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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 53 Reminder

Nawaki’s house, Mito’s room.

Kirito’s soul entered silently through the wall, but as soon as he got within five meters of Mito, Mito, who was sleeping in bed, suddenly opened his eyes.

At the same time, a kunai pierced Kirito’s back and penetrated his soul.

“It’s me, Master Moohua.”

Kirito revealed his true form, raised his hands, turned around and said to Senju Momo who showed a surprised expression behind him.

“It’s so late, why did you sneak into Mito-sama’s room using your spiritual transformation technique?”

Taohua saw clearly the identity of the mysterious man and said coldly.

Although there was anger and doubt in her voice, she still took back her weapon and stared at Kirito coldly, waiting for Kirito’s explanation.

“Kirito, did something serious happen?”

Mito asked.

She knew that Kirito, a child, would never do such a reckless thing as breaking into a woman’s room at night unless something big happened.

As she spoke, she casually released a burst of chakra from her body. A large number of sealing techniques formed by chakra were spread in the room, and a sealing barrier that blocked perception was quickly placed in the room.

“Mr. Mito, something big has happened. I just went out for a night out and found out that some ninjas with strong roots were secretly destroying the barrier of the Senju clan, and there was a traitor helping them.”

Once the sealing barrier was formed, Kirito immediately told everything he had just discovered.

Mito and Momo naturally believed what Kirito said, but the content was too shocking.

Mito is indeed the strongest person in Konoha Village at the moment and has full confidence. When she heard that ANBU ninjas were destroying the barrier, she was not too shocked and her expression remained unchanged. Even when she heard that Orochimaru, a third-generation disciple, was helping her, she was still calm. .

It wasn’t until she heard that Senju Yunshou, Senju Leitong and Senju Qingshui had betrayed the Senju clan that her expression changed slightly.

Mito sighed, showing a tired expression.

Taohua on the side was already flushed with anger. The veins on her forehead were prominent, her eyes were full of murderous intent, her fists were clenched tightly, and she looked extremely vicious. She was obviously furious.

If Mito wasn’t still here and she still had to fulfill her duty as a guard, she would have rushed out to fight those ANBU ninjas and traitors.

The dignified Senju clan, one of the founders of Konoha Village, who made countless contributions to Konoha, was so oppressed by a group of small people who could only survive in the gutter.

It’s really unbearable.

Apart from being extremely indignant, Qianju Taohua was also extremely ashamed in her heart.

She suddenly knelt down in front of Mito and blamed herself: “Mito-sama, I was responsible for this. I didn’t discover Yun Tate’s ambition and let him become the deputy captain. I was really responsible.”

She herself is the captain of the Senju Guardian Team, and it was she who promoted Senju Yunshou. Now Senju Yunshou has become a shameful traitor, and she is responsible for the negligence of others.

“Oh~, Taohua, get up. I can’t blame you completely for this. I’m also at fault. I actually noticed that the child Yun Shou was dissatisfied with me, but I didn’t expect that he would go to this point and actually degenerate to join the group. Hide this brat as your companion.”

Mito got off the bed, then lifted Momo up with his hands and comforted her.

She is the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails. Although she is not connected to the Nine-Tails’ mind, she can fully control the power of the Nine-Tails with her strong strength.

Therefore, she is naturally capable of achieving the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode. She does not even need to enter the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, but she also has the ability to perceive good and evil.

Back then, she had a vague sense that Yun Shou had ill intentions toward her, but she didn’t pay too much attention.

Because when Tobirama died, there were many people who were dissatisfied with her being the deputy leader of the Senju Clan.

Over the years, Yunshou has indeed been loyal to the Senju, and has made great contributions to Konoha for the Senju on the battlefield. His strength is among the best in the clan, and he is quite prestigious in the clan. The matter of letting him serve as the deputy captain of the escort team, she I also nodded personally.

This can also be regarded as a balancing method to appease the opposition in the clan.

But she really didn’t expect that Yunshou would sink to the point of being associated with Danzo, and in turn stabbed the Senju clan who gave birth to and raised him.

She had arranged the sealing barrier of the Senju clan. She had just put her hand on the ground and sensed the sealing barrier a little, and she knew that Kirito’s words were true and that Yunshou had indeed betrayed the Senju clan.

“Mr. Mito, please give the order. Now is a good opportunity to catch those guys before they leave and are not aware of them. Once they find out that something is wrong, they can evacuate safely and want to catch Danzo and the Third Generation. , that would be difficult.”

Seeing this, Kirito interjected.

Time is of the essence and now is not the time to comfort each other.

“Yes, Mito-sama, these guys must be severely punished, otherwise those rats in the gutter will only become more emboldened. It’s time for Danzo to be punished.”

Momo agreed with Kirito’s words and said through gritted teeth.

She couldn’t bear it any longer. She would beat Yun Shou, the shameful traitor, to death with her own hands.

Senju’s face was completely humiliated by this traitor.

When Mito heard Kirito and Mooka’s words, he didn’t speak immediately, he just frowned and thought.

She is in a different position from Kirito and Mooka. Although she is the deputy leader of the Senju clan, her ultimate goal is to fulfill her promise to Hashirama and protect Konoha, and she cannot act on impulse.

From her perspective, she quickly realized that the cause of this incident was related to Kirito, herself, and Kushina. She estimated that Danzo, that brat, was planning to use them as bait to lure out the spies lurking in Konoha. .

Given the ruthless character of Danzo, that brat who would do anything to achieve his goals, it was not surprising that he would do such a thing.

As for whether this matter is related to the third generation, it is difficult to say.

She understands the character of the third generation. In order to seek stability and protect the village, she will most likely not make such a risky decision as putting the Nine-Tails Human Pillar in danger.

This matter was probably done privately by Danzo and Orochimaru.

Also, if she explodes this powder keg tonight and tells the whole story, the result will naturally be that the interests of the Senju clan are protected, and Danzo, Orochimaru and the Third Generation will be severely punished.

But if this happens, Konoha will definitely fall into chaos. Will this be a good result for Konoha, which is facing enemies from all directions?

Although he was very dissatisfied, Mito did not lose his mind after all for the sake of the overall situation.

She decided to keep a low profile on the matter.

So the question is, how can she handle it in a low-key manner?

“Mr. Mito, if you want to deal with it in a low-key manner, why not get the handle first? You can catch everyone first, and then everyone will get the stolen goods, and then deal with it in a low-key way in the way you want. Teacher, with your strength, you should be able to catch all these rats without alarming most people in the village.”

At this time, Kirito spoke again.

Mito’s eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Kirito’s words. He smiled and said to Kirito: “Of course, let’s look at your teacher.”

As soon as she finished speaking, the Yin seal between her eyebrows shimmered.

In front of Kirito, Mito quickly transformed from a kind-hearted old woman into a mature beauty with a graceful figure.

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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