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Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation — Chapter 97 Nine Tails

Kirito’s good mood did not last long, it only ended after breakfast.

The reason is that Tsunade said to him and Naoki: “Naoki, Kirito, come with me to visit grandma later.”

When Kirito and Naoki heard this, the smiles on their faces quickly faded and became a little heavy.

Mito’s physical condition has deteriorated rapidly in the past year.

Because he was worried that Mito would not be able to control the Kyuubi, Mito had been secretly sent to live in a secret villa outside the village. He was protected by a large number of ANBU ninjas on a daily basis, and his residence was often moved. This situation had been going on for a long time.

It is difficult for Kirito to meet the teacher Mito now. He needs to apply to the third generation in advance. Some time ago, he applied to the third generation to be able to meet once a week, but in the past two months, his applications have been rejected, and the situation of the rope tree has also changed. almost.

Among the Senju clan, Momo, the Hokage advisor, can see Mito every day.

Shengshu is nine years old, and due to the incident of wanting to graduate early two years ago, he was required to undergo strict family head training in advance. He is personally more mature than many of his peers and understands what death is all about.

In recent times, he has grown up every time he comes back from meeting Mito.

Now Shengshu no longer skips classes. Although it is still difficult to understand the theoretical lessons taught by the teacher in class, he still listens patiently and carefully. The same is true for daily sealing studies. He no longer shows impatience. There has been good progress in class performance and sealing skills. These are Naoki’s biggest bragging rights when he usually visits Mito.

As for the training of ninjutsu and taijutsu, it is even more crazy than before, with more than thirty shadow clones being assigned every day to assist in training.

Shengshu practices so crazily, even if he is a fool, but he keeps his feet on the ground and moves forward step by step, over time, he will get rich rewards.

Like Rock Lee, Rope Tree is also a genius who works hard.

In the past year, Rope Tree’s strength has grown very fast.

In terms of chakra control, although it is still average, relying on a large number of shadow clones to continuously use ninjutsu to improve proficiency, practice makes perfect, and multiple ninjutsu can be simplified to form seals.

For example, the most commonly used multi-shadow clone technique, Rope Tree, can now be released without forming a seal.

But just by completing this Muji Release Ninjutsu, the strength of the rope tree increased by at least 20 to 30%.

Because many of the tactics and ninjutsu of the rope tree with Chattanla are performed by this ninjutsu, the multiple shadow clone technique is definitely the core ninjutsu of the rope tree.

In terms of Ninjutsu, Naoki learned ten good Ninjutsu in terms of Water Release Ninjutsu and Earth Release Ninjutsu, and was able to perform them skillfully. Under Kirito’s guidance, he also learned to use Shadow Clone like Naruto. To use spiral pills together.

Finally, he recently successfully mastered the properties of the Yang Release Chakra and began to practice the improved version of the Akido secret technique taught to him by Kirito.

In terms of physical skills, Rope Tree has extremely outstanding talents.

Two years ago, he became a disciple of Konoha’s famous Taijutsu master Chen Baojun, Teacher Chen, and learned a powerful kicking and kicking Taijutsu. Recently, he has begun to practice Teacher Chen’s Taijutsu skill, Konoha Dragon God.

If it weren’t for Nasuki’s young age, Kirito would have wanted him to learn the Eight Armor Armor Techniques.

In terms of illusions, Rope Tree is not worth mentioning.

In terms of overall strength, Kirito believed that Naoki already had the strength of a special jounin. As long as he didn’t encounter a genjutsu-type jounin, Naoki would be able to fight. If teammates cooperated, he might be able to defeat him.

. . .

“What, don’t you two want to visit grandma? You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”

Tsunade saw the expressions of Kirito and Naoki and deliberately said with a straight face.

“No, of course I’m going.”

Naoshu immediately retorted loudly.

“I haven’t been able to see the teacher for a long time, I will definitely go.”

Kirito shook his head.

“Then let’s go together. You guys wait for me first.”

Tsunade heard the two people’s answers and smiled with satisfaction.

After saying that, she quickly went back to her room and started dressing up carefully.

Half an hour later, the three finally set off from home.

At this time, there was an ANBU ninja waiting at the door.

“Tsunade-sama, please come with me.”

The ANBU ninja said respectfully to Tsunade.

“Then please lead the way.”

Tsunade nodded.

Where is Mito now? This information is currently top secret in Konoha. Even Tsunade doesn’t know it. She can only find her grandmother by letting the ANBU ninja sent by the third generation to lead the way.

Relying on soul perception, Kirito was able to accurately know Mito’s location, but it was extremely difficult to sneak in.

I don’t know if it was Mito’s handiwork, but a special barrier was added outside Mito’s residence to prevent spirits from entering.

Sealing Technique·Spirit Sealing Array!

