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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 65 Undercurrent

After Madara gave the order, he closed his eyes again and fell into a deep sleep, trying to slow down the decay of his body as much as possible.

He is actually not far away from being buried now, but he can barely survive because of the constant supply of life force from the Heretic Golem. Without the Heretic Golem, the hidden injuries accumulated in the war over the years would have killed him long ago.

He is not afraid of death, but he cannot die now. He needs to continue living before everything is ready.

“Hopefully I will hear new good news when I wake up next time.”

Madara fell into a dark slumber with anticipation.

When Black Zetsu saw Madara sleeping, he immediately used the Mayfly Technique to get into the ground and began to follow Madara’s instructions to spread the news that Uzumaki Mito was not going to die soon.

Soon after, all the major ninja villages successfully obtained news about Uzumaki Mito through their own spies buried in Konoha or various secret channels.

The Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki is about to die soon. This is news that is definitely an earthquake for the major ninja villages.

Especially the current Nine-Tails Human Power Pillar is Uzumaki Mito. Once she dies, Konoha’s top combat power will be greatly weakened immediately. It is not known how many years it will take for the new Nine-Tails Human Power Pillar to grow up.

The top leaders of the four ninja villages of Sand Ninja, Iwa Ninja, Cloud Ninja, and Mist Ninja quickly held a secret resolution. Soon after, some elite ninjas quietly left their respective villages, and a large number of spies lurking in Konoha were also used by their respective villages. Various stealth methods to restart.

For a time, an undercurrent surged in the ninja world.

But on the surface, except for the fact that Konoha is still fighting on two fronts with the Rain Ninja and the Suna Ninja, the Ninja World is still relatively peaceful, and the Iwa Ninja, Kumo Ninja, and Mist Ninja have not made any big moves.

The gears of time continued to start slowly, and soon, another month passed.

In the past month, nothing happened on the surface of Konoha. At least the villagers had no idea that Danzo had been fired from all his posts. However, all the major and minor ninja clans in the village had exploded. Danzo’s fate was The fact that people secretly destroyed the seal barrier of the Senju clan has not been completely concealed.

Fortunately, the third generation’s skills and prestige are still very good, and the culprit Danzo has been imprisoned and severely punished, so the senior officials of the major and minor ninja clans have not made trouble.

As for Mooka becoming the new Hokage advisor, except for the Uchiha clan, other high-level ninja clan members chose to support it.

Taohua was successfully elected as the new Hokage advisor.

As a result, Konoha did not change on the surface, but due to changes in top-level rights, there were also undercurrents surging inside.

The most obvious change is that during this period, the Thousand Hands Clan, which had been deserted since the end of World War I, became lively again.

Many young ninjas who have not had contact with the Senju clan for a long time are sending people to visit one after another. There are also many children from other ninja clans in the Senju clan. They are all playing happily with the Senju clan’s children. The rope tree takes it for granted. The earth becomes the king of children.

As for Kirito, he naturally participated in it. He sent a shadow clone to show some intention. With a strength that was much beyond that of an imp, he had successfully become the second-in-command of the rope tree.

However, after Danzo’s fall from power, Kirito has been very low-key. As usual, he clocks in to the sealing class and medical class on time and continues to study and work. Several shadow clones also complete their usual work in an orderly manner.

Of course, this is only on the surface.

In fact, Kirito’s scope of activities is no longer just in the small place of Konoha Village.

After he successfully captured a White Zetsu, he used his soul clone to occupy the White Zetsu, thus obtaining a White Zetsu clone.

After a few days, he completely mastered the White Zetsu clone and learned to use its own gifted ninjutsu, the Mayfly Technique, the Disguise Technique, and the Spore Technique. After that, he began to rely on the White Zetsu clone’s Mayfly Technique and Disguise. Go and see the outside world.

Nowadays, his scope of activities is not very large. He has only explored a few hundred kilometers around Konoha and has been active in some surrounding cities and villages to see the outside world.

At noon on this day, Kirito himself was still studying various medical knowledge in the hospital. With his excellent learning ability, his grades were among the best in the medical class, and his learning progress in palm magic had also reached the final stage.

He is going to start using palm magic on people today.

However, the people he used were not the majority of Konoha villagers and ninjas, but some death row prisoners who had committed heinous crimes.

These prisoners on death row are basically traitorous ninjas, enemy ninjas and spies who have made big mistakes. As expected, these people fall into the hands of Konoha, and their fate is death. Now they are used as waste before death.

For example, the prisoner on death row in front of Kirito was heard to be a Suna ninja spy. He had probably been drained of all information by the torture department, and was now being sent to him, a rookie medical ninja, to practice palm sensu skills.

When the Sand Ninja spy was brought over, he had already been controlled by genjutsu, and his hands and feet were tightly bound to the operating table by chains with the function of confining chakra.

After Kirito put on a protective suit, he moved a small stool, stood on it, and began to treat the death row prisoner alone on the operating table.

Today he has to complete a trauma surgery alone in this small operating room without any guidance.

The prisoners on death row had obviously been severely tortured, and there was almost no good flesh on their bodies. However, the torturers were very skilled, and the injuries looked serious, but in fact they were just flesh wounds, not fatal.

Kirito also confirmed this by using chakra to conduct a detailed examination of the death row prisoner’s body.

Next, he began to use palm magic to treat the wounds of the condemned prisoners. First, he cut off the rotten flesh, then used fine chakra threads to connect the flesh and blood properly and repaired them. Finally, he used yang chakra to stimulate the regeneration of the flesh and blood.

Half an hour later, after a lot of hard work, Kirito finally finished treating the major wounds on the death row prisoner.

It has to be said that performing a trauma surgery using Palm Immortal Technique requires quite a lot of energy.

Kirito felt a little tired at this time, and the chakra in his body was only about half. As usual, he found a place to sit down, then closed his eyes, recalled the operation process just performed, and found out what happened during the operation. various mistakes.


Suddenly, Kirito opened his eyes, flicked a poisoned steel needle with his fingers covered with high-density chakra, and then looked at the death row prisoner on the operating table who had unknowingly released the illusion and resumed action.

“Kid, your reaction is quite fast. Thank you very much for helping me heal my injuries just now. Your skills are really good.”

The prisoner on death row stared at Kirito with murderous intent and said.

“Then you repay kindness with hatred. What you did is really chilling.”

Kirito sneered.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly slapped forward.

Bagua·Empty Palm!

A powerful shock wave formed by high-density chakra instantly hit the death row prisoner. The death row prisoner’s body was immediately severely injured and he died with his eyes open, but in the end he turned into a pile of sand.

Sand clone.

The next moment, a large number of piercing sounds came from behind Kirito.

They were poisonous needles coated with deadly poison.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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