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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 303 Chapter 301: Confession Bureau? (2-in-1)

“Hatake Sakumo is inside him!”

Tsunade was shocked when she heard Kirito’s explanation.

She did not detect Hatake Sakumo’s chakra here, but since Kirito said so, this weirdo must have Hatake Sakumo in his body. From this point of view, this weirdo also has the special ability to isolate chakra perception. .

Upon hearing that Hatake Sakumo was dying, Tsunade immediately used the chakra scalpel and carefully opened Bai Zetsu’s belly, and immediately saw the dying Hatake Sakumo inside.

At this time, Hatake Sakumo’s body was indeed connected to a fragmented porcelain doll, relying on Bai Zetsu’s unique physical ability to prevent his body from collapsing, and there was even some signs of improvement.

“It’s such a serious injury. What kind of battle did he go through before? His body is very exhausted, and there are hidden wounds all over his body. If this weirdo hadn’t continuously provided life force for treatment, he might have died long ago.”

When Tsunade saw Hatake Sakumo, she immediately injected chakra into his body for a physical examination and said with an embarrassed expression.

“I just ate a special chili pill and was forced to use the Seventh Gate’s Eight Armor Dungeon Techniques.”

Kirito said silently.

“Sister, can you help him recover?”

Kirito asked tentatively.

He is also an excellent medical ninja, but to be honest, he doesn’t have much confidence in curing the current Hatake Sakumo, so saving him is not a big problem.

“It’s hard to say. The main reason is that his body has been consumed too much, which has left him with a lot of hidden dangers. Even if his injuries are cured, his strength will definitely drop significantly.”

Tsunade said a little embarrassed.

Medical ninjutsu is not a panacea. For injuries like Sakumo Hatake’s, which are obviously caused by severe overdraft of the body’s potential, it is impossible to recover solely by medical ninjutsu.

“Even my sister can’t do anything about it. Although it’s a pity, this is the only way we can do it. Mr. Hatake fell into the hands of a villain like Uchiha Madara. It’s a good fortune to survive. Sister, don’t have any psychological burden.”

Kirito sighed when he learned that Hatake Sakumo’s decline in strength was irreversible.

The next moment, he was hit in the forehead with a finger, and he was hit by Tsunade’s magical power. Then he saw Tsunade put her hands on her hips and said confidently: “Who said I can’t do anything, brat, your sister My ability is not as weak as you think.”

“As expected of my sister, I knew you had a solution.”

Kirito rubbed his forehead and said with a smile.

Seeing Kirito flattering her, Tsunade felt happy, and then her expression became serious again and explained: “But if you want to recover, you need to perform a very dangerous operation. Once it is done, the chance of survival will be a problem.”

It is not easy to recover a body that has seriously overstretched its potential. It is impossible without going through a life and death test.

“Let Mr. Hatake decide this matter himself, but with Mr. Hatake’s character, he will definitely choose my sister’s surgery without hesitation.”

Kirito suppressed the smile on his face and said equally seriously.

Then, he said: “Sister, if there is anything you need my help with, just ask it, as long as I can do it, I can ask it.”

“Then you’re welcome. I want this white weirdo.”

Upon hearing this, Tsunade immediately made her request.

Not to mention that this white weirdo clearly has his grandfather’s cells but has not died, the fact that this weirdo can actually keep Hatake Sakumo alive with half a foot in the pure land is enough to interest Tsunade.

If the white monster’s therapeutic ability to maintain the lives of seriously injured patients can be developed, it will definitely greatly improve the medical level of Konoha and greatly increase the survival rate of Konoha ninjas.

“No problem, sister, just take it if you want it. However, this thing has its own thoughts, and it is also loyal to Uchiha Madara. It also has the ability to disguise itself and travel quickly underground. Once it is removed from the If you break free from the genjutsu, you will easily be able to escape from it.”

Kirito said generously, not minding giving away high-value materials like Bai Zetsu at all.

In fact, he took out Bai Zetsu in front of Tsunade without any intention of harvesting it. In fact, this Bai Zetsu was the bait he threw out for Tsunade to study Hashirama cells and master the wood escape ability.

Konoha’s research on Hashirama cells has actually reached a relatively in-depth stage, but it’s just stuck on the most critical step of how to make Hashirama cells coexist with the human body.

Bai Jue is undoubtedly a very good research object to solve this problem.

