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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 366 Mutation at the Five Shadows Conference

Chapter 366: Mutation at the Five Shadows Conference

In the Kingdom of Iron, where the Five Shadows Conference was held, a new round of the Five Shadows Conference is underway.

Among the representatives of the five parties, the leaders of Konoha, Sunagakure and Amegakure were very calm at this time and did not participate in the debate. Only Onoki of Iwagakure and the Fourth Raikage of Kumogakure were arguing with red faces.

The reason why the two had a huge conflict here was that Iwagakure learned that Kumogakure had developed a chakra cannon, and then wanted to let Kumogakure share this technology so that the major ninja villages could quickly mobilize resources. Further improve this powerful ninja tool and achieve rapid production.

However, the Chakra Cannon is a secret weapon developed by Kumogakure with countless efforts. Even if other ninja villages are willing to pay Kumogakure a large amount of money as compensation for this, how can the Fourth Raikage agree.

“Kumogakure, when are you still acting so selfish now? It was you who started this Five Kage Conference to discuss the issue of dealing with Uchiha Madara. Why are you so stingy when it’s your turn to contribute to Kumogakure? .

Iwagakure has promised to use a large amount of precious chakra metal to build chakra cannons, and Konoha has also generously provided powerful ninjutsu such as strengthening the curse seal. Shouldn’t you Kumogakure make some show of it? “

Onoki said angrily.

“Shut up, you old boy, do you think I don’t know what you are planning? You have been envious of ninja tools like chakra cannons for a long time. Also, the Earth Kingdom has so much surplus chakra metal, as long as you rock If Yin obtains the technology to make chakra cannons, your military strength can be rapidly improved in a short period of time. How can I let you get your wish? Without the technology, you can only use chakra metal in exchange.”

The Fourth Raikage said very rudely, exposing Ohnoki’s little thoughts on the spot.

Nowadays, the only thing Kumogakure can still get is the chakra cannon, a powerful weapon. If it is handed over so easily, even if the five great ninja villages succeed in defeating Uchiha Madara, Kumogakure will be doomed to decline.

As a Raikage, he cannot ignore the future.

“Huh, Uchiha Madara hasn’t solved it yet. You seem to have thought enough. I want to see if you will regret not sharing this technology when Uchiha Madara wipes out you Kumogakure. .”

Onoki sneered.

To be honest, he does have some selfish motives, but more importantly, he hopes to make the chakra cannon a powerful weapon against Uchiha Madara, snatch Lao Zi from Uchiha Madara and desecrate the body of his teacher, the second generation Tsuchikage Mu. He knew there was no room for relaxation between Iwagakure and Uchiha Madara.

Only when one of them dies can the matter be settled.

Now, how could he not be excited when he saw the hope of dealing with Uchiha Madara from Kumogakure’s chakra cannon.

Just imagine, as long as there are hundreds of weapons that can fire chakra shells that are comparable to the power of the Tailed Beast Jade, no matter how powerful Uchiha Madara is, he would not dare to fight head-on. This is really what can be done against Uchiha Madara Weapons that pose a lethal threat.

However, with Kumogakure’s power, it is obviously impossible to build so many chakra cannons in a short period of time. The raw materials alone are a big problem.

What’s more, Kumogakure’s chakra cannon production technology is still not perfect yet.

Therefore, judging from the current situation, the only way is that Kumogakure can contribute this technology, then gather the power of the five ninja villages, complete the upgrade of chakra cannon technology as quickly as possible, and then manufacture it in large quantities. correct.

But this Yunyin boy doesn’t know how to take the overall situation into consideration, and acts so petty.

“Shut up, I want to destroy you Iwagakure first. I don’t know who was almost beaten into the village by others without other help. Also, some people in this meeting may not be trustworthy. How can I contribute the precious technology of my village?” Come out.”

The Fourth Raikage said in a strange tone.

As soon as these words came out, Onoki, Tsunade and Sanshouyu Hanzo immediately looked at Akasa, the Fourth Kazekage.

“Lord Raikage, what do you mean? If there is no evidence, why don’t you talk nonsense here? Although my situation is a bit difficult now, I am not afraid of you Kumogakure.”

Seeing this, Chisha’s heart sank, and he immediately frowned and said coldly.

