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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 340 Forced into the Palace

Silence, deathly silence.

The faces of the clan elders present turned very ugly when they heard that the clan leader, Hinata Kazuma, could so confidently say such depressing words.

The word “change” has become taboo in the Hyuga clan a long time ago.

Those who once wanted to implement this word in the Hyuga clan also disappeared from the world one by one.

They never expected that the clan leader, who they thought was as loyal to the Hyuga clan’s ‘rules’ as they were, would actually say this word himself.

Is the person named Hinata Kazuma in front of them really the person they know?

Will it be swapped? It’s a fake.

For a time, many clan elders had this idea in their minds.

However, when a familiar and powerful chakra fluctuation suddenly broke out from Hinata Kazuma, all the clan elders finally no longer doubted the authenticity of Hinata Kazuma, and then their mood became worse and worse.

Of course, they already know something about the reasons for the demise of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon. It is precisely because of this that they are increasingly afraid that the people who separate the family will break the shackles of the caged bird and then liquidate the people of their clan.

After all, their distant relatives have learned from their mistakes.

“Clan leader, you are alarmist. The clan of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon will be divided and eliminated. That is because they are too stupid and give them the opportunity to conspire. It is impossible for us to repeat the same mistake.”

“You are absolutely right. Our clan has many allies in Konoha. It is impossible for people who split up the clan to shake our clan’s position in Konoha.”

“Yes, clan leader, you are worrying too much. The top management of Konoha is still on our side. Our clan was the original representative of the alliance between the Hyuga clan and the Senju clan. Those who separated from the clan cannot get the Qianju clan.” The approval of the Hand Clan.”

After a moment of silence, some stubborn clan elders gradually stood up to refute.

Seeing that these people were still stubborn, Hinata and Ma sneered: “In the world of ninjas, nothing is constant except strength. Don’t you really know that there are already many members of the branch working under Hua Lian? ?”

Who among the powerful ninjas in Konoha doesn’t know that Karei is one of the generals under Tohsaka Kirito. Those members of the branch family working under Karei are equivalent to working under Kirito and being protected by Kirito. .

For this reason, after the safety of themselves and their families has been guaranteed, many ninjas from separate families have begun to lose their respect for the clan, and they are not as active in doing things as before.

Of course, the separated ninjas have always been an exploited class among the Hyuga clan.

Because of the caged bird, they were unable to resist the Zong family and could only silently accept the exploitation from the Zong family. Every time they risked their lives to complete village tasks, most of the rewards they received had to be handed over to the Zong family.

And future generations will continue to face such exploitation.

The end of such a life can be seen at a glance, and the future is dark, which makes people feel despair.

Who can accept this kind of life at the beginning?

Now Tohsaka Kirito almost openly supports Hinata Hana Rei, allowing her to be freed from the constraints and dangers of the Hyuga clan. This simply brings a beam of light to freedom to countless branched ninjas in dark cages.

“Konoha is not a place where Tohsaka Kirito can cover the sky with one hand. Clan leader, it is impossible for him to really fall out with our Hyuga clan because of a Hyuga Rei.”

The senile clan elder said angrily.

“Really? What guarantee do you have? Compared with our Hyuga clan or Uchiha Madara, which one is more powerful?”

Hinata Kazuma turned to look at the old clan elder and asked.

The old clan leader was immediately speechless. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but his throat seemed to be severely blocked by something and he couldn’t say a word.

The same is true for other clan elders. The little confidence they regained by just rebutting is gone.

They can deceive others, but they cannot deceive themselves.

If the Hyuga clan is taken alone, it is a first-rate force in the ninja world. Except for the five major ninja villages, most of the ninja villages in other small countries are not as powerful as them.

It’s just that for a strong man like Uchiha Madara, he alone is a top force.

In terms of strength, the Hyuga clan is still far from being able to compare with them.

“As long as we get the reincarnation eye, we won’t be afraid of Tohsaka Kirito. According to the historical records of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon, the reincarnation eye is no worse than the reincarnation eye.”

Finally, a young clan elder said harshly.

