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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 40 The corpses are sealed away

After Kirito took a shower, changed his clothes and came out of the guest room, he saw a dozen rope trees in the living room, covering their heads and thinking hard about a sealing technique, unable to start.

Although Naoshu doesn’t like sealing techniques, his practice of sealing techniques never ends for a day.

It has to be said that hard work can make up for weakness.

After two years of training, Roe Tree divided into more than ten shadow clones to learn together every day. The sealing technique has also improved. He can barely use the sealing technique and the first series of light arrays. He also has the knowledge of many sealing techniques. Detailed understanding.

“Kirito, you’re here just in time. Come and help me quickly. This question is driving me crazy.”

“You finally figured it out. How to solve this problem? The formula you taught me last time doesn’t match.”

“Ahhhhh, I can’t stand it anymore.”

When more than a dozen rope trees saw Kirito appearing, they all looked at Kirito and shouted for help.

Kirito turned a blind eye to this, and used his agility to avoid the sneak attacks of multiple rope trees, and quickly came to the yard.

Seeing Kirito entering the yard, Nashu didn’t dare to continue chasing him. He stepped back reluctantly and continued to look at the sealing technique on the paper with a sad look on his face.

After walking through the yard, Kirito came to the house where Mito usually rested.

At this time, the door had been opened, and Kirito saw Mito teaching Kushina the sealing technique from a distance.

Compared with two years ago, Mito is no longer young and beautiful, and has returned to her current appearance. She is a kind-hearted old woman. Most of her originally beautiful long red hair has now turned into silver threads.

However, the Yin seal mark between her eyebrows is still there.

Under Kirito’s perception, Mito’s chakra not only did not weaken, but became stronger. However, the chakra that was originally full of sunshine now had a cold and evil feeling.

There was no doubt that that was the sign that the Kyuubi’s chakra was beginning to leak.

“Mr. Mito, I’m here.”

Kirito came to the door, greeted Mito politely, and said with a smile.

“Here, sit down and take a look at this.”

Mito smiled at Kirito and handed him a scroll.

Kirito walked into the room, took the scroll handed over by Mito with both hands, then winked at Kushina who peeked over, and then slowly opened the scroll.

As soon as he saw the content on the scroll, his expression suddenly became solemn.

What was recorded on the scroll was a sealing technique that he had never learned before. It was called the Seal of Ghosts.

This is a very powerful sealing technique, reaching S level, and it is also a rare offensive sealing technique. He summons the God of Death, and then seals the enemy’s soul into the God of Death at the expense of his own soul, achieving the effect of dying with the enemy. .

With Kirito’s current level of sealing skills, he can naturally understand how to perform this sealing technique. If you give him some time, learning it won’t be a problem.

But even if he learns it, he won’t be able to use it for the time being because he doesn’t have enough chakra.

The conditions for releasing this sealing technique not only require the sacrifice of one’s own soul, but also chakra of at least the Jonin level.

“How’s it going? Do you understand?”

Mito asked, noticing the expression on Kirito’s face.

“You can understand it. It will probably take a week to learn.”

Kirito answered honestly.

“Since you understand, I’ll give you a homework. Develop a soul-summoning ninjutsu based on this sealing technique. The time limit is before dinner.”

Mito nodded with satisfaction, and then immediately gave Kirito a long-awaited assignment.


When Kirito heard Mito’s words, he immediately understood Mito’s intention and said excitedly.

This ghoul seal has its own spells on how to sacrifice souls. He only needs to take out these spells and add some general spells, and he will soon be able to create a simple ninjutsu to summon souls. , this is not too difficult for him.

As for why Mito asked him to do what he did, it was obvious that Mito already knew the conditions for learning the art of spiritual transformation between him and the third generation, and Mito did have a way to detect the soul’s qualifications.

Kirito had no doubt about this.

After all, the Uzumaki clan has even developed S-class soul sealing techniques such as sealing off corpses. It is impossible to say that they have not conducted in-depth research on souls.

He only needs to complete the soul-summoning ninjutsu now, and then he can let Mito test his soul qualification.

Without further ado, he immediately took out a channeling card, used the art of channeling and releasing to take out a blank scroll and pen and ink inside, and then began to quickly write down some spells on the paper.

Kushina on the side couldn’t help but look at it secretly, and found that Kirito wrote the spell on the paper without looking at the spell on the scroll. She immediately cursed: “It depends on how capable you are, you only read the spell on the scroll.” If you use the sealing technique once, I don’t believe you can successfully create a new ninjutsu without looking at the above technique.”

The sealing technique is a very strict ninjutsu. As long as one spell is written incorrectly, it will be impossible to activate it successfully.


A scroll hit Kushina hard on the head.

Kushina immediately covered her head, quickly looked away from Kirito, and then continued to listen intently to Mito’s explanation of the sealing technique.

Kirito’s presence was too high. Kirito was the only male in the room, and he was a sealing genius who was much better than herself. Kushina couldn’t help but secretly visit Kirito to see if Kirito succeeded. .

As a result, only about ten minutes had passed when she heard Kirito say: “It’s finished, Mr. Mito, please take a look.”

Kushina immediately looked over to Kirito, just in time to see Kirito using his hand to follow the center of a spell array formed by many spells on the paper. With the injection of chakra, the entire spell array suddenly lit up. stand up.

The next moment, she saw a pure white Kirito floating out of Kirito’s body.

“Is this a success?”

Kushina looked at the pure white Kirito and was extremely shocked.

She was right, that pure white Kirito was undoubtedly Kirito’s soul.

“Is this the feeling of an out-of-body experience? My vision is normal and my perception is sharper than usual. I just feel a little cold.”

Kirito looked at his body lying motionless on the ground, then looked at his current appearance, closed his eyes, and carefully experienced the changes that had occurred in his current soul state.

Meanwhile, Mito looked carefully at Kirito’s soul.

Soon, her eyes showed surprise, because she saw Kirito walking around the room in his soul state, and his soul showed no sign of disintegration and remained extremely solid.

“What an amazing soul power. This disciple of mine is really a monster.”

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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