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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 37 Development

In two years, Kirito went from an ordinary orphan to a ninja with chuunin strength. He also learned an excellent sealing technique and created his own magnetic escape ninjutsu. This change is undoubtedly very big.

Similarly, Kirito’s friends in the orphanage have also changed a lot in the past two years.

Among them, the one who has changed the most is undoubtedly Yakushi Nonoyu.

He obviously didn’t go to a ninja school, but after Kirito’s teaching at night after school every day and his hard work during the week, he has become a powerful genin who masters the Three Body Jutsu and several water escape ninjutsu, and has excellent chakra control ability. Not a bad talent.

In addition, Nonoyu has grown into an excellent chef and owner after two years of restaurant management.

She integrated various hometown dishes taught by Kirito, and then added local characteristics on this basis, processing them into special dishes that meet the local tastes. She completely opened the signature of Yakushi Gourmet Restaurant and became one of the most popular restaurants in Konoha.

In the past two years, under her management, Pharmacist Food Restaurant has not only expanded its scale, but also opened two additional branches.

Today, Pharmacist Gourmet Restaurant’s daily income is considerable, and it is an important source of funds for the orphanage and Kirito’s biological work.

Pharmacist Nonoyu is a very independent person and is very concerned about the development of the orphanage.

When the orphanage gradually became wealthy, in order to ensure the safety of the orphanage, she took the initiative to propose a plan to hire ninjas to Kirito. By issuing tasks to the village, she hired ninjas to protect the orphanage. She also hired some retired ninjas due to injuries to serve as pharmacists. The guardian of the gourmet restaurant.

Her move to hire disabled ninjas was strongly supported by the third generation, and she was specially used to promote it in the village.

“Who are these people?”

Pharmacist Nonoyu asked Kirito in a low voice.

After all, she has the strength of a genin, and she works in a restaurant and has met all kinds of people. She can tell at a glance that these people who followed Kirito in are not simple.

Kirito didn’t answer, but just made a gesture of putting on a mask.

Pharmacist Nonoyu understood instantly and asked anxiously: “What have you committed?”

Kirito still didn’t answer, but just gave her a small note he had prepared, and then turned around and left Yakushi Gourmet Restaurant.

The ANBU people originally thought that Kirito was going to come here to have a big meal. It happened that they were also greedy and hungry, and wanted to have a good meal here, but before their butts were warmed up, Kirito left. They couldn’t help cursing in their hearts.

They had no choice but to follow and protect Kirito, so they could only follow along in depression.

After Kirito and the ANBU people left, Yakushi Nonoyu quickly opened the small note that Kirito secretly gave her. She immediately understood the cause and effect, and then quickly came to the two disabled middle-aged people in the corner. He said respectfully: “Uncle Yun, Uncle Lei, I need your help.”

Cirrus and Nolei were both civilian jonins in Konoha. They lost one hand due to an injury on the battlefield and could no longer form ninjutsu with both hands. They became disabled ninjas and had to retire.

The two became disabled ninjas. Due to lack of life skills, it was difficult to find a satisfactory job. In addition, the pension was pitifully small. From then on, the family’s life was tight. Until the hiring of the pharmacist Noono U, life began to get better. .

However, even if the two of them became disabled ninjas, they still had the pride of being jounin. And even if they lost one hand, they still relied on taijutsu, some simple ninjutsu that did not require seals, and rich combat experience. He has the strength of an elite chuunin.

The reason why the two accepted the employment of the pharmacist Nonou was because Kirito, a Mito disciple, came forward and promised them a reward that they could not refuse.

“Those people just now were members of the ANBU. Kirito-sama must have encountered some trouble. Ono Nou, just give your orders. For Kirito-sama, the two of us will do our best to help you.”

Cirrus said politely.

Ye Lei nodded to express his support.

The two of them had seen in Kirito the hope of becoming a ninja again, and both had chosen to put their lives in Kirito’s hands.

Now, their family members are all working in Pharmacist Gourmet Center. They have solved their worries and can follow their orders.

“Thank you both.”

Pharmacist Noonoyu expressed his gratitude, and then told the two of them what Kirito left on the note.

. . .

Kirito left Yakushi Gourmet Restaurant and went straight to the Senju Clan’s station.

Kirito has been to the Senju Clan’s territory countless times and is very familiar with the people here.

It’s just that compared to two years ago, the Thousand Hands Clan’s clan is more deserted, and many familiar faces are gone.

The old people who followed the First Hokage to establish Konoha all passed away one after another.

It’s such a huge place, but it’s so popular.

“Squad leader, do we want to go in? In front of us is the land of the Thousand Hands Clan.”

The ANBU ninja following Kirito watched Kirito enter the Senju clan’s territory. A certain ANBU ninja wearing a fox mask asked his squad leader.

“According to the regulations, the clan areas of each clan are managed by ninjas of each clan. ANBU ninjas are not allowed to enter without permission. Besides, the adult is here, and the kid is very safe inside. Let’s stay here for the time being and wait for him to come out. .”

The ANBU squad leader was silent for a moment, then glanced at a female ninja with a snake face who suddenly appeared in front of him and replied.


Upon hearing this, the other ANBU ninjas took orders and dispersed, looking for places to hide.

“I finally got rid of these annoying guys, Master Moohua, thank you very much.”

In the Senju clan, Kirito found that the ANBU people did not continue to follow him. He breathed a sigh of relief, then turned around with a smile and said to the Senju Mooka who suddenly appeared.

“Mito-sama is still resting. You can do what you like for the time being and don’t make any big noise.”

Senju Momo said to Kirito with a cold face.

After saying that, she turned around and left, but when she was about to leave, she specifically said: “Let’s stay here for a while. If you don’t want to, just go find Yun Shou by yourself. He knows what to do. Also, if you have time, , help Mito-sama teach that child.”

Cold-faced and warm-hearted, this is Senju Momoka’s character, Kirito has known it for a long time.

When he heard what Moohua said, he immediately smiled and said to Moohua who had already left quickly: “Yes, Mr. Moohua, please walk slowly, tell Teacher Mito, I will find her later. “

After Momohua left, Kirito went to an unused training ground in the north of the Senju Clan, and then began to perform physical training on his own. First, he put on weights and ran a hundred laps around the entire training ground. warm up.

When Kirito finished his warm-up exercises, a white-eyed man wearing training clothes suddenly appeared on the training ground.

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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