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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 358 The pressing pace of war

As Tsunade and others all reached an agreement, new orders began to come from the Hokage’s office. A large number of Konoha ninjas quickly gathered and then quickly left the village in compliance with the orders.

It is naturally difficult to hide such a large-scale ninja mission order from those who are interested. Many people are aware that the village is likely to have some big action next.

Thinking of some of the shocking news that has happened in the world recently, the smell of war gradually spread in Konoha.

Many Konoha villagers are worried about this, but more people don’t feel much because they have long been familiar with war and believe that Lord Hokage can lead them to victory.

At the same time, pieces of news began to spread to the outside world in various secret ways, allowing many people who were always paying attention to the movements of Konoha to quickly understand that Konoha’s terrifying war machine was probably starting to take action again.

Underground at the Konoha Orphanage, in Kirito’s laboratory.

Tsunade and the others had all left, leaving Kirito alone. However, after a few minutes passed, an unexpected figure came back again.

The person who came was wearing a smart and neat kimono and had a pair of very pure white eyes. He was none other than Hinata Kazuma, the leader of the Hyuga clan.

Hinata Kazuma was standing at the door of the laboratory at this time, looking slightly nervous. When he saw no response from the door, he wanted to turn around and leave several times, but in the end he insisted on staying and stood at the door silently waiting.

The ninja world is now facing unprecedented changes, but there is still no accurate answer as to where the Hyuga clan should go.

Nowadays, the Senju clan has regenerated and regained the power of Wood Release. The Uchiha clan has regained its trust and has the Mangekyō Sharingan within. However, the strength of the Hyuga clan remains unchanged and is even facing the crisis of splitting.

There is no doubt that the Hyuga clan, the three major wealthy families in Konoha, has fallen behind. If it continues like this, sooner or later it will be left far behind by Senju and Uchiha, and it will no longer be possible to participate in high-level meetings in Konoha like it is now.

In order to prevent such a bad thing from happening, as the leader of the Hyuga clan, he must stand up bravely and seek the power to change everything.

Unfortunately, the Hyuga clan has been rotten for a long time, and it is not easy to gain the power to change.

And he himself has yet to find the power suitable for the Hyuga clan.

Unlike the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan does not seem to have the ability to evolve. From the time the Byakugan is opened to the death of the ninjas of the Hyuga clan, the ability of the Byakugan is almost unchanged. It is fixed at the stage of opening the eye and cannot go any further.

He originally thought that this was the end of Byakugan, but he didn’t expect that Byakugan would also have the possibility of continuing to evolve.

The reincarnation eye, according to the historical records of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon, is also a kind of ultimate eye technique, and is not inferior to the reincarnation eye, the evolutionary end point of the Sharingan eye of the Uchiha Madara clan.

Obviously, this is the power that Hinata Kazuma has been pursuing so hard to change the fate of the Hyuga clan that continues to decay.

As long as the Hyuga clan obtains the reincarnation eye, then the Hyuga clan no longer needs to worry about the side effects of giving up the caged bird.

Just when Hinata Kazuma was imagining the beautiful scene that would happen after the Hyuga clan gained the power of the reincarnated eye, the door in front slowly opened. Hinata Kazuma quickly came back to his senses and looked nervously at the young man standing behind the door. people.

No matter how wonderful the future of the Hyuga clan he fantasizes about, everything is just a reflection of the moon in the mirror now. Only when the young man in front of him nods and agrees that the Hyuga clan can contact the reincarnated eye can they turn their fantasy into reality. .

“Chief Hema, please come in, don’t continue to stand here.”

Kirito looked at the old man in his sixties and sighed.

He had noticed Hinata Kazuma a long time ago, but he just pretended not to see him. However, the leader of the Hyuga clan insisted on seeing him even after waiting for half an hour. As a junior, there was no way he would not give him any face.

“Kirito-sama, I won’t go in. You must be aware of the reason for my coming. We, the Hyuga clan, have nothing to ask for. We only hope that you can give us a chance. No matter what the outcome, everyone in the Hyuga clan will obey you willingly. Your orders.”

Hearing this, Hinata Kazuma shook his head and said, and then took the initiative to bow to Kirito.

Seeing this, Kirito didn’t stop him or say anything, but his expression was a little uncomfortable.

He knew exactly what Hinata and Ma wanted.

If he really handed over a treasure like the giant reincarnation eye to the Hyuga clan, the entire Hyuga clan would be expected to kowtow to him.

