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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 351 Miaomu Mountain Team

“Who are you!”

The White Snake Immortal was shocked when he saw this half-white and black creature.

This place of hers can be said to be extremely secretive. After all, this is where she hides and heals.

Therefore, she set up an astonishing sealing array here a long time ago. This sealing array has a powerful concealment and sealing effect. Logically speaking, it is impossible for anyone to notice this place. How is this white and black humanoid creature in front of her? came here.

Furthermore, this weird humanoid creature actually gave her a strong sense of fatality, which was no worse than the nightmarish ninjutsu she had just faced against Uchiha Madara.

She was now seriously injured. In order to survive, all her majestic magical chakra had been used for defense and healing, but now there was not much left.

Because she was making too much noise when swallowing natural energy, she had not absorbed the natural energy from the outside world since she escaped for fear of attracting the enemy’s attention.

Therefore, she is really at the weakest time in her life now, and her fighting power is less than one percent of what she was at her peak.

“Hehehe~, it doesn’t matter who I am.”

Hei Jue continued to grin and said with an evil smile.

Before he finished speaking, several rock thorns sprouted from the rock wall around it and pierced its body.

It was the White Snake Immortal who secretly used his immortal method and inorganic reincarnation to launch a sneak attack on Black Jue.

However, Hei Jue seemed to be completely unharmed. Its body was like a piece of soft mud, and it did not have the weaknesses of normal creatures. It easily broke free from the spikes of the rock thorns, and then quickly appeared on the ground at the edge of the pool against the wall, using A pair of malicious eyes stared at the White Snake Immortal.

The look in Hei Jue’s eyes at this time was extremely familiar to the White Snake Immortal. It was the same look that she had used countless times when she regarded other weak creatures as meat on the chopping board.

Immortal White Snake immediately spat out a mouthful of venom in anger.

The venom turned into countless venom arrows and shot towards Black Zetsu.

Black Jue didn’t have much, he hit it directly, and then his whole body melted and turned into a puddle of pus.

The White Snake Immortal saw Black Jue being killed by her own venom, but she didn’t feel the slightest bit happy. Her wild intuition trained over countless years still told her that the crisis was not over yet.

Without too many reasons, the White Snake Immortal once again activated the art of inorganic reincarnation, turning the rock wall above his head into a passage, and quickly got into it.

The place where she was hiding to heal her wounds has been exposed, and she must seize the time to move.

But not long after she got into the rock wall, a huge chakra hand broke through the rock wall, then accurately grabbed her neck and pulled her out of the ground.

“Got you, snake.”

Uchiha Madara stood in the huge four-armed Tengu warrior head, looking down at the White Snake Sage and said.

After being interfered by a mysterious enemy and causing the White Snake Immortal to run away, he immediately contacted Hei Jue to track the White Snake Immortal. However, Hei Jue refused to accept his request and followed the White Snake Immortal closely, leaving a mark for him to follow. Successfully found the White Snake Immortal again.

This time, no one can help the White Snake Immortal.

A few minutes later, where Uchiha Madara caught White Snake Sage, a faceless man suddenly fell from the sky. It was the puppet controlled by White Zetsu’s clone using his reincarnation eye.

“The aura of the White Snake Sage has disappeared. There is still Uchiha Madara’s chakra here. It seems that he was captured by Uchiha Madara. If this idiot had not been afraid of death and stayed to help me, he wouldn’t have become like this.”

Bai Jue’s clone complained.

This time, Uchiha Madara succeeded after all. White Snake Sage fell into Uchiha Madara’s hands, which would definitely be more uncomfortable than death. He had added another powerful enemy.

At this point, it was useless for him to continue to regret. Uchiha Madara’s attack on White Snake Sage must have been intended to make White Snake Sage into a puppet for use.

In this way, Madara Uchiha is expected to capture powerful psychic beasts in the ninja world next, so he will definitely not let go of Mt. Miaomu and Shiggong Forest.

However, Slug Sage is very special. There is a high probability that Uchiha Madara will not target her first, but will target Mt. Myoboku instead.

“Tell Miaomushan about the Dragon Earth Cave. I hope they can be vigilant.”

Bai Jue’s clone murmured.

The next moment, the chakra fluctuations on the faceless man disappeared, and it turned into an ordinary puppet again.

Ryuji Cave was attacked by a meteorite falling from the sky. Even if Kirito didn’t take the initiative to disclose this matter, he couldn’t hide it from others.

Among the three major holy places, the location of Ryūchi Cave is almost semi-public. Now that it has suffered such a disaster, the news began to spread throughout most of the ninja world in half a day, alarming all the major ninja villages and forces.

