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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 74 Konoha penetrated by roots

A few minutes later, Kirito left the Uchiha clan with satisfaction. Uchiha Homura, the leader of the Uchiha clan, did not disappoint him. The other party was very generous in attacking Danzo. He successfully obtained it from Chizuru. A detailed list of root members.

When he returns to the orphanage, Kirito will immediately return to his room, then open the sealing barrier to block out the prying eyes of the outside world, and then take out the root member list and read it carefully.

Kirito looked at the large number of names on the list as well as the backgrounds and abilities of these people, and his heart gradually became heavy.

It has to be said that Danzo is a capable person and is indeed a qualified intelligence chief. In a certain aspect, his personality charm is very popular among the ninja community in Konoha.

You never know the full extent of things until you see them.

Danzo has penetrated very deeply into all the ninja clans and civilian ninja groups in Konoha. Each ninja clan has his secret agents, many of whom are still in high positions in the clan. Even the Uchiha clan has people who have been tricked by him. Attracted by the darkness, it became his eyeliner.

As far as the number on the list is concerned, there are more than 500 people, including 36 jounin and more than 400 chuunin. As for the genin who are not on the list, there are probably many, many more.

No wonder Mito and the Third had some scruples. If Danzo died, the chain reaction would be huge and could very well shake the foundation of Konoha.

“It’s all the fault of the third generation. If he had enough ability, Danzo wouldn’t have taken advantage of him. From the current point of view, the root is too big to be removed. If you want to uproot it, killing Danzo is the key. He was able to successfully control so many people by relying on his tongue-eradicating seal.”

Kirito sighed after reading the names on the list.

However, it is not easy to kill Danzo. This old guy is too stubborn and steady. He can’t find a chance now, so he can only start with some small fish on this list.

First, he needs to cut off the source of funding at the root.

There are so many people at the root, how can it be possible to support so many people with just the little funds allocated by the stingy third generation.

Root members are also human beings, and they also need to eat, cultivate, and support their families. Resources like money are absolutely indispensable for traveling in the world.

According to the information given on the list, part of Root’s funding comes from several powerful nobles in the Fire Country, and part of it comes from some businessmen controlled by Root.

It is precisely because of these people behind them who continuously provide huge financial support that the roots of Danzo’s leadership will continue to grow and develop after the third generation came to power. Its overall strength has already surpassed the direct ANBU controlled by the third generation.

And these people who provide financial support to Gen are scattered outside Konoha, and are undoubtedly the easiest targets to attack.

“Some of the businessmen controlled by Roots happen to be in the Country of Waves. I will accept their property without mercy.”

Kirito said coldly.

Then, he suddenly thought of a question, that is, how did the Uchiha people collect the information of so many root members in such detail?

In Konoha, the Uchiha clan is basically closely watched by the roots led by Danzo and the direct ANBU of the third generation. It should be difficult for the actions of the members of the clan not to be discovered.

“A ninja cat clan?”

Kirito thought deeply about this problem, and he soon came to the ninja cat clan that appeared in the original plot.

This group of psychic beasts, which are no different from ordinary cats on the surface, have been friends with the Uchiha clan for generations and have served the Uchiha clan. Members of their group are distributed throughout the ninja world. They should be an important source of information for the Uchiha clan.

“Cat, it seems like you should pay attention to these cute little animals in the future.”

Kirito stood up, walked to the window, looked at an orange cat sleeping under the shade of a tree in the courtyard outside, and thought thoughtfully.

Next, he carefully browsed the contents on the list several times. After thoroughly memorizing the above contents, he burned the list, then took out a pen and paper and wrote a simplified version of the list on it.

It is not just him who needs to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, but also some people around him.

But they don’t want to remember as much as he does.

Soon, a new list was released.

Kirito put the new list away and hid it on his body, then walked out of the room and came to a training ground in the backyard of the orphanage.

At this time, two of Kirito’s younger brothers, Yamazaki Heizo and Noda Taiga, had come back from school to train here.

In addition to the two of them, there are also some children from orphanages and civilian children from outside. Most of them are working hard to practice Taijutsu or Ninja Tool Throwing Techniques, and a small number are practicing Ninjutsu.

Except for Yamazaki Heizo and Noda Taiga, there are three people who are already practicing ninjutsu, two men and one woman, named Umino Nobita, Shiranui Takeshi and Yuhi Yukimi.

As soon as Kirito arrived, the people and children on the training ground stopped one after another, looking at Kirito with admiration, respect or awe, and called Kirito his big brother.

In the ninja world, the strong are respected.

Ninjas all worship the strong. Since adults are far away from them, children will consciously compare themselves with children of similar age.

Therefore, Kirito became the target of their pursuit.

However, when the gap is so large that it is difficult to compare, some people will feel jealous or even hateful, and feel sorry for themselves. Some people will feel awe and recognize themselves. Some people will worship him and have the intention to follow him.

When he was in school, besides studying hard, Kirito’s biggest hobby was observing his classmates, then contacting them, getting to know them, and finally choosing a small number of them.

The children who can be trained here are all chosen by Kirito, people whom Kirito trusts and considers useful.

The conclusion drawn from the intelligence analysis collected by Danzo is correct. Kirito is secretly wooing people of similar age. He gathers the people he likes around him by providing training resources, ninjutsu and physical persuasion. A new force formed in the center.

Although this new force is still very weak, and its members are basically just kids who have not yet graduated, they will continue to grow and stand out among their peers.

The reason why Kirito is so convinced is that these children have voluntarily been planted with the Mark of Night by him, and their own strength and potential have been improved. When they go to the battlefield in the future, they will definitely be the ones most likely to survive among their peers. Batch people.

Kirito smiled and greeted the children at the training ground, then gave them a few words of encouragement and guidance on their training, then asked them to continue practicing hard, and finally left leisurely.

When Kirito left, Yamazaki Heizo, Noda Taiga, Umino Nobita, Shiranui Takeshi and Yuhi Yukimi all left one after another, and they all finally came to Kirito’s room.

“The purpose of calling you here is very simple, just to let you remember the name on this scroll. I was assassinated by Suna Ninja today, but it was actually the roots led by Danzo who did it. You are all smart and should understand that this is What does it mean? If you don’t understand, then remember the names above and be wary of them secretly.”

When everyone arrived, Kirito reopened the sealing barrier to isolate himself from prying eyes from the outside world, then took out the newly written list, put it in front of them, and said seriously.

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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