After all, it is a power that can compete with the reincarnation eye, and it can be preserved and spread for a long time. As long as one member of the Hyuga clan in each generation can be recognized by the giant reincarnation eye, it will be difficult for the Hyuga clan to be prosperous.

Of course, the giant reincarnation is a double-edged sword. If you want it to last forever and accept the Hyuga clan, you probably need the Hyuga clan to continuously contribute their Byakugan to it.

“You old man really gave me a problem. Well, I can give the Hyuga clan a chance, but before giving this opportunity, you need to clean up the garbage within the Hyuga clan. I don’t want to hear anyone say it again. I must give an explanation to my outstanding subordinates for treating the separated ninjas as slaves.”

Kirito was silent for a while, looking back and forth between Hinata Kazuma and the floor. He finally decided to give the Hyuga clan a chance based on Hinata Kazuma’s sincerity and the pressure brought by Uchiha Madara.

When facing a powerful enemy, it is correct to unite all available forces.

As for the future, let’s wait until we defeat a powerful enemy.

“Thank you, Kirito-sama, I will definitely let you see a brand new Hyuga clan as quickly as possible.”

After receiving Kirito’s promise, Hinata Kazuma suddenly raised his head and said excitedly.

Kirito didn’t give an answer for a long time, and his heart went cold on the spot, feeling that his plea at the expense of his old face was going to fail this time.

Fortunately, he insisted on not leaving, and finally succeeded in getting Kirito’s promise.

“Then I’ll be waiting for your good news. The power of the giant reincarnation eye is very powerful. If Konoha can get its help, we will have a much easier time dealing with Uchiha Madara. I hope that you, the Hyuga clan, will be able to control it. Let him, but you have to remember, it only takes one chance.”

Kirito nodded.

. . .

The next day, news of the large-scale dispatch of Konoha ninjas has spread rapidly in the ninja world, and it has also had a huge impact on the ninja world.

For example, the battlefield between Iwagakure and Sunagakure in the far northwest of Konoha quickly stopped fighting because of this news.

Because he was worried that another Konoha ninja would come to aid Iwagakure, after receiving the news, Sunagakure’s newly appointed Fourth Kazekage Akisa immediately ordered the people on the front line to withdraw and retreat directly to the Kingdom of Wind.

At this moment, Akasa was pacing back and forth in his Kazekage office, looking quite anxious.

There is no way. Ever since Konoha intervened in the war between Sunagakure and Iwagakure, the advantages Sunagakure gained in the previous war began to disappear rapidly. Although they still managed to gain a certain advantage on the frontal battlefield with the help of a huge puppet army, they could not avoid the constant appearance after all. bad news.

All this is the fault of Konoha. Among the Konoha ninja troops sent by Konoha to aid Sunagakure, there is no monster like Tohsaka Kirito, nor is there an Uchiha ninja like Uchiha Chizuru who masters the Mangekyō Sharingan, but they do. There is Sarutobi Hiruzen, a seasoned shadow-level powerhouse.

What makes people even more angry is that Sarutobi Hiruzen actually awakened the blood inheritance limit of Melting Release, so even though he is over fifty, his strength does not decrease but increases.

And I don’t know if it was because Iwagakure wanted to repay Konoha that Sarutobi Hiruzen output the melting chakra mode on the battlefield, which directly turned him into a puppet killer, rampaging on the battlefield and disrupting the puppet army’s camp. .

In addition, the ninjas of the Senju clan, the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan actually unite together to form an elite force of fifty. The worst in this elite force all have the strength of special jounin, and Each and every one of them also has the damn strengthening curse seal developed by Tohsaka Kirito.

Sarutobi Hiruzen used this elite force to assassinate the puppet masters who controlled the puppet army many times, which directly resulted in the death of hundreds of puppet masters and dealt a heavy blow to the puppet army.

Finally, the strength of ordinary Konoha ninjas should not be underestimated. By comparing the battle loss ratio, it is obvious that the strength of these Konoha ninjas is much stronger than the ninjas of Iwagakure and Sunagakure.

Akasa asked his subordinates to conduct research and analysis, and the answer they came up with was that Konoha’s medical system was very good and had greatly improved in the past.

Obviously, after Konoha changed to a new Hokage, Konoha attached great importance to medical ninjutsu, which resulted in a greatly reduced death rate of Konoha’s injured personnel on the battlefield. This also indirectly greatly improved the strength of Konoha ninjas. Even its ally Iwagakure also So true.

