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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 299 The power of wood escape that is different from Senju Hashirama (two-in-one)

“The speed is pretty good. It’s about two hundred meters from here to the orphanage. It can be considered a very good teleportation technique to cover such a long distance underground in an instant.”

Kirito looked at the orphanage not far away, visually checked the distance between here and the orphanage, and smiled slightly.

Shukuchi, this is the special ability he gained after reaching level 5 of Earth Release.

This special ability allows him to travel underground effortlessly and very quickly.

For example, just now, it only took him one second to go from the basement of the orphanage to the forest outside, covering a distance of nearly two hundred meters in an instant.

Although this method of fast movement can also be achieved by various teleportation techniques, the advantage of Shuchi is that it can be done without consuming chakra at all, and after entering the earth, his breath will blend with the earth. As one body, it is difficult for the enemy to detect.

The most amazing thing is that he can breathe in the ground, which allows him to stay in the ground for a long time.

Just from this point alone, Kirito came up with a rogue tactic that gave Uchiha Madara a headache, that is, his real body was hiding in the ground, and he directly secretly remotely controlled the flesh and blood puppet inserted into the black rod to fight Uchiha Madara.

In short, Shuchi has become a passive innate ability for him. As long as he puts his feet on the ground, he can sneak into the ground to move and hide anytime and anywhere.

With this passive ability, he is basically difficult to kill.

Then, Kirito continued to try to use Shuchi’s ability to become more familiar with the use of this ability.

After a while, Kirito left Konoha silently and came to a waterfall in the vast forest outside Konoha.

At this time, relying on his powerful mental arithmetic ability, he had completely mastered Shuchichi’s ability, so he stopped focusing on Shuchichi and began to truly try to master the powerful power that could defeat Uchiha Madara.

After Earth Release reached level 5, Kirito clearly found that his Earth Release chakra became extremely active. Just like when Thunder Release reached level 5, the chakra’s repulsion against other escape techniques was greatly reduced.

Among them, the repulsion between his Earth Style and Thunder Style chakras has almost completely disappeared.

“What kind of blood inheritance limit will be formed after the fusion of the two conflicting chakras, earth escape and thunder escape?”

Kirito couldn’t help but be curious.

But in the end, he resisted this curiosity, because once the chakra of the two escape techniques merged to create a new blood successor boundary, his body would not be able to develop another blood successor boundary in a short period of time.

This is because his body needs a period of time to use the blood inheritance limit to modify the body’s genes. At this time, developing another blood inheritance limit is likely to cause the body’s genes to collapse and cause irreversible damage.

So, he sat cross-legged on a big rock under the waterfall, with both earth and water chakras appearing in his hands at the same time, and then using a dual-purpose method to control the two chakras into chakra threads, which were wrapped around his chest. Together, perform preliminary integration.

With the experience of fusion of Thunder Release and Water Release last time, Kirito’s fusion of Earth Release and Water Release chakras made rapid progress this time, and the two chakras that still had a lot of repulsive force were smoothly mixed together. .


Not long after, a slight chakra explosion appeared in front of Kirito.

Not surprisingly, the first fusion ended in failure.

In this regard, Kirito, who relied on the thunder technique to be immune to explosion damage, was not discouraged and continued to try again and again.

Soon, thousands of attempts passed, and Kirito still failed to successfully develop the Wood Release.

However, the two chakras merged again after thousands of attempts, and a brand new chakra was born. However, this chakra, which is also a fusion of earth escape and water escape, is obviously not wood escape because it lacks wood escape. That vitality.

What Kirito wants is a Blood Succession Limit such as Wood Release. Of course, it is impossible for this Blood Succession Limit to be born in his body. This is exactly the meaning of using two chakras to fuse outside his body. This can avoid him. Some kind of strange blood inheritance boundary was accidentally fused.

“Vitality, yes, this is due to the lack of chakra of Yang escape. Sure enough, wood escape is not a simple chakra born from the fusion of earth escape and water escape. It is most likely the chakra of earth escape and water escape. The blood stains born from the three types of chakra produced by Yang Dun are eliminated.”

