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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 39 Uzumaki Kushina

In two years, Kirito trained his basic soft fist skills to the point where it is now difficult for him to continue to improve.

In fact, the attribute panel shows that his Soft Fist reached level 3 more than half a year ago, and then it remained unchanged for a long time.

Under such circumstances, it is not difficult for Kirito to figure out that he has reached the end of his soft fist training. Even if there is still room for improvement, it is not much. If he wants to go further, he must obtain advanced knowledge of soft fist. That is, he must be like Hyuga Neji. Also developed soft boxing moves based on basic soft boxing.

He doesn’t have Byakugan. It’s impossible for him to learn the acupoint-pointing moves like Bagua Thirty-Two Palms and Sixty-Four Palms that work with Byakugan. Instead, he uses Bagua Kongzhang and Kaitian to open chakra acupuncture points and release chakra to attack. Moves, he can learn.

Therefore, he developed the Soft Fist Susanoo.

Of course, he can develop the Soft Fist and Susanoo, and moves like Bagua Kong Palm are of course not a problem.

Because of this, his soft boxing finally made a new breakthrough a month ago, rising from 3 to 4.

Also, in the process of learning Rou Fist, Kirito discovered that his chakra gradually changed. That is, the chakra in his body was more concentrated and denser than before, so that he could hit the soft fist casually. The punch is getting stronger and stronger.

It can be seen that the Hyuga clan’s soft fist is indeed unique. It not only has an excellent effect on opening chakra acupuncture points, but can also continuously strengthen one’s own chakra.

No wonder Otsutsuki Kaguya still likes to use Taijutsu such as soft fist to attack in the later period.

After Kirito finished practicing Taijutsu, he continued to practice Ninjutsu on the training ground for a while, released the Ninjutsu he had mastered one by one, and then left.

In the past two years, he had not learned many new ninjutsu.

There are Thunder Release: Earth Walk, Thunder Release: Thunder Clone, and Thunder Release: Thunder Binding.

There are Yin Escape, Mind Reading Technique and Illusion Technique, Naraku See Technique.

In addition, he also successfully cultivated Water Release Chakra, a new chakra property, and learned Water Release: Water Formation Wall, Water Release: Mist Hidden Technique, Water Release: Water Body Technique, and Water Release: Water Whip .

As for sealing techniques, there are many.

The sealing techniques that Kirito currently masters include: One Series Lamp Array, Three-Way Seal, Four-Elephant Seal, Four-Elephant Seal, Bagua Seal, Evil-Sealing Seal, Fire-Sealing Seal, Water-Sealing Seal, Thunder-Sealing Seal, Earth-Sealing Seal, Wind-Sealing Dharma seal, five-element seal, contract seal, five-seal barrier, and four-purple flame array.

. . .

When Kirito left the training ground, it was already the afternoon when the ninja school was over. This time was when Mito would wake up and move around almost every day.

Because the rope tree will be home soon.

Kirito slowly came to Nawaki’s house. When he saw Momoka still guarding the door of Mito’s room, he turned around and walked around the yard. Then he saw a girl with long red hair in the yard. , she was covering her nose and looking at him with disgust.

“Hey, Kushina, how have you been lately? Is there anything you don’t understand about the sealing technique? You can ask me, senior brother.”

When Kirito saw the red-haired girl, he immediately stepped forward with a smile.

Uzumaki Kushina, like him, is eight years old this year. She was brought back from nowhere by the Konoha ninja not long ago, and is now his junior sister.

There were only a handful of times when the two met, including this time, it was only twice.

Because Kirito started training half a year ago, he was sent to the sealing class by Mito for internship a year ago, and he was promoted to team leader half a year later, and then he officially started training, so he no longer had to come to Mito to study every day.

Of course, Kirito would visit Mito at least twice a week to talk to her.

Uzumaki Kushina was the one he bumped into when he came to visit Mito last week.

The Kingdom of Whirlpool was destroyed long ago. It happened shortly after the end of the First World War. At that time, it was jointly attacked by the four major countries of Wind, Earth, Water and Thunder.

Konoha had just finished a war at that time. The second generation Hokage died, the Senju clan’s vitality was severely damaged, and the power of the Hokage fell. The third generation came to power in a hurry, was internally unstable, and was unable to unite the forces of all clans.

Moreover, there was a serious feeling of war weariness in the entire Konoha. They really had no time to take care of themselves. In the end, they had no choice but to watch the ally of the Country of Whirlpool being destroyed by the four major powers. At most, they helped the survivors of the Country of Whirlpool to move to the Country of Fire.

Since then, the Uzumaki clan has been torn apart and scattered throughout the ninja world.

Uzumaki Kushina’s current identity belongs to one of the remnants of the Uzumaki Country who migrated to the Fire Country, and is protected by Konoha.

Not surprisingly, she will be the next Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki after Uzumaki Mito.

“Go away, don’t come here!!!”

Kushina yelled as she quickly backed away when she saw others approaching.

But the next moment, she immediately covered her mouth and looked guiltily in the direction of Mito’s room. When she found Mooka staring at her, she quickly lowered her head.

“Shh~, don’t be so loud.”

Kirito raised his index finger to his mouth and whispered.


Seeing this, Kushina snorted coldly, her eyes still containing disgust and deep vigilance.

Kirito understood Kushina’s bad attitude.

After all, anyone who knows that he will become the container of a terrifying tailed beast like Kyuubi will lose his freedom in the future, be treated unfairly by others, and even be exposed to various dangers, will probably feel uncomfortable.

Now the other party hates Konoha in his heart and hates him as a Konoha ninja. That is understandable.

Now in the entire Konoha, only Uzumaki Mito, the princess of the Uzumaki clan, can gain Kushina’s trust.

Therefore, Kirito did not take Kushina’s bad attitude to heart, and just smiled and said: “Sorry, sorry, I just finished practicing Taijutsu, I’m going to take a shower, Mito-sensei will probably be there for some time.” Wake up, if you have any questions about the sealing technique, you can come to me.”

After saying that, he slapped his right hand on the ground.

A large number of sealing techniques formed by chakra appeared on the ground, quickly forming an extremely complex and huge sealing circle.

Sealing Technique·Quadruple Light Array!

Completed in five seconds.

After showing off his hand in front of Kushina, Kirito turned around and left calmly to take a shower.

When Kirito left, Kushina immediately stared at the sealing circle that appeared on the ground with wide eyes, her big bright eyes showing shock.

Although the Uzumaki clan is divided into pieces, some inheritances are still preserved, such as the sealing technique that they are best at.

Kushina is a well-known sealing genius in the clan, and her own chakra is very special, possessing the properties of sealing, and her sealing talent is excellent.

Therefore, in terms of sealing techniques, although Kushina is only 8 years old, she already has considerable attainments and is very arrogant, especially when it comes to sealing techniques.

The reason why she hated Kirito before was that, on the one hand, Kirito was a Konoha ninja, and on the other hand, Kirito was so bold that he even said that he wanted to teach her the sealing technique. This was undoubtedly looking down on her.

The sealing technique was the last pride in her heart. Now that even this pride was being trampled on, how could she not be angry, how could she not hate Kirito.

But now, she is no longer angry with Kirito.

Because Kirito is indeed qualified to give her guidance on sealing techniques.

The other party had no ill intentions towards her.

She didn’t even have the ability to completely reproduce the complex and huge sealing formation in front of her, let alone being able to complete it so quickly.

While Kushina was staring blankly at the four-layered light array on the ground, Mito was already standing at the door of the room at some point. She looked at Kushina’s appearance with a smile on her face.

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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