Compared with the aggressive and terrifying original Hashirama cells, the Hashirama cells in Bai Zetsu’s body undoubtedly appear to be gentler. Of course, this is related to the presence of the sacred tree cells in Bai Zetsu’s body.

However, Bai Zetsu was an ordinary human being from the beginning, and there must be ordinary human cells in its body, but the Hashirama cells in its body coexisted well with them and produced benign effects.

This is particularly valuable.

As long as Konoha can study this thoroughly, the risk of ordinary people transplanting Hashirama cells in the future will be greatly reduced.

“Thank you, Kirito, it is very important to Konoha.”

Tsunade saw Kirito’s generous gift of White Zetsu and said gratefully.

She believed that Kirito’s eyesight would definitely be able to see the value of White Zetsu and its great value to the Senju Clan, but he still gave it away. It had to be said that the Senju Clan owed Kirito a huge favor this time. , the same is true for Konoha.

“Actually, it’s not that important. Isn’t it just Wood Escape? I have it myself.”

Kirito said nonchalantly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out a finger, and a sapling suddenly grew on his finger.

“Wood Release!”

When Tsunade saw saplings growing out of Kirito’s fingers, she couldn’t help but exclaimed, her mouth wide open, looking like she was in disbelief.

She never expected that the Wood Release that the Senju clan had been working tirelessly to reproduce would actually be born in Kirito’s hands.

Moreover, she clearly felt that there were no cells from her grandfather in Kirito’s body, and her grandfather’s chakra did not exist. In other words, this Wood Release was used by Kirito on his own strength. This was Kirito’s Wood Release. .

“Kirito, tell me quickly, how do you master Wood Release?”

Tsunade was surprised, quickly grabbed Kirito’s finger, and said excitedly.

Kirito is not a member of the Senju clan, and he did not transplant Hashirama cells, but he successfully obtained the blood inheritance limit of Mu Dun. This undoubtedly shows that ninjas who are not from the Senju clan can also obtain the blood inheritance limit of Mu Dun by virtue of their own abilities.

This is a major discovery.

Regarding the obviously very private issue of how to master the power of Wood Release, Kirito still generously explained to Tsunade, detailing the birth process of his Wood Release.

“Integrate earth escape, water escape and sun escape? That’s it. Wood escape is not the limit of blood inheritance, but the elimination of blood traces. No wonder so many tribesmen who have developed water escape and earth escape to extremely advanced levels are not able to Only grandpa was able to successfully give birth to Mudun.”

Tsunade couldn’t help but sigh after hearing the process of Kirito gaining the power of Wood Release.

As a member of the Senju clan and a blood relative of Senju Hashirama, Tsunade naturally has a relatively in-depth study of Hashirama’s cells and wood escape. Therefore, she has long suspected that wood escape is not a simple fusion of water escape and earth escape. The blood inheritance limit formed by this.

It’s just that she has never been able to find evidence. Now that Kirito is a living example, it undoubtedly shows that her speculation is correct.

“My sister’s water escape, earth escape and sun escape abilities are not bad either. They should all be at level 4. With my sister’s abilities, I might be able to develop wood escape by myself.”

Kirito said with a smile.

When Tsunade heard this, she immediately gave Kirito a roll of her eyes.

She already knew from Kirito how Kirito classified the levels of escape techniques. Level 4 escape techniques undoubtedly showed that ninjas had very in-depth research and development on this type of escape techniques, but this level of escape techniques was not considered It is obviously very difficult to develop the hemorrhage limit, and it is almost a matter of luck.

As for the fusion and development of blood stain elimination, don’t even think about it. Only by entering at least one of the escape techniques into the mysterious realm and reaching the level 5 escape technique mentioned by Kirito can it be possible.

Her water escape, earth escape and sun escape are good, but not as good as Kirito said.

Because she became a medical ninja in the middle, her water escape and earth escape may be at level 3, but her Yang escape level must be at level 4. Maybe after she completes the powerful medical ban, she may have the opportunity to watch Look at the scenery of Level 5 Yang Dun.

But for now, it was impossible for her to develop Mudun on her own.

“It seems that it is necessary to go back and work hard to practice water escape and earth escape.”

Tsunade thought to herself.

After seeing a clear path to develop Wood Release, she became a little disgusted with the dangerous shortcut of using Hashirama cells to obtain the power of Wood Release.

