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Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees! — Chapter 052

“Master, please let me cut off the head of this inferior dragon species as atonement for his sins!”

Xiao Xi knelt on one knee and beat his right hand on his left chest to show respect.

On the side, the blue-eyed white dragon, which had not yet turned into a human form, also looked at the Pterodactyl King with anger.

“How dare a lowest-ranking dragon clan be presumptuous in front of a noble master?!”

“Master, let’s go and kill this stupid dragon, as a dragon clan, we have the responsibility to eliminate the rebellion!”

Xiao Xi also nodded and continued:

“Xiaobai is right, this low-level dragon clan makes us feel ashamed, and if we don’t slaughter him with our own hands, we are worthy of the master’s gift!”

Noble and superior dragon clans like Xiao Xi and Xiao Bai are extremely obedient in front of great masters.

This low-level dragon clan dared to rebel vigorously!

This directly touched Xiao Xi and Xiao Bai’s reverse scales.

Seeing that the two dragons were so insistent, it was difficult for Ling Feng to refuse.

So he nodded, looked coldly at the sky, and said:

“Okay, this pterosaur king, I’ll leave it to you to deal with!”

“Yes, my lord!”

“I will live up to the glory of my Lord!”

After receiving the order.

Xiao Xi stood up, and thousands of starlights suddenly erupted around him!

Starlight wrapped Xiao Xi’s body completely and began to expand.

A distant dragon chant resounded all over a hundred miles!

Hearing this dragon chant, the demon beasts in the surrounding forest all trembled and fled quickly, causing a sound of flying sand and dust.

That is the fear caused by the suppression of the bloodline!

The Sky Pterodactyl King was also attracted to attention at this time and looked towards this side.

Thousands of starlight burst out, and a star-casting dragon with thousands of stars circulating all over its body showed its shape!

At the same time, the blue-eyed white dragon also flew high into the sky, side by side with the Star Casting Dragon.

“You guys are… It turned out to be a high dragon clan?! ”

The Pterodactyl King’s gaze looked at the blue-eyed white dragon, and he felt the kind of suppression that came from the bloodline!

The dragon clan on the opposite side has a much higher bloodline level than him!

“And one… It turned out to be the King’s Dragon Clan! You turned out to be a kind of Star Dragon Clan! ”

“How is that possible? The Star Dragon Clan roams in the endless void, and when they become adults, they can devour the stars and reforge the planets! ”

“How could it be that I met a Star Dragon?!”

The Sky Pterodactyl King just now was still greedy and wanted to eat three angels.

Now, seeing the two new dragons, his face instantly changed greatly!

Even if a high-level dragon clan is counted, how can there be a king-rank dragon clan?

King-rank dragon clan, that is the real king of the dragon clan, all dragons must bow down to the existence!

“Body of the Stars – Reforged!”

At this time, the Star Casting Dragon launched the technique of reforging the body!

The Star Casting Dragon, which was originally only about ten meters, suddenly began to skyrocket in its body!

Extended to a kilometer long!

Pan Huan is flying in the sky, majestic, suppressing a land!

“Just the Star Casting Dragon of the King Rank, does it have this kind of strength and body…”

Ling Feng looked at the thousands of meters long dragon body, and was also a little shocked.

It turns out that Xiaoxi is really strong!

Now that he has reached the tenth level, he can have such a body.

If you reach the True God level, wouldn’t you really be able to devour the stars and reforge the planets?

The elemental elves of the dragon team, looking at the captain’s body covering the sky, also exclaimed one by one.

“Wow, the captain is so strong!”

“Sister Xiaoxi is too domineering! I love it so much! ”

“Knock that stinky dragon down!”

“Come on Sister Xiaoxi!”

A group of cute platelets, using grandma’s voice, constantly cheer for Xiaoxi in the sky.

This made Ling Fengmeng, who turned his head to look at him, look bloody.

Are these elemental elves really for battle? Selling cute can kill enemies!

Eyes turn to the sky.

The star-casting dragon hovering in the sky can completely look down on the sky Pterodactyl King at this moment.

Her star-red dragon pupils, with killing intent, looked at the Sky Pterodactyl King.

The dragon’s whiskers flew wildly, spitting out words:

“Inferior dragon species, what did you say to my master just now?! Dare to say it again? ”

Although the Sky Pterodactyl King has reached the twelfth rank.

However, facing the tenth-order Star Casting Dragon, he didn’t even dare to resist!

The same king rank, under the complete bloodline suppression, his strength may not even be able to play half.

There is a dragon king species opposite! Or the Star Dragon King species!

