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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 328 The Otsutsuki Clan on the Moon

Deep in the moon, where there is a huge purple reincarnation eye, a pale-skinned blue-haired boy is sitting cross-legged on it. His eyes are closed tightly and he is motionless. Even his breathing is vague, as if The whole person fell into deathly silence.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, revealing a pair of dull white eyes.

This is a pair of white eyes that have lost its brightness.

However, the blue-haired boy seemed to be able to see over there, turned his gaze to a certain discovery, and murmured: “There are spatial fluctuations over the ancestral land again.”

His name is Otsutsuki Toneri, and he is the last descendant of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon.

In the early years, the Otsutsuki clan on the moon rebelled, and the clan was destroyed by the branch family. However, in order to destroy the clan family with the power of the giant reincarnation eye, most of the members sacrificed their Byakugan and their own lives to create his body. Take this giant reincarnation eye.

Because he was born with a disability, he was spared from devoting his eyes and life.

Although the branch family won that battle, they also paid a huge price. What was even more frightening was that the already fragile ecological environment on the moon collapsed, causing many disasters and causing countless people to die from accidents and starvation.

And because he was strong enough and lucky enough to win the favor of the giant purple Tsansigan, he successfully survived again.

Now, he is not only the last descendant of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon, but also the master of the moon, shouldering the heavy responsibility of monitoring the ninja world.

Ever since the Heretic Golem was accidentally summoned away by a psychic, their clan began to pay close attention to the trends in the ninja world and wanted to get the Heretic Golem back. Their ability to do so was naturally due to the power of the giant reincarnation eye.

The giant reincarnation eye has long-distance observation that is countless times stronger than white light. Even if the distance between the moon and the ninja world is very far, it can still monitor every move of the ninja world.

As the new inspector, Toneri relied on the giant reincarnation eye to see wonderful scenery that he had never seen before, but he also deeply understood how turbulent the ninja world under the moon was, and how greedy and aggressive human beings were.

In his opinion, human beings should not exist and should be eliminated.

However, relying on the giant reincarnation eye, he also discovered that the ninja world has a powerful protective force. Even if he has the power of the giant reincarnation eye, he cannot destroy the ninja world.

What’s more, there are some very terrifying ninjas in the ninja world. Without the power of the giant reincarnation eye, he may not even be qualified to face these people, and it is nonsense to want to eliminate them.

“There is a high probability that the Heretic Golem is in the hands of the Samsara Eye ninja named Uchiha Madara. This guy is very powerful and has many tricks. It will be difficult for me to destroy him with my own strength. However, this guy is a madman. Sooner or later he will Playing yourself to death, or even destroying the ninja world, is a good thing.”

After Toneri discovered that the space fluctuations disappeared strangely again, he closed his eyes again and focused his energy on the giant reincarnation eye again, using it to continue to monitor the movements of Uchiha Madara in the ninja world.

There are many very powerful sealing techniques in the ninja world. They can block the Byakugan’s perspective. Even the reincarnated eye can hardly break through their shielding.

Therefore, it is difficult for him with the giant reincarnation eye to completely see the entire ninja world.

The reason why he can now use the giant reincarnation eye to monitor Uchiha Madara all the time is because there is some vague connection between the reincarnation eye and the reincarnation eye, which allows him to greatly reduce the scope of observation, and then use The power of the giant reincarnation eye quickly found Uchiha Madara.

“Hmm~, there is another ninja with the Samsara Eye. Who is he?”

After a while, Toneri said in surprise.

At the same time, in the ninja world, over the country of Taki, Uchiha Madara controlled Payne, a beast created by the third generation of Mizukage, sitting on a giant eagle summoned by psychics. Next to him, he used the transformation technique to perform Orochimaru in disguise.

“It’s that voyeuristic feeling again.”

Uchiha Madara keenly felt that he was being spied on, and then subconsciously looked at the dark clouded sky, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Since he re-transplanted the Samsara Eye on himself, whenever he goes out, he has a vague feeling that he is being peeped, but he has not found the peeper yet.

He thought he was being suspicious until he told Black Zetsu about it, and then he learned from Black Zetsu that there were descendants of Hamura Otsutsuki on the moon, and the Heretic Golem was guarded by them.

