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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 337 Young Otsutsuki Toneri

The fatal sense of crisis struck again. The Uchiha clone was already on guard this time, and the feeling of weightlessness that he had just left the space-time channel had disappeared. He clapped his hands and instantly used the teleportation technique to disappear in place, successfully avoiding the enemy. s attack.

But Toneri seemed to have anticipated where the Uchiha clone’s teleportation technique would end up. He went one step ahead and hit the Uchiha clone’s chest with a palm, knocking him out and breaking more than ten stone pillars before stopping.

“Cough cough cough~”

The Uchiha clone got up from the ground in embarrassment, spit out a large mouthful of blood, and then looked at the blue-haired boy who had arrived in front of him with a solemn expression.

The future holder of the Reincarnation Eye is more powerful than he imagined. Although he is still young, his strength is not comparable to that of ordinary shadow-level powerhouses.

“The power of the reincarnated eye is indeed very strong, and my actions have been seen through.”

The Uchiha clone thought to himself.

Relying on his strong perception ability, he immediately sensed that there were two things with huge chakra nearby, and the chakra contained in them was comparable to that of tailed beasts.

Not surprisingly, those should be the two giant reincarnation eyes on the moon.

Also, through the Mangekyō Sharingan, he could clearly see that Toneri had a deep connection with one of the giant reincarnation eyes, and could actually connect chakra over a long distance.

It can be seen that on the moon, Otani Toneri can draw on the power of the giant reincarnation eye.

“Tell me, who is your true identity? Did that guy named Uchiha Madara send you here?”

Toneri stared coldly at the embarrassed Uchiha clone, and was not in a hurry to attack, trying to get information from the Uchiha clone.

With the help of the power of the giant reincarnation eye, he probably knew that Uchiha Madara was the villain who stole the heretic golem, and the biggest enemy of this villain was Konoha’s Tohsaka Kirito.

Therefore, in his opinion, the Sharingan ninja in front of him who claimed to be Tohsaka Kirito was most likely a follower of Uchiha Madara. The other party lied about being Tohsaka Kirito, and he definitely wanted to make him hate Tosaka. Kirito becomes hostile.

“I didn’t expect you to know the name Uchiha Madara. So even if you are on the moon, you know something about the ninja world. But you guessed wrong. I am Tohsaka Kirito. The person you are seeing now It’s a clone I created using some special ninjutsu.”

The Uchiha clone said slowly, using medical ninjutsu to heal himself.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the blue-haired boy in front of him took action immediately. It was obvious that the other party did not believe his words at all.

Still moving as fast as lightning, but relying on physical strength, the last member of the Otsutsuki clan on this moon can move as fast as the teleportation technique.

Even if the Uchiha clone has the Mangekyō Sharingan, it can barely see the opponent’s attack at this moment.

He decisively used the Thunder Chakra mode, and a pair of lightning armor wrapped with dense electric current appeared on his body. At the same time, his entire body was activated under the stimulation of electric current, and his movement speed and reaction speed increased linearly.

The next moment, he avoided Toneri’s soft fist, teleported behind Toneri, and attacked with the same soft fist, but was easily blocked by Toneri.

At this time, Toneri’s whole body was covered with a layer of green chakra, and his aura was also rising steadily, making the Uchiha clone suddenly have the illusion that he was facing Uchiha Madara and fully activated Susanoo. .

“Tenseigan Chakra Mode.”

The Uchiha clone saw at a glance how Toneri could be in this state, and was shocked.

He really didn’t expect that the other party had mastered such a powerful ability at this time.

Now the problem is big.

“Rou Fist, it’s interesting. Let me see how much your Rou Fist weighs.”

Seeing this, Toneri sneered, and then used his soft fist to attack the Uchiha clone again.

After entering the Tenseigan Chakra Mode, Toneri’s physical fitness has obviously improved significantly again, and his speed can still vaguely suppress the Uchiha clone who has activated the Thunder Release Chakra Mode.

The Uchiha clone could only go all out for this, using all his understanding of Rou Fist to engage in fierce hand-to-hand combat with the opponent.

For a time, the two sides exchanged hundreds of palms one after another in an instant, and each palm erupted with astonishing chakra fluctuations, setting off an energy storm in the Otsutsuki clan’s territory on the moon, destroying the rocks of a large number of buildings.

“Bang bang bang~”

Huge collisions kept happening.

A few minutes later, after the two sides fought for tens of thousands of times, a figure was hit hard and flew away, creating a huge crater full of cracks on the ground.

