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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 362 The Battle between Master and Disciple 1

Orochimaru sensed the danger, immediately stopped, and then quickly retreated. The three-toothed kunai suddenly fell into the water in front of him.

Orochimaru saw that the enemy’s attack was avoided by him, but his expression was not very good, because he knew that he might not be able to run away this time.

He had no choice but to think that the one who stopped him in front was his proud disciple.

He taught him well, but now it became a huge obstacle standing in his way.

I have to say, this is really ironic.

So, he simply stopped and waited quietly for the powerful enemy to attack.

The next moment, a yellow-haired boy slowly jumped out of the water in front of Orochimaru, then stood on the water, stared at Orochimaru with complicated eyes, and sighed softly: “Teacher Orochimaru, you really are not that easy to die. It fell.”

The yellow-haired boy was Minato Namikaze.

This may be an arrangement of fate. He was arranged here in advance to intercept enemies who might appear here, but he never expected that the teacher who appeared would be his teacher who had been ‘dead’ for many days.

But no matter whether his teacher is a human, a ghost, or in other disguises, he cannot let the other person leave alive.

“Long time no see, Minato, you have made progress, and you actually became the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki. It really surprised me, but I don’t know if it’s your luck or your misfortune. With the Nine-Tails, your The Flying Thunder God Technique will no longer have shortcomings, but with the Kyuubi, it will be difficult for you to survive the next ninja war.”

As soon as Minato appeared, Orochimaru immediately sensed the Nine-Tails Chakra in Minato’s body and said in great surprise.

As he spoke, there was a trace of intolerance and pity in his eyes.

Emotionally, he didn’t want Minato to die. After all, Minato was one of the few people he cared about in the world, and he was still the student who passed on his legacy. However, Minato was already the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, and he and Uchiha Madara’s conflict is doomed.

When Orochimaru thought of Uchiha Madara, he couldn’t help but recall the scene where Uchiha Madara summoned meteorites from the sky to hit the earth. Such power was so desperate, intoxicating and enviable.

That is a powerful force that definitely touches the realm of God, and cannot be resisted by ordinary people.

Although Minato mastered the flying thunder god technique, he knew in his heart that this space-time ninjutsu was not invincible. As far as he knew, Uchiha Madara had already mastered the method to target him. If Minato dared to use this ninjutsu to get close to Uchiha Madara, he would die. way.

“Teacher Orochimaru, everyone will die. If I die for the continuation and bright future of Konoha, I will be happy to die.”

Minato was silent for a moment and sighed again.

Then, he closed his eyes and opened them quickly. When he opened them again, there was no longer any complicated emotions in his eyes, only naked cold murderous intention.

The teacher he respected in the past is now a villain who has rebelled against the village and surrendered to the enemy. He has nothing to say to him anymore.

“I see, things like the Will of Fire are really interesting, but you are wrong, Minato. Not everyone will die, so I will not die. I will continue to live. Even if the world is destroyed, I will continue to live.”

Orochimaru was slightly dazed when he heard Minato’s firm words, but his eyes quickly regained consciousness, and then he became colder and sneered.

As someone who had already developed the ninjutsu of immortality, he did not agree with Minato’s words.

Both of them have confirmed each other’s intentions and determination. The paths that originally intersected between master and disciple have completely diverged and are gradually drifting apart.

For a moment, the sunny water was filled with a desolate chill.

On the other side, the Thor puppet that was traveling quickly through the secret passage stopped, turned around and returned quickly.

Now that Minato has successfully intercepted Orochimaru, Kirito has nothing to do with him.

He still has considerable trust in Minato’s strength. With the help of half of the Nine-Tails, Minato can now be said to be unrivaled in the world with the Flying Thunder God Technique. As long as he doesn’t let others catch his fatal weakness, he is invincible. of.

As the Thunder God puppet went away, Orochimaru and Minato took out a kunai almost at the same time, and then suddenly disappeared from the spot.


The next moment, fleeting fireworks appeared on the water. At this moment, both of them relied on their simple physical fitness to reach a level that was difficult for ordinary people to catch, and they started a fierce physical contest on the water.

Most of Minato’s taijutsu were taught by Orochimaru, so Orochimaru was extremely familiar with Minato’s taijutsu attack routines, but he was unable to take any advantage in the battle and was even suppressed.

There was no other reason, Minato’s physical fitness was higher than him in every aspect.

Obviously, after Minato became the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, he made great progress in physical fitness, and his taijutsu alone was enough to become an elite jounin.

Ten seconds later, Orochimaru deliberately sold a flaw and let Minato’s three-tooth kunai successfully stab his heart. Then, as if nothing happened, Orochimaru’s free left hand grabbed Minato’s hand holding the three-tooth kunai, and then his mouth It opened and turned into a bloody mouth, ready to bite off Minato’s entire head.

But at this moment, two long brown snakes shot out from the sleeve of Minato’s other hand, and quickly wrapped around Orochimaru’s head. Then Minato pulled hard, and Orochimaru’s bite was immediately missed, and Minato used his left hand. He made a fist and hit his chin hard.

“Pfft~” sound.

At this time, Orochimaru’s ugly head was blown open by Minato’s punch, and a large amount of blood splashed on Minato.

However, Orochimaru, whose head was blown off, was not dead yet. His hands quickly stretched out and wrapped around Minato’s body like a snake.

