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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 310 The Trial of Longdi Cave (2-in-1)

“Don’t look at it. People have been gone for so long. If you don’t eat, the food will be cold.”

Miaomu Mountain, Shima Sennin said to his wife who was still looking at the sky outside the window.

Fukasaku Sennin had no reaction and continued to look at the sky outside the window, as if there was something beautiful in the sky and a miracle was about to happen.

Unfortunately, no good-looking things or miracles appeared. There was still the same green sky and white clouds.

“Oh~, he’s really gone. Now that he’s gone, will he come back again?”

When Shima Sennin was about to clear away the dishes, Fukasaku Sennin finally withdrew his gaze from the sky, quickly picked up the rice bowl on the table, started eating with a regretful look on his face, and said with a sad face.

In his opinion, Myobokuyama missed the golden immortal Tohsaka Kirito, which was definitely a huge loss, and he would definitely suffer in the future.

Because the influence of this golden immortal in Konoha and even the ninja world is not low. As long as he shows even the slightest unfriendly attitude towards Mount Myoboku, then Mount Myoboku may not be able to have the smooth flow in the ninja world as before, and everyone will give it to him. It’s a bit of a thin noodle day.

“I really don’t know what that old guy is thinking. He wasn’t very smart before. Why did he become confused this time? Offending such a strong human being is not a good thing for Miaomushan, and Miaomushan is in the public domain. It’s not like there are no competitors in the world of spirit beasts, those nasty smelly snakes will definitely welcome that human very much, because they are such a group of guys who bully the weak and fear the strong.”

Shima Sennin used Fire Release to slightly heat the food, and then he couldn’t help but disrespect the Great Toad Sennin again.

In essence, she respects the Great Toad Sage, but who makes this old guy act as a hands-off shopkeeper and throw all the burden of maintaining Miaomu Mountain on her husband? Her husband is so busy every day that he doesn’t have much time to spend with her. .

She felt uncomfortable if she didn’t say a few disrespectful words.

But this time she really felt that Toad Sage made the wrong choice, and he should not have irrationally turned away Tohsaka Kirito.

As a woman, her mind is more delicate than that of her husband. It is obvious that the Great Toad Sage rejected him simply because he did not like Tohsaka Kirito, a human immortal, and did not make a reasonable choice.

“This is also what I’m worried about. Although I don’t know what the so-called moon is that Tohsaka Kirito comes here to look for, Miaomu Mountain pushes him away, which will only allow him to get close to the two sacred places of psychic beasts, Ryūchi Cave and Shigu Forest. I don’t care much about the Slug Immortal in Shiggy Bone Forest. She is just a fun slug with a kind personality and will not be harmful to Miaomu Mountain.

But that’s not the case with the White Snake Immortal of Ryūji Cave. This guy has a vengeful personality. After she lost to the Great Toad Immortal, the relationship between Ryūji Cave and Mt. Miaomu deteriorated sharply, causing the population of Mt. Miaomu to plummet. There was no instigation from her behind this. I Definitely don’t believe it. “

Fukasaku Sennin said worriedly.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and the same is true in the world of psychic beasts.

The three major holy places have stood in the ninja world for so many years. In addition to the Shiggong Forest, which has always chosen to destroy the world, Miaomu Mountain and Ryūchi Cave have actually been fighting openly and secretly in order to compete for more territory and the strongest psychic beast. The throne of the clan.

And Miaomu Mountain has always occupied the best and largest territory in the psychic beast world and the throne of the strongest psychic beast group because of the relationship between the Great Toad Sennin, the strongest psychic beast immortal. This has long caused the Wannian Lao Er and the dissatisfaction of other psychic beast groups.

As expected, if something happens to the Great Toad Immortal, Miaomu Mountain will be in danger.

In the ninja world, although there are only a few creatures that can make the Great Toad Sage appear three long and two short, they are not without them. One is the White Snake Sage, one is the resurrected Uchiha Madara, and now, it is estimated that the Golden Sage is also included.

Fukasaku Sage is now afraid that Kirito and White Snake Sage will get in touch with each other and then join forces to do harm to Mount Myoki.

“Instead of worrying about this and that, it is better to work hard to become stronger. Only self-improvement is the last word.”

Shima Sennin immediately gave the best solution.

However, her method only received a blank stare from Fukasaku Sennin.

If his strength were so easy to improve, he would not be so worried. He was so anxious when he discovered that Miaomushan’s strength had reached a critical point and there was almost no room for further improvement.

Even in Mt. Miaomu, there are still very few ninja toads who have the ability to cultivate senjutsu chakra, and even fewer who can cultivate sage.

