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Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees! — Chapter 064

The three dragon fruits are constantly nourished by the Dragon World Tree.

Continue to grow and mature in turn.

The first to ripen is the middle dragon species, the Xuanfrost Dragon Fruit!

I saw that the icy fruit grew to the size of seven basketballs, and it no longer continued to expand.

Then there was a sound of breaking ice!

The surface of the fruit was shattered, and a small dragon with an ice-blue body poked its head out from inside.

Xiao Xi hurriedly flew up the canopy and connected the newborn Xuanfrost Dragon to the ground.

Then feed the ice-blue peel to the newborn dragon to eat.

Xuanshuang Xiaolong, who had received nutritional supplements, immediately opened Lan Yingying’s eyes.

The whole body began to expand rapidly!

It does not stop growing until it reaches a length of about nine meters.

A pair of dark blue dragon wings spread out to reach a width of seven or eight meters.

At this time, in front of Ling Feng’s eyes, a message from the Xuanshuang Dragon appeared.


【Frost Dragon】

Sex: Female

Race: Dragons

Level: Seventh order

Template: Top Champion Class

Race Talent: Magic Immunity (immunity to all magic damage)

Race Ability: Ice Spit (Dragon Breath will continue to deal curse damage to enemies)

Hero Talent: Frozen Domain (You can turn the surrounding battle field into your own domain, and you can freeze thousands of miles as an adult!) )

Skills: Ice Roar, Thousand Ice Marks, Frost Wings,???

Loyalty: 100 (diehard)


The current Xuanshuang Xiaolong is only a seventh rank and has not reached the king rank.

So you can’t speak, and you can’t take human form.

She could only bow down to Ling Feng in the form of a dragon, chirp twice, and put her head obediently at Ling Feng’s feet.

“Master, Xiaoice thank you for giving her life and swearing allegiance to you for the rest of your life!”

Xiao Xi on the side, acting as a dragon language interpreter, explained for Ling Feng.

After hearing this, Ling Feng nodded towards Xuanshuang Xiaolong, stroked her head and said:

“Your intentions, I see. In the future, you will also be a member of the Dragon Legion, and you must obey the orders of the Star-Casting Dragon Xiaoxi! ”


Xuanshuang Xiaolong opened his blue eyes and nodded meekly.

At this time, the second dragon fruit.

It is the fruit that exudes a confusing breath and is emerald all over.

It has also grown to the size of seven basketballs and is completely mature!

So, Xiaobai flew up and plucked the emerald-colored fruit.

She could feel that what was born in this fruit should be the same upper dragon species as her!

Xiaobai placed the ripe Dream Dragon Fruit on the ground.

The sleepy aura emanating from the fruit became more and more intense at this time!


As if the sound of jadeite shattering came, cracks began to appear on the appearance of the green fruit.

Inside, a small green head poked out and let out the first dragon groan!


【Dream Dragon】

Sex: Female

Race: Dragons

Level: Ninth Rank!

Template: True God-level Crown Class (with Special Godhead [Fantasy])

Race Talent: Magic Immunity (immunity to all magic damage)

Race Ability: Unreal Power (can blur one’s dragon body and sneak in the world of dreams and spirits) Cultivate dreams (create special dreams, have the ability to change enemy beliefs)

Hero Skills: Dragon Song, Dream, Dream Making, Spell, Heavenly Illusion, Faith, Devouring, Soul Determination,???

Loyalty: 100 (diehard)


The Dream Dragon, the upper dragon species, has the ability to manipulate dreams and cultivate dreams!

And you can virtualize the dragon body, enter the dreams of others, break through the enemy’s spirit in your dreams, and even directly devour the enemy’s soul!

And the ability of the dream dragon is also very weird.

It is possible to destroy the enemy both spiritually and manipulate the enemy’s beliefs to believe in and worship people or things that were previously hated.

Although the role of the Dream Dragon is not obvious in large battles.

But after reading the information of the Dream Dragon, Ling Feng still had some surprises in his heart!

Fighting dragon species, Xiao Xi is already very strong.

The Dream Dragon, on the other hand, can be used to change the enemy’s beliefs and make them believe in Ling Feng as their master from now on!

