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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 307 The Living History Book of the Ninja World (2-in-1)

The Kingdom of Wind, the Devil’s Desert.

Kirito was using one tail to practice wind escape. Huge vacuum waves were ejected from his mouth, cutting the sand dunes not far away into pieces, and then spitting out huge tornadoes, causing terrifying sandstorms in the desert.

At the same time, the one in his body was squatting quietly in the mental space, his eyes seemed a little dull, and he was just instinctively condensing chakra and delivering chakra to the one who was constantly releasing various wind release ninjutsu to deepen his understanding of wind release. Kirito.

For about half an hour, One-Tail, who had been diligently delivering chakra to Kirito, finally came to his senses, and then roared angrily: “Damn human, how dare you insult me ​​like this.”

As it spoke, terrifying chakra fluctuations erupted from its body, causing a sandstorm to set off in the entire spiritual space filled with yellow sand.

However, its majesty only lasted for less than a second. Blue chakra chains appeared from the void and entangled a Shukaku at lightning speed, making it unable to continue to activate any energy in the body. Chakra.

This was the end of Ichibi’s riot.

The next moment, Kirito’s spiritual body appeared in the spiritual space. He looked condescendingly at the giant beast below that was entangled in his Vajra Barrier and could not move, and said coldly: “I once gave you a chance, but you missed it. Well, this is what happens if you don’t eat the toast and get a fine drink.”

Since the technique of spiritualization was promoted to LV4, he was finally able to do one thing he had envisioned, which was to use the technique of spiritualization to temporarily occupy the tailed beast’s soul, so as to further understand and practice various escape techniques.

Before the spiritual transformation technique reached LV4, although he could possess the tailed beast’s soul, the time was too short, and it would take less than a few seconds for the tailed beast to resist and be forced out.

These tailed beasts are indeed chakra creatures created by the Sage of Six Paths by dividing the chakra of the Ten Tails and using the Yin-Yang Escape. Their souls are not only powerful, but also very tough, and there is also a trace of powerful Yin-Yang Escape power hidden in the depths.

Kirito only discovered this deeply hidden power of yin and yang in the depths of Yiwei’s soul after he reached LV4 in the art of spiritualization.

It is this powerful yin-yang escape power that makes Yiwei’s soul strong, tough and stable, and has a great advantage in resisting soul invasion.

After his Spiritualization Technique reached LV4, although his Yin Escape level was still level 4, he had made great progress. He had a deeper understanding of Yin Escape, and his soul power became more powerful, so he successfully suppressed This trace of yin-yang escape power successfully occupied Yiwei’s soul.

Just as he originally imagined, chakra creatures like tailed beasts are naturally the darlings of certain escape techniques. Human beings need an epiphany before they can step into the mysterious realm of a certain escape technique and reach the fifth level of a certain escape technique. Being in this mysterious state of enlightenment all the time.

Because they are originally chakra of a certain attribute. To understand the chakra of a certain attribute is as simple as breathing.

Relying on the temporary possession of the soul of the One-Tailed One, Kirito’s understanding of the Wind Release has improved rapidly. After becoming the One-Tailed Jinchuuriki, the Wind Release that was only level 3 at the time quickly reached the level 4.

Not surprisingly, as long as he is given another period of time, he can naturally upgrade his Wind Escape to level 5 or even higher.

Yes, level 5 is not the ultimate level of escape, there is still room for improvement.

It can be seen that even if a ninja is only proficient in a certain escape technique, as long as the escape technique is strong enough, he can still become the top expert in the world.

“Go to hell with your uncle’s toast. I don’t want to get along with a cunning and cunning human being like you.”

Ichibi’s temperament is stubborn and fiery, and his bones are very hard. Even at this stage, he is still unforgiving and has no intention of giving in to Kirito.

Kirito was already used to Ichibi’s attitude of accepting death, so he was not annoyed. He silently blocked it with King Kong, added a few chakra chains to Ichibi, and wrapped its mouth around it to prevent it from continuing. Opportunity for blind comparison.

The world of spiritual space is once again quiet.

“You are just relying on your unlimited lifespan and unlimited resurrection to be confident.”

Kirito looked at Ichibi who was still struggling with his mouth below, and sneered in his heart.

He occupies Yiwei’s soul, and naturally gains Yiwei’s memory. He knows very well where this guy’s tough talk lies.

