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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 38 Open Gundam

“Teacher Shan, I have kept you waiting for a long time.”

When Kirito saw this man with white eyes, he immediately walked forward quickly, saluted, and said with a smile.

Hinata-san, the Jonin of the Hyuga branch, is Kirito’s Taijutsu teacher.

In the past two years, Kirito has been training in physical skills under the other party’s guidance. The physical skill he learned is of course Rouquan.

Hyuga-san’s ability to be Kirito’s taijutsu teacher was certainly due to the transactions between the Senju clan and the Hyuga clan.

The reason is that after the incident of Naoki’s early graduation occurred, Kirito learned that he had received the same resource allocation as Naoki, so he shamelessly told Mito that he wanted to learn Konoha’s best taijutsu, and then the next day Hinata Mt. He was sent by the Hyuga clan to teach Kirito the soft fist.

In exchange, a female member of the Hyuga clan became Kirito’s junior sister and came to Mito to learn the sealing technique with Kirito Naoki.

“let’s start.”

Hinatayama said coldly.

As he spoke, he opened his Byakugan and made a soft fist gesture towards Kirito.

When Kirito saw this, he immediately put on the same soft fist stance, and then used all his strength to use soft fists on Hinata-san.

The two only engaged in the most basic soft fist sparring, with Kirito responsible for attacking and Hinatayama responsible for defending.

The soft fists used by the two men were all simple and unpretentious.

However, the attack and defense speed of the two was so fast that ordinary chunin looked down upon their attacks. Moreover, their gestures were so powerful and heavy that every time they collided, a sonic boom would erupt and a wave of energy would erupt.

Gradually, both of their hands were covered with blue chakra, and their offense and defense had been reversed.

Kirito struggled to parry under Hyugayama’s stormy attack, without even a chance to counterattack.

Finally, a chakra point on Kirito’s body was accidentally hit by Hyugayama. There was a flaw in his movements, and he was immediately slapped away by Hinatayama’s palm, ending the soft fist training.

“Teacher Shan, how much of your soft fist strength did you use this time to fight me?”

Kirito stood up from the ground with bared teeth, rubbed the chest that had just been hit, and asked.

“Fifty percent.”

Hyugayama stepped forward, used palm sensu to heal Kirito’s wounds, and replied coldly.

“It’s still 50%. It seems that my soft boxing has not improved much recently.”

Kirito scratched his head in frustration.

“Give up. Although your foundation of Rou Quan is very solid, and your strength and speed are also very good, without Byakugan and subsequent training methods, you will not be able to exert the true power of Rou Quan,”

Seeing this, Hyugayama not only did not encourage him, but instead discouraged him.

“If you can’t use it, you can’t use it. Anyway, I won’t just rely on soft boxing to fight the enemy in the future, but I will not give up soft boxing. Soft boxing is an excellent physical skill, and it is also very useful for improving my strength. Teacher Shan, look at me, I have successfully opened all the chakra points on my arm.”

Kirito shrugged and said nonchalantly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he showed off his latest soft fist training success to Hinata Shan on the spot.

The next moment, a stream of chakra seeped out from the chakra acupuncture point on Kirito’s right arm, and then under the control of his excellent chakra control power, a chakra armguard made of highly condensed and materialized chakra appeared. On Kirito’s arm.


This chakra arm guard was very rough and not exquisite at all, but Kirito poked it hard with a kunai, but it was unable to break the defense and made a sound of metal collision.

Then, he punched the ground hard.

“Bang~” sound.

A large crater full of cracks instantly appeared on the ground.

“The defense power is good, and it has a good strengthening effect on strength. Unfortunately, the chakra condensation method I currently master is just mediocre and cannot form a stronger chakra hard block. It is not as good as the defense power and strength enhancement range will be further improved.”

Kirito looked at Hinata-san, who had a slightly shocked expression on his face, and said with a proud smile.