For a time, all the major forces sent people to investigate. When they saw the meteorite sinkhole that appeared at the original location of Longdi Cave, they were all shocked.

Miaomu Mountain, in the room where the Great Toad Immortal is.

Fukasaku-sennin and Shima-sennin hurriedly rushed in to see the giant toad-sento who was still dozing off.

At this time, Fukasaku Sennin, who was usually the most disciplined, no longer cared about etiquette. He hurriedly ran to the big toad sage and shouted: “Master, something serious has happened. Please wake up quickly.”

The Great Toad Immortal showed no reaction at all and was still dozing off.

Fukasaku Sennin could only continue shouting.

After shouting for a few minutes, the Great Toad Immortal was still asleep. The Shima Immortal beside him finally couldn’t help it. She formed a seal with her hands, and a huge stream of water spurted out from her mouth, hitting the Great Toad Immortal on the head.

The next moment, the snoring of the Great Toad Immortal who was attacked by cold water suddenly disappeared. His tight eyelids opened slightly, and a terrifying coercion slowly emanated from his hands. When he found out that the one who attacked him was Shima Sennin, this pressure just disappeared.

“Ah~, it’s Fukasaku-chan and Shima-chan. Do you have something urgent?”

The Great Toad Immortal said in a weak and old voice, looking as if he was too old and weak.

If he hadn’t suddenly emitted a terrifying pressure, the two Miaomu Mountain Immortals might have really thought that the old toad in front of them had only a few days left.

“Sir, Longdi Cave is gone, and the whereabouts of Immortal White Snake are unknown.”

Seeing that the big toad sage finally woke up, Fukasaku Sage said quickly.

Of course, a major force in the ninja world such as Mt. Myoboku cannot be unaware of such a major event as the attack on Ryūchi Cave.

In fact, Miaomushan knew about the destruction of Ryūchi Cave faster than many major human forces. This was because the tribesman they sent to monitor near Ryūchi Cave suddenly died, which immediately aroused their suspicion.

So, the two of them heard the news and sent other toads to check the situation. They found that Ryūchi Cave was attacked by meteorites from the sky and turned into a sinkhole. Countless psychic snakes died in Ryūchi Cave, and even the White Snake Immortal was missing. , suspected to have died as well.

When the two of them heard the news, their first reaction was to be very happy. After all, the relationship between Ryuji Cave and Miaomu Mountain was very bad, and they wished that Ryuji Cave would be completely destroyed.

Just thinking about it made them start to get scared.

Natural disasters such as meteorites falling from the sky are certainly terrifying, but with the foundation of Longdi Cave, we can definitely detect the crisis in advance and then resort to means to resolve it. Even if the means cannot completely resolve the meteorite, we will certainly not let the meteorite destroy the nest. .

Now the result is that Longdi Cave, the sacred place for psychic beasts, is completely destroyed, and the whereabouts of the White Snake Immortal, the pillar of Longdi Cave, are even more unknown.

Obviously, a powerful ninja took action against Ryūchi Cave.

As for who took action against Longdi Cave?

They initially suspected Tohsaka Kirito because they knew that Tohsaka Kirito had a grudge with White Snake Sento before. It was not until they received a mysterious letter that they changed their target.

The mysterious letter did not say who attacked Yongdi Cave, but only indicated a location.

They finally found the traces of the White Snake Sage and some clues about the person who attacked her based on the location given in the letter. These clues pointed out that the powerful ninja who attacked the White Snake Sage was Uchiha Madara.

So here comes the question, why did Uchiha Madara attack White Snake Sage?

The two immortals were puzzled by this. Could it be that Madara Uchiha planned to use the art of reincarnation in the dirty earth to summon the White Snake Sage and use it?

The idea was quickly abandoned.

Because they know that although the art of reincarnation in the dirty earth is powerful, it is not powerful enough to summon the White Snake Immortal in full power, and there is even a high probability that the summoning will fail.

There is no other reason. A super giant psychic beast like the White Snake Immortal requires more than a simple human life to channel the spirit.

The sacrifices required would probably be a terrifying amount.

It’s just that if Uchiha Madara didn’t want to use the art of reincarnation to use the White Snake Sage, then what was his purpose in attacking the White Snake Sage?

The two of them couldn’t figure it out, so they had to come over and ask the Great Toad Immortal.

They believed that the Great Toad Sage’s erudition might know Uchiha Madara’s purpose of attacking and killing White Snake Sage.

