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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 330 Konoha’s new elders

Konoha, the Hokage’s office, Tsunade and the elders gathered here.

Since Tsunade became the Fourth Hokage, the members of the Elder Council have also changed and expanded to five people. The current members of the Elder Council include Sarutobi Hiruzen, Senju Momoka, Akimichi Torifu, Hinata Kazuma and Uchiha. Chizuru.

Among the five members of the elders, except for Uchiha Chizuru, the other four are well-received and there is almost no controversy at all.

But in the end, Tsunade overcame all objections and made the young Uchiha clan leader Uchiha Chizuru the fifth member of the elders group.

It was Tsunade’s decision that quickly brought an end to the civil strife in the Uchiha clan, and expressed support for Tsunade, the Konoha princess of the Senju clan, to succeed the Fourth Hokage.

“Now that everyone is here, let’s take a look at this information. Please make your choice carefully. Your opinions are very important to me.”

When Tsunade saw that people were arriving one after another, she distributed five pieces of information in her hand and said to the five people with a serious look on her face.

The information Tsunade distributed was the “Enhanced Human Plan” that Kirito gave her not long ago. After reading this detailed plan, she felt very uneasy and could not make a decision for a long time.

From a rational point of view, she does not support Kirito’s plan, which can be said to be crazy.

Because she knew very well that once this plan was actually implemented, the seed called ambition would quickly grow in Konoha, and the situation would probably get out of control.

By that time, Konoha will succeed or else become Hitoshi.

It was too risky, and that was her first impression of the plan.

However, from a rational perspective, this is a plan that can quickly develop Konoha’s strength to unprecedented heights, so that Konoha no longer has to worry about other ninja villages uniting to deal with the threat of Konoha, and can even accomplish an unprecedented deed in the ninja world: the great unification. .

I have to say that even if she was, she couldn’t help but feel a little desire in her heart.

As Hokage, she is naturally obliged to make Konoha continue to grow stronger.

And she also knew very well that in troubled times, only with strong force could she protect herself and those around her. If she didn’t have enough force, Yuyin Village was the best example.

In the serious conflict between emotion and reason, Tsunade had to seek the opinions of some elders with sufficient experience and foresight.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and others felt shocked when they heard Tsunade’s serious tone. They thought something big was going on. They quickly took the information and read it carefully.

Soon, except for Qianzhe whose expression remained normal, the expressions of the other four elders all changed drastically, with expressions of surprise, fear, and desire on their faces.

“Tsunade, who came up with this plan.”

After a while, Sarutobi Hiruzen was the first to speak, speaking in a heavy tone.

As the former Hokage, he can be said to have the best vision among everyone present, and he is well aware of the current situation in Konoha. In his opinion, although this plan is crazy, it is very feasible. The only drawback is the investment. It would be a bottomless pit that would probably crush Konoha’s economic capabilities.

Not to mention the simplified version of the strengthening curse seal mentioned in the plan, he could see how much money was contained in the various strengthening potions made from precious medicines in the plan.

However, he knew that as long as this crazy plan was launched, Konoha’s strength would definitely increase rapidly, and it could replenish the huge middle and low-level combat power lost in World War II in a short period of time, and even surpass it by a lot.

Konoha’s war potential will also be greatly improved.

There is no doubt that this is a crazy and attractive plan.

As soon as Sarutobi Hiruzen said these words, Senju Momoka, Akimichi Tofaze and Hinata Kazuma immediately turned their attention to Tsunade, while Chizuru yawned out of boredom, as if he was an indifferent audience.

“It was Kirito who suggested it.”

Tsunade answered truthfully.

When the four of them, Sarutobi Hiruzen, heard that it was Kirito who proposed it, they immediately showed expressions that it was true, and then they had different expressions, thinking and analyzing the pros and cons of this plan.

“It’s good to have a plan, but Konoha’s current financial resources are simply not enough to support this plan. Maybe Konoha’s finances will collapse before the plan succeeds.”

Senju Momo was the first to express her suggestion.

It’s not that she doesn’t support Kirito’s plan, she’s just worried that this plan will drag Konoha into the abyss. Tsunade finally became Hokage, and she doesn’t want Konoha to be destroyed in her hands.

