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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 87 Clouds in the Mountains

“That guy Cardo is indeed a visionary businessman, but the war between Konoha and Amegakure has just ended. The situation in the Kingdom of Rain is not stable enough, and Amegakure is currently relatively exclusive. It is not difficult for foreign businessmen to do business there. Xiao, let him wait for a while.”

When Kirito heard this, he took the tea, thought about it, and answered.

The geographical location of the Rain Country is actually quite advantageous. It borders the three major countries of the ninja world and many small countries. If it were a peaceful era, the Rain Country could make a lot of money by setting up checkpoints and collecting tolls.

However, the Kingdom of Fire, the Kingdom of Earth, and the Kingdom of Wind all covet this benefit and do not want the Kingdom of Rain to grow. The Kingdom of Rain itself is unable to protect this benefit, resulting in frequent wars.

Therefore, during the war years, it was very difficult for merchants to do business in the Country of Rain, and it was easy for merchants to lose their money.

After all, banditry in the Kingdom of Rain is still very serious.

The business of Higanhua Pharmaceutical Company currently run by Cardo is due to its good products, the protection provided by Shin Gojo, a descendant of a great nobleman with a White Zetsu clone in the Land of Waves, and the Yami Organization, as well as his dirty business acumen. The business of Higanhua Pharmaceutical Company is now It gets bigger and bigger.

Higanbana Pharmaceutical Company is now Kirito’s biggest treasure trove. It is an important source of income for him to conduct large-scale biological experiments, develop new drugs, recruit and train talents, and organize night activities.

However, Cardo’s ambition is obviously not only to do business in a small place like the Country of Waves, but only to do business with some nearby coastal countries. He wants to spread the business of Biganhua Pharmaceutical Company to the entire ninja world and earn a lot of money. more money.

And if he wants to do this, a pharmaceutical production base with an excellent geographical location is necessary.

Obviously, he has taken a fancy to the Kingdom of Rain.

If there are no other surprises, as long as he establishes a large-scale pharmaceutical production base in the Country of Rain, he can use the superior geographical location of the Country of Rain to sell Bianhua Pharmaceutical Company’s products to any mainland country, and can greatly reduce transportation costs.

Cardo’s business acumen is indeed very good, but unfortunately his political acumen is not very good. According to Yuyin’s xenophobic character, the possibility of him successfully investing and building a factory in the Kingdom of Rain is extremely low.

If it had been before, Kirito would have known about Cardo’s idea, and he would have let Cardo give up his intention without hesitation, but it is different now. Masashige Hattori, another vest of Bai Zetsu’s clone, showed him that he could use Higanka Medicine There is hope that the cornucopia of the company will further grow.

“Yes, I know that in addition to Mr. Cardo, Mr. Yun also sent a message. Recently, the goods of merchants controlled by Konoha Roots have to be transported by sea. He asked you if you want to send someone to intercept this batch of goods.”

Ryoko Uzumaki took note of Kirito’s instructions and then moved on to the next thing.

As she spoke, she had an eager expression on her face, planning to immediately apply to assist in the operation once Kirito agreed.

“It seems that Genbu has been having a really hard time recently. He asked the merchants under his control to ship goods so quickly. I remember the last time I shipped goods was a week ago.”

When Kirito heard the news, he sneered, and then showed a hint of doubt.

Since the Night Organization was on the right track, he began to use the Night Organization to clean up the roots led by Danzo, contain and weaken the roots.

The shadow of the Night Organization was behind all the assassinations of merchants who had business dealings with Genbe from the great nobles of the Fire Country, as well as the robbery of the goods of Genbe’s merchants on the sea.

For now, the effect is amazing. After losing his financial source, serious problems have arisen within the root. Danzo is too busy to take care of himself and has no time or energy to deal with him.

As for the Mr. Yun that Ryoko just mentioned, it was none other than Yun Yamanaka, the elite Jonin of the mountain clan who defected from Konoha two months ago.

