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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 45 Please believe me

“This is what you are doing?”

Kirito looked at the four ANBU ninjas who suddenly appeared in front of him, without panicking, and said doubtfully.

“Mr. Kirito, which one here is your true body?”

An ANBU kunoichi wearing a cat mask immediately asked.

“I see.”

When Kirito heard this question, he suddenly understood.

Obviously, these ANBU ninjas who had been following him secretly did not intend to allocate manpower to protect his shadow clones.

He replied generously: “It’s me. I’m going to work in the medical class later. Of course I have to use the main body.”

The four ANBU looked at Kirito in silence, and did not choose to let Kirito and his shadow clone leave.

“It seems that these ANBU ninjas are quite cautious in their behavior. Yes, with these people following us, safety issues are well guaranteed.”

When Kirito saw that the four ANBU ninjas did not believe him, he was not angry but happy.

But he didn’t foolishly use some kind of ninjutsu that consumes a lot of chakra just to prove that he was the true form.

He is now being stared at by someone who wants to kill him, and he has just used the Shadow Clone Technique to create three shadow clones. There is not much chakra left in his body. He cannot waste any more chakra and put the chakra in his body at risk. So he said coldly: “Believe it or not.”

After saying that, he continued to move forward, and the three shadow clones also began to act separately.

Seeing this, the four ANBU ninjas looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment.

They were ordered to follow and protect Kirito, but they were not ordered to take action against him.

It wasn’t until a kunai suddenly fell at the feet of Kirito’s body that the four ANBU ninjas reacted and immediately chose to take action to stop Kirito and his three shadow clones.

But just when they wanted to move, they found that they couldn’t move.

At this moment, they were shocked to find that a complex sealing circle suddenly appeared under their feet, and they could only watch as they were quickly knocked unconscious by Kirito’s three shadow clones.

Sealing Technique: Double Light Array.

Completed in one second.

“Please don’t be rough with me. Why are you following me? I understand. I also know that I am not safe now, so I will cooperate with you. In return, please believe me. This is my true identity.”

Kirito raised his head and said to a white-haired ANBU ninja standing on a tree in front of him.

This ANBU ninja was the one who just threw the kunai at his feet.

From the amount of chakra he sensed in the opponent’s body, he could tell that the opponent was probably a jounin.

“Sorry, the mission requires it, but from now on, we will believe you.”

The white-haired ANBU ninja said politely after hearing Kirito’s words.

You’re welcome, he originally despised Kirito because he was still an eight-year-old child, but the sealing technique that he completed instantly with just one hand was really amazing.

He was well aware of the strength of his four subordinates. Although they were not jounin yet, each of them was an elite chuunin, and they were among the best. But even so, they were still instantly restrained by Kirito using an unknown sealing technique. , eventually lying on the ground.

If Kirito is willing, his four men have already gone to the Pure Land to report.

Kill four elite chunin instantly.

It had to be said that the strength displayed by Kirito really shocked him, making him extremely fearful at the moment.

Does such amazing strength really need protection?

As long as the person who comes is not a jounin, he is probably just here to deliver food. Even if he is a jounin, if he accidentally gets hit by the sealing technique just now, he might just be killed instantly.

For example, he didn’t realize when Kirito used that unknown sealing technique just now.

If he had been careless and underestimated the enemy because of Kirito’s young age, there would have been one more person lying on the ground in disgrace.

“A pleasure to work with.”

Kirito said with a smile, then looked in two directions, blinked intriguingly, and then continued on his way.

At the same time, the people in another ANBU team directly under the Hokage and a certain ANBU team at the root were shocked, realizing that Kirito had discovered them a long time ago.

“I didn’t expect his perception to be so strong. He is really a scary kid.”

The white-haired ANBU ninja jumped up from the tree, woke up his fallen teammates, then looked at Kirito’s leaving back and sighed.

. . .

On the other side, in the border area between the Country of Fire and the Country of Rivers, patrol teams consisting of four people patrolled the border carefully.

The work of patrolling is boring and hard, but every Konoha ninja dare not relax.

Because Konoha is fighting against the Suna Ninja, the Suna Ninja may appear on the border at any time.

Jiu Qilong is a team leader who leads the patrol and is a special Jonin. He has been on this border for almost two years and has encountered dozens of battles with Suna Ninja here.

Because he has a good sense of ninjutsu, plus his strength and luck, the people under his command have changed three times, and other familiar team leaders have also changed several times. He is still tenaciously alive.

On this day, as always, he activated his perception ninjutsu every ten minutes to detect the situation within a few hundred meters.

After he confirmed that there were no enemies nearby, he made a gesture to let his shadow clone and his men lurking nearby continue to move forward. He stayed at the back of the team, keeping a distance from the shadow clone and his three men.

He is able to live in the present on this crisis-ridden borderline and still become more and more nourished, relying on this caution.

Suddenly, Jiu Qilong and his shadow clone screamed in pain at the same time, and then stopped.

“Captain, what’s wrong with you? Did you find the enemy?”

Seeing this, the teammates asked quickly, with nervous expressions on their faces.

Recently, Suna ninjas have been operating more and more along the border, and many of them have enemies with the ability to restrain their senses.

“No, it’s just that my head suddenly hurts. I guess it’s because I haven’t slept well recently.”

Jiu Qilong’s shadow clone smiled and shook his head, saying with some embarrassment.

“Huh~, I was scared to death. I thought I was going to encounter a powerful enemy this time.”

A certain female team member breathed a sigh of relief.

The situation of the other two team members was similar, and most of the tension was gone.

But the next moment, a puppet with four arms suddenly fell from the sky.

Jiu Qilong’s shadow clone and two team members were instantly hit by the poisonous needle sprayed from the mouth of the puppet that suddenly appeared.

“Bang~” sound.

Jiu Qilong’s shadow clone disappeared. The two team members’ eyes widened and they quickly died of poisoning.

The remaining team member successfully escaped in time by relying on the substitute technique, and then quickly went to Jiu Qilong’s side, hoping to get Jiu Qilong’s help.

“You immediately signal to retreat, and I will hold off the enemy.”

Jiu Qilong took the initiative to show up and said loudly.

“Yes, Captain Jiu Qilong.”

When the team members heard that Jiu Qilong was willing to take the initiative, they were deeply moved.

But his emotion did not last for a moment. A wall of earth suddenly appeared in front of him, making him feel cold all over.

Jiu Qilong, whom he had just been grateful for, actually used Earth Escape and Tu Liu Wall to cut off his way of life.

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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