“Huh, if this plan is not implemented, won’t Konoha collapse? Uchiha Madara is watching eagerly from the side. The attitude of the other four major ninja villages towards Konoha is more hostile than good. If Konoha does not improve its strength as soon as possible, it will soon I don’t know if there will be a future in two years.”

Chizuru, who was originally looking bored, suddenly turned cold and mocked.

“Uchiha family, don’t speak too big or too small. Don’t you, Momoka-sama, know the current situation in Konoha? Do you need to remind me? If other people in Konoha were as reckless and reckless as you, Konoha would have been there long ago. Destroyed in previous wars.”

When Qiu Daocheng saw Qianhe taunting Taohua, he immediately stood up to speak for Moohua.

He was very dissatisfied with letting a member of the Uchiha clan join the elders, let alone a little girl who was only 13 years old. Even if the little girl had a high status and strong strength, he still did not decide that the other party was qualified. Join the elders.

“Ha~, if Konoha didn’t have people like me fighting desperately on the front line, wouldn’t it be destroyed? And don’t mention your age to me here. You and I are both elders and have equal status. I can stand Here, you don’t get it from charity.”

Chizuru, an Uchiha, would not be constrained by the idea of ​​respecting the elderly and cherishing the young. She rebutted on the spot without giving any face to the so-called senior.


Akimichi Tofeng didn’t expect Chizuru to be so small, so he was immediately furious and couldn’t help but erupt with a powerful chakra wave.

When Qianzhe saw this, not only did he not show any fear, but he was eager to give it a try.

She has long wanted to see the strength of these people in the elders. As an Uchiha, strength is status. This is their deep-rooted thought.

As a pure Uchiha, Chizuru has this thought engraved in his blood.

Therefore, she felt that the right to speak in the Board of Elders should be distributed in this way.


Suddenly, Tsunade clapped her hands hard, and a loud slapping sound appeared.

The smell of gunpowder that spread in the room immediately dissipated.

Akimichi Tofaze and Qianzuru both restrained the chakra in their bodies and just continued to look at each other with hostile eyes.

“Continue the discussion and don’t add any extraneous details.”

Seeing the two of them restrain themselves, Tsunade said with a straight face, while having a headache.

When Chizuru was asked to join the elders, she had actually expected such a conflict to happen, but when she actually saw it, she still felt a headache.

The Uchiha clan are indeed restless people. Allowing their people to become the decision-makers of Konoha will deeply increase the power of the Konoha martial arts faction.

“Lord Hokage, I personally tend to support this plan. After all, we are facing a formidable enemy. Improving our strength is the primary issue, but the premise is to consider the reality. We in Konoha are full of waste now, and money is needed in many places. , at first glance, this plan requires huge funds to be launched.

During this period, you know how many spies have been uncovered by our Hyuga clan search team. Once this plan is launched, it will be almost impossible to hide it from other ninja villages. By that time, this plan will probably be stopped. If you don’t come down, it’s dangerous. “

Hinata Kazuma, who had always remained neutral, also expressed his opinion at this time.

As the Hyuga clan enters the decision-making ranks of Konoha, they naturally have to assume more responsibilities.

Because White Zetsu and Uchiha Madara’s spy creatures would sneak into Konoha, Tsunade asked the Hyuga clan to come forward to form a search team dedicated to monitoring Konoha 24 hours a day, responsible for uncovering spies lurking in Konoha.

The Hyuga clan did not refuse this and took on this burden that would offend others.

In the end, not many White Zetsu were found, but many spies from the four major ninja villages were uncovered, and the number of spies remained high. This shows how fearful the four major ninja villages are of Konoha.

It is precisely because of this that Hinata Kazuma, the largest leader of the search team, is very aware of the current attitude of the four major ninja villages towards Konoha, which is full of fear and hostility.

Once there is any trouble in Konoha, the four great ninja villages will definitely try their best to find out what Konoha is doing, and then quickly take countermeasures.

Obviously, once a plan like the “Enhanced Human Plan” is discovered by the four major ninja villages, as long as the senior officials of the four major ninja villages are not fools, they will immediately react violently, and they will probably temporarily put aside their prejudices and hatred. , unite to deal with Konoha.

