia Technique was powerful, but the conditions for it to open the Door of Death made her unwilling to see Rope Tree use it at all.

Shengshu is the only bloodline left in the world in the first generation, and she doesn’t want Shengshu to take risks.

This is her selfishness at work.

As for Kushina, the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, she is also unwilling to let her fight Uchiha Madara because the risk is too high. Once the Nine-Tails is taken away by Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Madara’s strength will be reduced. After returning to full strength, it becomes more difficult to defeat him.

What’s more, the power of the Nine-Tails is not so easy to control, and it is difficult to achieve quick success.

Although Kushina is favored by Mito-sama and is said to have the special ability to restrain the power of the Nine-Tails, her current strength is far behind Mito-sama, and it is impossible to use the power of the Nine-Tails to fight well.

“I’m not opposed to letting the rope tree join the genius training program, but it’s definitely not okay to let the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki join it. Although the power of the Nine-Tails is powerful, it was once Uchiha Madara’s psychic beast. Who knows whether he will be in the Nine-Tails No matter what kind of backhand is hidden in the body, Kushina is not Mito-sama, so I am afraid it will be difficult to stop Uchiha Madara’s backhand on Kyuubi.”

After going to bed, Xiaochun finally expressed his opinion.

She is still very concerned about the current matter related to dealing with Uchiha Madara and has made serious considerations.

“What Koharu said makes sense. Uchiha Madara once plotted against Mito-sama. It is indeed possible that there is some backhand hidden in Kyuubi. We have to guard against it. It is indeed not safe to let Kushina fight Uchiha Madara. “

When the third generation heard what Koharu said, his expression suddenly became serious, and he decisively removed Kushina from the list of the genius training program.

However, he still chose to keep the rope tree.

He is aware of Taohua’s selfishness, but Konoha is now facing the crisis of destruction at any time, and the rope tree that masters the art of eight gates of armor is a powerful force.

“Momoka, Uchiha Madara appears again. To deal with him, I think the power of Wood Release is a very important part. I have no intention of offending the Senju clan, but I think it is necessary for us in Konoha to restart the Wood Release Plan.”

Seeing that the third generation of Mito Kado had no intention of excluding Nasuki from the genius training plan, Mito Kado suddenly made a bold proposal in his heart.


The next moment, Mooka said loudly, glaring at Mito Kadoyan.

The Wooden Escape Plan is an eternal pain in the hearts of the Thousand Hands Clan. In order to reappear the Wooden Escape, many members of the Thousand Hands Clan died. Now the Thousand Hands Clan is left with only a group of old, weak, women and children, and they can no longer withstand a large number of casualties among their members.

What’s more, the Wood Release plan proposed by Mito Kadoba clearly contains evil intentions, because in the current Konoha, the people most likely to awaken the Wood Release Blood Succession Limit are Nogeki and Tsunade.

But how can Mu Dun be awakened so easily? Once the awakening fails, it will be a dead end.

“Don’t be excited, Momoka, Yan is just thinking about Konoha. To deal with Uchiha Madara, Wood Release is indeed the best choice, but the Wood Release plan is too dangerous. We cannot let the tragedy happen again. This matter is Don’t mention it again.”

Seeing that Taohua was angry, Sandai quickly stepped forward to smooth things over.

In fact, he had also thought about restarting the Wood Release Plan, but he never mentioned it because he was afraid that Momohua would explode. Now that Mito Kadoyan stepped on the thunder for him, he knew that it was impossible to restart the Wood Release Plan.

Once it restarts, Konoha may not have started a war with Uchiha Madara, but there will be internal chaos.

Now that the enemy is facing us, there must be no civil strife within Konoha.

“However, if Konoha can gain the power of wood escape again and create another ninja god, then the threat of Uchiha Madara will basically be defeated.”

Sandai thought calmly.

The third generation took the initiative to reject the wood escape plan, and the anger on Mooka’s face calmed down, but she still looked at Mito Mono with a bad expression.

She could see that Mito Katoyan, an old guy, must have been paying attention to the wooden escape for more than a day or two, and was probably already doing it secretly.

“This old guy might have secretly studied wood escape with Danzo a long time ago. Now that Danzo is dead, he and Koharu, who has transferred to another dormitory, are in charge of the New Roots. They may have obtained the legacy left by Danzo.”

Taohua speculated maliciously.

Just now, she thought that Mito Gate Flame knows how to advance and retreat, but now it seems that this old guy is as bad as Danzo.

“Oops, I was targeted by this old woman. What a mistake.”

At this moment, Mito Monobu was being stared at by Mooka and felt very angry. He regretted that he had just mentioned the wooden escape plan. He should not have said this in front of Mooka, but should have discussed it with the third generation in private.

After all, I am afraid of causing trouble.

It is better to seek help from others than to ask for yourself. Of course, Mito Kadoen is worried about putting his own life in the hands of others, so he is extremely eager to obtain the power of Wood Release, hoping to gain the power to protect himself in front of Uchiha Madara.

He firmly believed that as long as he gained the power of Wood Release, even if he couldn’t defeat Madara Uchiha, he would still have no problem protecting himself.

After all, Mu Dun is the most powerful force that the first generation master used to defeat Uchiha Madara.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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