In front of the Star Casting Dragon, he is a fart for a pterosaur king?

Unless he surpasses the king rank and reaches the holy rank, he may be able to fight hard with the other party.

Otherwise, there is no chance of winning.

The Sky Pterodactyl King only dared to answer in a trembling voice at this time:

“Nothing… No, I just said I was going to eat these angels. ”

“These angels are also my master’s maids! Well, that is, my companion. ”

“You want to eat them, did you ask me?”

The voice of the star-casting dragon resounded throughout the heavens and earth, directly causing more than a dozen sky pterosaurs to shrink into eggs!

Don’t dare to look up at all!

“Respected Star Dragon King, please forgive my sins…”

The Pterodactyl King could only intercede at this moment.


“From the moment you disobeyed my master, you could not even be a slave.”

“You don’t deserve the protection of your master!”

“Now, let me send you to hell.”

The Sky Pterodactyl King saw that the other party was determined to take his own life.

Fortunately, evil was born to the side of the guts, and he roared:

“Nope! If you want to kill me, I will fight with you!” ”

In an instant, he flapped his huge wings and flew into the air!

“Pterodactyl Power Hurricane Wancheng!”

The Sky Pterodactyl King came up and used his own stunt!

In a split second.

Countless wind blades converged in the sky, turning into hundreds of tornadoes, attacking towards the center from all around!

This is a super large range skill, which almost envelops everyone on Ling Feng’s side!

The purpose of the Sky Pterodactyl King was to divert the attention of the Star Casting Dragon and let him rescue Ling Feng first!

“Hahaha, are you going to save your master, or are you here to kill me?”

Taking this opportunity, the Sky Pterodactyl King fled quickly and fled into the distance!

“Leave me alone, kill!”

Ling Feng’s eyes were extremely cold, and he ordered Xiao Xi.

“Yes, my lord!”

Xiaoxi also understood.

The strength of the master is very strong, in fact, the owner has the ability to single out this pterosaur king!

This range skill, the single body lethality is not strong.

It can only play a role in destroying everything around you.

At this time, three hundred elemental elves had already erected triple elemental shields around them to resist the hurricane.

Although the elemental elf level is only five levels.

But the elemental shield that was cast together gathered the power of dozens of elemental spirits, which was quite strong.

The hurricane simply couldn’t completely break through, let alone hurt Ling Feng.

Above the sky.

The blue-eyed white dragon had long seen the true intention of the Sky Pterodactyl King.

At the same time that the other party cast his range skill, the explosive wind bomb in his mouth also began to converge!

The blue-eyed white dragon, who had reached the ninth-order command level, also awakened part of his inheritance memory.

His explosive wind bomb turned into a ball of light with a diameter of ten meters, and attacked towards the fleeing Sky Pterodactyl King!!


With a loud bang, the oversized bursting wind bomb hit the tail of the Sky Pterodactyl King!


The scream of the Pterodactyl King came.

The damage of the wind bomb directly blew off the half-cut tail of the Pterodactyl King, slowing him down!

“It’s my turn, it’s time to send you on your way.”

The star-casting dragon roared in the sky, the dragon claw was raised high, and thousands of stars and god chains converged in the dragon claw!

A heaven-opening giant sword composed purely of the power of the stars, completely formed!

“Annihilation Star Light Slash!!”

That lightsaber forged by the stars, mercilessly, directly slashed towards the fleeing Pterodactyl King!

Heaven and earth were silent for a moment.

The huge body of the Pterodactyl King, without any obstacles, was cut in two!

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . (Thanks to Yanzu??? Forever? Far??? of monthly passes! (Do the hikozus like this super cool battle chapter?) Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, if you like it, I will write more! (Subscribe, custom!!) )


Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Status: Ongoing Author:


The era of national lords has begun, and billions of people have crossed the continent to compete for hegemony.

As an orphan, Ling Feng got 300 billion world tree seeds at the beginning!

Dragon World Tree, planted with ancient candle dragon, mysterious frost dragon, blue-eyed white dragon, true red-eyed black dragon…

The blood follows the bounded world tree, planting the eye of reincarnation, kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, tense eye, dust escape, wood escape…

The cultivation method world tree, planting the idols to suppress the prison, the evil spirits, he transforms the free method, the idea of ​​​​chaotic gods and demons!

The bloodline world tree of all worlds, planted with supreme bones, heavy pupils, invincible body, and ancient sacred body!

When all the lords were still struggling with hunger and monsters, Ling Feng had already become a supreme god, leading the army of dragons, the army of demons, and the army of angels to conquer the endless planes!


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