Because of Uchiha Madara’s threat, he risked his life to come here to participate in the Five Shadows Conference. But precisely because of this, he had to emphasize that he had nothing to do with Uchiha Madara and could not do anything to slander Sunagakure’s reputation. .

Otherwise, not only would his life be in danger, Sunagakure might also be jointly attacked by the other four ninja villages immediately.

In fact, he tried his best to keep a low profile in the meeting, but he was still targeted by people who wanted to do it.

And judging from the reactions of the leaders of other ninja villages, they indeed lack trust in Sunagakure.

“Okay, Lord Raikage, don’t mention it anymore if it affects the cooperation of the alliance of the five major ninja villages, and don’t go off topic. Your village’s chakra cannon technology is indeed a precious thing that the alliance needs. It can be said that It is an important guarantee for the alliance to quickly improve its strength in a short period of time.

We actually understand your concerns, but the most important thing at the moment is to solve the problem of Uchiha Madara. If we don’t eliminate him, you should understand that we all have no future, right? A ninja village as big as Kirigakure Village, If you say it will be destroyed, it will be destroyed.

If we don’t unite quickly and wait until he digests all the tailed beasts he captured, do you think he will let us have time to continue arguing here? We all have to put aside our prejudices for a moment and try to come together.

I, Konoha, can guarantee that as long as Uchiha Madara is defeated, the tailed beasts will be returned to each ninja village. Even Kirigakure’s Three-Tails and Six-Tails, Konoha will not distribute them. “

Tsunade tapped the table to draw everyone’s attention to her, and said with a frown.

Do not participate in the distribution of tailed beasts!

When Tsunade said this, Onoki, the Fourth Raikage, Akisa and Hanzo all brightened up, and they couldn’t help but admire Tsunade’s boldness.

After all, they all know in their hearts that Konoha must be the one who contributes the most in this ninja alliance. Now that Tsunade has personally said that she will not participate in the distribution of tailed beasts, she has undoubtedly given up most of the benefits of the victory.

When the Fourth Raikage saw that Tsunade, a woman, could show such a bold and generous manner, his face suddenly felt a little hot. If he hadn’t already had a dark face, others might have noticed the shame on his face.

Then, he rolled his eyes and said: “Kumogakure can contribute the chakra cannon technology, but after defeating Madara Uchiha, in addition to getting back the two tails, Kumogakure also needs to get the six tails.”

“You kid is really thinking loudly. Do you think it’s possible to trade one skill for a tailed beast?”

Onoki immediately jumped out to object.

Akasa also wanted to object. After all, Sunagakure’s one tail was still in Konoha. If it was impossible to come back, he could only pay attention to Kirigakure’s two ownerless tailed beasts.

However, Sunagakure has not come up with anything decent to contribute to the Ninja Alliance so far, and he really doesn’t have much confidence to ask for the distribution of tailed beasts.

Hanzo’s mood at the moment was the same as Akisa’s, and he could only remain silent.

As a result, Onoki and the Fourth Raikage began to quarrel again.

Seeing this, Tsunade felt very helpless. Fortunately, after she threw out the huge bait of the tailed beast, the chakra cannon matter finally made some progress.

After a while, the argument between Ohnoki and the Fourth Raikage finally came to an end, with both of them giving in on the issue of tailed beast distribution.

Onoki agreed to Kumogakure’s acquisition of the Six-Tails, but only if Kumogakure must fully disclose the chakra cannon technology and pay a huge sum of money to the major ninja villages.

The Fourth Raikage agreed without much thought. After all, tailed beasts are priceless. As long as Kumokakure can obtain the second and sixth tails after the war, Kumokakure’s combat effectiveness will soon be restored to the level before World War II. .

If the Eight-Tails can be successfully recovered again, Kumogakure’s strength will be even greater.

By then, Kumogakure no longer has to worry about the remaining problems caused by the leakage of chakra cannon technology.

With the Chakra Cannon matter settled, the discussion content of today’s Five Shadow Conference meeting was almost over, and the meeting quickly came to an end.


But just as everyone was about to leave, the Fourth Kazekage Akisa suddenly let out a scream, and then a terrifying chakra wave erupted from him.

Then, dazzling light shot out from Chisha’s body.

In an instant, everyone felt a strong fatal feeling in their hearts.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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