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Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees! — Chapter 111

“After upgrading, the huge nine-rank world tree only produced an artifact! Looking at its might and sword intent, this artifact must not be weak! ”

Ling Feng looked at the branch of the Heavenly Artifact World Tree, the fruit of the artifact slowly conceived by the leaves, and thought happily in his heart.

At this time, the information of the Heavenly Artifact World Tree appeared in front of Ling Feng’s eyes.


【Heavenly Artifact World Tree】

Quality: Nine-pin World Tree!

Grade: Second-order mature body

Fruit: Kun Wu Excalibur! (The first Honghuang plane, the top artifact ranked third in the Honghuang artifact list!) )

Growth point: 100/10000

Cycle time: 10 days


The moment Ling Feng saw the outdated information, he was completely excited!

He knew that the fruit would definitely not be bad this time.

But I didn’t expect that a flood desolate artifact would be produced!

“[Kun Wu Divine Sword], in the first Honghuang plane, the Honghuang artifact list ranks third!”

Definitely one of the top artifact!

According to the introduction of the system.

[Kun Wu Divine Sword] is the third artifact among the top ten artifact of the first flood desolate plane!

This sword is the ancestor of the Pangu clan, which is transformed by combining the vitality of heaven and earth with its own vertebrae and powerful spiritual power.

The sword of the future is modeled after this sword, so the Kun Wu sword is the ancestor of the sword!

The eighth generation ancestor of the Pangu clan, Kung Fu Tongtian, at the top of Kunlun to enlighten the secret of enchantment, finally let him open the spiritual knot when he had been suffering for two hundred and seventy years, and his thoughts and spirit could endlessly attract the power of the outer heavens!

But he did the most wrong thing.

He simply failed to break through the knot of life!

When he summoned the power of the outer heavens, he suddenly found that he could no longer control this force.

When he couldn’t bear it, he had to put all his life and spirit in his spine.

Although he had the resources of heaven, he could not resist the power of the outer heavens, and was finally exploded to shatter.

Only a complete vertebrae turned into a sword.

Condensed in the sword is the spirit and vitality of the eighth generation ancestor of the Pangu clan!

And this vitality and spirit, but under the destruction of the power of the outer heavens, his vertebrae were perfectly combined, and a perfect and strange sword was created.

Because it comes from Kunlun, it is called [Kun Wu Divine Sword]!

Of course, this is only the origin of the Kun Wu Divine Sword.

The Kun Wu Divine Sword born from the World Tree of the Heavenly Artifact is, to some extent, like a replica of this Honghuang artifact.

However, due to the endless laws of the world tree connecting the planes of the worlds, the reproduced Kun Wu Divine Sword is basically the same as the original sword!

At this time, the Kun Wu Divine Sword had slowly taken shape in the branches of the World Tree, getting closer and closer to the original form of this Honghuang artifact.

Countless terrifying desolate qi emanated from the sword body and permeated the surrounding space.

The extremely sharp sword intent crushed the surrounding space pieces and slowly recovered!

Ling Feng looked at the terrifying scene in front of him, his face did not change at all, but his heart was extremely excited!

After all, this was the first Honghuang artifact he had obtained!

The Kun Wu Divine Sword is still slowly taking shape, and because it is a Hong Desolate Artifact, it may take a long time.

So Ling Feng could only wait.

At this time, he suddenly remembered a question and asked the system:

“System, what does the first flood plane mean? Could it be that there is also a second flood plane and a third flood plane? ”

“Ding, what the host said is good! In the endless planes, many completely different law planes will be born, and many similar planes will be born! ”

“The flood plane, among the endless planes, is one of the top planes. The law that was born is also extremely powerful! ”

“However, there is not more than one flood plane! Due to the deviation of the polar path cause and effect, several completely different flood and barren planes were born, and each flood and desolate plane had a different ranking of artifacts. ”

“For example, in the second flood desolation plane [Mountain and Sea Flood Wilderness], there are completely different ten artifact rankings: [Open Heaven Axe], [Linglong Pagoda], [Mending Heaven Stone], [Sun-Shooting Bow], [Sun-chasing Boots]…”

“The Kun Wu Divine Sword that the host obtained this time is the first flood desolate plane, the third ranked artifact!”