It was the barrier formed by this sealing technique that made it difficult for him to sneak in as a spirit.

There are really no airtight walls in this world. The important information that he successfully learned the art of spiritualization was leaked by some bastard. Now, this piece of information has been included in the reward order he placed in the underground gold exchange.

His current bounty is higher than the rope tree, up to 80 million.

Not surprisingly, once he leaves Konoha, he will immediately attract a large number of bounty hunters with ulterior motives.

Led by ANBU ninjas, the three used the transformation technique to secretly leave the village, and then went deep into the depths of the Death Forest.

Along the way, Kirito used natural energy to sense more than ten jounin-level chakras appearing continuously around him.

He also used soul perception to discover many ninjas from the Hyuga, Aburame and Inuzuka clans, each of whom was at least a chuunin. These perceptive ninjas were scattered throughout the Death Forest, constantly patrolling, and the patrol range almost covered the entire Death Forest. Covered by forest.

It can be seen that in order to protect Mito, Konoha has invested a lot of protective power. With so many ninjas protecting it, even if a strong Kage level invades, it will not be able to do well.

Soon, the three of them arrived at a secret villa deep in the Forest of Death.

Here, there are ten jonin guarding the surroundings of the villa.

The ninjas guarding here had received the order in advance and knew that the three Kiritos were coming, so they did not stop them.

One of the Hyuga clan jounin who was guarding the door used his Byakugan to confirm that the three of them were not transformed by others using transformation techniques, and then allowed the three of them to enter the villa.

In the villa, Kirito saw Kushina, whom he hadn’t seen for a long time. She was working hard to learn the sealing technique.

Tsunade’s reaction when she saw Kushina was even more enthusiastic than when she saw him. She also gave Kushina a powerful facial cleanser attack. Kushina’s ability to hold her breath was not as good as Kirito’s, and she fainted due to suffocation. Fortunately, Tsunade’s medical ninja His skills were superb and he was rescued in no time.

Later, under the guidance of Kushina, the three of Kirito saw Mito and Momo who took care of her deep in the villa.

At this time, Mito was in a good mental state, but his figure was getting thinner, his hair had completely turned gray, and the Yin Seal mark between his eyebrows had become much lighter.

Weak, extremely weak.

This is how Mito feels to Kirito and others now.

With Momo’s support, Mito got up from the bed, smiled and said to the three Kiritos: “Here, come over and let me take a good look at you, my eyes have been a little hard to use recently.”

When Kirito heard this, his nose felt sour, and his heart suddenly felt empty, and he realized that the thing he least wanted to see was going to happen after all.

Relying on his soul perception, he had discovered that Mito’s soul fire was so weak that it could go out at any time.

He did not go up first, but let Naoki and Tsunade, who were already crying, go up first.

He stood aside, guarding them.

“Kirito, why are you still standing there? Come here quickly.”

Suddenly, Mito’s voice came.

When Kirito heard Mito’s voice, his body immediately subconsciously moved quickly. He held Mito’s outstretched hand with both hands and smiled with a hint of crying: “Teacher, I’m here.”

“Okay, great. You three are back. Just come back.”

Mito hugged Kirito and the three of them and smiled happily. His anxious heart was finally at ease and his body and mind relaxed.

On the other side, in a dark space deep inside Mito’s body, a pair of red eyes filled with hatred suddenly opened and lit up with a shining red light.

The next moment, the sound of a large number of chains breaking appeared, blood-like red chakra quickly spread in the darkness, and the roar of the giant beast also appeared.

At the same time, Mito showed a painful expression on her face, and an evil and violent red chakra suddenly burst out from her body, sending the three Kiritos flying away.

This red chakra quickly gathered on Mito’s head, forming a ferocious fox head.

When the fox head appeared, an extremely cold voice sounded in the ears of Kirito and others: “Mito, these are the people you love most. Just wait. When I go out, I will kill them all. , hahaha~”

It is difficult for a newbie to get started. I hope all book friends will come and read it more often to increase the reading rate. After reading it, I hope everyone will vote for this book more and invest in it. If you can give some monthly votes and rewards, Haruko will be grateful. Newbies and new books are so great. Difficult.


Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Konoha: Starting from Sage Transformation

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th year of Konoha, a time traveler was accidentally reborn as a Konoha orphan named Kirito.
Want to be a ninja.
But parents are not martyrs and cannot go to school for free.
In short, no money.
Get an attribute panel that can add points.
But there is no strengthening point, and the source of acquisition is not clear.
Looking at it with excitement and sigh.
Facing the kind eyes of a middle-aged and elderly man named Shimura Danzo.
Trembling inside.
Until one day, he successfully absorbed a trace of natural energy by relying on the prompts on the attribute panel, and his life finally took a turn for the better...


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