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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 56 Hiruzen, save me

As soon as Momoka and Mito walked out a certain distance, the third generation arrived. Seeing that Mito in Momoka’s arms did not go berserk, he breathed a sigh of relief and immediately asked the ANBU around him about what had just happened here. things.

As he spoke, he glanced at a middle-aged ninja who had just arrived behind him.

This person was none other than his good comrade Shimura Danzo. At this time, the root leader no longer had his usual strategizing calmness, and a rare look of panic appeared on his face.

“Sure enough, this guy is up to something.”

The Sandaime looked at the expression on Danzo’s face at this time, and then looked at the mysterious ninja lying on the ground, and cursed secretly.

After the Four Purple Flame Formation appeared, he quickly received news from the ANBU. When he learned that the place of the accident was the Senju Clan, he realized that something was wrong. Combined with Orochimaru’s reminder before leaving, he vaguely understood I guessed that the matter here was related to Danzo.

Now looking at Danzo’s expression, he was convinced.

Two Hokage advisors, Mito Kado and Koharu Koharu, also arrived shortly afterwards. Mito Kado immediately asked the Third Generation: “Hiruzen, what is going on? How did the Nine-Tails chakra leak out?” , where is Mito-sama, is she okay?”

Being asked so many questions at once, Sandai himself had not fully understood the matter. He did not answer, but just motioned to the ANBU ninja around him to continue talking and ordered other ANBU ninjas to seal the surrounding area to prevent the news here from leaking.

“Damn, these guys are still alive.”

At the same time, Danzo looked at the root ninjas in front of him who were watched by Mooka and a group of Senju clan ninjas, and his heart sank to the bottom.

He tried to secretly form a seal, hoping to activate the tongue-curing seal on these root ninjas to kill people and eliminate evidence completely.

The Seal of Tongue Disaster is a curse seal designed with reference to the caged bird. Once it is planted, the person being casted will not be able to tell any information about him, and the life of the person being casted will also be in his hands.

Once activated, it can not only kill the person being cast, but also destroy the brain nerves of the person being cast.

If the person being casted dies accidentally, this curse seal will be activated immediately and the brain nerves of the caster will be destroyed.

However, just when Danzo was about to take action, he found that the third generation was staring at him.

Not only the third generation, but also the two powerful clan chiefs, Koharu Koharu and Mito Kaden, as well as Homura Uchiha and Kazuma Hyuga, were also looking at him.

“Damn Hiruzen, he is doubting me.”

When Danzo saw this, he was filled with hatred, but in the end he did not dare to continue taking action under the watchful eyes of so many important people in Konoha.

If he did this, and those ANBU ninjas lying on the ground would die immediately, wouldn’t that directly prove that these people were related to him?

But if you don’t do it, what can you do?

Paper cannot contain the fire, and what he is doing here will be exposed later.

Now that Mito is away and those people haven’t been interrogated yet, it’s the best time for him to deal with the consequences.

At this time, Danzo finally remembered Orochimaru, the third generation’s proud disciple, and quickly looked at the third generation for help.

At this moment, there are only three generations of people who can help him create opportunities.

“Hiruzen, save me.”

The third generation and Danzo are old comrades-in-arms. Even if they haven’t fought together for many years, they still have a good understanding.

The third generation immediately understood the meaning in Danzo’s eyes, but chose to turn a blind eye and blinked as if nothing had happened.

“You Danzo made the pot yourself, you have to carry it yourself.”

Moreover, the pot this time was obviously very big, and the third generation was afraid of being crushed to death by this big black pot.

Mito-sama’s anger is no joke.

He still wants to be Hokage for a few more years.

The two made eye contact, and everything was unspoken.

“Hiruzen, you will regret this.”

Danzo thought through gritted teeth.

The third generation noticed something, snorted coldly, and cursed secretly: “I am the Hokage.”

Soon, the ANBU ninja next to Sandai told everything he knew about the situation.

Sandai and others heard that Mito used sealing techniques to easily subdue these mysterious ninjas, and later used sealing techniques to instantly prevent these mysterious ninjas from committing suicide with detonating talismans. They all secretly took a breath and sighed in secret at Mito’s sword. Not old.

Next, they heard that Mito’s appearance suddenly aged rapidly, and that he was unable to suppress the Nine-Tails chakra in his body, causing the Nine-Tails chakra to leak out. Later, Mito had great difficulty in taking the leaked Nine-Tails chakra back into his body. They fainted and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

“I’m getting older after all.”

Sandai and the others sighed in their hearts.

After Sandai knew what was going on, he quickly came to Mooka and said politely: “Mooka, let me take these people back for interrogation. I will definitely give Senju and Mito-sama a satisfactory answer.” Explain.”

This was obviously done by Danzo.

Although he was happy to see Danzo suffer a loss, considering that Konoha still needed Danzo, he naturally hoped that today’s matter could be reduced to a big deal and a trivial matter.

“Sandaime-sama, I won’t bother you with this matter. Mito-sama just said that you can’t let you take these people away. When she wakes up, she will personally interrogate these gangsters who dare to destroy the seal barrier of the Senju clan.”

Taohua said with a cold face, not giving the third generation any face.

“Destroy the Senju Clan’s sealing barrier! What does Danzo want to do?”

When Sandai heard Momohua’s words, his expression suddenly changed, and he was extremely shocked that Danzo had caused so much trouble this time.

Destroying the sealing barrier of the ninja clan is not a trivial matter, it is definitely a very serious matter.

Especially since the seal barrier destroyed this time was the Senju Clan, the most famous ninja clan in Konoha, this kind of thing is tantamount to directly declaring war on the Senju Clan.

It’s just a slap in the face.

If the Senju clan doesn’t deal with this matter seriously, how will they survive in Konoha in the future.

And if he, the Hokage, cannot handle this matter seriously, not only the Senju clan will be angry with him and give up their support for him, but other ninja clan will definitely be disappointed in him, and they will definitely not sit idly by after the incident.

Taohua didn’t speak much, but everyone present was very listening.

As soon as these words came out, Uchiha Homura, Hinata Kazuma’s expressions changed on the spot, and they all glared at Danzo, who looked extremely ugly at this time.

No one who can become a clan leader will be a fool.

They had already seen something from the eye contact between Sandai and Danzo, but they just didn’t reveal it.

It’s just that they never expected that what Danzo did would be so cruel.

For a moment, the two of them communicated with each other with their eyes, and they walked to Taohua’s side in unison.

Their attitude has been very clear.

That is why this matter must be dealt with seriously.

If the Senju clan can be forgiven for being assassinated by their own people in Konoha, then what will happen to the other ninja clan in Konoha when they encounter such a thing?

The two Hokage advisors, Mito Katoen and Koharu Koharu, also showed helpless expressions to Danzo and hurriedly followed the steps of the two clan leaders.

“Damn Danzo, why don’t you die.”

The third generation glared at Danzo who didn’t dare to look down at him at this moment, feeling very tired.

He is too difficult.

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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