In this regard, Kirito didn’t have any specific methods. He was not deep enough in the study of Yin-Yang Escape and could not destroy the soul of the tailed beast, even if the Sage of Six Paths left a special method in the soul of the tailed beast.

“Kyuubi is the combination of Yang Dun and Yin Dun. If you want to improve Yang Dun and Yin Dun, it is the key. However, Yang Dun and Yin Dun are different from the Five Elements Escape Technique. They are more difficult to understand and practice. It’s big, and the Nine Tails is not comparable to other tailed beasts. Let’s go look for it after I upgrade all the remaining three Five Elements Escape Techniques to level 5.”

Kirito thought of Yin Yang Escape, and then thought of Kyuubi.

Suddenly, a memory from an Uchiha clone came into his mind, making his expression serious.

Kirigakure’s coup happened. Just like the original plot, Goju Yagura’s coup was successful and he became the fourth generation Mizukage with a perfect Jinchuriki posture.

However, it is different from the original plot. Since all the seven members of the older generation of Ninja Swordsmen have died, the Blood Mist Sect lacks strong enough ninjas. After the success of the Goju Yagura coup, the transfer of power and internal cleansing of the Mist Ninja Village were completed very smoothly. .

“Because of my relationship, the original plot has changed greatly. Now that Goju Yagura has completed the coup ahead of schedule, will there still be an Uchiha standing behind him?”

After Kirito learned about Kirigakure’s situation, he couldn’t help but think about Goju Yagura being manipulated.

It has only been 35 years since we entered Konoha. The Second Ninja War has officially ended, and because of his relationship, the Third Ninja War may have to be postponed for a longer period of time.

After all, the situation in Konoha is much better now than it was in the original plot.

Without Danzo’s cancer, the third generation also retreated bravely, Tsunade successfully ascended the throne, and Konoha’s current strength is booming.

For this, he also received two strengthening points, one from Tsunade and one from Minato.

The order in which the two succeeded as Hokage changed, and their fates also changed greatly.

In fact, Kirito felt that the fate of many people had also changed as a result.

Unfortunately, the system is very stingy and does not provide strengthening points.

Kirito also gradually came to the conclusion that the system would provide conditions for strengthening points.

That is, the birth of the strengthening point is not only due to the change in the destiny of an important character in the original plot, but also the change in the destiny of this person must be directly related to him, and not caused indirectly.

But no matter what, the coup in Kirigakure must be taken seriously.

Because Kirigakure has the best preserved strength in the current ninja world, and there are many internal blood succession limits. If Gou Tachibana Yagura completes the coup and ends the blood dance policy of the third generation, and the individual is not controlled by genjutsu, Kirigakure’s strength is likely to be Welcome to take off.

By then, Kirigakure will definitely become Konoha’s formidable enemy, and will most likely become Uchiha Madara’s trump card against Konoha.

Because Kirigakure has the blood inheritance limit of red eyes, which seriously restrains the Byakugan.

“Two years is enough time to change a lot of things. It is necessary for my sister to strengthen the spy power of the major ninja villages. If any of these ninja villages join forces with Uchiha Madara, the threat will be too great.”

Kirito tried his best to assume the worst case scenario and then make corresponding countermeasures.

At the same time, in the northern part of the Snow Country, the White Zetsu clone was opening his White Eyes in the sky and carefully searching every inch of the ground underground, trying to find some valuable clues.

After completing the initial arrangements for the reconstruction of the Kingdom of Rain, he finally got free time to find a way to the moon.

He has been in the Snow Country for a week. With his excellent mobility, he has visited almost every place in the Snow Country, but still found nothing.

As a last resort, he had no choice but to continue heading north.

With his strong financial resources, he obtained some ancient maps from some collectors. After comparing them with today’s maps, he found that the land on the mainland has actually changed greatly. In other words, the information revealed by Hyuga Kazuma is greatly effective. decline.

The further north you go, the colder the climate becomes. Everywhere you go is covered with snow, and there is no human habitation within a hundred miles.

In such a harsh environment, it would be difficult for even a ninja to survive here for a long time.

It is for this reason that although his night organization sent many people to assist him in the search in the Snow Country, the search progress has been very slow.

