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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 300 Broken Negotiations, Fighting Uchiha Madara Again (2-in-1)

“It’s him!”

Uchiha Madara used his Sharingan to look at Kirito, who was standing on a branch moving in the distance, and said gloomily.

The enemy he feared the most turned out to be the person who had obtained the power of Xinmu Escape. There was no worse news for him.

Mu Dun was one of his trump cards. It was the power that he had finally taken away from Senju Hashirama, but now it was also obtained by a young and excessive junior.

What’s even more outrageous is that the other party obtained it entirely by his own strength.

“Mudun, a native of the ninja world, was born. This kid is really awesome.”

Hei Jue thought to himself.

What is the matter with Senju Hashirama’s Wood Release? It should be the most knowledgeable creature in the ninja world. It is clearly a power obtained with the help of Asura’s power. Asura can obtain the power of Wood Release thanks to The blood of his own Otsutsuki clan and the power of the sacred tree.

However, now that such a powerful power has been obtained by an indigenous man on his own strength, this really shocks Hei Jue.

He did not underestimate this localized wood escape power. On the contrary, he felt that Kirito’s wood escape power, which was completely different from Senju Hashirama, was very scary.

Perhaps Tohsaka Kirito does not have the bloodline of the Otsutsuki clan, and the wood escape power he was born does not have the strong restraint on tailed beasts like Senju Hashirama’s wood escape power.

But compared to Senju Hashirama’s wood escape power, Tohsaka Kirito’s wood escape power is undoubtedly more favored by the ninja world. He will definitely have some kind of terrifying special ability, and may even be able to defeat Senju with home field advantage. Hashirama’s wood escape power suppressed it.

All in all, the trump card of Wood Release in Uchiha Madara’s hand is completely gone, and even the powerful combat power of Senju Hashirama has been greatly weakened.

The situation suddenly became confusing again.

“I’m here, Uchiha Madara, where is the Third Generation?”

Kirito didn’t hide his head. He jumped up from the branch, spread out a pair of chakra wings behind his back, flew quickly to the Valley of the End, and then said loudly to Uchiha Madara on the stone statue.

“Arrogant boy.”

Madara Uchiha cursed secretly when he heard Kirito calling him by his first name.

Then, he formed a seal, and a coffin quickly appeared behind him. As the coffin board fell, the Third Hokage appeared in front of Kirito.

At this time, the Third Hokage was unconscious, as if falling into a deep sleep.

Relying on the blood induction brought by the blood ring eye in the right eye socket, Kirito discovered that the third generation was not made into a dirt puppet by Madara Uchiha, and he was still alive.

“Hand over the thing, Tohsaka Kirito. The Rinnegan should return to its original owner.”

After Uchiha Madara pulled out the third generation, he immediately proposed the transaction content.

Kirito didn’t waste any time and quickly took out a reincarnation eye from a storage seal scroll.

When Madara Uchiha saw the Rinnegan, he immediately secretly mobilized chakra and tried to activate some kind of ninjutsu to make the Rinnegan respond to him.

As a clever and calculating old Yinbi, how could Madara Uchiha not keep a hand in his own reincarnation eye? He boldly transplanted the precious reincarnation eye into Nagato’s body, and of course took all kinds of unexpected measures.

For example, once someone tries to destroy the Rinnegan, the transfer seal hidden in the Rinnegan will be activated immediately, releasing a powerful ninjutsu to attack the enemy and forcing the Rinnegan to fight back on its own.

Uchiha Madara is now planning to actively activate the transcription seal hidden in the Rinnegan Eye, catching Kirito off guard.

However, no matter how he tried, the transfer seal hidden in the eyes of reincarnation could not be activated. It seemed that there was something cutting off the connection between him and the transfer seal.

Kirito noticed Uchiha Madara’s little tricks with his white eyes and sneered: “Stop playing tricks, it’s useless. This reincarnation eye has been sealed by my sealing technique. No matter you are in it, Whatever means are left behind will not work now.”

“Hmph, return the Rinnegan to me, and I will return him to you Konoha intact.”

Uchiha Madara said with some annoyance as his little move was not seen through.

As soon as he finished speaking, he grabbed the third generation’s neck with his hands, lifted the third generation out of the coffin, and raised it towards Kirito.

“Eye for one.”

Kirito said coldly.

He did not forget that Hatake Sakumo was still in the hands of Uchiha Madara. The other party exchanged a third generation for a pair of samsara eyes, which was not enough chips.

When Uchiha Madara heard this, he immediately snapped his fingers, and a white Zetsu with a big belly emerged from the stone statue.