Bad news kept coming from the front line, which made Akisa feel physically and mentally exhausted even though most of her body had been transformed into a puppet.

The only good news is that Uchiha Madara’s support for Sunagakure did not drop at this time. Large amounts of funds were sent to Sunagakure, allowing Sunagakure to have enough money to purchase materials for making puppets.

In addition, there are still ninjas from the ghost organization who can be hired to assist in the battle.

Although the ninjas of the ghost organization are all lone wolves and it is difficult to cooperate with the ninjas of Sunagakure, they are quite good when sent to carry out assassination missions. Several medical hospitals in Konoha were successfully destroyed by them. They even jointly attacked Hiruzen Sarutobi and severely injured him.

“I need more support. Damn it, Konoha suddenly sent out so many people. They must be coming for Sunagakure. They may have discovered that I and Uchiha Madara are colluding. Damn it, Uchiha Madara didn’t He wiped out Kirigakure Village silently, doesn’t he really know how much stimulation this will bring to other ninja villages?”

The anxious-looking Akisa irritably smashed a beautiful clay pot in the office and complained through gritted teeth.

“Be careful when you speak. You should know very well who is responsible for your current strength. If Madara-sama listens to what you just said, you and Sunagakure behind you will probably cease to exist. ”

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in the room.

Chisha’s expression suddenly changed, and then he saw a white-and-black weirdo creeping out of the ground in front of him, looking at him with indifferent eyes.

“Please forgive me, Black Zetsu-sama. There has been too much bad news on the battlefield recently, which has made me a little out of control. I never mean to blame Madara-sama. Sunagakure is still Madara-sama’s best ally.”

Akisa’s expression changed several times, and finally she showed a complimenting gesture and said cautiously.

The shadow of a famous tree.

Uchiha Madara did such a shocking thing as destroying Kirigakure Village. How could he not be afraid of him? Even though Sunagakure and Uchiha Madara were allies, he was very worried about this ally who could also destroy Sunagakure. Tenbrain cramps destroyed Sunagakure as well.

In short, even though Sunagakure and Uchiha Madara are allies, the two sides are no longer equal.

“It’s better to be like this, otherwise, you Sunagakure will have no meaning of existence. That’s all. Seeing that you Sunagakure have made a big contribution to Madara-sama’s successful operation, I will spare you this time. If it doesn’t happen next time If I hear you say something bad about Madara again, I promise to let him hear it.”

Black Zetsu saw Chisha bowing her head in front of him very well and sneered.

“Thank you Black Zetsu-sama. I don’t know what orders you brought from Madara-sama when you came this time. All of us, Sunagakure, will do our best.”

When Akasha heard Hei Jue say this, he felt relieved, and then he spoke more respectfully.

No matter what, Sunagakure must not lose the support of Uchiha Madara now, otherwise Iwagakure and Konoha can destroy Sunagakure without Uchiha Madara taking action.

“You should have got the invitation to the Five Shadows Conference, right?”

Black Zetsu asked.

When Akasa heard this, he suddenly understood the purpose of Black Zetsu’s visit, and said quickly: “Yes, I have received it, and I was about to explain this matter to Madara-sama, when the Fourth Raikage of Kumoyin suddenly convened this meeting. The matter is probably related to the big thing Madara-sama has done.”

“Kumogakure is just a bunch of clowns. If Madara-sama hadn’t been busy with something important to do and couldn’t be separated for the time being, Kirigakure would have been the only ninja village destroyed.”

Black Zetsu sneered, and then stared at Akisa with strange and cold eyes.

Since Uchiha Madara took action to destroy Kirigakure, it basically means that the forces led by Uchiha Madara have officially declared war on the entire ninja world.

Therefore, Hei Zetsu no longer needs to worry too much. They are enemies of the entire ninja world anyway. Before that, it is actually not bad to clean up the guys on their side who may be holding back and leaking secrets.

Seeing Hei Ze like this made Akisa’s scalp numb and his body became cold. He began to realize that Hei Ze’s visit to him this time was not just to ask him to continue to be a tool.

Maybe there are still plans to silence him.

For a moment, Akisa looked at Hei Zetsu with great vigilance, and would immediately take action as soon as he found anything wrong.

But suddenly, the black Zetsu in front of him blurred and turned into Uchiha Madara.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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