From this point of view, the people who were peeping at him were probably the Otsutsuki clan from the sky. They were the descendants of Otsutsuki Hamura and inherited the power of the Byakugan. They might have some way to peek into the ninja world from the moon.

“Hmph, when I complete the Eye of the Moon plan, the moon will be useless. Then I will deal with you.”

Uchiha Madara once again sentenced the Otsutsuki clan on the moon to death.

On the moon, Toneri was startled when he saw Uchiha Madara looking towards the sky. He quickly cut off his connection with the giant reincarnation eye and did not dare to continue to spy on Uchiha Madara.

With just one glance, he felt dizzy and hallucinating. Fortunately, with the help of the giant reincarnation eye, he was able to break free of the hallucination instantly.

“The Reincarnation Eye is indeed powerful. It is indeed the Immortal Eye held by the Six Paths Sage mentioned in the book. It is extremely powerful. Although the power of the giant reincarnation eye is equally powerful, I can only mobilize part of it. I want to fully mobilize it. , maybe I need to also have the reincarnation eye.

Only in this way can I compete with the holder of the Samsara Eye and snatch the heretic demon back from his hands. “

Shiren shook his head and sighed.

His talent is outstanding among his tribe. Even though the Byakugan was born with a defect, he still relied on his excellent chakra sensing and control to master many powerful ninjutsu. Then he stood out among his peers, and finally obtained the giant purple reincarnation eye. favor and become its charioteer.

However, he was born with a deficiency after all, and he had to acquire an excellent pair of Byakugan before he could inherit the power of the giant reincarnated eye and its own techniques.

Byakugan is nothing in the Otsutsuki clan on the moon, it is very common, because every clan member born is born with Byakugan, unlike the clan members in the ninja world whose bloodline has been seriously degraded.

But even so, high-purity Byakugan is not so easy to obtain. Before the death of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon, only a very small number of clan members could possess it.

Now that the bloodline of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon has been cut off, it is no longer possible for him to obtain a pair of high-purity Byakugan, not to mention that he is the only one of the Otsutsuki clan here.

The only way for him to obtain high-purity Byakugan now is to go to the ninja world to obtain it from a distant relative of the Hyuga clan.

Unfortunately, he relied on the giant reincarnation eye to discover that the bloodline of the Hyuga clan in Konoha was really degraded, and there was no pair of high-purity Byakugan suitable for him.

“I don’t know who this person is, but the Byakugan on his body is suitable. Although there are some mutations, the purity is very high, and he has already evolved in the direction of the reincarnated eye.”

Toner’s mind turned around, and he used his giant reincarnation eye to shift his gaze to Yuyin Village, and then fixed his gaze on the top of a tall tower.

Hattori Masashige, the new leader of Amegakure Village.

During a surveillance of Uchiha Madara, he discovered that he possessed a pair of ultra-pure Byakugan. He was really surprised and delighted at the time, but after seeing how powerful this person was, he also lost the chance to capture this person. The thought of people rolling their eyes.

Relying on the power of the giant reincarnation eye, he can control the puppets to fight from a long distance, and then secretly go to the ninja world with the help of the time and space circle in the ancestral land.

However, once the distance is too far, the puppet’s strength will be seriously affected. He made a rough estimate in his mind that he could not be the opponent of the new leader of Yuyin Village who obviously mastered the power of magic.

“There have been frequent space fluctuations in the ancestral land recently. Maybe it won’t be long before someone will find me even if I don’t go to the ninja world.”

Sheren thought of the time and space passage in his ancestral land, and immediately thought of the space fluctuations that had just appeared, and laughed at himself.

He is not a fool, how could he not know that there must be something abnormal in this, but he is the only one of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon who is dead, and he has nothing to be afraid of, the worst is death.

In fact, if the great elder had not begged him before his death and the remaining clan members had not given their hope of life to him, he would have no longer wanted to live.

Of course, he didn’t really want to die. It would be a very good thing if he could go to the ninja world and experience the ninja world in person before he died.

He was quite expecting someone to come here from the time and space passage of his ancestral land.

Although the time and space channel in the ancestral land is not broken, the energy required to open it once is not small. Even if the giant reincarnation eye can afford it, it is still a very heavy burden for the giant reincarnation eye. It will take a long time to recover after opening it once. .