By practicing soft fists, opening the chakra acupuncture points all over the body, and then relying on the excellent chakra condensation method to materialize the chakra, the whole body is finally covered with a chakra armor with amazing defensive power and excellent increase in strength and speed.

This is the direction of Kirito’s development of Soft Fist after learning Soft Fist. Of course, the inspiration came from Uchiha’s Susanoo, and his ultimate goal is naturally to drive a Gundam.

Unlike Uchihas who rely on the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan to drive Gundam. If you use it too much, your eyes will go blind. To drive Gundam, he only needs to open the chakra points all over his body, have enough chakra, and have an excellent chakra condensation method. As well as excellent chakra control, these conditions are sufficient.

Hinata-san was very surprised and ashamed when he heard what Kirito said.

I was surprised that Kirito’s chakra control and Soft Fist development had reached such an extent. I was ashamed that Kirito revealed the new Soft Fist technique he developed so openly, but he never used Soft Fist. I will tell Kirito about the various subsequent training methods.

Of course, it’s not that he doesn’t want to tell Kirito the advanced knowledge of Rou Fist, but that he doesn’t have the qualifications.

Only those from the Zong family are qualified to teach Kirito the follow-up training methods of Soft Boxing, such as the Thirty-two Bagua Palms, the Sixty-Four Palms, One Body Strike, and Bagua Kong Palm. It is impossible for a branch of his family to teach Kirito directly. Even if he has figured out some of the tricks on his own.

After two years of getting along, Hinatayama was very satisfied with the talent of his cheap disciple. Even though he didn’t have supercilious eyes, he still had a good eye, was extremely smart, and had excellent learning ability.

Teach him the basic combos of Rou Quan. He learns them once, closes his eyes and remembers them, and the second time he learns them well.

Two years have passed, and under his watch, Kirito has laid the foundation of Soft Fist very solidly. Until now, it has reached the point where it is difficult to continue to improve, and he has to develop new Soft Fist moves on his own.

In terms of the basics of Rou Fist, Hyugayama believed that no one in the Hyuga clan could compare to Kirito, not even the heir to the clan he was also teaching.

A foreigner learned Rou Quan better than the heir of the Hyuga clan, and he surpassed him after only two years of learning. Now he has independently developed a new application of Rou Quan. This talent can no longer be described as a genius, but as a monster. more suitable.

“If he is a member of the clan, the Hyuga clan will definitely rise in Konoha.”

Hinata Shan was filled with regret.

But soon he abandoned this stupid idea.

Because if Kirito was a member of the Zong family, it would be impossible for him to create a new style of Rou Fist like this, and he would have been imprisoned by the stubborn and conservative thinking of the Zong family.

“Don’t bring out such crude things in the future. Rou Quan is not used like this. Today’s training ends here.”

Hinatayama continued to speak indifferently.

He is a separated person and cannot control his own destiny, so he can only use this method to avoid and protect Kirito’s kindness.

Kirito had better not get too close to him, a member of the branch family, otherwise he might be misunderstood by the clan members.

“Yes, yes, I know, Teacher Shan, now, this is for you. This is not for you, it is for Hua Lian. When you go back, please help me transfer it to her. She gave me some classes that I missed today. He showed me his class notes. This is a thank you gift. There are some delicious food in it. You can eat some. By the way, let me tell you, Hua Lian performed extremely well in the practical class today. The guy got knocked down.”

When Kirito saw Hinata-san was about to leave, he immediately stopped him, then handed him a psychic card and explained with a smile.

Hinata Karei is Hyugayama’s youngest daughter.

When Hinata Shan heard Kirito talking about Hana Rei, his cold heart suddenly trembled. He took a deep look at Kirito, took the psychic card silently, and then immediately left using the teleportation technique.

Kirito used his perception ability, and after confirming that Hinata had left, he suddenly slapped a wooden stake in front of him in the air.

The next moment, a high-density chakra block was instantly released from his palm, and then a powerful shock wave was generated. The wooden pile more than ten meters away was immediately knocked out and fell into pieces.

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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