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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 304 The second great change in the ninja world (two-in-one)

After Kirito confessed the truth to Tsunade, he stopped revealing it any more. As Sakumo Hatake’s treatment and the awakening of the third generation were imminent, Tsunade did not continue to inquire about the truth and took the two of them away quickly.

Not long after, the information about the third generation’s successful rescue spread quickly in the Konoha camp.

The news about the third generation being captured by Uchiha Madara has long been leaked, so the morale of the Konoha ninjas in the Konoha camp is quite low, and they have completely lost the joy of defeating Kumogakure before. After all, Naruto is still the spiritual support of countless Konoha ninjas. .

The Third Hokage was captured by Uchiha Madara in Konoha, which was no less than a heavy blow to Konoha ninjas.

This was simply a slap in Konoha’s face, a slap in their face, and it made their faces swollen. What was even more annoying was that most of them didn’t even have the courage to fight to give birth to Uchiha Madara.

The shadow of a famous tree.

Even though Uchiha Madara is a loser to the First Hokage in their minds, his power is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even powerful tailed beasts like Nine-Tails are his pets, which is enough to prove how powerful he is.

Now, the powerful Third Hokage was directly captured from Konoha, which further demonstrated his terrifying strength.

This is definitely a terrorist with the power to destroy Konoha.

They once had the First Hokage, so they were naturally not afraid of this terrorist, but the First Hokage, the Second Hokage, and Uzumaki Mito had all passed away, and they had no idea who else in Konoha could compete with him.

Therefore, most Konoha ninjas feel like the sky has fallen, and their hearts are full of despair and anxiety.

It wasn’t until Tsunade revealed that Kirito successfully rescued Uchiha Madara that they regained their composure.

“That’s great. We in Konoha are lucky to still have a genius like Kirito-sama. With him here, there is still hope for Konoha.”

“Yes, Kirito-sama will not disappoint us. Now it seems that he is far more powerful than we imagined. Even Uchiha Madara can’t do anything to him.”

“Hmph, this bitch Uchiha Madara, we Konoha will have to look good to him sooner or later. He actually cheated his death and escaped. What a coward.”

In the Konoha camp, a large number of Konoha ninjas burst into tears of joy and rushed to tell each other. The news that Kirito successfully rescued the third generation spread quickly.

“Huh, what’s the big deal? He’s just a thief.”

In a military tent belonging to Amegakure, Yahiko heard the constant voices of the Konoha ninja outside and said coldly.

For Kirito, Yahiko only felt disgust in his heart. Even though he knew that Amegakure was able to defeat Iwagakure and Kumogakure with the help of Konoha, and Kirito had to take a lot of the credit, he was still dissatisfied with Kirito.

Who let Kirito take away Nagato’s Samsara Eye?

In his mind, Nagato, who possesses the Samsara Eye, is the son of destiny who changes the world. But now that the power to change the world has been taken away by this hateful Konoha ninja, how can he not hold a grudge?

He remembers it forever.

“Shh~, keep your voice down, Yahiko.”

Konan heard Yahiko saying bad things about Kirito behind his back, and quickly reminded him, her pretty face full of nervousness.

Although she was also dissatisfied with Kirito for taking away Nagato’s Rinnegan, she knew better that it was impossible for the current Amegakure to offend this Konoha strongman, not to mention that the Konoha ninjas outside were spreading rumors that the other party could do it. The powerful ninja who rivaled Uchiha Madara, they Amegakure couldn’t afford to offend even more.

Even she has heard of Uchiha Madara’s name. This is a terrifying existence that can compete with the God of Ninja, and a terrorist that can easily destroy Amegakure.

Seeing this, Yahiko curled his lips, but did not continue to speak ill of Kirito.

He also understands the current situation of Amegakure in his heart, but he hates the feeling of being inferior in front of others. Since they are allies, their status as Amegakure and Konoha should be equal.

Unfortunately, in the face of naked strength, they Yugakure had to bow to Konoha.

“Xiaonan, one day, I will make Yuyin strong so that no one will dare to look down on us.”

Yahiko clenched his fists and said firmly.

“Well, I believe you.”

Konan said with a smile, looking at Yahiko tenderly.

In fact, she doesn’t really care whether Amegakure is strong or not. She just wants to live happily with Yahiko and Nagato every day. This is enough, but if they want to become stronger, let Amegakure When she becomes stronger, she will work hard to become stronger and help them.