Then, a figure emitting green light landed on the edge of the pit. He looked down at the Uchiha ninja who was struggling to get up and covered with bruises.

“Your strength is good, and your soft boxing foundation is also good, but it seems you can only go so far.”

Toneri said a little disappointed.

He actually didn’t know how strong he was, so he didn’t kill the Uchiha clone at once like he did at the beginning, but kept giving the Uchiha clone a chance.

Unfortunately, the enemy in front of him was not as beaten as expected, and it seemed that he would be dead in just a few minutes.

In fact, he didn’t even use half of his strength.

After all, he only used the most basic ability of the Tsangikan, the Chakra mode of the Tsangigan. However, he has not used any of the incredible abilities born in this mode, and has been fighting the enemy with soft fists.

“Ahem, cough, cough~, I said, I am really Tohsaka Kirito, I really didn’t lie to you.”

When the Uchiha clone heard what Toneri said, he stood up with some difficulty and smiled bitterly.

Toneri could only turn a deaf ear. He raised his hand and was about to finish off the Uchiha clone, but he stopped halfway, with a bit of anticipation in his eyes.

An astonishing burst of chakra erupted from the pit.

At this moment, a line of blood and tears left the eyes of the Uchiha clone, and then a huge blue Tengu warrior formed by chakra quickly appeared.

As the Mangekyo Sharingan in the left eye socket of the Uchiha clone lit up red, the Tengu Warrior quickly covered himself with exquisite armor, and a pair of lifelike chakra wings grew out of his back. He held two huge Chakra Warriors in his hands. knife.

Susanoo·Complete body!

With the current ability of the Uchiha clone, simply using the Mangekyou Sharingan to open Susanoo to the fourth stage is already the limit, but relying on Susanoo’s pupil technique in his left eye, he can force Susanoo to fully evolve. body.

The complete Susanoo is a complete God of Destruction, with terrifying chakra fluctuations erupting all over his body. The huge figure of nearly twenty meters is enough to make anyone feel a huge sense of oppression when they see it.

The Uchiha clone was not satisfied with this. He clapped his hands and the chakra armor on the Tengu warrior suddenly turned into thunder armor. He also used the thunder chakra mode on Susanoo.

“Is this the limit that your eyes can reach? They are indeed quite powerful.”

Toneri looked at the huge Tengu warrior in front of him, and his calm face finally showed a hint of excitement.

He could feel that the enemy in front of him suddenly became stronger than ever before, and his sense of threat suddenly increased several times.

This is exactly what he expected.

“Oh~, as for people, it’s best not to be too arrogant.”

Seeing Toneri still being so supportive, the Uchiha clone sighed.

Toneri heard the Uchiha clone admonishing him, but he didn’t take it seriously, because he still didn’t think that the enemy in front of him had a chance to defeat him.

On this moon, he is invincible.

But the next moment, his expression changed drastically and he shouted angrily: “Bold!”

As he spoke, a dozen chakra beads instantly appeared on his left hand, and then turned into a huge golden chakra lightsaber and slashed at the Tengu warrior.

The Tengu warrior formed by Susanoo’s complete body was immediately cut in half, and the Uchiha clone suddenly did so.

However, the sword that the Uchiha clone controlled the Tengu warrior had just slashed with all his strength had been completed.

With one strike, a huge blue chakra slash appeared instantly. It cut through the layers of the earth like tofu and quickly slashed in a certain direction.

That direction is exactly where the giant purple Tenseigan is.

The giant purple Tenseigan is Toneri’s source of strength, but also his greatest weakness.

This is something that the Uchiha clone has already thought about before entering the moon. The purpose of his coming here as a pioneer is precisely for this giant purple reincarnation eye. He wants to capture it. If he finds that he cannot do it, then Just destroy it.

Anyway, there are two giant reincarnation eyes on the moon, and he only needs one of them.

The giant purple reincarnation eye is guarded by Toneri Otani, so it must be impossible to get it so easily.

This is also true. This Otani Toneri is much more troublesome than imagined. If this person hadn’t intentionally used him for training and had great contempt for him, he might not even have the chance to sneak attack on the giant purple reincarnation eye. No.

Fortunately, he managed to seize the opportunity.

“Damn guy! Do you think you can succeed like this?”

Toneri used the giant purple reincarnation eye to see the huge blue sword light impacting with an unstoppable momentum. He immediately clapped his hands and began to control the giant purple reincarnation eye to use some kind of ability that can absorb chakra.

