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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 288 Capturing the Five Tails

“We still need to test one or two. The most important thing at the moment is to successfully get the Rinnegan Eye from Tohsaka Kirito. We cannot overly stimulate him. We must ensure that the person he values ​​​​is 100% in hand before we take action. Otherwise It will probably force him to jump over the wall and destroy the Samsara Eye.”

Uchiha Madara thought about it, but he finally chose to seek stability.

He had to do this. He only had one pair of reincarnation eyes. If there was a substitute, he would never be as controlled by others as he is now, restrained in doing things, and even lowered himself to capture some juniors as hostages.

Who is he? He is Uchiha Madara.

Once upon a time, he would never use this method of capturing hostages to force others. He would simply kill the enemy and then get back what he wanted.

“In order to realize their dreams, people have to give up some things after all, but as long as the Eye of the Moon plan is successfully completed, everything will be worth it. By then, the ninja world will not repeat the tragedy of killing and being killed over and over again. , everyone can live happily, I can also see the people I value again, and live the life I want.”

Uchiha Madara sighed with a somewhat lonely expression.

But soon, he calmed down this emotion, became ruthless again, and said: “Let’s go, Black Zetsu, let’s go to Konoha and take a look.”

“As you command, Madara-sama.”

Black Zetsu replied cheerfully.

The next moment, the two of them used the flying art to quickly submerge into the ground and disappear, heading towards Konoha’s Death Forest at an extremely fast speed.

On the other side, in the area bordering the Land of Earth in the northwest of the Land of Rain, a large number of Iwagakure are gathering on the border.

And in the sky above this ninja troop of tens of thousands of people, the third-generation Tsuchikage Onoki was floating in the air. Next to him, there were his son Huangtu, the five-tailed jinchuriki Han and the four-tailed jinchuriki Lao Zi.

“Ohnoki, how long do we have to wait? Konoha has already started a war with Kumogakure. Now is the time for us to poke Konoha’s butt.”

Lao Zi has been waiting here for a long time. He, who has always been irritable, couldn’t help it and shouted rudely to Ohnoki beside him.

Ohnoki was very annoyed when he heard Lao Zi calling his name so disrespectfully, but for the sake of the current overall situation, he tolerated Lao Zi’s disrespect for the time being and said coldly:

“What’s the rush? The battle between Konoha and Kumogakure will not end for a while. If we stay here, we can also put pressure on Konoha. Powerful ninjutsu is not a deterrent only when it is used. Sometimes it is not It can be released at any time, which makes it more deterrent.

What’s more, what does Konoha and Kumogakure have to do with us Iwagakure? They both suffer, so it would be best if they died together. There is no need for us Iwagakure to take risks to help Kumogakure, let alone fight Konoha. “

“That’s not right, Ohnoki, you told us before that our Iwagakure and Kumogakure signed a cooperation contract. Are you going to make our Iwagakure breach the contract? Once such a thing is done, our credibility will be ruined.”

When Lao Zi heard that Ohnoki still didn’t plan to take action, he immediately found a reason to refute.

In fact, he didn’t care at all whether Iwakaku’s reputation would be ruined. He was just unhappy with Ohnoki and deliberately looking for trouble.

Also, he really wanted to go on a killing spree on the battlefield and vent the anger caused by the hard life of being ostracized and imprisoned by the villagers all these years.

If he doesn’t vent properly, the guy inside him might make him lose control and go crazy again.

Although the people in the village treated him badly, he couldn’t bear to take action against the people in the village, so he had no choice but to take action against the people in other ninja villages to vent his anger.

If that doesn’t work, then it’s okay to let the damn Third Tsuchikage in front of him vent his anger. Who makes this guy be so harsh on a person who has contributed to the village?

To be honest, Ohnoki’s face turned into embarrassment now, but he was in a really happy mood.

Seeing Lao Zi’s reluctance, Onoki’s temper suddenly rose. He frowned and scolded: “Shut your stinky mouth, I am the Tsuchikage, and I have the final say here.”

“Ha~, Lord Tsuchikage, you are so majestic.”

When Lao Zi heard this, he said angrily.

“Lao Zi, is your skin too itchy, or have you forgotten how terrible I am when I am angry?”

Ohnoki felt cold when he heard this strange sound, and said in a cold voice.

As he spoke, a terrifying chakra wave emitted from his body, making the surrounding Lao Zi, Han and Huang Tu feel nervous.

However, Ohnoki’s strong attitude completely aroused the accumulated dissatisfaction with Ohnoki in Lao Zi’s heart. His fierceness was revealed, his eyes became red, and a red tail grew out of his tail vertebra, and he shouted angrily: ” Hum, others are afraid of you Ohnoki, but I, Lao Zi, am not afraid.”

