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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 368 Fighting Five Shadows Alone

Chapter 368: Fighting Five Shadows Alone

“Yes, Raikage-sama.”

Kasalan obeyed immediately.

She didn’t want to stay here for a long time. After all, it was too dangerous here. If it weren’t for the protection of the Fourth Raikage, she would have died long ago. But it was precisely because of this that she inherited the life-saving grace of the Fourth Raikage. That’s why he didn’t run away from the battle.

Now that the Fourth Raikage ordered her to leave, she had a reason to leave, and it was not considered ungrateful.

Isaac on the side was a little awkward and did not respond immediately. As a result, he was punched in the face by the Fourth Raikage, who angrily yelled: “Idiot, you will only get in the way if you stay here.”

When Isaac heard what the Fourth Raikage said, he finally stopped insisting and quickly left the battlefield with Kasalan.

Madara didn’t pay attention to the departure of two insignificant bugs, Kasalan and Isaac. He was enjoying the battle with four shadow-level powerhouses: Onoki, Tsunade, Hanzo and Nagato at the same time.

The four of them are all battle-experienced ninjas, and they can coordinate with each other without saying anything.

At this moment, the Yin seal between Tsunade’s eyebrows has been opened, and the majestic chakra accumulated over time bursts out of her body, and a special mark on the back of her hand emits red light, and then a large number of mantras emerge.

These spells quickly scattered around Tsunade, causing some rapid changes in Tsunade’s body. Her originally very fair skin became whiter, her golden hair transformed into silver hair, and her face appeared similar to the first Hokage when he entered Sage Mode. Facebook.

This is the symbol of Tsunade entering Sage mode with the help of the perfect strengthening curse seal given to her by Kirito.

During this period of time, Tsunade has been making progress. In order to share the pressure on Kirito, her good brother, she has been using her shadow clone to handle Hokage’s daily affairs, and she has also been training hard in private.

With Kirito’s great help, she successfully sensed natural energy with the help of the perfect curse seal, and finally succeeded in combining natural energy with chakra to become an immortal.

The only pity is that her immortal mode is not perfect enough and can only be achieved when the strengthening curse seal is turned on, but even so, she is still a true immortal.

And after Tsunade became a sage, a powerful force that had been hidden in her body finally awakened.

This power is exactly the power of Wood Escape.

Tsunade clapped her hands at this moment, and a chakra wave erupted from her body that made Uchiha Madara’s eyes light up.

The next moment, a large number of tree roots grew from the ground and quickly grabbed Uchiha Madara’s Tendo Pain Third Kazekage, Hungry Ghost Pain Third Mizukage, and Hell Path Pain Fourth Mizukage.

Wood Release: The Technique of Silent Killing and Binding!

The three Pains quickly spread out to dodge under Uchiha Madara’s control.

At this time, although Onoki, Hanzo and Nagato were all shocked that Tsunade could use Wood Release, the three of them were keenly aware of the opportunity and decisively used different ninjutsu to cooperate.

Hanzo quickly completed the decryption of the seal with both hands, and three water dragons suddenly appeared from his body and rushed towards the three Pain with claws and teeth.

Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet Technique!

Nagato also formed a seal, and shot out more than a dozen golden chakra chains from his body. They all moved towards the three Pain, and cooperated with Tsunade’s Wood Release Ninjutsu to block the three Pain’s positions.

“good chance!”

Onoki suddenly shouted, and the white transparent cube that had been prepared in his hand suddenly turned into a huge beam of light and shot towards the Third Kazekage of Tendo Payne, who was focused on by Hanzo, Tsunade and Minato.

Dust Escape·Original Realm Peeling Technique!

But at the critical moment, a figure quickly stood in front of the Third Kazekage, it was the Third Mizukage of Hungry Ghost Path Payne.

Onoki and others were overjoyed when they saw this, thinking that the other party had lost their mind.

But their faces soon showed shock, and they saw that the terrifying beam formed by the Dust Release and Original Realm Peeling Technique, which could break down all matter into molecules, was actually absorbed by the thin body of the Third Mizukage.

In just a few seconds, Onoki’s dust escape and original realm peeling technique was unable to continue, and he had to stop.

But at this time, the thin and white-haired third generation water image seemed to have received a lot of nourishment, and he suddenly rejuvenated and quickly turned into a handsome man with long black hair and narrow eyes.

Hungry Ghost Path·Sealing Technique Absorbing Seal!

At the same time, Hanzo’s Water Dragon Bullet Technique and King Kong Blockade were also affected by this technique, and were dissolved into the purest chakra, and then absorbed completely.

Only the tree roots generated by Tsunade’s Wood Release Chakra were not affected by this, but Tendo Payne was not idle. A Shinra Tenzheng destroyed and broke all the large numbers of tree roots that came.

“I’m actually able to resolve my dust escape like this.”

Onoki said with disbelief as he watched the hungry ghost Dao Pain eat the Chen Escape that he was proud of.

Others also showed shocked expressions. This method of resolving ninjutsu had to be said to be a bit tricky.

“Use magic to deal with him.”

Tsunade suddenly shouted.

Onoki, Hanzo, and the Fourth Raikage were all confused and distressed when they heard this.

The power of immortal magic is indeed good, but they don’t know how to do it.

Nagato and Yahiko, who was paddling on the edge of the battlefield, had thoughtful expressions on their faces.

Before others could hesitate, Tsunade’s attack had already come. She quickly completed the decryption with both hands, and a high-speed water line formed by the water release senjutsu chakra ejected from her mouth, slashing at the hungry ghost Dope with a sharp blade. kindness.

Wherever the waterline passed, everything was cut into two sides as quickly as chopping melons and vegetables.

Immortal Technique·Water Release·Water Breaking Wave!

“Interesting, but unfortunately useless to me.”

Tendo Payne laughed, Uchiha Madara’s voice filled with deep pride came out.

The next moment, Tiandao Payne’s attack came. With a wave of his right hand, another terrifying repulsive force appeared.

Shinra Tianzheng!

Tsunade’s Suizanbo was instantly defeated.

Not only that, the power of the Shinra Celestial Conquest used by Tiandao Payne this time was greater than before, and its range was also extremely huge.

In an instant, Tsunade and others felt themselves being hit head-on by a terrifying force, spitting out a large mouthful of blood and flying backwards.

Only Nagato had the protection of the third stage Susan Titan, and he could barely stabilize his figure during the Shinra Tensei released by Tendo Pain, which consumed huge amounts of chakra, but he could only stabilize his figure. It is even more difficult to attack.

At this time, the third generation Mizukage of Hungry Ghost Path Pain and the fourth generation Mizukage of Hell Path Pain arrived, and they also focused on Nagato.

The Third Mizukage appeared in front of the Susana Titan in the blink of an eye, and then pressed his hand on the Susana Titan.

In an instant, a big hole appeared in the Susan giant’s body, and his body collapsed rapidly.

The Fourth Mizukage took the opportunity to rush into the big hole and quickly pressed Nagato’s head with one hand.

He wants to use the ability of the human world to extract souls. As long as his hand successfully touches Nagato’s body, Nagato, the existence that poses the greatest threat to him on the field, will be finished, and he can also seize Nagato’s pair of hands. Mangekyō Sharingan.

Just when the Fourth Mizukage was about to succeed, the pupil pattern in the Mangekyō Sharingan eye in Nagato’s left eye socket began to rotate rapidly.

A space-time black hole suddenly appeared in front of Nagato.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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