Then, Hatake Sakumo’s head grew out of Bai Zetsu’s huge belly.

At this time, Hatake Sakumo was extremely thin. His face looked like he had aged several dozen years, and he could tell at a glance that he was very weak.

Kirito looked at Hatake Sakumo with white eyes, and realized that although his teacher was still alive, he was basically no different from dead. His body was like a severely shattered porcelain, but it was forcibly glued together by Shiro Zetsu with his strong vitality. Life.

If urgent treatment is not carried out, he will still die within a short time, even if Bai Jue continues to use his strong vitality to extend his life.

“Your teacher is very lucky. He is still alive today. Thank me. He is alive today thanks to me. You should have noticed that the reason why his body has not collapsed is all because of the special medical forbearance used by my staff.” With the help of his skills, once without the help of my men, he will immediately turn into a corpse, but as long as you recognize the situation and return the Samsara Eye to me, I can package this man and give it to you.”

Uchiha Madara said pretending to be generous.


Kirito remained silent about this.

He didn’t believe Uchiha Madara’s lies. This guy would probably order Bai Zetsu to commit suicide immediately after he exchanged the Rinnegan Eyes, or activate the backhand hidden in Hatake Sakumo and Bai Zetsu.

“Boy, don’t challenge my patience. If I don’t get the Rinnegan Eye today, not only will the two of them die, but Konoha will also be buried with them.”

Seeing Kirito’s delay in speaking, Uchiha Madara threatened impatiently.

“You can try it. Anyway, if you do it, your reincarnation eye will no longer exist. Although I don’t know how you got the legendary reincarnation eye that only the Immortal of Six Paths has, I also know its importance to you. No. Without it, there is a high probability that the conspiracy hatched by you, a rat who has been hiding for decades, will not come true.

If you understand, then give them to me first. After I find that their lives are not in danger, I will return the Samsara Eye to you. “

Kirito said without fear, and in turn threatened Uchiha Madara.

Without the Rinnegan Eye, Uchiha Madara would not be able to launch the Eye of the Moon project, nor would he be able to realize his ultimate dream.

He didn’t believe that Uchiha Madara dared to gamble with the Rinnegan.

He knew that Uchiha Madara had put everything on the line in order to realize the Eye of the Moon plan.

He cannot afford to lose.

On the contrary, he may watch Hatake Sakumo and the third generation die here, but he still retains the possibility of saving Konoha from Uchiha Madara. Even if Konoha cannot be saved, Konoha will not be completely destroyed. , there is hope for a comeback.

“Impossible, one hand touches the eye and the other hand touches the person.”

Uchiha Madara refused without hesitation.

“Then there’s no other way. I can’t trust you, a bad guy who even plays with dead people and has no bottom line.”

Kirito said sarcastically.

When Uchiha Madara heard Kirito’s sarcasm, he laughed angrily and stared at Kirito with an increasingly cold and murderous gaze.

Both of them have such strong attitudes, neither of them intends to give up the initiative in this transaction, and they seriously lack the basis of trust.

For a time, the transaction reached a deadlock.

“It seems that you have no sincerity at all, so let this deal end here. I will definitely avenge Mr. Hatake and the Third Generation in the future, and you will never get this eye in the future.”

Kirito was the first to break the deadlock and said forcefully.

As soon as he finished speaking, he closed the palm of his right hand and crushed the Rinnegan in front of Uchiha Madara.

“you wanna die!”

Seeing this, Uchiha Madara became anxious instantly.

A high-pressure water line suddenly shot out from the forest under Kirito, aiming directly at Kirito’s right hand.

Not only that, a huge tree root stretched out from the forest and shot at Kirito at high speed.

In Madara Uchiha’s anger, the two dirt puppets Hidden in the forest, Senju Tobirama and Senju Hashirama, immediately took action.

Kirito had his Byakugan to help him. Of course, he expected the enemy plane to be first, and he easily avoided it with a flap of chakra wings on his back. However, the movement of his hand still did not stop. Under the squeeze of his right hand, Kirito’s Rinnegan began to show signs of resistance. A huge amount of eye power and chakra was released from it.

But Kirito had already placed heavy seals on the Rinnegan Eyes. When it resisted on its own, the seals in its body began to take effect. Thin blue chakra chains bound it, preventing it from continuing to revive and resist.

“Madara-sama, this guy is serious, and the samsara eye can’t resist him. The samsara eye can’t make mistakes,”

Hei Jue, who was hiding in the dark, saw this situation and quickly reminded him.

