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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 33 S-level Ninjutsu

“Of course this is an S-level ninjutsu, Kirito. You have made a great contribution to the village this time.”

The third generation looked at Kirito’s expectant eyes and immediately answered.

“S-class, really?”

Kirito’s eyes widened and he said with a surprised expression.

“Well~, Magnetic Release is a very special blood inheritance limit. It is the special skill of the third Kazekage of Suna Ninja Village. And you can create this kind of ninjutsu that allows people to practice Magnetic Release through Thunder Release. There is no doubt that it is a special skill. You can be proud of cultivating S-level ninjutsu, Kirito.”

The third generation praised without hesitation.

This is of course. As early as the First World War, the second generation Kazekage showed the power of this ninjutsu on the battlefield. By the third generation Kazekage, magnetic release was completely famous in the ninja world. Konoha did not know how many ninjas died in it. This kind of blood follows the boundary.

Therefore, as much as the Konoha ninja hates this blood inheritance limit, they long for it.

It’s a pity that I haven’t been able to get it.

Now, Kirito’s creation of this new magnetic escape ninjutsu will undoubtedly greatly boost the morale of Konoha ninjas.

“That’s great, Mito-sensei will be happy too.”

Kirito said with satisfaction, and then continued to look at the third generation with expectant eyes.

When the third generation heard Kirito mentioning Mito, he immediately thought of Mito’s current situation. His heart ached and he sighed: “That’s right, Kirito, Mito-sama will definitely be proud of you.”

Kirito didn’t reply this time, but continued to look at the third generation expectantly.

The third generation also looked at Kirito.

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

“Hey, hey, hey, you want my S-level ninjutsu. What’s going to happen next? Do you think I’m young, easy to fool, and want to have sex for nothing? I’ve already reported my identity as a disciple of Mito. Are you sorry?”

Kirito watched the third generation act like he was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and did not continue to talk about the remuneration. His expectant eyes gradually disappeared, and a dissatisfied expression began to appear on his little face.

The third generation can sit firmly in the position of Hokage, of course he is very clever. When he saw the expression on Kirito’s face, he immediately understood what Kirito was thinking and sighed in his heart.

It’s not that he wanted Kirito’s ninjutsu for free.

Kirito has contributed such outstanding ninjutsu to the village, and the village must not be stingy with rewards. Otherwise, how will other people be willing to contribute the ninjutsu they invented in the future?

Konoha has its own fair reward system.

This rule cannot be broken.

According to the rules, if Kirito contributes an S-level ninjutsu, the village will also give Kirito a reward equivalent to an S-level ninjutsu.

However, every S-level ninjutsu in the Book of Sealings is basically a forbidden technique, and most of the training processes are very dangerous. He is worried that Kirito will not practice well too early and will hurt himself, so he plans to compensate Kirito in the future.

But there is no way, Kirito is too shrewd to be fooled.

“Ahem, Kirito, go back and sort out the ninjutsu you invented as soon as possible. As long as it is verified, no problem. I can let you learn an S-level ninjutsu or a reward of equivalent value in the Book of Sealings. I suggest You choose the latter.”

Sandai coughed dryly and said what Kirito wanted to hear most.

“I understand, Third Generation-sama.”

Kirito’s little face turned from gloomy to bright in an instant, and he said with great joy.

After saying that, he immediately took out a psychic card from his body and injected chakra into it.

Spiritualism·The art of release.

The next moment, a scroll appeared as Kirito stepped forward.

He smiled and held up the scroll with both hands, and said: “Sandaime-sama, this contains the contents of ninjutsu training that I wrote down. Please read it.”

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

He actually had no intention of exposing his magnetic release today. Who told him to discover that the third generation was using the telescope technique to peek? It happened to be just in time that he had mastered the magnetic release ninjutsu, so he showed it off to see if he could catch a big fish. .

Now, I really caught a big fish.

An S-level ninjutsu, this is a surprisingly big fish.


The third generation looked at the scroll that Kirito handed over and took a deep look at Kirito.

He found that he still underestimated this little genius. Although he was young, his mind was not young, so he could not really treat him as an ordinary child.

He took the scroll and opened it to read.

The third generation is known as a doctor of ninjutsu in the ninja world, and his understanding of ninjutsu is naturally well-deserved. He quickly understood Kirito’s ninjutsu and began to try it on the spot.

In an instant, a highly condensed Thunder Chakra line appeared on Sandai’s right hand, and then quickly wrapped around his arm.

Soon, some iron objects in the room quickly levitated.

“Hmm~, it is indeed a good ninjutsu.”

Sandai said with joy as he saw that he had successfully levitated the iron object.

In just one time, the third generation successfully used the magnetic escape ninjutsu invented by Kirito.

Kirito was not surprised by this. The magnetic escape ninjutsu he created was not too difficult in the first place. As long as he understood the principle of electricity and magnetism, a ninja who was proficient in thunder escape could quickly master it, let alone the five elements escape technique. of three generations.

However, the magnetic escape ninjutsu he created is not something that ordinary people can learn.

Soon, the expression on Sandai’s face became solemn. He finally discovered the real difficulty of this magnetic escape ninjutsu. He found that with his mental arithmetic ability, it was difficult to move the iron objects in the room at the same time.

“Kirito, your ninjutsu seems simple, but the training requirements are really not low.”

Sandai continued to try several times, but found that there was still not much improvement, and couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

He originally thought that his mental arithmetic ability was not weak and he should meet the training requirements for this magnetic escape ninjutsu, but he didn’t expect that he was still far from it.

And he is still like this, let alone other people. It is estimated that there are not many people in Konoha who can successfully practice this magnetic escape ninjutsu.

“Sandaime-sama, this is an S-level ninjutsu. If it is not difficult to practice, would it still be called an S-level ninjutsu? To be honest, compared to many S-level ninjutsu, my ninjutsu is already very difficult to practice. And it’s not too dangerous.”

Kirito replied confidently.

This is of course, his Magnetic Release Ninjutsu is not something ordinary people can learn. To learn it, one must be born with a Virtue Attribute of 4.

Is there such a naturally born genius in the world?

There are certainly some, but very few.

In Konoha Village, perhaps only the Nara clan are most likely to succeed in practicing it, followed by the Uchiha clan.

“This is indeed the truth. I declare that the ninjutsu training content you wrote has passed. I will order someone to put it into the sealed book later. Tell me, what reward do you want?”

The third generation nodded, fully agreeing with Kirito’s statement.

Although S-level ninjutsu is powerful, it is indeed very difficult to practice, and the practice process is generally very dangerous. There are very few ninjas who are qualified and dare to practice them.

Otherwise, Konoha would not have so many powerful S-level ninjutsu inheritances, but not many people can learn one of them.

For example, his teacher Senju Tobirama’s Flying Thunder God Jutsu is famous in the ninja world. There are countless people in Konoha who are coveting this ninjutsu, but since the teacher passed away, no one has successfully practiced it, not even him and his Even the talented disciple Orochimaru failed to master it.

“The art of spiritual transformation.”

Kirito waited for Sandai’s words and immediately said the reward he wanted.

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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