“The whereabouts of the White Snake guy are unknown. It seems that she was robbed. But who in the current ninja world has the ability to kill her? Please tell me everything you know.”

When the Great Toad Immortal heard that the whereabouts of the White Snake Immortal was unknown, his eyes suddenly opened wide, and his voice finally lost its previous weakness and became louder.

Fukasaku Sennin and Shima Sennin did not dare to neglect, and quickly told everything they knew about the situation.

As the Great Toad Immortal listened, he sat upright involuntarily and his expression gradually became serious.

After the two great immortals finished speaking, he finally let out a long sigh: “Oh~, I didn’t expect White Snake’s final fate to be like this. This time, the new person with the Samsara Eye is an extremely evil person. Xiao Fukaku, Xiao Shima, you must be strict these days. Be careful, that ninja with the Samsara Eye will probably not let us go, Miao Mushan.”

“Yes, sir, but what will be the fate of Immortal White Snake?”

Fukasaku Immortal said respectfully.

The Great Toad Immortal remained silent. He personally didn’t know much about the power of the Samsara Eye, but his prophecy ability had just allowed him to see the fate of the White Snake Immortal.

White Snake Sage’s eyes turned into huge samsara eyes, which shows that he is most likely to become a puppet psychic beast controlled by Uchiha Madara.

The secret cannot be revealed.

Although his prophecy ability is powerful, the price is not small. He needs to pay for his life. This is the price he has not spoken out. Once he speaks out, he will pay even more.

The prophecy he had just made was related to the secret of the Samsara Eye. Once he told it, the price he would pay would probably be unbearable.

Fukasaku Sennin couldn’t help but feel more and more panicked when he saw the giant toad sage was silent.

He knew that this must be some huge secret discovered by the Great Toad Immortal with his prophecy ability. It was impossible to tell them, so he could only warn them in a roundabout way.

From this point of view, Uchiha Madara must be preparing some conspiracy against psychic beasts.

Because of the silence of the big toad immortal, the two immortals also remained silent, and the room fell into silence.

“Sir, you said that we should not interfere in the disputes in the ninja world, but Uchiha Madara is pressing forward step by step. If our Myoboku Mountains continue to remain neutral, we are afraid of misfortune. I think it is time for our Myoboku Mountains to clarify the team. ”

After a long time, Fukasaku Sennin, who had been thinking about countermeasures, expressed his thoughts.

Fukasaku Sennin has just been comparing the strength of Myoboku Mountain and Ryuji Cave. It turns out that although their Myoboku Mountain is stronger than Ryuji Cave, it is not much stronger. If Uchiha Madara takes action against them, there is a high probability that their Myoboku Mountain will be too. Unstoppable.

Even if you block it, you will definitely have to pay a huge price.

The tribesmen who came back told him that the entire Ryūchi Cave had turned into a bottomless meteorite crater. It seems that Uchiha Madara mastered some kind of terrifying ninjutsu, which involved summoning meteorites from outer space.

Their Mt. Myoboku is the same as Ryuji Cave. The location is there and they cannot escape. Once Uchiha Madara uses the same terrifying ninjutsu that he used against Ryuji Cave to deal with Mt. Myoki, it will definitely be a disaster for Mt. Myoki.

He personally was very confident in the strength of the Great Toad Sage, but the fate of the White Snake Sage made him deeply understand that Myoboku Mountain could not stop Uchiha Madara with the Great Toad Sage alone, and they had to seek strong foreign aid.

The ninja world is now in the midst of a huge change, and Miaomu Mountain is destined to be involved in it. They can no longer try to remain neutral and play both sides as they did before.

When the Great Toad Sage heard what Fukasaku Sage said, he fell silent again.

In fact, he personally is not willing to let Miaomushan directly participate in the disputes between humans.

Moreover, the child of destiny he predicted had not yet appeared, so placing a bet so quickly made him feel a little unsure.

It is not easy for Miaomu Mountain to develop to the present. If you bet on the wrong thing, it is really hard to say what will happen in the future. There is a high probability that it will turn from prosperity to decline.

However, the incident in Ryūchi Cave also made him realize that the predictions he had made may have been greatly deviated. They, Miaomu Mountain, could no longer remain aloof as before, as the new sons of the Samsara Eye were persecuting them.

“Oh~, you have to see for yourself. Fate is unpredictable. I can’t see what the fate of Miaomu Mountain will be. But since enemies are coming, we can’t sit still and wait for death.”

The Great Toad Immortal was silent for a while and sighed deeply.

The next moment, he closed his eyes again, and then fell into sleep again in the blink of an eye.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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