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Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees! — Chapter 001

[Welcome to Star Continent.] 】

[It’s a fair race race. 】

[Each person will be randomly given a territory, an initial class rebirth pool, for you to plunder resources and develop your own powers.] 】

[As the lord of the territory, you will take your race army on the road to world domination.] 】

[Of course, before that, you need to develop your territory and try to make yourself stronger.] 】

[In this world of thousands of races, there are countless opportunities and challenges. Not only can you constantly strengthen your own strength, but you can also … ]

[Gain eternal life and become a god who controls all worlds!] 】


[Randomly initializing the Territory Reincarnation Pool].

Ling Feng opened his eyes and found his soul floating in an endless starry sky.

“Where is this? Wasn’t I chosen to come to the world of the lords of the people? ”

Ling Feng looked at the surrounding situation and was a little puzzled.

All around is floating star clusters, constantly twinkling.

“No physical land? It’s not like your own territory…”

Lingfeng’s soul, who had just graduated from college, traveled to Blue Star and became a ten-year-old orphan.

In this world, he has no parents and is preparing to think about how to continue living.

However, the next moment, the era of the lord of the whole people began, and he was teleported to this place.

Just when Ling Feng was still thinking about his current state and situation, the voice of the system appeared.

“Hello host, I’m your crossover system! Thanks to this system, you have a chance to choose for yourself before the Age of Lords begins! ”

“Host, you can choose your class reincarnation pool yourself! The surrounding star points of light are all kinds of different military creatures! ”

“So it is!”

The surrounding star points of light are all different reincarnated races!

“And I had a chance to choose for myself. Other lords will be automatically assigned a class reincarnation pool at the beginning of the game, and whether they are assigned is good or bad, it depends on luck! ”

And Ling Feng, with the help of the system, can decide his class reincarnation pool by himself.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng immediately floated into that sea of stars to choose the reincarnation pool.

At this time, he found that as long as he was close to a light cluster, the corresponding information would appear.

When he approached a small red light cluster, a prompt appeared in front of Ling Feng’s eyes:

[Flame Lion Reincarnation Pool (Grade D): The only class of Flame Lion that can be reincarnated in Grade D! ] 】

The levels of the reincarnation pool are: F, E, D, C, B, A, S!

Further up, it is the emperor level, the sacred level, the abyss level, and the star sea level!!

Among them, grades F to E are garbage regeneration pools, which can only reincarnate the most garbage class.

Some don’t even have special abilities at all, just ordinary beasts.

The D-to-S-level reincarnation pool is already good, and it can give birth to a more powerful combat class, and the higher the level, the stronger the combat ability.

It surpassed the S-class and reached the rebirth pool of the emperor level.

The arms born have been able to dominate this continent, and they can be regarded as stepping into the ranks of the top troops!

And the divine-level reincarnation pool, such as the angel reincarnation pool, is a super existence.

The classes that were born are basically the top classes!

As for the Abyss level and Star Sea level in the back, not only can you give birth to troops, but even give birth to some other super powerful items.

In short, every reincarnation pool that reaches this level has the ability to open and hang!

Lin Feng looked at the D-level reincarnation pool in front of him, shook his head slightly, and flew towards the other light clusters.

Since you have the ability to choose independently, you can only choose one kind of rebirth pool.

Then he will definitely choose the best one in the Star Sea!

At this time, Ling Feng found that some of these light clusters were large and small, and some were strong and some were weak in light.

He observed several light clusters and immediately found the pattern.

Those light cluster rebirth pools with stronger light are of higher level!

According to the law, he immediately found an emperor-level reincarnation pool:

[Abyss Bone Dragon Reincarnation Pool (Emperor Level): Can be reincarnated into the crown class Abyss Bone Dragon, PS: The combat ability of the Abyss Bone Dragon is not strong in the crown class. ] 】

Ling Feng looked a little moved.

After all, it is not bad to be able to give birth to a crown class, and it is an emperor-level reincarnation pool.

However, just a little heartwarming was not enough for Ling Feng to really make a choice.

He still shook his head and continued to fly towards the center of the star sea.

“That pure white light cluster, so bright and big!”

Ling Feng saw that not far away, there was a light cluster like a small sun, emitting pure white light, so he flew over.

View photophore information:

Angel Reincarnation Pool [Divine Level]: Can be reincarnated into a high-level crown class, eighteen-winged holy angel!

Divine Grade Reincarnation Pool!

And it is an angel who can reincarnate a high-level crown class!



Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Status: Ongoing Author:


The era of national lords has begun, and billions of people have crossed the continent to compete for hegemony.

As an orphan, Ling Feng got 300 billion world tree seeds at the beginning!

Dragon World Tree, planted with ancient candle dragon, mysterious frost dragon, blue-eyed white dragon, true red-eyed black dragon…

The blood follows the bounded world tree, planting the eye of reincarnation, kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, tense eye, dust escape, wood escape…

The cultivation method world tree, planting the idols to suppress the prison, the evil spirits, he transforms the free method, the idea of ​​​​chaotic gods and demons!

The bloodline world tree of all worlds, planted with supreme bones, heavy pupils, invincible body, and ancient sacred body!

When all the lords were still struggling with hunger and monsters, Ling Feng had already become a supreme god, leading the army of dragons, the army of demons, and the army of angels to conquer the endless planes!


not work with dark mode