All his abilities are given by the giant purple reincarnationan. The abilities that he can use when he enters the chakra mode of the reincarnationan can naturally be done by the giant purple reincarnationan, but the latter is unconscious and needs to rely on him to operate.

However, when he successfully controlled the giant purple reincarnation to use the ability to absorb chakra, and successfully absorbed the incoming chakra slash, a sharp blade formed by thunder chakra pierced his chest, and the tip of the sword pierced his chest. Through his heart.

“I just said don’t be too arrogant.”

The voice of the Uchiha clone then appeared behind Toneri.

When Toneri heard this voice, his face suddenly became ferocious, and then he wanted to endure the severe pain and use the repulsive force of the Tenseigan to force the Uchiha clone behind him to fly away.

“How could this happen? My chakra.”

The next moment, an incredible expression appeared on Toneri’s face. He discovered that he could no longer use chakra.

At the same time, the connection between him and the giant purple reincarnated eye was rapidly being interrupted, which made him feel fear in his heart for the first time.

“Did you find that you can’t move chakra? That’s because you have been hit by my sealing technique. You are still too tender and young. You have no strength, but you are so naive and arrogant. Didn’t your elders teach you how to fight a lion against a rabbit? Is it also true to use all your strength?”

The Uchiha clone teased, and then stepped up his speed and used the chakra chains formed by the King Kong Blockade to bind Otani Toneri tighter.

“Uh, you won’t succeed, just die with me.”

Toneri was educated in turn by the Uchiha clone. In addition to his grief and anger, he felt unyielding and said decisively.

If he hadn’t been driven by the responsibility left behind by his tribe, as the last member of the Datongmu tribe on the moon, he would have long ago given up on living. Now, just in time, when foreign enemies invaded, he dragged his enemies to death together, which was considered a worthy death.

Therefore, relying on his own connection with the giant purple reincarnation eye, he decided to remove the self-destruction seal inside the giant purple reincarnation eye.

As long as this seal is released, the giant purple reincarnation eye will immediately explode. With the power contained in the giant purple reincarnation eye, the power is enough to blow up the entire moon.

By then, no matter what the enemy’s purpose is, it will be in vain.

Soon, time passed one second after another.

“Why didn’t you blow yourself up?”

Shiren said in astonishment.

He has obviously released the self-destruction seal in the giant purple reincarnation eye. Why has the giant purple reincarnation eye still not self-destructed after so long?

He wanted to get the answer, but his connection with the giant purple reincarnation eye had been completely severed. His eyes were dark and he could not see anything.

At the same time, where the giant purple reincarnation eye is, a person holding a pair of ultra-high purity white eyes is standing next to the giant purple reincarnation eye, with several blue chakra chains exuding sensual magic chakra fluctuations. It restrained the giant purple Tenseigan and firmly stabilized the chakra that was about to move inside it.

Not far from him, there was a kunai with the mark of the Flying Thunder God engraved on its surface.

“It’s really a critical moment. Fortunately, the space-time channel has been stabilized. Otherwise, the ninja world is as far away as the moon. Even if all the chakra of the Five Tails is used up, it will not be enough to teleport over with the Flying Thunder God Formation.”

The White Zetsu clone saw that the giant purple Tenseigan in front of him had stabilized, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The Uchiha clone fought with Toneri. At the beginning, due to the interference of the time and space channel, Kirito’s body on the earth temporarily lost contact with the Uchiha clone.

Fortunately, Toneri kept fighting with the Uchiha clones, allowing the time and space channel to regain stability. Kirito and the Uchiha clones reconnected through the time and space channel, and then quickly formulated the plan just now.

Let the Uchiha clone himself and the complete Susanoo act as a cover to launch a sneak attack on the giant purple temseigan, forcing Toneri to distract himself from saving the giant purple temseigan, and then let the Uchiha clone activate Izanagi again. People carry out sneak attacks.

At the same time, the White Zetsu clone also came to support along the time and space channel, and quickly approached the giant purple reincarnation eye through the Uchiha clone throwing a kunai engraved with the mark of the Flying Thunder God after releasing the chakra slash. King Kong blocks the suppression of Shoto and the giant purple reincarnationan, breaking the connection between the two.

As a result, both the Otani Tonero and the giant purple Tenseigan fell into his possession.

Tweet: Time travel and the Hinata family is separated, Sarutobi hates him at the beginning, and he has a close friend of Uchiha, a start full of buffs, let’s see how the protagonist changes his destiny~


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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