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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 296 Tsunade’s Plea (2-in-1) (Happy Dragon Boat Festival to everyone)

“It turns out that I want to find Kirito-sama. I told you earlier. If Brother Fugaku wants Kirito-sama, he can just come to me. There is no need to bother Sister Yakushi Nonou.”

When Uchiha Mikoto heard that what Uchiha Fugaku was really looking for was Hitoshi Kirito, the smile on her face finally disappeared, and she said something that shocked Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Fugaku suddenly asked in confusion: “Mikoto, can you contact Kirito-sama?”

Uchiha Mikoto smiled and nodded.

Of course she was able to contact Kirito, because she was one of the first people to follow Kirito in the ninja school. She was born in a commoner family of the Uchiha clan, but she was able to become a Jonin at the age of 12. This was certainly due to her talent. That’s good, but it also depends on Kirito’s support.

She also has the Immortal Curse Seal bestowed upon her by Kirito, which is an important factor in her ability to stand out among her peers.

As a price, she was Kirito’s undercover agent who broke into the Uchiha clan. She was responsible for monitoring the militants in the Uchiha clan. Once these people did any extreme behavior, she would report it to Kirito immediately.

Her childhood sweetheart and lover Uchiha Fugaku is also the focus of her attention, which Kirito specially told her.


Uchiha Fugaku was not a fool. When he saw Uchiha Mikoto admit it again, he quickly guessed that the relationship between Uchiha Mikoto and Kirito was not simple. When he found out that Mikoto and Kirito were actually the same age, he became more and more sure. There is a deep connection between the two.

Kirito has become famous in the past year. He has done several major things that shocked the ninja world. In recent days, he has been hailed as the strongest man in Konoha. In addition, Kirito and the granddaughter of the Homura clan leader are suspected to be lovers. Uchiha Fugaku couldn’t stop paying attention to him.

For this reason, he specially investigated some of Kirito’s deeds and found that Kirito had gathered a group of outstanding peers around him when he was studying in the ninja school.

It’s just that Kirito has never had any contact with Mikoto at school, which makes him think that Mikoto has nothing to do with Kirito. Now it seems that this is a big mistake.

“Mikoto, when did you come into contact with Kirito-sama?”

Uchiha Fugaku couldn’t help but asked curiously.

Uchiha Mikoto replied generously: “Of course it was when I was in the ninja school, but the person who brought me into the circle at that time was not Kirito-sama, but Chizuru-sama. At that time, I thought Chizuru-sama was planning to do something. The same small circle as Kirito-sama, but it was later discovered that Chizuru-sama was just a tool used by Kirito-sama to hide others’ ears, so that he could recruit people from the Uchiha clan.”

“Mikoto, is it okay for you to tell me this?”

Uchiha Fugaku didn’t expect Uchiha Mikoto to tell him these secret things so simply, and said worriedly.

What Uchiha Mikoto just said is undoubtedly a secret. It belongs to Kirito’s circle and is something that must never be told to outsiders. According to the rules that ninjas must keep strictly confidential, once Uchiha Mikoto tells these secrets, Kirito’s people will get it. You know, that’s a dead end.

Obviously, everyone in Tohsaka Kirito’s circle may be very young, but it has undoubtedly become a trend. And listening to Uchiha Mikoto’s words, there should be many “spies” like Mikoto in the Uchiha clan.

“It doesn’t matter. Kirito-sama said that Brother Fugaku is a person worthy of fighting for and trusting.”

Uchiha Mikoto shook her head and answered with a smile.

“Kirito-sama, do you know me?”

Uchiha Fugaku was surprised again.

It is true that he is a genius of the Uchiha clan, but he has deeply understood that no matter how talented he is, it is nothing compared to Kirito, so he does not think Kirito will pay too much attention to him, an outsider.

“Of course I know. I worked very hard to promote Fugaku-san to Kirito-sama. Kirito-sama himself is very optimistic about you and thinks that you can help us integrate the Uchiha clan into Konoha in the future.”

Uchiha Mikoto admitted.

The reason why she willingly follows Kirito is not only because Kirito is powerful and can help her improve her strength, but also because she is attracted by his thoughts.

She had been worried about her family’s incompatibility with the village for a long time, and she was also very dissatisfied with the arrogant attitude of many tribesmen towards foreigners in the village.

Therefore, she wanted to change the relationship between her family and the village.

