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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 363 The Battle between Master and Disciple (End)

Fukasaku Sennin watched Orochimaru being easily cut in half by his water release ninjutsu, but his face was not happy at all, but became more solemn.

There was no other reason. After all, his attack was a little slower, and Orochimaru still successfully entered Sage Mode.

Sure enough, Orochimaru’s body, which was cut in half, began to change rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, he turned into half man and half snake, and the body that was cut in half turned into two Orochimaru, but his size became a little smaller.

“It’s really thrilling.”

“I almost died.”

The two Orochimaru said one after another, and then they both spit out their long snake heads and stared at Fukasaku Senage and Minato with murderous and greedy eyes.

Then, they merged together like water to form an intact Orochimaru.

Immortal body, this is the ability that Orochimaru had before he entered Sage mode, but when he successfully used Yin Yang Escape to improve the immortal body reincarnation and the Yamata no Jutsu, his ability also evolved.

Now, unless his body and soul are completely destroyed, he is immortal. As long as he is given time, he can be resurrected with full blood even if there is only a little bit of body and soul left.

This is Orochimaru’s confidence. He may have people he can’t beat, but others can’t even think of beating him to death.

“Little Minato, things are getting troublesome. This guy’s perverted regeneration ability has been enhanced again. I’m afraid it won’t be effective against him using conventional means. How about your illusion and sealing techniques?”

Seeing this, Fukasaku Sennin said with an ugly expression.

What about illusions and sealing arts?

When Minato heard this question, his expression fell slightly. His genjutsu can only be said to be average. Although his Yin Escape ability has improved recently due to the acquisition of the Yin Nine Tails, he has never practiced genjutsu at all. Hard work.

As for sealing techniques, his level is quite high. He has already learned very difficult sealing techniques such as Bagua Seal, Five Elements Seal, Four Elephants Seal, and Four Elephants Seal.

But the problem is that his sealing technique is basically handed over to Orochimaru hand in hand. Later, he deliberately learned the sealing technique from Kirito and Kushina. However, he is usually very busy and does not have much time to learn the extremely difficult sealing technique. High skill, so progress is limited.

“Besides illusion and sealing, isn’t there any other way to defeat him?”

Minato smiled bitterly.

“Yes, there is, but it will be very difficult, almost impossible to achieve. Forget it, you are young and want to have a very high level in illusion and sealing. It is really difficult for you. You can’t do that to me. Old lady, please summon her too, and I’ll buy you some time.”

Fukasaku Sennin sighed.

In this world, a versatile person like Tohsaka Kirito who is proficient in Five Elements Escape Technique, Genjutsu, Sealing Technique and Medical Ninjutsu at such a young age is rare in the world. Minato is already the most human he has ever seen. He was one of the top five ninja geniuses, so he couldn’t force himself too much.

As soon as Fukasaku Sage finished speaking, he jumped off Minato, then instantly turned on Sage Mode, spitting out a high-speed water line again from his mouth.

Immortal Technique·Water Release·Water Breaking Waves.

The power and shooting speed of the water release and water break wave that transformed into immortals were even better. Orochimaru barely had time to react before his body was cut in half again by the high-pressure water jet formed by the water break wave.

Orochimaru was indifferent to this, and directly formed a seal with one hand, using the Immortal Technique: Inorganic Reincarnation.

A powerful magical chakra suddenly emerged from his body and spread to the surroundings.

For a time, all inanimate objects within a radius of several hundred meters were infected by his immortal method, inorganic reincarnation, and turned into things that could be controlled by him at will.

The next moment, a huge water snake head appeared from under Fukasaku Sennin, bit him in one bite, and then turned into a huge water ball cage.

Not only that, the water in the water polo cage began to compress, causing the pressure in the water polo cage to increase dramatically. Fukasaku Sennin instantly felt that his body was oppressed by huge pressure, and it was difficult to move. Even his immortal body could not hold it.

Fortunately he is not fighting alone.

When Fukasaku Sage was in trouble, a long frog tongue stabbed Orochimaru like a sharp sword, trying to interrupt Orochimaru’s spell.

The one who took action was none other than Shima Sennin, another senior sage from Mt. Myoboku who had just been summoned by Minato.

At this moment, Orochimaru sensed the danger from Shima Sennin’s frog tongue, and decisively gave up the attack on Fukasaku Sennin, and instead used the immortal method, Water Release, and Water Formation Bi to defend, but he did not expect that Shima Sennin’s frog tongue could easily penetrate it. The solid wall of water pierced deeply into his left shoulder.

In an instant, Orochimaru felt a strong numbness in his left shoulder, and this numbness spread rapidly throughout his body.

“Is it the toad’s toxin?”

Orochimaru’s heart moved, and he decisively cut off the entire left shoulder with a kunai, and also cut off Shima Sennin’s frog tongue.

Shima Sennin suddenly let out a scream and quickly retracted his frog tongue.

Taking the initiative to cut off his left shoulder, Orochimaru lost half of his body. Even though his body was regenerating at a high speed, it was clear that the inorganic reincarnation could no longer be maintained, and his body balance also had problems.

At this time, Orochimaru undoubtedly had a flaw.