Hinata Kazuma has a deep understanding of Konoha’s current situation. It is true that Konoha is prosperous, but there is also a huge crisis, and if they are not careful, they will usher in destruction.

Therefore, he personally thinks that it is better for Konoha to seek stability now and not be so crazy.

In his opinion, Konoha’s current strength growth has been very good. Although he does not want to admit that he is somewhat incompetent, Konoha has a top powerhouse like Kirito who can fight against Uchiha Madara. No matter how bad it is, it will not be any worse. .

“Even if this plan does not start, Uchiha Madara and the four major ninja villages will not stop being afraid of Konoha. You can’t expect Kirito to bear most of the pressure alone. He must have discovered something to propose this plan.”

Chizuru once again objected.

She has deeper contact with Kirito than anyone present, and she also knows better than anyone present how much pressure her rival is currently under, so she is very angry now, and feels very angry towards these adults here who do not have much responsibility. angry.

A strong man like Kirito who can clearly stay out of the situation dares to fight. What right do you weaklings who are hiding behind and enjoying the peace have to object?

“Chizuru, what you said is too much. Everyone here loves Konoha very much and is willing to bear the pressure of Konoha, even at the cost of their lives. However, this plan involves the fate of Konoha and the lives of many people. Life, we cannot make decisions for them easily, even if you are a strong person, you are not qualified to make decisions for them.”

When Tsunade heard Chizuru say such impudent words, she immediately scolded her loudly.

When Chizuru was scolded by Tsunade, she instinctively wanted to refute, but because of Tsunade’s position in Kirito’s heart and his friendly attitude towards the Uchiha clan, she held back, but did not apologize.

Seeing Chizuru being so unruly, Tsunade felt an even greater headache.

At the same time, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the other four elders all looked very unhappy.

Chizuru’s words were clearly saying that they were greedy for life and afraid of death.

However, it was difficult for them to refute, especially Hiruzen Sarutobi. He was able to live well now only because Kirito took the risk to save him.

And now, for the sake of stability, he does not support this plan in his heart.

“Tsunade, this plan is indeed a bit too risky. The four major ninja villages are not monolithic now. We can try to win them over. We don’t have to go to such extremes. If this plan is really implemented, it will definitely seriously irritate them and will only push them away. Towards Uchiha Madara.”

After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen’s reason prevailed and he expressed his objection.

Four of the five members of the elders objected, and the result was already obvious.

Chizuru was very angry when he saw that things had developed to this point, but there was nothing he could do. He could not rely on force to get all these people to express their support.

“This kind of boring discussion is really meaningless. Did grandpa keep dealing with people like this back then? It’s so frustrating.”

Chizuru thought angrily.

Compared to intrigues, she really prefers to solve problems directly with her fists.

The position of patriarch is really a troublesome thing.

Tsunade saw that her teachers were all opposed. Of course she knew what the outcome of this discussion would be. The five members of the Elder Council had a very large influence in Konoha. If she didn’t have the support of these people, Kirito’s plan would be impossible. It is impossible to implement.

Kirito obviously understands this.

“I already understand everyone’s opinions, which means that this plan is not suitable for implementation at the moment. However, if I say that I am only implementing part of this plan, how likely is it for you?”

Tsunade asked.

“Tsunade, when you say the execution part, which part do you mean?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen responded immediately.

To be honest, he actually really wanted this plan to be implemented, but he was opposed to it because he considered that this plan would seriously irritate the four major ninja villages.

But some things in this plan are really good, such as the simplified version of the enhanced curse seal.

He personally has been coveting this kind of strengthened curse seal for a long time, but unfortunately Kirito wouldn’t give it to him at all, because this kind of strengthened curse seal would cost a lot.

There is no way to get the full version of the enhanced curse seal like Kirito, so it would be nice to get this simplified version of the enhanced curse seal.

He was sure that as long as this simplified version of the enhanced curse seal could be promoted in Konoha, the strength of Konoha ninjas would soon rise to a new level.

Also, this increase in strength will not stimulate the nerves of the other four major ninja villages too much. Konoha, which lacks the ability to explode troops, is not enough for them to put down their hatred and unite.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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