For a moment, the powerful chakra fluctuations emanating from the two shadow-level masters of Iwagakure clashed tit-for-tat, and a huge conflict broke out, which made the large number of Iwagakure watching here feel uneasy.

The war between Iwagakure and Konoha hasn’t started yet, so why are there conflicts between their own Kage and Jinchuriki?

Can this battle still be fought?

“Lord Tsuchikage, Lord Laozi, please calm down. This is an extraordinary time. We can’t start fighting among ourselves. The people below are watching.”

Seeing that things were taking a turn for the worse, Huang Tu quickly stepped forward to act as peacemaker and tried his best to persuade.

Ohnoki also realized that he was impulsive at this time. Huangtu gave him a step at this time, so he walked down the slope, put away the chakra fluctuations on his body, and said coldly: “Huangtu is right, for the sake of the overall situation, I will let you go for the time being.” .”

“If you want to fight, then fight. What nonsense are you talking about? Do you really think that you can do whatever you want because you are a Tsuchikage? Others in the village obey you, but I don’t obey you.”

When Lao Zi heard what Onomu said, his anger became even greater, and he said with an unruly expression.

At the same time, an irritable voice kept reappearing in his mind, stimulating his nerves: “Look, Lao Zi, your Lord Tsuchikage really looks down on you, no matter what efforts and contributions you have made to this village, He only regards you as a tool and never regards you as a human being. Like everyone else in the village, he regards you as a dangerous monster.”

The anger could not be contained, and a large amount of evil red chakra began to continuously emerge from Lao Zi’s body, forming a red tailed beast suit on his body.

“No, this guy is going to lose control again. It was indeed a mistake to let this guy be a Jinchuriki in the first place.”

When Ohnoki saw this situation, he immediately realized that something was wrong with Lao Zi and cursed secretly.

The next moment, he clapped his hands, preparing to use the stone seal to prevent Lao Zi from continuing to lose control.

But suddenly, he felt a fatal sense of crisis in his heart. He decisively broke the seal of the stone and used the magic of teleportation to disappear.

The moment Ohnoki disappeared, a huge thunder gun fell.


When Onoki was attacked, Lao Zi’s hatred also shifted, he said loudly.

Loess, Han, and a large number of rock ninjas below were also shocked and angry. They never expected that someone would dare to attack Ohnoki in front of so many of them. They were really tired of living, and they all shouted:

“The guy who hides his head and shows his tail, come out and die.”

“You dare to attack Lord Tsuchikage. This is unforgivable and must be killed.”

“Asshole, come out quickly.”

Unfortunately, no matter how much they yelled and cursed, the person who attacked Ohnoki would not come out.

Not only that, no matter how hard the perceptive ninja among them tried to find the enemy, they just couldn’t find any clues.

This is of course, because the ninja who attacked Onoki was ten miles away from them and was already beyond their range of perception.

“This old guy is really sharp. I took advantage of him to concentrate on using the sealing technique, but I still let him escape.”

In a certain dark cloud in the sky ten kilometers away, Bai Jue’s clone secretly cried out for pity.

He was the one who just attacked Ohnoki. In the ninja world, he was the only one with powerful Byakugan ability who could accurately attack an enemy from more than ten kilometers away.

“Ohnoki, why don’t you let us take action? The enemies are coming.”

On the other side, Lao Zi, who also couldn’t find his enemy, pointed at Onoki’s nose and shouted angrily.

Ohnoki was so angry when Lao Zi pointed his finger at his nose and scolded him that he wanted to kill this person who had been naysaying him.

But facing a formidable enemy, he could only continue to endure.

Also, the people below have been aroused by the enemy’s attack on him. If he does not launch an attack, his prestige will be greatly reduced.

He thought for a moment, then with a sullen face, loudly conveyed the order: “Attack!!!”

Following Onoki’s order, the tens of thousands of Iwa ninja gathered below set off one after another, quickly crossing the border between the Earth Kingdom and the Rain Kingdom, and marching straight into the Rain Kingdom.

However, not long after they entered the Kingdom of Rain, they encountered trouble.

They encountered a large number of enemy traps.

“Bang bang bang~”

There were bursts of huge explosions.

The large number of rock ninjas who acted as the vanguard suffered heavy injuries.

At the same time, a large number of hidden Konoha ninjas and Amegakure also took action, launching a fierce attack on the reckless Iwa ninja.

Suddenly, a large number of Thunder Release Ninjutsu appeared, crushing the Earth Release Ninjutsu of the Rock Ninjas, causing a large number of Rock Ninjas to be severely damaged.

“There are enemies, be careful.”

“It’s the Konoha ninjas, they’re hiding in the water.”

“Don’t keep rushing around. There are many traps ahead.”