The reason for this is partly due to qualifications, but more importantly, insufficient resources.

Different from the improved version of the celestial arts inheritance they trained for human ninjas, what they received was the most orthodox ninjutsu inheritance. It was a celestial arts inheritance without any flaws. Once they mastered the celestial arts chakra, their life span would be greatly increased. promote.

However, if a creature wants to survive for a long time, it must consume a lot of resources, and the huge fairy toad has an astonishing appetite.

Although Miaomu Mountain’s natural energy is extremely rich and produces many giant creatures, it cannot support too many immortals.

In particular, the natural energy and food consumed by the Great Toad Immortal every day is an astonishing amount. One is worth ten. Miaomu Mountain really cannot support too many immortal toads. No matter how many more, Miaomu Mountain’s fragile ecological environment is likely to cause serious consequences.

Therefore, the large toads and fairy toads in Miaomu Mountain are maintained at a stable number and cannot grow endlessly.

As a result, Myobokuyama’s strength naturally fell into a bottleneck, and most of the new ninjas lost the possibility of continuing to rise, resulting in a rigid and rotten internal class, an increasingly lack of stamina, and even regression.

In the past hundreds of years, Miaomu Mountain has not added new immortals or new magic.

To put it bluntly, perhaps only after the death of the Great Toad Immortal can Miaomu Mountain regain its vitality and give birth to more new immortal arts and potential immortals.

“Hmph, who said that you, an old guy, should improve your strength? I am referring to the three new humans who have signed a psychic contract with our Miaomu Mountain. Isn’t it because they care about the reincarnation eye and don’t care about Tohsaka Kirito? , then we will vigorously train them, and in the future they will become our help against Tohsaka Kirito.”

When Shima Sennin saw his wife’s eyes rolled, he immediately hit him hard on the head and explained.

Let humans fight humans!

When Fukasaku Sennin heard what Shima Sennin said, his eyes suddenly lit up. He felt that this suggestion was good and very practical.

Although the improved version of Immortal Technique inheritance they use to train human ninjas cannot significantly increase human lifespan, it just enters Immortal Mode, a state of Immortal that cannot be maintained for a long time, but the advantage is that the training speed is fast enough.

If human ninjas have outstanding aptitudes, and with their perfect senjutsu training methods at Mount Miaoboku, they may be able to achieve sage mode in a month or two.

“Your suggestion is really good. Although time is a bit urgent and we have not yet established a friendly and trusting relationship with Jiraiya’s three disciples, it is okay to let them get exposed to the sage mode in advance.”

The sadness on Fukasaku Sennin’s face gradually disappeared and he said with appreciation.

“How about letting the little guy named Nagato try it first? This little Jiraiya disciple has extraordinary talents and an amazing amount of chakra. The possibility of him cultivating the sage mode is very high.”

When Shima Sennin saw that Fukasaku Sennin agreed with her suggestion, he immediately announced his favorite candidate.

Fukasaku Sage immediately agreed: “Nagato is indeed a good kid, but we can’t favor one over the other right from the start. Let the three of them come together. When they discover the gap, they will naturally not be dissatisfied with us.”

“I’ll do as you say, but can you take care of it by yourself?”

Immortal Shima said doubtfully.

Hearing this, Fukasaku Sennin said with a smile: “You are the one who came up with this suggestion.”

. . .

On the other side, Kirito has arrived at the location of Ryūchi Cave.

Ryūchi Cave is located in a canyon that is covered in fog all year round near Taki Country and Earth Country.

Unlike Mt. Miaomu and the Shiggou Forest, there is no trace of ninjutsu here. It is completely a natural canyon. The fog in the canyon is only caused by the special geographical environment here.

However, like the other two holy places, the natural energy concentration here is much higher than other places.

The reason for this is of course that there is also a terrifying giant beast here that swallows a lot of natural energy all the time. It forcibly absorbs the natural energy from the outside world, which leads to an increase in the natural energy concentration of the nearby environment.

“Unlike Miaomu Mountain, which requires someone to guide you before you can enter, Ryūchi Cave doesn’t have many rules. As long as you pass the test here, you can meet the White Snake Immortal.”

Relying on the ability of Byakugan, Kirito quickly found the entrance to Ryuji Cave in the fog. He fell from the air and followed the entrance of the cave into it. He quietly recalled some information about Ryuji Cave in Boruto’s biography in his mind.

Sure enough, Longdi Cave did not refuse entry to him, an outsider, and even seemed to extend an invitation.

Not long after he entered the entrance, he saw a super luxurious house with a lot of delicious-looking delicacies inside, and a fairy-like woman walked out of it.