If you want to survive in this extremely cold environment of dozens of degrees below zero for a long time, you must be a jounin who is proficient in fire escape.

The White Zetsu clone was able to stay here for a long time, thanks to the traitorous Five-Tails in his body. The high temperature brought by the boiling chakra he mastered made him almost unaffected in this extremely cold environment.

It just consumes a lot of chakra.

But it doesn’t matter, the traitor Wuwei is very obedient and diligently concentrates chakra to keep the chakra in his body at a safe level.

“It is not an option to search like this inch by inch. There is not enough information to point out the direction. It is a waste of time. I have to change my mind. If the history of the Hyuga clan is unreliable, I should look for more reliable history. The person who writes the music.”

After searching for another hour and still finding nothing, the Bai Jue clone frowned and stopped, thinking.

For a moment, his brain was spinning at high speed, seriously thinking about who else in the ninja world knew a more accurate history.

Soon, he figured out who it was.

That is the psychic beast.

Compared to humans, psychic beasts have a longer lifespan, and some of them are old monsters that have lived for thousands of years. This level of psychic beasts itself is a living history.

Thinking of psychic beasts, Bai Jue’s clone had to think of the three major psychic beast holy places.

“There are old monsters in these three holy places who have lived for a long time. However, my search for the road to the moon is a major secret. If I tell these old monsters about this, they will most likely know my purpose. ”

Bai Jue’s clone sighed.

But now, if he wants to find useful information on finding the way to the moon, he can only go to these old monsters.

When talking about the old monsters in the three major psychic beast holy lands, the first thing Bai Jue’s clone thought of looking for was Immortal Slug.

This fairy son has always been aloof from the world and has a gentle personality. Even if it knew that he was going to find a way to the moon, it would most likely not interfere. If it knew, it would most likely tell the truth.

Without further ado, Bai Jue’s clone decisively used the Flying Thunder God Formation to quickly return to a hidden place in the Kingdom of Rain, and then headed to the location of the Shiggy Bone Forest.

Kirito once talked with Tsunade about the wet bone forest, so he learned that the wet bone forest is located in the southeastern part of the ninja world, a terrible place full of miasma. As a result, there is only one place that meets these characteristics, and that is the Uzumaki. southern part of the country.

The White Jue clone flew all the way through the air. He soon passed through the Country of Fire and came to the sky above the Country of Whirlpool. Finally, he came to the sky above a place shrouded in white mist in the south of this destroyed country.

Relying on the powerful chakra perception, Bai Jue’s clone can clearly sense that there is a terrifying creature in the fog below. The magic chakra contained in the opponent’s body is as vast as the ocean, and it is extremely pure.

“Is this the height you have reached after practicing immortality for thousands of years? This foundation is really amazing.”

Kirito felt the amount of senjutsu chakra in Slug Sento’s body that was greater than the Kyuubi, and was amazed.

Then, he opened his Byakugan, penetrated the heavy fog, and successfully saw the Slug Immortal, and officially looked at him for the first time.

The next moment, a gentle and soft voice sounded in his ears: “Hello, human immortal, I am a slug, are you here to find me?”

Bai Jue’s clone heard the sound and immediately turned his head and looked over his shoulder.

He saw slugs smaller than ants gathering together on his shoulders. In just a few seconds, a fist-sized slug with white body and blue back appeared on his shoulder.

Bai Jue’s clone didn’t feel anything strange when he saw this.

Relying on the power of his white eyes, he had just seen clearly what the fog below was like. It was not fog at all, and the extremely tiny slugs formed the ‘fog’ below that persisted all year round.

The Slug Immortal had obviously noticed his arrival. If he hadn’t had the white eyes and soul perception, he might not have known that the other party had already attached a large number of clones to himself.

The hiding ability of these mini clones of slugs is really very powerful. They are invisible to the naked eye and can also block perception because they are almost integrated with the natural energy in nature.

“Hello, Slug Immortal, I have long admired my name. Due to my special status, I cannot reveal my real name for the time being. Please forgive me. You can call me Hun Yi. I have come to disturb you this time. I do have something to ask of you. .”

Bai Jue’s clone said apologetically.

Slug Immortal obviously didn’t care about Bai Jue’s clone hiding his identity. He continued to say in a gentle and soft voice: “It doesn’t matter, your identity is not important, as long as you are interesting enough.”


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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