At this time, the appearance of Kirito and Chizuru gave her hope.

Now that Kirito and Chizuru are becoming more powerful, she is even more certain about this. She firmly believes that as long as there are two adults in Konoha, Kirito and Chizuru, the Uchiha clan will be able to truly integrate into Konoha in the future.

“Integrating the family into Konoha, do Mikoto and Kirito-sama really think so?”

Uchiha Fugaku said seriously.

If Mikoto’s admission that she was Kirito’s spy had only shocked him before, then what Mikoto had just said about Kirito’s desire to integrate the Uchiha clan into Konoha was enough to shake his soul.

This is a big deal, involving the future of the Uchiha clan.

“Yes, Kirito-sama admits that the Uchiha clan is a member of Konoha. He sincerely hopes that the Uchiha clan can truly integrate into Konoha.”

Uchiha Mikoto nodded seriously and answered.

Uchiha Fugaku was silent, his eyes flickering, obviously thinking seriously about the authenticity of this.

Seeing this, Uchiha Mikoto continued: “With the relationship between Kirito-sama and Chizuru-sama, Fugaku-san doesn’t need to worry too much. Kirito-sama will definitely be in charge of Konoha in the future. We in the Uchiha clan have Chizuru-sama here.” , I will definitely not suffer a loss.”

When Uchiha Fugaku heard what Uchiha Mikoto said, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and he understood instantly.

Indeed, based on the relationship between Chizuru-sama and Kirito-sama, no matter how bad the treatment of the Uchiha clan is in the future, it will not be much worse. Anyway, it will definitely be better than the current treatment of the Uchiha clan in Konoha.

Moreover, the Uchiha clan will most likely be able to re-enter the top ranks of Konoha in the future, and will no longer be afraid of being severely suppressed.

“Mikoto is right, I’m just worrying too much.”

Uchiha Fugaku said with a smile.

Although he still had some concerns about Kirito, a foreigner at this time, he was no longer as wary as before, and at the same time he also had some small expectations in his heart.

If Kirito really said that he wanted the Uchiha clan to truly integrate into Konoha, as Mikoto said, then he would definitely support it strongly and it was right for him to help.

It’s just that the current atmosphere of the Uchiha clan is so bad that a major surgery is necessary.

Thinking of Kirito’s ruthless style on the battlefield, Uchiha Fugaku asked with some worry: “Mikoto, tell me, Kirito-sama’s attitude towards those more radical tribesmen?”

“The good impression is definitely not that good, but don’t worry, Kirito-sama will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Those more radical clan members will most likely be sent out to perform tasks in the future. Brother Fugaku, you also know that the internal situation of our Uchiha clan is not good now. Great, this can be considered a relatively mild solution.”

Uchiha Mikoto’s expression suddenly became serious and she explained.

As Kirito’s eyes on the Uchiha clan, and as a low-level member of the Uchiha clan, she has a clear understanding of the current problems of the Uchiha clan.

Among the Uchiha clan, the people at the bottom are actually quite satisfied with their current lives, and they are not too hostile to foreigners. The reason why they are hostile to foreigners is that on the one hand, the radical leaders of the clan leader have been spreading some radical ideas, and on the other hand, they are hostile to foreigners. On the one hand, there is the hostility of the villagers.

If these two problems can be solved, it is not difficult for the Uchiha clan to integrate into Konoha. As long as it takes one or two generations of efforts, the gap between the Uchiha clan and the village can definitely be greatly eliminated.

However, these two problems are not easy to solve.

The top leaders of the radical faction are basically the nobles of the Uchiha clan. They control most of the Uchiha clan’s force, rights and property. It is impossible for them to give up these things and be obedient.

The outbreak of bloody conflicts is inevitable, and only in this way can the radical faction within the Uchiha clan be suppressed to the greatest extent, causing them to lose their support and control over the civilians of the underlying Uchiha clan.

As for hostility from villagers, the problem is even more difficult to solve.

The solution given by Kirito-sama is to remove the power of the Uchiha clan’s security force, make the security force no longer a family name, let other ninja clans in Konoha join in, and let the ninjas of the Uchiha clan Duoduo and other ninjas join in. Ninjas from other races perform missions together.

In short, it is to get rid of the burden of the police force that attracts hatred and fight more side by side with foreigners.

“Alas, we can’t avoid bleeding.”