As soon as these words came out, some of the clan elders with gloomy eyes suddenly brightened up, and they all came up with bold ideas.

“Shut up, the Tsangikan belongs to Konoha, not our Hyuga clan. If anyone dares to touch the Tsangikan rashly, I will not forgive him lightly. The Hyuga clan will regard him as a traitor and will fight to the death.”

Hinata and Kazuma yelled loudly when they heard this.

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately opened his eyes and slapped the young clan elder who intended to incite the Hyuga clan to do evil.

The young clan leader is always the elite of the Hyuga clan. The moment Hinata Kazuma opened his Byakugan, he realized the danger and also opened his Byakugan. However, Hinata Kazuma’s Bagua Air Palm was too fast, and he had no time to use it. defense.

In the blink of an eye, the young clan elder was hit by Hinata Kazuma’s Eight Trigrams Air Palm, and then vomited blood and flew backwards.

With just one palm, the young clan leader was seriously injured by Hinata Kazuma, and his breath quickly weakened.

“Clan leader, what are you doing? Even if the gentleman said the wrong thing, you shouldn’t be so harsh.”

“You’ve gone too far, Hema. Not only did you speak for outsiders, but now you also hurt one of your own. Do you still qualify to be the leader of the clan?”

“Hema, although you are the clan leader, you can’t cover the sky with one hand. Do you think we elders are just decorations? If you don’t give us an explanation today, do you think we will still support you as the clan leader, a person who favors outsiders? “

The other clan elders were shocked when they saw Hinata and Ma suddenly hurting someone, and then they said indignantly.

If Hinata Kazuma had moved out Tohsaka Kirito to suppress them before, they could also think that Hinata Kazuma said so because of the situation. But now that Hinata Kazuma is directly attacking one of his own people, the nature is different. .

They could definitely see this as evidence that Hinata and Ma had betrayed them.

Traitors are undoubtedly more hateful than enemies.

In the conference room, a famous clan elder stood up one after another, and then rolled his eyes. Most of them looked at Hinata Kazuma with an unkind expression.

There is no doubt that as long as Hinata Kazuma dares to act rashly again, they will definitely join forces to deal with Hinata Kazuma and let the clan leader see the power of the clan elders.

The reason why they are able to join the elders group of the clan is not just based on their status.

When they were young, which one of them was not an elite jounin? Even if they are now old, their strength has not declined too much because they are proficient in soft fists and their physical fitness is much stronger than that of ordinary ninjas. In addition, they take good care of their bodies.

“Hmph, do you think I really care about being the clan leader? If any of you wants to be the clan leader, I will immediately abdicate in favor of someone else. But remember, whoever becomes the clan leader will be responsible for the life and death of the Hyuga clan to the end.”

Faced with the intimidation of a group of clan elders, Hinata Kazuma spoke without fear and did not make any compromise.

Because of Tohsaka Kirito’s strong rise, he knows better than anyone else how dangerous the Hyuga clan’s current situation is.

If he had only thought that it was possible for Tohsaka Kirito to break the seal of the caged bird before, he was now convinced of it.

Since the Otsutsuki clan on the moon also has clans and branches, there must be a sealing technique like the caged bird hidden on the moon. As long as Tohsaka Kirito gets it, he will definitely not be able to crack it with his sealing technique ability. It would be too difficult.

The caged bird is the core of the Hyuga clan’s internal “unity”. Once this core is gone, the split of the Hyuga clan will definitely be inevitable.

By then, the Hyuga clan’s status in Konoha will definitely plummet, and as a minority of the Hyuga clan, they may have a lower status in Konoha than the majority branch clan.

This is a disaster.

A disaster that the Hyuga clan cannot bear.

Therefore, Hinata Kazuma really did not want to offend Tohsaka Kirito at all.

He believed that someone in the family must have noticed this, but turned a blind eye and still did not intend to make changes. They stood on his side rationally and even opposed him. This really disappointed him.

But he also understood why these people were like this.

It’s just that they are too lazy to change and don’t want to lose their own interests.

When the clan elders saw that Hinata Kazuma’s attitude was so tough and they didn’t even care about the clan leader’s position and rights, their expressions became increasingly ugly. From this, they could see how firm Hinata Kazuma’s determination to ‘change’ was.