Time waits for no one. Both Kirito and Tsunade are busy people and don’t have much time to chat. Kirito seizes the time to share some information about Uchiha Madara with Tsunade, including Uchiha Madara’s technique of reincarnation in dirty soil. Summoning Senju Hashirama.

There is also the matter of the reincarnation eye.

When Kirito mentioned the matter of Senju Hashirama, Tsunade immediately said with indignation: “This damn guy, since he dared to desecrate the bodies of grandpa and second grandpa, it is not a pity to die.”

But after saying that, she became worried.

Because she knew her grandfather’s strength very well, even if the technique of reincarnation in the dirty earth could not reproduce her grandfather’s strength 100%, it would still be extremely difficult. Ordinary shadow-level experts might not even have the ability to fight with him.

Therefore, just by hearing Kirito’s description, she could imagine how much pressure Kirito was under when facing Uchiha Madara.

At the same time, she also deeply realized why Kirito was afraid of Uchiha Madara.

So, she said to Kirito with a hint of shame:

“It’s really hard for you, but don’t do this again. Konoha is everyone’s Konoha, and it is natural for everyone to shoulder the responsibility of protecting Konoha. Kirito, you must remember that Konoha ninjas are not afraid of sacrifice, as long as they can get rid of Uchi I think other Konoha ninjas will be willing to give their all to Uchiha Madara, a person who seriously threatens Konoha, so there is no need to worry about Uchiha Madara’s threat because of us, just let your hands and feet go and fight.”

The voice revealed extremely determined intentions.

“Yes, sister.”

Kirito nodded.

However, he sighed in his heart: “But without you, what does Konoha mean to me?”

Tsunade was thoughtful and could see at a glance that Kirito was telling the truth, but she did not continue to persuade her. She knew her brother. Although she did not understand him 100%, she knew that this brother was a very affectionate person and could not really be true. Listen to her words without caring about their life or death.

She decisively changed the subject: “I guess you got this Samsara Eye from Nagato.”

She didn’t know the secret of Nagato’s reincarnation eye at first, but in the process of treating Nagato, she learned the truth from an rain ninja named Yahiko, who asked her to let Kirito convert Nagato’s reincarnation. Eye contact returned.

When she learned the news, she thought Yahiko was joking with her.

After all, the Samsara Eye is the immortal eye possessed by the legendary Six Paths Immortal, and it is a legendary thing.

And she didn’t believe that her brother would do such a thing as taking someone else’s eyes.

But later when Jiraiya explained to her that she thought Nagato was the son of prophecy, she realized that what Yahiko said was true. Nagato did have the Rinnegan, and Kirito really took away Nagato’s Rinnegan. people.

“Yes, the Konoha ninja who attacked Nagato was Uchiha Madara in disguise. I didn’t want to do anything originally, but the Rinnegan Eye must not fall into the hands of Uchiha Madara. I can only make the first decision.”

Kirito smiled bitterly.

“When did you discover the Rinnegan on Nagato? And when did you learn that Uchiha Madara was not dead?”

Seeing Kirito’s admission, Tsunade expressed new doubts.

It was obvious that this younger brother was hiding many secrets.

“The Reincarnation Eye was accidentally discovered after I met Lord Jiraiya in the Land of Rain and found out that these creatures were following him. These creatures are Uchiha Madara’s spies and have been secretly monitoring Nagato. As for Uchiha Madara, then It was discovered after the seal on the teacher accidentally lost control.

The teacher is the best sealing ninja in the world. Even if she is very weak, the seal she finally set is definitely not something Kyuubi can break free from. Someone must have secretly managed to destroy the seal. And when I learned that Kyuubi was once Uchiha Madara The psychic beast, I realized that this person was probably not dead.

Later, I used the art of spiritualization to read the memories of these creatures named White Zetsu, and learned that the people behind them were members of the Uchiha clan. This proved more and more that my guess was correct, until I found the second-generation master. The place where Uchiha Madara’s body was hidden finally confirmed that this person was not dead. “

Kirito had thought about the confession bureau a long time ago. After thinking about it, he slowly gave an explanation that was mixed with many truths.

Kirito’s explanation was mixed with many truths, and his words were clear and coherent, which undoubtedly greatly improved his credibility. Even Tsunade couldn’t help but nod secretly, but how could she be so easy to deceive? She was sure that she This good brother still hides many things.

However, she did not intend to continue asking, because her brother’s contribution to Konoha was enough to prove that he had always been firmly on Konoha’s side.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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