It is really afraid that Kirito will destroy the Samsara Eye. Even if one of the Samsara Eyes is missing, the Eye of the Moon project will be greatly affected.

“Stop. If you don’t stop, I will kill them.”

Uchiha Madara still wanted to make a final struggle and threatened loudly.

Kirito ignored him and continued to increase his efforts to destroy the Samsara Eye.

There was a “click~” sound.

A slight cracking sound suddenly appeared, and the Rinnegan in Kirito’s hand was like a piece of glass, with a tiny crack appearing on the eye.

When this crack appeared, an even greater power and chakra erupted from the Rinnegan’s eyes, and the strength of resistance suddenly surged, but he still could not escape from Kirito’s palm.

“Stop! I agree to your request.”

Seeing signs of damage to the Rinnegan, Uchiha Madara finally couldn’t stand it anymore and quickly gave in.

Kirito heard that Uchiha Madara was scared, but he still ignored it and continued to attack the Rinnegan, causing more cracks to appear on the surface of the Rinnegan.

Because he likes to see the damage to the Samsara Eye.

What he wants is that although the Samsara Eye is not completely damaged, most of it is damaged, so as to greatly reduce the power of the Samsara Eye.

Seeing that Kirito was not ready to stop, Uchiha Madara gritted his teeth and threw the Third Hokage in his hand towards Kirito.

At the same time, Senju Tobirama on the ground once again sprayed a high-pressure water line from his mouth.

Water Escape·Water Breaking Wave!

The life of the third generation is also life. If there is a chance, Kirito will of course save it. He immediately stops the continuous output of the samsara eye, decodes the seal with his left hand, and a majestic earth escape chakra bursts out from his body. spread into the surrounding air.

Earth Release·Super Heavy Rock Technique!

In an instant, the matter within a radius of a hundred meters was super doubled. The high-pressure water line shot from Qianju Tobirama’s mouth was affected, and the beam immediately deflected.

After removing the killing move from his teacher for Sandai, Kirito immediately restored the material quality within a hundred meters radius, and shot out a chakra line to grab Sandai and pull him over.

Uchiha Madara couldn’t let Kirito save the third generation safely. He clapped his hands and the Mangekyō Sharingan in his left eye flashed red, and a terrifying black flame spurted out from his mouth and turned into a huge black fire dragon.

Fire escape·luxury destruction.

After Uchiha Homura’s Mangekyou Sharingan ability and the blessing of earth life, the power directly increased several times.

Before the black fire dragon came, Kirito felt a burning sensation in his body.

He immediately completed a Muji Release Ninjutsu, which consumed a large amount of chakra in his body, and a waterfall spewed out of his mouth.

Water Escape: Great Waterfall Technique!

Water and fire collided, and countless white high-temperature steam appeared, blurring the vision of both parties.

At this time, a kunai was shot at Kirito from the ground at high speed.

Kirito had the help of Byakugan and easily avoided it, but when Kunai flew across a body from him, Kunai disappeared instantly and was replaced by a white-haired middle-aged ninja wearing blue armor.

It was Senju Tobirama who used the Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

The moment Senju Tobirama used the Flying Thunder God Technique to change places with Kunai, a high-pressure water line was shot out of his mouth.

Water Escape·Water Breaking Wave!

The water breaking wave was released at close range. Kirito had no time to react and his head was pierced.

“Hahaha~, although this white-haired boy is annoying, his time and space ninjutsu is indeed very useful.”

Relying on the art of reincarnation, Uchiha Madara used Senju Tobirama’s body to watch Kirito’s head being pierced by the high-pressure water line formed by the broken wave of water. He felt pain in his heart and laughed.

But the next moment, his laughter stopped abruptly.

I saw a blue transparent tentacle shooting out from Kirito’s back like lightning, stabbing Senju Tobirama’s body, and a transparent soul was forcibly pulled out of the filthy earth body by the transparent tentacle.

In an instant, Uchiha Madara found that he had lost control of Senju Tobirama.

“How is it possible? The filthy earth reincarnation technique I applied to Senju Hashirama has been broken.”

Uchiha Madara noticed this situation and said with disbelief.

An unpleasant sense of crisis began to appear in Uchiha Madara’s heart, causing his self-confidence to be severely shaken since he obtained the power of Senju Hashirama’s senjutsu.

The art of reincarnation from dirty soil is another powerful trump card of his. Will it be destroyed by this damn boy now?

At the same time, five or six kilometers underground in the Valley of the End, Kirito was sitting on a special chair made of a large number of black rods with a proud smile on his face, and sneered in his heart: “Deal with one first.”


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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