“The guests have come from afar, so you might as well have something to eat here and catch up with us before moving on. I, Shen Tian Xin Shen Ji, welcome your distinguished guests to Longdi Cave.”

When the fairy-like woman saw Kirito, she immediately came forward with a smile and greeted him warmly.

As she spoke, she took Kirito’s hand and took him into the luxurious house with a lot of delicious food.

But she soon found that she couldn’t pull Kirito away, and then she discovered that Kirito was not confused by her fairy magic at all.

She looked at the half-smile on Kirito’s face, and felt a chill in her heart. She quickly tried to throw away Kirito’s hand, but was tightly held.

A blue chakra chain instantly grew from Kirito’s held hand, and quickly wrapped around Tian Xinji’s stretched out hand.

“Let me go, damn human.”

When her hand was entangled by the chakra chain, her magical chakra suddenly showed signs of losing control. Tian Xinji finally stopped pretending. She immediately revealed a ferocious snake face, transformed into a beautiful snake, and shouted angrily.

As she said that, she opened her mouth to bite Kirito, but was slapped hard by Kirito.

There was a sound of “pop~”.

Tian Xinji was instantly slapped by Kirito so hard that her head was filled with stars, and half of her face quickly swelled up.

Then, her body was completely restrained by the chakra chain formed by Kirito’s King Kong Blockade, and she became Kirito’s prisoner, and was dragged by Kirito to continue walking forward.

Tian XinJinJi was captured by Kirito, and the luxurious house she formed using magic also disappeared, revealing a new underground passage.

Kirito walked along and finally came to a stone door. Looking at the surrounding situation, he needed to find stones from the surrounding rubble to fill the holes in the stone door in order to open the stone door.

Kirito was in a hurry and struck a light palm directly against the stone wall.

The next moment, the solid stone wall formed by Senjutsu Earthen Ninjutsu was shattered into powder by Kirito’s light palm.

Immortal Technique·Soft Fist!

“Human, you are so rude. Do you think you can ignore the test rules of Longdi Cave just because you are strong?”

After the stone wall was broken, another girl with a round head dressed like a fairy suddenly appeared in front of Kirito and loudly accused him.

When Kirito heard the ball-headed woman’s words, he immediately laughed and asked: “Hahaha~, isn’t it the rule of Ryūchi Cave that whoever has a big enough fist is the rule?”

Seeing Kirito being so arrogant, the ball-headed girl Ichikishima Hime immediately took on the form of a beautiful snake and struck out fiercely, shooting sharp thorns at Kirito from all directions in an instant.

Immortal method·Inorganic reincarnation!

Seeing this, Kirito clapped his hands together, and thick tree roots immediately shot up from the ground, forming a thick wooden wall that blocked all the incoming thorns.

Not only that, Ichikishimahime was also attacked by a large number of tree roots.

And no matter how she activated inorganic reincarnation to control rocks to resist, she still couldn’t resist the fierce attack of tree roots. The rock and soil solidified by fairy magic seemed to be useless in front of these tree roots.

Immortal Technique·Wood Release·Silent Killing and Binding Technique!

“Die, human.”

Just when Ichikijima Hime was in a huge crisis, a new beautiful snake suddenly appeared from behind Kirito, and then spit out a black venom arrow.

The venom arrow is extremely corrosive, and even the roots formed by Senjutsu Wood’s chakra cannot stop its corrosion. A hole was instantly corroded and it continued to shoot at Kirito.

The next moment, Kirito was shot, a hole appeared in his chest, and then his whole body was quickly corroded, turning into a pool of pus and blood.

“Hmph, that’s all. It’s a pity that he has pure magic chakra.”

Tuanjinji, who launched a sneak attack, smiled proudly when she saw that she had successfully poisoned Kirito.

But as soon as she finished speaking, her proud expression froze. She discovered that Kirito, who had turned into pus and blood before her eyes, actually resurrected from the pus and blood. Then his body could not move, and his consciousness began to blur rapidly.

When her consciousness disappeared, Tuojinji stared at Kirito in front of her and said unwillingly: “When did you fall into the hallucination?”

In reality, Kirito used chakra chains to lock Tatsujin Hime, making her follow in the footsteps of Tian Shinshin Hime and Ichikishima Hime and become the third Snake Sage prisoner of Ryuji Cave in his hands.

At this time, an extremely cold voice appeared: “Human Immortal, why did you come to see me?”

As soon as he finished speaking, a pair of huge scarlet eyes appeared in front of Kirito.

At the same time, a vast ocean-like Senjutsu Chakra appeared, erupting into a tsunami-like Senjutsu Chakra fluctuation.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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