Kirito continued to try the fusion of earth escape and water escape thousands of times, but still failed to achieve the blood inheritance limit of wood escape. He couldn’t help but doubt the vitality.

His suspicion was not without any basis. The most important basis was the Wood Release of his White Zetsu clone. It was the Asura chakra in Hashirama’s cells that successfully fused the Water Release and Wood Release chakras. And at that time, his earth escape level was very low, only level 3.

But even so, the two chakras succeeded with the help of Asura Chakra.

Asura Chakra is the extremely pure Yang Escape Chakra. After Kirito’s strength increased, his vision also improved by leaps and bounds. He could now see some of the Asura Chakra that he could not see through before.

Asura Chakra is obviously a very high-level Yang Escape Chakra, at least level 5 or above.

It is precisely because of it as a link that the two chakras of earth escape and water escape can be successfully integrated.

With this thought, Kirito decisively began to focus on three things. He shot out a chakra line formed from the Yang type chakra from his chest, which was entangled with the chakra lines formed from the two types of earth type and water type chakra.

When three types of chakra are mixed and fused, the difficulty is not as small as 1+1+1=3, but much greater than 3.

As soon as the three types of chakra were mixed together, the two relatively stable chakras of earth type and water type were mixed together suddenly like a big stone falling into a calm lake, creating huge waves.


An explosion of chakra appeared instantly.

After another failure, Kirito did not feel discouraged. Instead, there was a hint of joy in his eyes, because just now, he felt a trace of Mudun’s aura in the chakra explosion just now.

Although it was very weak, his induction was absolutely correct.

Relying on Bai Jue’s clone’s Mu Dun perception, he had long been extremely familiar with the aura of Mu Dun chakra.

“The idea is right, but it’s a pity that my Yang Escape level is not as high as Asura’s. I can’t successfully fuse the earth escape and water escape chakras. It’s a bit of a mistake. Now that I think about it, I should upgrade my Yang Escape.”

Kirito said with some annoyance.

However, Kirito quickly put this kind of hindsight behind him, because as long as the idea was correct, the rest of the work would be simple. As long as he found the right direction and worked hard, he would definitely be able to achieve some results.

Afterwards, Kirito closed his eyes, and while recovering his chakra, he quickly cleared all distracting thoughts in his mind to raise his mental state to the best state, and then opened his eyes again and continued his attempts to develop the Wood Release.

Failure is the mother of success. Relying on his terrifying mental arithmetic ability, every time Kirito fails, he can learn from the experience of failure, making himself one step closer to success. At the same time, he is immersed in it, unaware of the passing of time in the outside world.

In the blink of an eye, day turns to night.

Suddenly, a burst of ecstatic laughter sounded in the quiet forest outside Konoha. It was Kirito’s laughter. He was dancing and laughing at this time, and there was a ball of ecstasy on his right hand. Vibrant green chakra.

After experiencing 10,351 failures, Kirito finally perfectly fused the three chakras of earth escape, water escape and sun escape for the first time, forming a stable wood escape chakra in his hand.

“It’s not easy to finally succeed.”

Kirito looked at the Wood Release Chakra in his hand and sighed.

However, after the excitement caused by joy passed, he began to calm down quickly, and then frowned at the ball of Wood Escape Chakra in his hand.

The reason why he frowned was because he found that the Wooden Chakra he created was somewhat different from the Wooden Chakra in Bai Juefen’s body that he remembered.

He couldn’t tell what the difference was. Anyway, there was something missing in it, which caused some differences between the two types of wood escape chakras.

“What exactly is the difference?”

Kirito thought hard.

Soon, a name flashed in his mind, the Otsutsuki clan.

Yes, if there is an essential difference between him and Senju Hashirama in that aspect, it is that he is not a descendant of the Otsutsuki clan. His body is a descendant of a human born and raised in the ninja world, and there is no alien blood in his body.

Perhaps it was this difference that caused the difference between the Wooden Release Chakra he created and the Wooden Release Chakra on Bai Jue’s clone.

In the final analysis, Mudun, whether it is the limit of blood inheritance or the elimination of blood stains, is essentially related to blood. After it is born, even if it modifies the genes of the human body, it will still modify alien blood and indigenous blood differently.

