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Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees! — Chapter 047

However, drawings are just drawings.

It also requires the consumption of various materials and labor to complete!

The Wall of Sighs can be built as long as there is enough stone.

The more stone, the taller and longer the wall will be.

To protect the light, you need source energy crystals as the main material.

And the epic electromagnetic giant cannon, in addition to the source energy crystal, also needs a new material: refined iron.

Iron concentrate, Ling Feng seems to be relatively rare around, he has not yet obtained.

But the world is so big, there must be a lord who has already obtained it, and he just needs to exchange it.

So, Ling Feng opened the [Hyperspace Trading Channel].

Right now.

His system warehouse was full of low-level and intermediate Reiki fruits, as well as a large amount of demon beast meat!

As long as it is listed and sold on the hyperspace trading channel, what material can he not exchange?

“Accumulating money, start now!”

Ling Feng directly sold one hundred low-grade Reiki fruits, fifty intermediate Reiki fruits, and two thousand units of high-grade meat on the Hyperspace Trading Channel!

[One low-level spiritual energy fruit, exchange five source energy crystals].

[One intermediate Reiki fruit, exchange twenty source energy crystals or one evolution crystal].

[One unit of high-grade meat, exchange for five units of refined iron or fifty units of stone].

World Communication Channel –

“Crouch! The big guy has started crazy trading mode again! ”

“One hundred Reiki fruits, fifty advanced Reiki fruits, and two thousand units of high-grade meat! Ah, ah, I’m going crazy, the big guy who sealed the sky is really rich and enemy! ”

“It’s unimaginable… The Heaven Sealing Boss had so many materials on the fifth day, how strong was his army? ”

“My class is the top crown class, the Purple Gold Dragon! However, I can only hope for these materials from the Heaven Sealing Boss…”

“It’s too strong, the upstairs is also a big guy!”

“What big guy? I’m far worse than Feng Tian! If I were called a big guy, Feng Tian should be called a big god! ”

“Heaven-sealing god? Sounds compelling… In the future, it seems that I really want to change my name to God! ”

“Seal the sky YYDS!”

“Say, do you have any refined iron materials? Five units of refined iron can be exchanged for one unit of high-grade meat, which is simply not too cost-effective! ”

“Haha there is a concentrated iron ore next to my territory! Looks like I’m going to make a fortune! ”

“Jealousy makes me ugly…”


[One low-level spiritual energy fruit, exchange five source energy crystals].

[One intermediate Reiki fruit, exchange twenty source energy crystals].

[One unit of high-grade meat, exchanging fifty units of stone].

[One unit of high-grade meat, exchange for five units of refined iron].


Looking at the hyperspace trading channel, the materials listed for sale are slowly decreasing.

In Ling Feng’s warehouse, the materials he needed were gradually increasing.

Ling Feng nodded with satisfaction.

All this was expected by him.

In the past two days, many lords have already tasted the sweetness of spiritual energy fruits and high-grade meat.

Under the fermentation of fame in the past few days, his name has become a golden signboard.

All lords will go crazy about these things he sells!

And they gradually became Lingfeng’s workers.

Continuously transporting source energy crystals, evolution crystals, and various materials he needs for Ling Feng!

“After a while, I will have almost enough supplies for me.”

“In this moment, I need to plant and ripen another World Tree.”

That’s the Goblin World Tree!

This is a one-pin world tree that can give birth to goblin race creatures.

Although the goblin’s combat effectiveness is not strong, its construction ability is very strong.

Use them to make various buildings in the drawings, and you will do more with less!

Therefore, Ling Feng had to choose to plant this world tree first to give birth to a large number of free labor for him.

“System, redeem a one-click mature card!”

“Do you consume five hundred source energy crystals and exchange them for one-click mature cards?”


The next moment, another purple card appeared in Ling Feng’s hand.

So he went to a clearing and planted the seeds of the Goblin World Tree.

Then directly use the one-click maturation card.

The card turns into a crystal purple light and spills on the ground.

In an instant, the divine light was shrouded, and the halo flowed.

The seeds of the World Tree began to break through the soil and germinate and grow rapidly.

It also grew to a height of more than ten meters!

In the huge canopy, hundreds of goblin fruits grow.


【Goblin World Tree】

Quality: Yipin World Tree

Grade: First-order mature body

Fruit: Second-order goblin fruit

Quantity: 300 pieces

Growth point: 60/600

Output cycle: five days


Although the people born are second-order goblins, their strength can be said to be very weak.

But the number of victories is very large, there are three hundred!

The growth of goblins is very limited, and it is already the limit to grow to the ninth order of the ruling level.

If you want to cross the threshold of the king rank, you must evolve your bloodline and become a silver goblin, or a golden goblin!

But Ling Feng planted goblins, not valuing their strength.

As long as there are many of them, it is enough.

This allows him to quickly build buildings in various drawings.

Ten seconds later.

The goblin fruits on the Goblin World Tree are all ripe, and one by one the fruits split from the bottom.

One by one, goblin creatures were born from the fruit and jumped to the ground.

“Great master, do everything you tell you!”

The moment all the goblins saw Ling Feng, their eyes were filled with adoration.

Kneel on the ground and throw five bodies to the ground!

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . (Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for an evaluation ticket ~~~Mome~~!!) )


Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Status: Ongoing Author:


The era of national lords has begun, and billions of people have crossed the continent to compete for hegemony.

As an orphan, Ling Feng got 300 billion world tree seeds at the beginning!

Dragon World Tree, planted with ancient candle dragon, mysterious frost dragon, blue-eyed white dragon, true red-eyed black dragon…

The blood follows the bounded world tree, planting the eye of reincarnation, kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, tense eye, dust escape, wood escape…

The cultivation method world tree, planting the idols to suppress the prison, the evil spirits, he transforms the free method, the idea of ​​​​chaotic gods and demons!

The bloodline world tree of all worlds, planted with supreme bones, heavy pupils, invincible body, and ancient sacred body!

When all the lords were still struggling with hunger and monsters, Ling Feng had already become a supreme god, leading the army of dragons, the army of demons, and the army of angels to conquer the endless planes!


not work with dark mode