Yahiko saw that Xiaonan had confidence in him, and he couldn’t help but feel more and more motivated. However, how could it be a simple thing to become stronger? At only 13 years old, he already deeply understood that he was different from those with special blood and talents. The gap between genius ninjas.

As a civilian ninja with no special bloodline, his ability to become a Jonin at the age of 13 is enough to prove that he is also a genius, but there is also a gap between genius and genius, and the gap is so desperate.

When he thought that Tohsaka Kirito was one year younger than him but could already compete with a famous and strong player like Uchiha Madara, Yahiko suddenly felt like Alexander.

Is there any way to make him stronger quickly and catch up with Tohsaka Kirito?

Yahiko thought hard, but couldn’t find the answer.

Finally, he decided to seek help from some reliable people.

Yahiko’s first choice for help was of course the teacher Jiraiya. He had seen the true strength of this teacher on the battlefield before, and he wanted to be so powerful that even the Third Raikage could compete with him.

And he heard people say that the reason why his teacher is so powerful is because he obtained a power called senjutsu.

He came here right now to seek the power of senjutsu from Jiraiya.

“You want to learn celestial arts, there is no problem in teaching you, but it’s a pity, Yahiko, teacher, I haven’t mastered the sage mode yet. If you want to learn celestial arts, you can only go to Miaomu Mountain to learn, and in Before that, you need to sign a psychic contract with Miaomu Mountain, and then obtain permission from the immortal of Miaomu Mountain.”

Jiraiya learned of Yahiko’s purpose and said calmly.

“Can I sign a psychic contract with Miaomushan?”

Yahiko said in surprise when he heard what Jiraiya said.

Although he failed to successfully obtain celestial magic from Jiraiya, he was able to get the opportunity to sign a psychic contract with Mount Myoboku, which was a rare opportunity.

He is no longer a young ninja who has just entered the ninja world. In the crash course organized by Yugakure’s Abuchi organization, he learned a lot of useful knowledge, and then gained a clearer understanding of the ninja world.

Therefore, he is very aware of Miaomushan’s status in the world of psychic beasts.

If he could sign a psychic contract with Mount Myoboku and obtain the means to summon Mount Myoboku’s ninja toad, his strength would have been greatly improved out of thin air.

“Of course it’s no problem. You are my disciple Jiraiya, so you are naturally qualified to sign a psychic contract with Miaomu Mountain.”

Jiraiya said with a smile.

Although he is a Konoha ninja, there are many things that he cannot teach to Yahiko and other non-Konoha ninja disciples, but the psychic contract of Mt. Myoboku is not among them. This is something he obtained by chance, and he can give it to whoever he wants. To whom it is given does not require the consent of others.

“That means that both Nagato and Konan can sign a psychic contract with Myobokuyama, right, Teacher Jiraiya.”

Yahiko asked quickly.

If there was something good, of course he would not forget to share it with Nagato and Konan.

“Well, as long as the two of them are willing, that’s fine.”

Jiraiya said generously.

Yahiko got Jiraiya’s promise and quickly resigned, then went to find Nagato and Konan.

“Alas~, this unsatisfactory teacher like me can only help you so far.”

After Yahiko left, Jiraiya said with a sad expression.

As a teacher, he felt guilty because he couldn’t stand up for his disciples.

The fact that Kirito took away the Samsara Eye also pierced a thorn in his heart, making him have a bad impression of Kirito.

But as a Konoha ninja, he cannot ignore Konoha’s interests.

After all, from Konoha’s point of view, Kirito’s taking away the Rinnegan Eye was undoubtedly a choice in Konoha’s interests. On the contrary, his failure to report the knowledge harmed Konoha’s interests.

Now that Kirito risked his life to save his mentor from Madara Uchiha, he really had no shame to ask Kirito for the Rinnegan.

The feeling of being caught in the middle made Jiraiya tormented in his heart.

“The ninja world is getting more and more chaotic. I hope the three of them can obtain the celestial arts inheritance from Miaomu Mountain and continue to survive the turmoil in the future.”

Jiraiya sighed.

He asked Yahiko and the others to sign a psychic contract with Miaomu Mountain. Naturally, he had informed the immortals of Miaomu Mountain in advance. As long as the three of them passed the qualifications, they could obtain the inheritance of Miaomu Mountain’s celestial arts.

He was not worried about this, because he knew very well that the qualifications of the three Yahikos were very good, at least much better than him.

And even he can pass the Miaomushan qualification test, and those three people will definitely be able to pass the test smoothly.