However, their determination not to ‘change’ is also very firm.

As those with vested interests, how could they obediently take out the interests in their hands just because of a word from Hinata Kazuma?

For a time, the atmosphere at the scene became more solemn.

The smell of gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger.

A bloody conflict within the Hyuga clan seems inevitable.

At the critical moment, the old clan elder who initially forced Hinata Kazuma to express his stance stood up and intervened: “Ahem, clan leader, and everyone, I think today’s meeting will end here. Regarding the issue of the reincarnated eye, we will all go back. Think about it again.”

The senile elder of the clan is one of the best in the elders’ group. He is also the oldest and has a very high prestige in the elders’ group.

Many clan elders who actually didn’t want to go to war with Hinata Kazuma, the only Kage-level warrior of the Hyuga clan, heard what he said. They got a step up, closed their eyes, and walked away.

The flames of civil war were extinguished.

After a while, only Hinata Kazuma and the senile clan elders were left in the conference room.

When the clan elder was leaving, he said to Hinata Kazuma in a serious voice:

“Kazuma, rules are rules. This is the cornerstone of why our Hyuga clan has been able to exist for thousands of years. You are also a member of the clan. How difficult is it? Do you really not know how big the hatred between our clan and the branch family is?

Once the members of the separated families are no longer restrained, our clan will probably perish like the clan of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon. “

As soon as he finished speaking, without giving Hinata and Ma a chance to refute, he turned into a ball of white smoke and disappeared. It was obvious that the one who came here was just a shadow clone of the clan elder.

“Perish? Maybe this is the fate of the Zong family. Over the past thousands of years, the Zong family has exploited the branch family too much. Even if the original intention of the caged bird was to protect it, it still can’t change it. The Zong family has made the branch family become The slaves have to implement it, and the seeds of hatred have already taken root and sprouted, and towering trees have grown.”

When Hinata and Ma heard this, the determination on their faces gradually turned into frustration, and they muttered to themselves.

How could he not see the price of ‘change’, but as the leader of the clan, he had no choice at all.

In his opinion, taking the initiative to ‘change’ is the best choice. Perhaps the clan can minimize the hatred of the branch family towards the clan and avoid repeating the tragedy of the Otsutsuki clan clan on the moon.


With a deep sigh, Hinata Kazuma slowly left with mixed emotions.

As the clan leader, he still has many things to do next, such as restraining the young clan members from doing irrational things.

The things that Kirito Toita brought back from the moon by opening the space-time channel have seriously affected the future of the Hyuga clan in Konoha. As vested interests, many people in the clan have realized that the danger is coming.

If you don’t want to sit still and wait for death, then seizing control of the giant reincarnation before the people of the separated family will be the last chance for the clan to continue to maintain its transcendent status in Konoha.

However, there is an abyss in front of this opportunity.

. . .

In a newly constructed underground space in the Seal Class Building, a giant eye that glows with yellow light is soaked in a giant glass container containing a green solution.

Around it, a large number of sealing ninjas are working hard. They are arranging a sealing circle capable of isolating and suppressing chakra for this giant eye that is always emitting powerful chakra fluctuations.

Hinata Karei was also here at this time. She did not participate in the construction of the sealing circle. She just kept looking at the huge yellow reincarnation eye in front of her from a distance, with deep longing in her eyes.

Relying on her own Byakugan, whose pupil power is much more powerful than that of the elite members of the clan, she can deeply understand how powerful the giant yellow reincarnation eye in front of her is.

She had a premonition that once she gained the power of the giant yellow reincarnation eye, the cage that had been imprisoning her freedom would be completely broken, and there would be no need for Kirito-sama to take action.

“I really want to continue trying earlier, but no, I have to continue to wait patiently. The people in the Zong family should be more anxious now than me.”

Hua Lian took a deep breath, looked away from the giant yellow reincarnation eye with difficulty, and then said with a smile.

Coupled with her delicate face, her smile at this time was beautiful, but it gave people an unusually cold feeling.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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