“Heaven, pay attention to the sky, it’s Yugakure’s detonating talisman flying force.”

A large number of screams kept coming from the Iwa Ninja.

While the Iwa Ninja led by Onoki were waiting for the decisive battle between Konoha and Kumogakure, the White Zetsu clone had already led 120 ninjas who were proficient in thunder escape to the border, and then used the White Zetsu clone’s Byakugan’s powerful reconnaissance ability With help, it was successfully hidden.

Then, the Konoha ninjas who arrived later also arrived, and also temporarily hid themselves with the help of White Zetsu clones, and then set up a large number of traps.

Now is the time to reap the fruits of victory.

“Damn all the Konoha ninjas, please die.”

Seeing that his ninjas had suffered heavy damage, Lao Zi shouted angrily, then immediately turned on the melting chakra mode and rushed towards the enemy’s position.

However, at this time, he had entered the Kingdom of Rain, and heavy rain was falling in the sky. His Melting Release Chakra mode was greatly weakened. Before he could start killing people in the enemy’s position, a large number of Water Release Ninjutsu were used to destroy them. He hit, knocking him back.

“This reckless idiot, I really shouldn’t have let him come here.”

In the sky, Ohnoki cursed when he saw Lao Zi being repelled and injured by a group of Jonin who were proficient in water escape.

He has always been very conflicted about whether to let Lao Zi participate in this battle, but in order to prevent Lao Zi from suddenly losing control while he was away from the village and lacking high-end combat power against Konoha, he was determined to let Lao Zi participate in this battle. come over.

But it turns out that Lao Zi’s ninjutsu was suppressed too much in the Kingdom of Rain. A dozen Jōnin who were proficient in Water Release could suppress him in the Kingdom of Rain.

“Die, Konoha ninja.”

Ohnoki took action decisively, and a white square appeared between his hands.

But when his Dust Release Ninjutsu was about to take shape, a huge thunder gun fell from the sky and hit him.

Under the terrifying power of the thunder gun, Ohnoki turned into flying ash.

At the same time, an angry person appeared in the dark clouds where Bai Zetsu’s clone was: “I found you. It turns out you are the one who is causing trouble, Hattori Masashige.”

When the White Zetsu clone heard the sound, he immediately turned his head with a smile and looked at the Third Tsuchikage who was ‘alive’ again.

A giant rock fist strikes.

This is the earth escape and rock fist technique used by the third Tsuchikage.

The huge rock fist successfully hit the White Zetsu clone, and as a result, the White Zetsu clone turned into a pool of water and disappeared.

Water Escape·Water Blinking Technique!

The real White Zetsu clone had switched behind the Third Tsuchikage at some point. He clapped his hands and was about to use some kind of ninjutsu attack. However, a huge pressure appeared, causing his body to fall rapidly involuntarily.

The Third Tsuchikage quietly released a large amount of Earth Release Chakra into the surrounding air, and quietly used the Earth Release: Weighted Rock Jutsu to change the weight of the air.

When the Third Tsuchikage saw that he had successfully plotted against the White Zetsu clone, a white cube the size of a fist was instantly formed, and a white beam accurately hit the White Zetsu clone’s head, breaking it into molecules.

Dust Escape·Original Realm Peeling Technique!

“Hmph, after all, he is just an outsider who has initially mastered the art of earth escape and super light and heavy rock. In front of my earth escape and super heavy rock art, your earth escape and super light and heavy rock art are not enough.”

The Third Tsuchikage sneered when he saw that his Dust Release successfully hit the White Zetsu clone’s head.

He has mastered these two powerful earth-escape forbidden arts, the Super Heavy Rock Jutsu and the Super Light Heavy Rock Jutsu, for decades, and has long been able to understand these two ninjutsu freely.

Therefore, he could see the flaw when the White Zetsu clone used these two ninjutsu at a glance last time, that is, the White Zetsu clone’s strength in reducing and increasing material weight was insufficient and far inferior to him.

Now, he took advantage of this and used the super heavy rock technique to instantly suppress the super light heavy rock technique of Bai Jue’s clone.

“Without Hattori Masashige, these Konoha ninjas and Amegakure are just lambs to be slaughtered. It’s been a long time since I’ve had the pleasure of using Dust Release to kill enemies. Let’s just kill them all this time.”

After Ohnoki killed Hattori Masashige, he suddenly felt heroic and wanted to use dust escape to destroy the enemies below.

But at this time, he was shocked to find that something was wrong with his Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

Three Konoha ninjas restrained Han with a blue chakra chain ejected from their bodies.

Then, a white tail wrapped around Han’s entire body, and a large amount of red chakra suddenly leaked out of Han’s body and was absorbed by the white tail.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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