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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 48 Orochimaru

Kirito looked at the giant snake that suddenly appeared in front of him. He didn’t panic. He immediately formed a seal and said softly: “Exit.”

The next moment, the giant snake disappeared, and the scene in front of him returned to normal.

After the illusion was lifted, Kirito immediately took a few steps back, took out a kunai from his ninja bag, and stared at the uncomfortable-looking man in front of him with a wary expression.


Kirito really didn’t expect to meet this guy here. He had just sensed a strong chakra on the other side of the stairs, but he didn’t expect it to be Orochimaru.

Shouldn’t he still be on the battlefield in the Kingdom of Rain?

Is the war between Konoha and the rain ninja over?

And why did he use illusions on him just now?

Kirito was shocked and confused, and then quietly arranged the sealing technique, preparing to fight back immediately if the guy in front of him took action against him again.

Orochimaru looked at Kirito, who was on guard at this time, with admiration flashing in his eyes.

He admitted that he was so excited that he couldn’t help but stick out a long tongue, and then slowly took it back.

He really didn’t expect that an eight-year-old kid could easily decipher his illusion.

He originally just wanted to make a joke with the kid in front of him who had good chakra.

I didn’t expect that the other party would crack it cleanly.

What fun.

When he came back in a hurry this time, he unexpectedly met such an interesting genius kid.

When Kirito saw Orochimaru sticking out his tongue, his stomach suddenly turned. He almost couldn’t help but activate the sealing technique that had been successfully deployed to restrain this disgusting guy, and then gave him a soft punch on the face.

“Kid, what’s your name?”

Orochimaru swallowed back his tongue and spoke to Kirito in a hoarse voice, showing a smile that would frighten a child.

“Please, don’t laugh.”

Seeing this, Kirito complained in his heart, and then said coldly: “Who are you? Why did you use illusions on me just now?”

“Ah, um, I’m sorry, just think of this as my apology.”

Orochimaru smiled when he saw that Kirito had a little temper.

After saying that, he opened his mouth, and a snake crawled out of his mouth. Then the snake opened its mouth and spit out a scroll covered with mucus.

Orochimaru took the scroll and threw it towards Kirito.

When Kirito saw this, a chakra thread suddenly grew from the chakra point on his shoulder. It accurately entangled the flying scroll, lifted it in mid-air, and then slowly placed the scroll in front of Kirito.

Orochimaru saw Kirito’s hand using chakra threads to operate the scroll, and the vertical pupils in his golden eyes instantly shrank to pinpoints.

No more, he was excited again and couldn’t help but stick out his tongue.

“Sbarasi, at such a young age, he can freely open the chakra points on his body, and he has such excellent chakra control. This child is very much like me when I was a child.”

Orochimaru squinted his eyes and looked at Kirito like he was looking at a treasure.

At the same time, there was unabashed appreciation and a trace of greed in his eyes.

He suddenly had the idea of ​​taking on a disciple.

Kirito felt very bad when Orochimaru looked at him like this. If he hadn’t discovered that there were several jounin-level chakras nearby, one of which was the familiar chakra of Senju Jiun, he would have wanted to turn around and run away.

The person in front of him was so perverted.

He couldn’t stand it anymore.

“My lord, I accept your apology. My name is Tohsaka Kirito, and I am going to clean the reference room on the order of Senju Jiun-sensei. I will take my leave now.”

Kirito didn’t read the contents of the scroll, just held it with a chakra thread, said coldly, and then boldly continued to move forward.

“Tohsaka Kirito, I remember you. If you need anything in the future, you can come to me. My name is Orochimaru.”

When Kirito passed by Orochimaru, Orochimaru’s hoarse voice sounded in his ears.

Kirito didn’t respond. He sped forward and distanced himself from Orochimaru as if running away.

After Kirito disappeared at the top of the stairs, Orochimaru slowly retracted his eyes and turned to look at the cold-faced medical kunoichi in front of him.

The person who came was none other than Thousand-Hand Ciyun.

“Orochimaru, don’t distract Kirito, he is Mito-sama’s disciple.”

Ciyun warned Orochimaru in a cold tone.

She didn’t like the person in front of her who was a Konoha ninja or Tsunade’s teammate at all. His golden eyes that contained contempt and malice were really annoying to her.

This man is very dangerous, and letting him come into contact with Kirito would never be a good thing.

“I see, it’s that child. I heard Tsunade mention it before. He is indeed a very outstanding child, and he did learn a very good sealing technique from Mito-sama. No wonder Mito-sama likes him so much.”

Hearing this, Orochimaru lowered his head and looked at the ground under his feet, and said thoughtfully.

Of course, Kirito’s little move just now couldn’t be hidden from him who is also proficient in sealing techniques. The snake he transformed into has a strong sense of chakra. He has already discovered that Kirito is secretly using chakra, but he just didn’t tell it.

However, since Kirito did not activate the sealing technique secretly arranged, he did not know what kind of sealing technique Kirito used.

“It’s good that you know that Kirito will be Tsunade-sama’s important right-hand man in the future. You’d better not disturb his growth.”

Ciyun warned again.

Although what Orochimaru just said was very low, she still heard it, so she had to do a good job of vaccination now and not give Orochimaru a chance to cause trouble.

If she wasn’t sure whether she could defeat Orochimaru, she would actually want to get rid of this source of trouble.

Beat him until he dares not hit her baby’s attention again.

It’s a pity that she can’t do it on her own. Orochimaru is very powerful. He has now earned the title of ‘Konoha Sannin’ together with Tsunade-sama and Jiraiya on the battlefield of the Land of Rain, and has become a ninja. A famous ninja in the world.

But just because she can’t do it herself doesn’t mean that the Senju clan can’t do it. As long as Mito-sama and Tsunade-sama are still alive, she, Ryo Orochimaru, won’t dare to lay hands on Kirito, Mito-sama’s disciple.

“Since he is Tsunade’s right-hand man, I just won’t touch him. Goodbye.”

Orochimaru looked directly into Ciyunliu’s dangerous eyes, sneered, then passed Ciyun directly and walked slowly towards the exit of the hospital.

Ciyun turned around and looked at Orochimaru’s retreating figure, wondering: “How could this disgusting guy come back at this time?”

A few minutes later, Orochimaru walked out of the hospital. He raised his head and blocked the dazzling sunlight outside with his hands.

When he put his hand down, an ANBU ninja wearing a cat mask appeared in front of him.

“It’s Danzo’s, tell me, what’s the matter?”

Orochimaru recognized the person’s identity instantly, looked at the person with interest and said.

“Orochimaru, Danzo-sama invites you.”

The root ninja said neither arrogant nor humble.

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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