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Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees! — Chapter 108

So, Ling Feng ordered a few little loli who were always following him.

Let them gather all the troops in the territory to the front of the Wall of Sighs.

In less than a quarter of an hour, outside the walls of the Wall of Sighs, all his arms had gathered!

Standing in the front are Xiaoxi, Xiaota, Liang Bing and Yan and others.

And in the rear are ordinary angels, elemental elves, dark elves, goblins, and tens of thousands of dragon armies!

Xiao Xi was proud at this time, grimaced at the two angels beside him, and said proudly:

“Hmph, stinky angels, now the power of our dragon clan is a thousand times stronger than your angels!”

Yan and Leng Bing just glanced at Xiao Xi faintly, and the graceful figure under the silver armor obviously fluctuated.


“We are all the master’s arms, we all have to fight for the master, and we are all equal in front of the master.”

“Moreover, just a momentary strength does not mean permanent. Despicable dragons, don’t be so naïve. ”

Hearing this, Xiao Xi suddenly became angry, like a violent loli, pointing at the two angels and scolding:

“You are despicable! Your whole clan is despicable! Stinky angels, huh…”

Ling Feng looked at the way the dragon clan and the angel quarreled once they met, and also said a little helplessly:

“Okay, you guys can stop…”

“All arms, follow my orders.”

“Today, you have only one mission. That is to try to expand the surrounding territory. ”

“I want my territory, within today, to reach 100,000 square kilometers!”

Right now.

The territory of Lingfeng is about 3,000 square kilometers.

It seems to be 100,000 square kilometers, but it is an unattainable goal.

However, after experiencing the beast tide in the past two days, the strength of the arms under him has soared.

Coupled with the fact that there are tens of thousands of dragons who have reached at least the tenth rank, it is not a problem to expand the territory a hundred times in one day!

When the territory reaches 100,000 square kilometers, he will become a sixth-level lord and have a lot of minerals!

The yield of mineral resources will also increase by geometric multiples.

After hearing Ling Feng’s order.

All the arms responded together:

“Yes, master!”

“The Lord’s task, the Legion of Angels will definitely do its best to complete it!”

“The same goes for the Demon Legion.”

“The master’s task, this time it mainly depends on our dragon legion to complete!”

Xiao Xi, as the leader of the Dragon Clan Legion, held his head high at the moment, with a look of spirit.

Now she is leading a huge army with tens of thousands of dragons!

The number one force under the well-deserved master!

Followed by.

The three major legions set off in a mighty manner.

Now, they are ready to start from the side of the territory according to the order of their master, and conquer the surrounding territory indiscriminately!

And all the goblins were left in the territory by Ling, preparing for the construction of [Floating Battle City].

Next, Ling Feng came to the Goblin World Tree.

Directly prepare to use a Divine Tree Advanced Card and 10,000 bags of fertilizer to carry out large-scale ripening of the Goblin World Tree!

After a while, the Goblin World Tree Panel that reached the second order became:


【Goblin World Tree】

Quality: Erpin World Tree!

Grade: Second-order mature body

Fruit: Third order goblin

Number of fruits: 500

Growth point: 100/500

Cycle time: three days


Every time it is ripened, five hundred third-order goblins can be born.

One hundred times ripening, that’s 50,000!

Soon, the green-skinned goblin creatures, in wave after wave, emerged from the goblin world tree, matured, and fell to the ground.

Half an hour later.

The goblins stood in a large open space in front of Ling Cover.

Exactly 50,000 goblins!

According to the system’s prompts, the greater the number of goblins who build floating battle cities, the faster they will be built.

Therefore, Ling Feng planted 50,000 goblins at once, so that he could complete the construction of the floating battle city in three days!

Ling Feng called the three goblin leaders to the front and asked them to bring these 50,000 new goblins into their leadership.

Then with the mighty army of goblins, they came to a huge clearing outside the territory.


Ling Feng was preparing to carry out the construction of the floating battle city here, and first of all, he had to move all the materials over.

Through a large number of transactions yesterday on the Hyperspace trading channel.

Now Lingfeng’s refined iron and bronze resources are also more than enough, reaching more than 150 million units!

When Ling Feng uses the system function to realize all the materials.

Every pile of materials is as huge as a hill!

100 million units of refined iron, 100 million units of bronze, 10 million units of gold essence and sulfur, and 5 million units of various elemental gemstones.

After materializing all the materials, Ling Feng took out the legendary [Floating Battle City Drawing] and handed it to a goblin leader.

Then he commanded:

“In the past three days, your mission is to build this [legendary] floating battle city. The materials are already piled here, and after three days, the task must be completed! ”

When the goblin leader saw the contents of the drawing, his eyes also lit up.


“Legendary drawings, no wonder the master wants to grow so many goblins!”

“Please rest assured, master, although the construction of the floating battle city is not easy, with the joint efforts of 50,000 goblins, it will not be a problem to build the city in three days!”

“Master, leave the task to the hardworking goblin with confidence!”

“Well, that’s good. Then start construction now. ”

“Yes, master!”

So, the three goblin leaders immediately used the goblin’s special ability and began to read the various arcane runes on the drawings about the construction of the city.

Then start issuing missions to build a floating battle city!

Seeing this scene, Ling Feng nodded.

So, he left the goblins who had already started working and went to another open space next to the territory.

He wants to plant the [Epiphany World Tree] and the [Zerg Mother Nest World Tree] here!

Ling Feng first planted the seeds of the Epiphany World Tree in the land.

Then in the system mall, a one-click mature card was redeemed.

“System, use one-click maturity cards to ripen the world tree!”

“Ding, is the host sure to use a one-click maturation card?”

“Confirm use!”

The next moment, the card turned into a purple streamer and blended into the soil in front of it.

The seed of the Epiphany World Tree immediately began to germinate, take root, and then quickly rise from a small sapling!

In the process of the continuous growth of the Enlightenment World Tree, an invisible and intangible realm emanated around this Nine-Rank World Tree, making Ling Feng feel that his state of mind at this moment was extremely clear and pure.

All distractions seem to have disappeared!

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (Thanks to Yanzu…) of monthly passes! (Continue to ask for data, custom~!) )


Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Status: Ongoing Author:


The era of national lords has begun, and billions of people have crossed the continent to compete for hegemony.

As an orphan, Ling Feng got 300 billion world tree seeds at the beginning!

Dragon World Tree, planted with ancient candle dragon, mysterious frost dragon, blue-eyed white dragon, true red-eyed black dragon…

The blood follows the bounded world tree, planting the eye of reincarnation, kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, tense eye, dust escape, wood escape…

The cultivation method world tree, planting the idols to suppress the prison, the evil spirits, he transforms the free method, the idea of ​​​​chaotic gods and demons!

The bloodline world tree of all worlds, planted with supreme bones, heavy pupils, invincible body, and ancient sacred body!

When all the lords were still struggling with hunger and monsters, Ling Feng had already become a supreme god, leading the army of dragons, the army of demons, and the army of angels to conquer the endless planes!


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