Then, a sealing technique appeared in Orochimaru’s stomach, which was the Seal of Four Symbols.

At the same time, a white snake quickly emerged from Orochimaru’s back with a stabbing sound, and left the coverage area of ​​this terrifying S-level seal before the four elephant seals were fully activated.

The Flying Thunder God technique can teleport with other objects.

But in Orochimaru’s eyes, this has become a weakness of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu. For example, what he is doing now is to use his own body to make a suicide bomb on the spot and activate it by entangling Minato.

In this way, even if Minato uses the Flying Thunder God Technique immediately, it will only teleport with his body.

However, this was not his real intention. His real killer move was the Four Elephant Seal, an S-level sealing technique that could interfere with the release of Minato’s Flying Thunder God Technique.

Because the Four Symbols Seal also has the attributes of space and time, once Minato accidentally uses the Flying Thunder God Technique, he might be cut into pieces by the chaotic power of space before he is swallowed by the space distortion black hole formed by the Four Symbols Seal. .

Soon, the Four Symbols Seal was fully activated, and it instantly formed a terrifyingly distorted black hole of time and space, swallowing up everything in its range instantly.

Minato didn’t survive the attack and was swallowed on the spot.

On the other side, the white snake that emerged from Orochimaru’s body opened its mouth, and a new Orochimaru quickly emerged from it. At this time, Orochimaru did not look injured at all.

Likewise, there was no joy on his face.

“As expected of the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, he has so much chakra that it is difficult to distinguish between his real body and his fake body, and his physical fitness is also ridiculously strong.”

Orochimaru turned around and said to Namikaze Minato who was standing behind him at some point.

Minato listened to Orochimaru’s praise without any expression on his face, he just looked at Orochimaru with increasingly fearful eyes.

Fortunately, he didn’t fight Orochimaru with his real body just now, otherwise he would have died a violent death just now.

But thanks to Orochimaru, he quickly understood some of the weaknesses of the Flying Thunder God technique, and realized that even if he had the supplement of Nine-Tails chakra to solve the problem of insufficient chakra, he would still be weak in front of some strong people. There are flaws.

“Hey, yellow-haired brat, hurry up and kill this disgusting guy. Don’t disturb my rest. My chakra is not free. Don’t think that I will keep replenishing chakra for you.”

Suddenly, an impatient, cold voice sounded in Minato’s mind.

It was Yin Jiuwei who spoke out.

It was separated from the complete Nine-Tails by Kirito using the soul sealing technique, and formed a new individual with the Nine-Tails-like soul.

It stands to reason that it is a brand new Kyuubi, and Kirito is its creator, but it has inherited the complete Kyuubi memory and will not be grateful to Kirito in the slightest. It only has deep hatred and strong fear.

Therefore, it hates Minato, who is obviously a subordinate of Kirito, and will never take the initiative to gather chakra to assist Minato in fighting.

“Kyuubi, you should be aware of the Ten-Tails matter. Uchiha Madara plans to capture all of you tailed beasts and have them swallowed by the Ten-Tails, and then dominate the world. Although I don’t know what will happen to you if you are swallowed by the Ten-Tails. , but when you think about it, you know it’s not a good thing.

Orochimaru is Uchiha Madara’s accomplice. If you help me eliminate him, you are actually helping yourself. You should also know this in your heart. Help me. My teacher is not simple. I can’t just rely on the Flying Thunder God Technique. Possibly defeat him. “

When Minato heard the dissatisfied voice of the Yin Kyuubi, he immediately communicated with the Yin Kyuubi in a unique way of thinking between jinchūriki and tailed beasts, trying to reason with the Yin Kyuubi Akatsuki.

Who would have thought that Yin Jiuwei would directly refuse: “Don’t be ridiculous, human beings. Whatever helps you is helping yourself. You humans are actually just the same thing. You only use our tailed beasts as tools. If you want me to help you, don’t even think about it.”

Minato, who was intuitively rejected by the Yin Kyuubi, sighed in his heart, temporarily gave up the idea of ​​asking the Yin Kyuubi to support him, and focused his attention on Orochimaru again.

Since he couldn’t get help from Yin Jiuwei, he would have to fight alone.

The next moment, he bit the index finger of his right hand and quickly wiped the blood on his left palm. Then he quickly made a seal and used his psychic technique to summon a small white-haired toad.

“It seems that we have met a strong enemy, little Minato.”

The white-haired toad Fukasaku Sennin stood on Minato’s left shoulder, smiled slightly, and then stared at Orochimaru not far away.

When Minato was using his psychic technique, Orochimaru was not idle either. He was secretly and quickly absorbing the natural energy in the surrounding air, and then forming a large amount of Senjutsu chakra in his body.

Through the battle just now, he has understood that there is a big gap between the physical quality of his new body and Minato. If he cannot quickly make up for the gap in the next battle, Minato will definitely seize this flaw and attack him. attack.

Therefore, using Immortal Mode is a very good choice.

Fukasaku Sennin could tell at a glance that Orochimaru was secretly preparing Sage Mode. How could it possibly let Orochimaru get his way? A line of water suddenly shot out from his mouth, instantly cutting Orochimaru’s entire body in half.

Water Escape·Water Breaking Wave!


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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