“But no matter what, my Wood Release can be considered successfully developed, but this is my Wood Release, not Senju Hashirama’s.”

Kirito thought this, and then no longer hesitated, and began to form the Wooden Release Chakra inside his body, allowing the blood-stained elimination of the Wooden Release to be born in his body.

Relying on the experience gained from tens of thousands of failures, he was able to fuse three chakras of different attributes in his body with ease, and the Wooden Chakra was born in Kirito’s body for the first time.

In an instant, a majestic vitality was born in his body, and a large amount of earth escape, water escape and yang escape chakra merged together to form a large amount of wood escape chakra.

These Mudun Chakra quickly spread through his body along his chakra acupuncture points, spreading throughout his body, affecting the genes in the deepest parts of his body.

At the same time, Kirito, who was sitting on the rock, was surrounded by a layer of green chakra.

The weeds on the ground around the rock under him began to grow wildly, and the phenomenon of wild growth of plants spread rapidly. Eventually, with Kirito as the center, some plants within a radius of 100 meters began to grow wildly.

In just a few minutes, weeds grew to a height of more than ten meters. Some wildflowers grew in size, growing dozens of times their original size. A large number of trees also became towering trees. Due to lack of space, many big trees were overstocked. Together, they eventually form a strange combination of giant trees.

However, whether they were flowers, plants or trees, they all automatically avoided the stone in the center and did not have any impact on the black-haired boy with green light all over the big stone.

When the flowers, plants and trees were going crazy, Kirito also entered a different state. He actually transformed into a seed, and then experienced germination and growth, growing from a small sapling into a towering giant tree.

During this process, he was baptized by thunder, lightning and wildfire several times, and died several times. However, in the end, he relied on the majestic vitality formed by absorbing nutrients from the earth and water to complete miraculous recoveries again and again, which deeply impressed him. Realize what the true power of Mu Dun is.

That is the miraculous resilience of plants.

“This is Mu Dun.”

Kirito opened his eyes again, and then looked at a rapidly growing sapling in the palm of his hand. He looked at it with an excited look that praised the miracle of life, and sighed endlessly.

The sapling grew taller and taller. Finally, under Kirito’s control, it fell from his palm and took root in the rock beneath him. The roots quickly wrapped around the rock and finally took root in the earth.

Not long after, a towering giant tree appeared in the forest. Kirito sat on its crown, looking far away in a certain direction, which was the direction where the third Hokage’s soul aura was.

On the other side, in the Valley of the End, there is a huge stone statue that looks like Uchiha Madara. Uchiha Madara is looking solemnly in a certain direction, which is the direction where Kirito is.

“Madara-sama, that must be the power of Mu Dun.”

Black Zetsu, who was hidden in Uchiha Madara’s shadow, suddenly spoke.

It has possessed Bai Jue for so long, so of course it is very sensitive to the aura of Mudun. Just now, it felt a unique aura of Mudun. At first, its aura was very weak, but now it is so powerful that it is afraid of it. Incessantly.

“Yes, it is Wood Release, but it is not Senju Hashirama’s Wood Release.”

Uchiha Madara replied solemnly.

After obtaining Senju Hashirama’s Senjutsu Wooden Chakra, his sensitivity to Wooden Chakra is much stronger than that of Black Zetsu, and he understands Wooden Chakra better.

Therefore, he discovered the wood escape aura from Kirito earlier than Hei Zetsu, and instantly distinguished this wood escape power that was completely different from Senju Hashirama. Although it also contained vitality, it also contained decay. in it.

Wood escape chakra with the power of decay.

Although Madara Uchiha doesn’t know what the ability of this Wooden Chakra is, based on his understanding of the power of Wooden, it must be very extraordinary.

“Who is it? Who developed this brand new wood escape power.”

Uchiha Madara thought with doubts.

Soon, he knew who had unleashed the new wood escape power. The person with the new wood escape power was moving towards him quickly.

“The Valley of the End, you really picked a very meaningful place.”

Kirito stepped on a huge and ever-extending branch and kept moving over the forest sea, and then saw the waterfall canyon with two huge stone statues in the distance.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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