After all, in the future, when conquering the continent, you can’t kill all the alien races.

In that case, there is no point in conquering.

It is to make these original alien races all believe in Ling as the only supreme god!

At this time, the ability of the dream dragon is very useful.

Of course, angels who can use [Holy Light Inspiration] naturally have the ability to change the beliefs of others, but this process is relatively long.

Unless an angel has the gift of [Redeeming Souls].

The Dream Dragon, on the other hand, can easily dive into the depths of the enemy’s subconscious as long as it exerts its natural ability.

Change their beliefs and let them worship Ling Feng fanatically!

And they will also think that this is their original intention.

From this point of view, the Dream Dragon is even more terrifying than some battle dragon species!

Xiao Xi also seemed to know the ability of the Dream Dragon, and clapped her hands and applauded:

“Great! With the Dream Dragon, our dragon clan also has the ability to change other people’s beliefs! ”

“Hmph, those stinky angels, with the [Holy Light Inspiration] in various worlds, naturally have a large number of believers, suppressing our dragon clan!”

“But with the Dream Dragon, in the fight for supremacy on the continent, our dragon clan must also contribute countless beliefs to the master!”


In the expectant eyes of everyone, the dream dragon will eat its own peel.

The whole body also began to expand!

The emerald-like dream dragon, without wings, belongs to the oriental dragon species.

His body only grew to seven or eight meters long and no longer expanded, and the scales shimmered with emerald brilliance.

It looks like a dragon-shaped sculpture made of precious emeralds.

The jade little dragon also did not reach the king rank, but she was born and could speak.

A pair of smart green pupils, looking at Ling Feng obediently, bowed down:

“Master, the Dragon of Dreams has become your most faithful obedience at this moment, until death, never betrayed!”

“Well, it’s good.”

Ling Feng nodded and touched the head of the jade little dragon, and sure enough, it was very cold.

Rich in texture, like real green emerald.

Next, it’s the last bright red fruit.

Inside is one of the nine king dragon species, the dragon of life!

Continued to wait for a while.

The red fruit finally grew to the size of twelve basketballs.

A powerful life opportunity gushed out from the fruit, causing the surrounding space to be stained with red light!

“Is the dragon of life of the same Wang Long species as me about to be born?”

Xiaoxi Xing’s pupils flashed expectantly and flew up the canopy again.

Huge bright red fruits are plucked from the tree and placed on the ground.

With the second Wang Dragon Race, she wouldn’t have to face those two abominable stinky angels alone, huh!

Ling Feng and the other dragons are also looking forward to it,

They are all looking at the dragon of life that is about to be born!


The bright red skin of the fruit finally broke.

A little red head poked out of the fruit!

As a king dragon species, the dragon of life opened its scarlet eyes as soon as it was born.

The powerful vitality makes the surrounding space faintly fluctuate!

The red dragon finished eating the peel that gave birth to itself, and the dragon’s body began to expand rapidly.

Two young dragon wings, growing rapidly, appeared a hard exoskeleton, and became hideous!


When it grew to about thirteen meters, the dragon of life let out its first long groan belonging to the royal family!

Except for Xiao Xi, all the other dragon clans were slightly bowed.

Express your submission and respect to the Wang Long species!

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Yanzu ask for data, ask for customization~~!) )


Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Status: Ongoing Author:


The era of national lords has begun, and billions of people have crossed the continent to compete for hegemony.

As an orphan, Ling Feng got 300 billion world tree seeds at the beginning!

Dragon World Tree, planted with ancient candle dragon, mysterious frost dragon, blue-eyed white dragon, true red-eyed black dragon…

The blood follows the bounded world tree, planting the eye of reincarnation, kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, tense eye, dust escape, wood escape…

The cultivation method world tree, planting the idols to suppress the prison, the evil spirits, he transforms the free method, the idea of ​​​​chaotic gods and demons!

The bloodline world tree of all worlds, planted with supreme bones, heavy pupils, invincible body, and ancient sacred body!

When all the lords were still struggling with hunger and monsters, Ling Feng had already become a supreme god, leading the army of dragons, the army of demons, and the army of angels to conquer the endless planes!


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