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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 49 Software Transformation

On the basement floor of Konoha Hospital, in front of the reference room.

Kirito explained the reason to the guard and entered the data room smoothly, then picked up the cleaning tools inside and started cleaning.

Of course, he didn’t clean it honestly. He directly used the shadow clone technique, using a small amount of chakra to create more than a dozen shadow clones that only existed for one hour. Half of them helped clean, and the remaining half helped him in the information. Do a treasure hunt in the room and see if you can find some valuable information.

Unfortunately, Konoha’s confidentiality measures are very good. Most of the information placed in the reference room are medical records. The only information that Kirito feels has some value is some information that records failures.

These records of failures are records of various failed experiments conducted by Ru0026D personnel in the hospital.

Some people have failed to develop some kind of drug to increase the amount of chakra.

There are studies on cell fusion failure.

There are cases where the development of artificial organs has failed.

Because of their failure, they were regarded as a disgrace, and eventually they were thrown here to eat ashes like worthless garbage, waiting to be discovered or destroyed one day.

People in the hospital regarded them as waste, but Kirito found them as treasures.

He has been studying biology for the past two years and has experienced countless failures, but he understands that even failed experiments are valuable, at least they remove many obstacles to success.

Success is never that easy.

Kirito held these documents recording failures in his hands and read them with relish, loading the above text into his mind at the speed of one glance and ten lines.

With so many failures as nourishment, he will definitely be able to take a big step closer to success.

However, there are really too many pieces of information. Even if they only occupy a small part of the total amount of information in the data room, Kirito is still not able to pack them all up and put them in his mind in a short time.

But it doesn’t matter, there’s a long way to go.

Kirito is confident that he can pack up all these treasures and take them away.

With this great man Ciyun here, he will have many opportunities to study here in the future.

On the other side, Kirito was also using a mini shadow clone to read Orochimaru’s apology to him.

Orochimaru’s things are usually harmful, and Kirito wouldn’t dare touch them with his body.

With the principle of not wasting chakra, he used a little chakra to create a mini shadow clone to touch Orochimaru’s apology.

“Software modification experiment, what, rubbish.”

Kirito said with a look of disgust after reading the content on the scroll.

Software modification is Orochimaru’s unique secret technique, which he developed by himself. As long as this secret technique is successfully learned, it can greatly enhance the softness and stretchability of the human body, allowing the body to stretch and bend freely.

In the animation, the reason why Orochimaru’s neck, hands and feet can stretch more than ten meters and his body can crawl on the ground like a snake is due to this secret technique.

Kirito still remembers that in the original plot, the person named Kenmizumi who appeared in the first chunin exam learned this secret technique, but his performance was average.

Generally speaking, this secret technique is very good for improving the strength of learners. It allows taijutsu ninjas to develop an alternative type of taijutsu (refer to the protagonist in a certain pirate anime). It can also make people Get into small cracks to escape and infiltrate.

However, Kirito still looked down upon this secret technique.

The reason is that this secret technique requires surgery on your body. If you are not careful, you will fail and become disabled.

Obviously, this secret technique is a bait.

If he wants to learn this secret technique, he can only go to Orochimaru. Only he, a successful person, is confident enough to complete the transformation of the human body.

But in this case, he is Orochimaru’s bag.

Kirito knew very well who Orochimaru was.

This person may not be a bastard now, but he may not be a bastard in the future. In the plot, since Orochimaru had the idea of ​​​​immortality, he began to degenerate rapidly, and eventually became a complete scum, a cold-blooded animal, and looked down upon others. Life is like grass, even if it is washed away later, this stain cannot be washed away.

If his special talent with the gift of immortality falls into the hands of Orochimaru, the consequences will be disastrous.

“However, just through software modification, it is still unrealistic for people to extend their hands and necks more than ten meters. Now that I think about it, this secret technique may be related to the secret technique of the Akido clan. The training content recorded in this secret technique obviously requires Use Yang attribute chakra.”

Kirito recalled some plot scenes of Orochimaru using the secret technique of software transformation, and then thought deeply about the secret technique of software transformation.

After a while, he became interested in this secret technique again.

If he guessed correctly, Orochimaru’s secret technique was modified after referring to the Akimichi clan’s doubling technique.

As for how Orochimaru obtained the secret technique of the Akimichi clan, it most likely came from his good teacher.

The Sarutobi clan and the Ino, Deer, and Butterfly clan all wear the same pair of pants.

The Sarutobi clan is the superior of the Inar, Deer, and Butterfly clans, so it is not surprising that they can obtain the secret techniques of the Akimichi clan.

It is certainly not advisable to use a knife on one’s own body, but if one can use this to gain part of the inheritance of the Akido clan’s secret techniques, then this apology is still quite good.

The Akimichi clan’s secret technique of doubling requires the use of Yang attribute chakra to release it, and it is very powerful, and the enhancement of strength is amazing.

Kirito just lacks the means to use Yang chakra to attack.

Even if he doesn’t use it himself, he can use it to reward his subordinates in the future.

Kirito read the content on the scroll, closed his eyes and recalled it dozens of times quickly. After confirming that he had completely memorized the content on the scroll, he decisively used the sealing technique Risixiang Seal (shrunk version) on the scroll.

As the space distorted, the scroll Orochimaru gave Kirito disappeared.

At the same time, Orochimaru, who was having a “happy chat” with Danzo in the Root headquarters and the Root leader’s office underground in Konoha, suddenly froze for a moment, with an unexpected expression on his face.

“What’s wrong, Orochimaru?”

Danzo noticed the change in Orochimaru’s expression and immediately asked warily.

Although he was very confident in the defensive capabilities of the root headquarters, he never thought that he could sit back and relax. He now felt that Orochimaru must have discovered an enemy that he didn’t know about.

Among Hiruzen’s three disciples, the one he admired the most was Orochimaru. Not only was he talented and powerful, he was also ruthless and showed no mercy to his enemies. He was also an excellent researcher and was very suitable for staying at the root.

“Nothing, I just found an interesting little fish.”

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue, licked his lips, and smiled excitedly.

“Really, can you tell me the name of this interesting little fish?”

Danzo said with narrowed eyes, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

He knew Orochimaru quite well. Once he found something interesting, he would definitely try his best to get it.

For this reason, Orochimaru is likely to do something bad.

He hated accidents the most, and he didn’t want Orochimaru to cause trouble in the village now.

“Don’t worry, I won’t touch this little fish for the time being, and it won’t affect your plan.”

Orochimaru sneered.

No one but him can touch the talented kid he likes.

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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