Therefore, he would not take the initiative to open the space-time channel unless absolutely necessary.

On the other side, in Konoha, underneath the sealing class building, there is a huge underground space where Kirito conducts space-time tunnel experiments. A new space-time tunnel experiment has just ended.

At this moment, the flesh puppet controlled by Kirito is located in a new and more complex space-time array. Like the members of the sealing class around the space-time array, he has a happy smile on his face.

After nearly half a year of research, he finally succeeded in creating a feasible space-time array.

Thanks to Kushina’s reminder, he spent more than a month programming the computer with Kushina, Minato and other outstanding sealing ninjas to create a set of sealing formula running programs to facilitate calculations. It saves a lot of deduction time for the newly developed space-time array.

Finally, a space-time array that can allow 108 load-bearing columns to operate normally at one time was released. Relying on the advantage of quantity, the space-time array was finally able to operate normally without worrying that the load-bearing columns could not withstand the operating pressure and collapse.

If there is a disadvantage, it may be that the chakra cost is several times that of before.

“It finally succeeded. The Uchiha clone’s Sharingan evolution experiment was also successful. It’s a double blessing.”

In the underground laboratory of the orphanage, Kirito’s true form said with a smile on his face.

If the time and space circle is successful, then his plan to seize the giant reincarnation eye and let the Byakugan evolve the reincarnation eye can continue, and he has a very high hope of obtaining a pair of reincarnation eyes in the next two years.

The experiment of artificially evolving the Sharingan into the Mangekyō Sharingan was successful, which also gave him hope of planning a pair of his own Rinnegan.

But unlike the reincarnation eye, if his samsara eye wants to succeed, I’m afraid it won’t be successful in a short time. After all, it took Uchiha Madara ten thousand years to successfully open the samsara eye. Even if he manages to get the sharingan to evolve into samsara, Depending on the eye conditions, it is estimated that it will take a long time to succeed.

Unless he collects all the tailed beasts and has the help of the heretic demons, it is possible to greatly shorten the birth time of the Samsara Eye.

Like the reincarnation eye, the samsara eye requires a huge amount of energy to complete its evolution.

If there were no giant reincarnation on the moon, the reincarnation he planned would not be successful in a short time.

“The reincarnation eye and the samsara eye, after all, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. There’s still more than a year to go. I can only do my best to obey fate.”

Kirito thought about the conditions for activating the two ultimate eye skills, shook his head, and said with some regret.

From the current point of view, he can only choose to focus most of his energy on the reincarnation eye. As for the reincarnation eye, it depends on luck.

Using Uchiha Madara’s Rinnegan to allow the Sharingan to evolve artificially, he now indeed has the ability to mass-produce the Mangekyo Sharingan. After all, his cloning technology can already clone the Sharingan.

Although the cloned Sharingan is basically a waste product with little potential, as the number increases, some clones with good potential will eventually appear. If these cloned Sharingan are allowed to evolve into the Mangekyō Sharingan, then these Mangekyō Sharingan will The eyes can naturally fuse with each other, and there is no possibility of rejection failure.

In this way, he can combine the chakra of Indra and Asura in his hand to form the power of all things, and then he can really make the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan formed from the clone evolve into the Samsara Eye.

When he thought that he could artificially create the Rinnegan Eyes, Kirito couldn’t help but feel a bit proud. He really wanted to see what Madara Uchiha’s expression would look like when he took out a pair of Rinnegan Eyes in a head-to-head confrontation in the future.

He thought that would definitely be a great look.

. . .

Half an hour later, in the Kingdom of Ghosts, deep inside the Sky Ninja Flying Fortress.

The Uchiha clone had just completed the transplantation of a Mangekyō Sharingan.

The moment he completed the transplant, he felt the negative impact of the deep darkness coming from the Mangekyou Sharingan’s eyes, which made him feel a sense of despair that wanted to destroy everything.

But relying on his strong willpower, he easily completed the suppression. The darkness in the Mangekyō Sharingan’s eyes was far worse than Uchiha Madara’s Rinnegan, and it was impossible to have any impact on him.

After completing the suppression, the Uchiha clone quickly adapted to the Mangekyō Sharingan, which evolved from a clone of Uchiha Madara’s Sharingan, and then obtained some interesting eye skills from it.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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