Although Uchiha Mikoto’s bid was rather reserved, Uchiha Fugaku immediately understood the meaning.

Being sent out to perform tasks is probably not to work for the village as a tool. Once something goes wrong, he will be sent to perform some difficult tasks immediately. It is reasonable for him to be killed.

This method really kills people invisible, but it is indeed a ‘gentle’ method.

Uchiha Mikoto knew very well what Uchiha Fugaku’s weaknesses were, which were soft-heartedness and indecision.

Therefore, she decisively pushed Uchiha Fugaku from behind and said with a cold face:

“Hmph, it is better to let these brainless guys fight for the last drop of blood for Uchiha and Konoha Flu than to let them continue to instigate the lower-level clansmen to fight against the village and continue to let them do whatever they want. Sooner or later, the Uchiha clan will be driven to a dead end by them.

Brother Fugaku, Kirito-sama is one of the few strong men in Konoha who cannot defeat the Uchiha clan. Although he is a disciple of Mito-sama and has a deep relationship with the Senju clan, he is not a real Senju clan member after all. , and has a close relationship with Chizuru-sama.

Therefore, this is the best time for the Uchiha clan to change their status in the village. If we miss it, our Uchiha clan may not be exterminated, but we will definitely be severely damaged. Kirito-sama has never been a kind person. “

This was the first time that Uchiha Fugaku saw Uchiha Mikoto showing such a cold expression and saying such heartless words. After all, the innocent little girl next door had undergone great changes after experiencing the test of blood and fire. Change.

No, it should be that she has grown up. She is no longer the follower who follows him and listens to him in everything. She has become an outstanding ninja with her own independent thinking.

Uchiha Mikoto’s ability to be promoted to Jonin at this age certainly depends not only on talent and the power given by Kirito, but also requires training.

Uchiha Mikoto, like Kirito, graduated from the ninja school at the age of 10, and then went to the battlefield for brutal training. Her physical ninja strength was honed through the test of life and death. She is proficient in ninjutsu, taijutsu and illusion. She is not a parallel importer. The same special jounin is comparable.

“I understand, Mikoto, I won’t stand in your way, but if you want me to help, please meet Kirito-sama.”

After a moment of silence, Uchiha Fugaku made his choice.

“Okay, Brother Fugaku.”

When Uchiha Mikoto heard this, she instantly transformed into the gentle and sweet girl next door, and said with a smile like a flower.

. . .

Half a day later, at the Konoha base camp in the Land of Rain, the news about the third generation being captured by Uchiha Madara was finally brought here by a Konoha ninja who was good at long-distance attacks.

Tsunade was the first here to get the news.

After she got the news, the first thing she did was to temporarily block the news, and then asked someone to call Kirito over to discuss it.

After a while, Kirito arrived at the headquarters where Tsunade was alone.

“Sister Tsunade, is there anything urgent you want me to do?”

Kirito came in and found that Tsunade was the only one here, and her expression was extremely serious and ugly. He immediately knew that something serious had happened and asked immediately.

After killing the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki, he returned here as soon as possible, and then concentrated on continuing to study the Rinnegan without wasting any time, while his White Zetsu clone was busy dealing with Yugakure’s affairs. The feet don’t touch the ground.

“Take a look, this was just sent back from Konoha.”

Upon hearing this, Tsunade immediately handed the original information to Kirito.

When Kirito took it and looked at it, his expression became weird, and he sighed secretly: “Uchiha Madara really took an unusual path this time, and actually captured the third generation.”

Regarding the fact that the third generation was captured by Uchiha Madara, he was not at all panicked in his heart, and was even a little happy.

After all, in the current Konoha, who is the biggest stumbling block for him to further control Konoha, it must be the third generation. If the third generation is caught now, it means that the forces connected by the third generation as a link are about to fall apart.

To be honest, he actually looked forward to Uchiha Madara killing the third generation, so that he would not have to worry about how to deal with the third generation in the future.

If Uchiha Madara hadn’t been his mortal enemy, he would have really wanted to thank him in person for such a good show.

“Kirito, the Third Hokage has made great contributions to Konoha. I hope you can do your best to save him.”

Seeing that there was no worry on Kirito’s face, Tsunade immediately understood what Kirito was thinking and said in a pleading tone.

No matter how the third generation treated her, he was her mentor after all. She didn’t want him to be killed by the villain Uchiha Madara at all.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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