Now this elite jounin of the mountain clan is now an important cadre in the night organization, codenamed Yun.

How did Kirito instigate rebellion against Yamanaka Yun?

In fact, it was very simple. He just secretly sent a relic and a letter from his fiancée to the photo frame in the bedroom of Yamanaka Yun’s home.

The content of the letter is also very simple, which is the location of his fiancee’s burial place.

How did Kirito know the burial place of Yamanaka Yun’s fiancée?

This is also thanks to Aburame Ryoma, Danzo’s right-hand man, who learned about this after reading Aburame Ryoma’s memory.

Those root members who participated in destroying the Senju clan’s barrier were secretly executed in the Senju clan’s territory. Kirito would naturally not let go of this opportunity to obtain a large amount of root information.

He used spiritual transformation techniques to bind the souls of all dead Root members, and then read the memories one by one, thereby learning about the many dirty things and ninjutsu that Danzo and the Roots had done.

Danzo thought he had covered up all the truth, but in fact he still failed to completely bury the truth. Ryoma Aburame had discovered this with a parasitic bug back then.

Of course, he didn’t mean it.

Just for the purpose of protecting Danzo, he habitually secretly sent parasites to follow him, and finally learned about it accidentally.

Aburame Ryoma was able to become Danzo’s right-hand man, and her strength and emotional intelligence were certainly not low. She did not foolishly tell Danzo about this matter, but kept it as a secret in her heart and decided to take this matter into the coffin.

But God is not as good as man, and the secret was eventually learned by a third person.

Yamanaka Yun is undoubtedly very powerful. After receiving the clues given by Kirito, he quickly found an opportunity to hide from ANBU surveillance and secretly went to the burial ground of his fiancée. He then successfully found his fiancée’s bones and used this to find the person who was that year. Part of the truth, and then combined with some clues found over the years, finally deduced that his enemy was Danzo.

Yamanaka Yun has been a member of the Roots for some years, so he naturally understands the behavior of Danzo and the Roots. It is just a normal operation to use enemies who do not know the truth to do things for him.

Although he was shocked by the truth, he was not surprised at all, and he became more and more convinced that his inference was correct.

Later, Kirito used the White Zetsu clone to secretly meet with the suspicious Yamanaka Yun, and used illusions to let Yamanaka Yun see the truth of the year, and successfully instigated the elite jounin of the Yamanaka clan to rebel, making him now the one to deal with Danzo and Nebe. The vanguard.

The assassination of the great nobles of the Fire Country was Yamanaka Yun’s surrender.

The purpose of his joining the Night Organization founded by Kirito was very simple, that is, to allow him to personally kill Danzo in the future.

“Yes, you remember correctly.”

Uzumaki Ryoko heard Kirito’s words and nodded.

“If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. We have suffered so much at the root. We can’t be passively beaten all the time. You tell Yun that this time we can let Kirigakure help us explore the way. If something unexpected happens, don’t rush to take action. , see who is coming from the roots, and then wait for me to act together and put a long line to catch big fish.”

Kirito thought carefully, made a decision, and said.

The foundation of the Ye organization is still too weak. There are only two Jonin and Yun Yamanaka, and there are about ten Chunin, most of them are just some miscellaneous fish. It is okay for these people to unite to bully enemies at the Genin level, but facing the Chunin The above enemies will only become a burden.

“Yes, Master Zhen, I will go and pass on your instructions right now.”

Uzumaki Ryoko said respectfully, then bowed and left.

On the other side, in the Hidden Leaf Village, in the Hokage’s office, an urgent high-level meeting was taking place.

“Everyone, this is a plan that Tsunade sent to me soon. You all should take a look at it. There is a new situation on Yugakure’s side.”

The third generation handed three identical plans to the three Hokage advisors in front of him and said enthusiastically.

At the same time, in Konoha Hospital, in the clinic where Kirito’s body was located, he received a special patient.

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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