The next moment, a flying thunder god mark suddenly appeared on Shima Sennin’s severed tongue, and Minato appeared in front of Orochimaru instantly.

Then, a basketball-sized Rasengan hit Orochimaru hard in the stomach.

Orochimaru’s whole body was immediately knocked out by the Rasengan, and his body rotated at high speed in mid-air.

Dayama Rasengan!

Minato’s Otama Rasengan was very powerful. After Orochimaru was hit, a bloody wound instantly appeared on his abdomen, and he also suffered huge trauma inside his body.

However, Orochimaru, who was so seriously injured, seemed to be fine and immediately stood up from the water, and like Minato, Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage, he opened his mouth and showed a terrifying smile.

Suddenly, a white snake emerged from Orochimaru’s gaping mouth, opened its mouth, and spit out a white ball of light that emitted a terrifying glare.

A terrifying bright light and harsh air vibrations suddenly appeared.

“No, it’s the Immortal Technique of Longdi Cave, White Ji Technique. Hide in the water.”

Fukasaku Sennin instantly realized what this white ball of light was and exclaimed.

But the terror of the White Strike Technique is not only its powerful confinement effect, but also its extremely fast attack speed.

While Fukasaku Sage was talking, he, Minato and Shima Sage were attacked by the White Geki no Jutsu one after another.

The bright light made it impossible for the three of them to open their eyes, the harsh air vibrations paralyzed their bodies, and all kinds of sensory abilities almost completely disappeared.

At the same time, the white snake spit out from Orochimaru’s mouth had already gotten into the water, relying on the lake water to successfully avoid the side effects of the White Geki no Jutsu, and then swam quickly towards Minato.

Although he couldn’t bear it, Minato was now the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki. He had to take down the tailed beast that came to him, otherwise Black Zetsu hiding in the dark would definitely report to Uchiha that he deliberately let Minato go. spot.

By that time, he is likely to suffer a big loss.

“For the sake of teacher’s safety, Minato, just show your Kyuubi to my teacher.”

Orochimaru, who once again transformed into a white snake, looked at Minato who was getting closer and closer with his cold and ruthless golden snake eyes, and the murderous intention in his heart became more and more boiling.

Cutting off the bond between master and disciple is also a choice he must make in order to achieve transcendence in this world.

Soon, the white snake bit one of Minato’s feet, preparing to inject a snake venom that could suppress chakra into Minato’s body.

But at this time, four blue chakra chains suddenly shot out from the bottom of the water and quickly wrapped around the white snake’s body.

The four blue chakra chains were clearly formed by the sealing technique Vajra Seal. As soon as Orochimaru’s incarnation of the White Snake was restrained, the senjutsu chakra in his body was immediately strongly restrained.


Orochimaru was shocked by this plot and subconsciously looked to the bottom of the lake.

Four Minatos were seen quickly emerging from the bottom of the lake. They were obviously all Minato’s shadow clones and had been lurking silently at the bottom of the lake, waiting for an opportunity to cooperate with Minato’s body to launch a fatal blow to Orochimaru.

“Teacher, my arrangements and tricks are pretty good.”

Not long after, one of Minato’s shadow clones spoke to Orochimaru using the telekinesis technique.

“You have grown up, Minato. It seems to me that you are still bound by the old concept that you were seriously lacking in chakra. I did not expect that after solving the chakra problem, you have learned to flexibly use the art of multiple shadow clones in battle. “

Orochimaru heard Minato’s voice transmission and praised without hesitation.

This is how fighting is. No matter how strong you are, as long as the enemy successfully seizes a flaw, you will be overturned by the enemy at any time, just like what happened to him now.

I thought I had a chance to win, but I didn’t expect to be tricked by my own disciple.

“Teacher, you still have the same method of resurrection as last time.”

Minato heard Orochimaru’s praise and the calmness in Orochimaru’s words, and said with a frown.

Orochimaru remained silent, but his golden snake eyes revealed a proud look.

That’s right, he has already prepared a back-up plan to split his soul. Even if his body dies, his spare bodies placed throughout the ninja world will soon be activated, and he can be reborn by then. It takes time and effort to regain all the skills.

When Minato saw this, he immediately knew that Orochimaru must have a back-up plan. He decisively took out a golden sealing talisman from his body, and then attached it to Orochimaru.

As soon as the golden sealing talisman was affixed, a pale golden senjutsu chakra suddenly emanated from it, which surprised Orochimaru, Shima Sage and Fukasaku Sage.

Then, dense sealing techniques covered Orochimaru’s body, and then penetrated deep into his skin, binding all his chakra, and his whole body was also bound.

At this moment, Orochimaru’s entire ability was sealed by this golden sealing talisman.

“Is it the senjutsu sealing talisman made by Tohsaka Kirito? This sealing ability is really powerful. Even my soul has been sealed. Even thinking of committing suicide is a luxury.”

Orochimaru noticed the changes in his body and sighed helplessly.

He already understood Minato’s plan. Since he could continue to be resurrected, he would not be given the chance to be resurrected and his current body would be imprisoned directly.

He had already foreseen that he would face a long life as a prisoner, and maybe he would be used as a test subject by someone for research.

I recommend a good book about beast control seedlings.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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