Not long after, Yahiko brought Nagato and Konan to Jiraiya. Jiraiya chatted with the three of them for a few words without talking much, and immediately summoned the toad who was responsible for keeping the spiritual scroll of Mt. Myoboku, and then Let the three people write their names in blood on the psychic scroll.

When Yahiko and the others successfully wrote their names on the psychic scroll, Miaomu Mountain, Fukasaku Sennin immediately felt something, smiled slightly and said: “Very good, now, Miaomu Mountain has gained three outstanding contracts.” That’s it.”

After realizing that humans would have their own senjutsu inheritance, Fukasaku-sennin and Shima-sennin urgently held a high-level meeting on Mt. Myoboku. Except for the great toad sage who did not attend, all the ninja toads who had cultivated senjutsu chakra in Mt. Myouki-san All participated.

After a fierce debate, they finally reached a consensus that Miaomu Mountain could no longer follow the old path of recruiting only those ninjas predicted by the Great Toad Sage. It should expand the scope of recruitment and strive to gain more outstanding ninjas. Contractor.

All in all, Miaomu Mountain is going to start learning from Ryuji Cave.

Because of this, when Jiraiya planned to let his three disciples become contractors of Mt. Myoboku, they agreed without much consideration.

Of course, the reason why they agreed to Jiraiya was that on the one hand, they believed that the three Yahikos had good potential and were excellent contractors, especially Nagato, whom they attached great importance to. On the other hand, they hoped that they could pass The three of them successfully contacted Hattori Masashige, the current leader of Amegakure.

In today’s ninja world, Tohsaka Kirito is not the only one who is famous. The new leader of Amegakure is also famous. Recently, he successfully captured the Iwagakure Five-Tails and became the new Five-Tails Jinchuuriki. This is even more impressive. His reputation quickly rose.

Therefore, Fukasaku Sennin and other ninja toads unanimously believed that Hattori Masashige was a very high-quality contractor. If he could be brought to Mt. Myoboku, it would definitely be helpful to Mt. Myoboku in maintaining its status in the ninja world in the future.

They are also very confident that they can take down the leader of Xin Yuyin.

“Old man, are we interfering too much in the struggle between humans by doing this? There is news that Uchiha Madara, a terrifying ninja, wants to take revenge on Konoha. Now that Amegakure has formed an alliance with Konoha, that must also be included. Uchiha Madara is the target of revenge.”

Seeing that her husband was very happy, Shima Sennin couldn’t help pouring cold water on him.

It wasn’t that she really wanted to pour cold water on him, but the behavior of Fukasaku Sennin and other ninjas who decided to change the way Mt. Myoboku developed contractors was a bit too dangerous.

The reason why Myobokuyama has been able to stay away from the wars in the Ninja world and exist as a paradise in the Ninja world is not only because it has strong military support, but also because they never interfere in the struggle between humans.

In their struggle against mankind, they have always gone as far as they can, and if they can’t get involved, they won’t get involved.

Radical ninjas such as Fukasaku Sennin obviously have a tendency to involve Mount Myoki in the struggle between humans.

“Old lady, your old-fashioned thinking was fine in the past, but times are different now. Even legendary things like the Rinnegan have appeared. It can be seen that the current ninja world is in the midst of a huge change. , if we miss Miaomu Mountain, it will be a disaster.”

Fukasaku Sennin was poured cold water on him, and he immediately criticized with a straight face.

I think that Miaomu Mountain was not a holy land in the world of psychic beasts at the beginning. It was just a relatively strong power in the world of psychic beasts. At that time, ninjas had not yet appeared, and the ninja world was still theirs. The world of spiritual beasts.

Therefore, at that time, there were far more than three groups of psychic beasts that mastered the inheritance of immortal arts. However, with the emergence of ninjas, these powerful groups of psychic beasts eventually disappeared in the long river of history.

The reason why their Myoboku Mountain was able to rise and survive to this day is actually largely due to the fact that Myoboku Mountain participated in a huge change in the ninja world.

The Sage of Six Paths is a real person, because the strongest person in Mt. Myoboku, the Great Toad Sage, knew him from the beginning and helped him seal the powerful extraterrestrial being named the Goddess of Mao.

Now that the Rinnegan Eye belonging to the Sage of Six Paths appears again, this undoubtedly heralds another huge change in the ninja world.

Myobokuyama must be on the winning side again.

And he was very optimistic about the golden immortal.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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