When Ling Feng heard this, he nodded and said:

“So it is, I see. Endless planes… It’s magical! ”

“But the most amazing thing is the 300 billion world trees I have.”

“Just a Heavenly Artifact World Tree can produce a treasure like the Kun Wu Divine Sword, which is the top in the flood desolate plane!”

Ling Feng looked at the Kun Wu Divine Sword that was maturing on the World Tree, and couldn’t help but feel very lucky.

With the World God Planting Tree, he can not only dominate this continent.

And you can also travel the endless plane and achieve the supreme supreme power in the endless plane!

Ling Feng felt his ambition swell again.


Half an hour later.

In the surrounding artifact field, the constantly raging Honghuang Sword Intent was finally condensed into substance one by one, and merged into the Kun Wu Divine Sword.

At this time, a golden sword aura soaring into the sky emanated from above the Divine Sword, straight up to 90,000 li of clouds, almost piercing the entire firmament!

This terrifying pillar of sword intent light can be clearly seen even in the Rune Kingdom on the edge of the Great Forest of the Star Sea!


“Wang, look quickly, what is that?!”

In the imperial capital of the Kingdom of Rune.

In the huge palace, the goblin priests raised their heads.

With extremely terrifying eyes, he looked at the pillar of heavenly light in the east.

Just looking directly at that pillar of light created an illusion that his eyes were about to be blinded by the incomparably powerful sword intent!

At this time, King Golden Beamon was sitting on the throne, having some ideal conversations with the palace maids.

Hearing the goblin priest’s trembling shout, King Golden Beamon came back from his happiness and looked in that direction of the sky.

Suddenly, the Golden Beamon King, who had reached the True God level, also felt the extremely oppressive and terrifying aura emanating from that pillar of light!

“That direction is… By the way, Silver Beamon has been sent on a mission for so long, why haven’t they returned yet? ”

King Golden Beamon then remembered that the direction in which Silver Beamon performed his task was in that direction.

“King, allow me to do a divination!”

So, the golden goblin began to use his talent, life divination!

At its feet, mysterious runes appeared one after another, constantly moving back and forth in the air.

After a while, the golden goblin opened his eyes in horror and said:

“My king, your silver Beamon Janissaries, have all died!”

“What did you say?!”

“And through my divination… The owner of the pillar of light we see now is the culprit who killed all the silver Beamon! ”


Golden Beamon pushed away the palace maid beside him, stood up regardless of the image, and stomped his feet angrily, making the entire palace begin to tremble!

“Gather an army for me! No matter what kind of cow ghost snake god, dare to kill my janissaries, that is to provoke my majesty, the enemy of the entire Rune Kingdom! ”

“Yesterday, the Kingdom Alliance on the Continent held a meeting of True Gods. According to rumors from other kingdoms, a mysterious alien plane force seems to have appeared on the continent of hegemony. ”

“In that pillar of light, I felt the power from the xenoplane! Hmph, the guys from the xenoplane also dare to threaten my rule? I must annihilate them all! ”

“What are you still kneeling for?! Go and gather my army! ”

The goblin priest looked at the furious King Beamon, had to kneel on the ground, and immediately kowtowed and replied:

“Obey orders, Supreme King!”

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (Thanks to Yanzu for the monthly pass and reminder of the ruthless pile driver!) (Continue to ask for data, seek customization~!) )


Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Status: Ongoing Author:


The era of national lords has begun, and billions of people have crossed the continent to compete for hegemony.

As an orphan, Ling Feng got 300 billion world tree seeds at the beginning!

Dragon World Tree, planted with ancient candle dragon, mysterious frost dragon, blue-eyed white dragon, true red-eyed black dragon…

The blood follows the bounded world tree, planting the eye of reincarnation, kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, tense eye, dust escape, wood escape…

The cultivation method world tree, planting the idols to suppress the prison, the evil spirits, he transforms the free method, the idea of ​​​​chaotic gods and demons!

The bloodline world tree of all worlds, planted with supreme bones, heavy pupils, invincible body, and ancient sacred body!

When all the lords were still struggling with hunger and monsters, Ling Feng had already become a supreme god, leading the army of dragons, the army of demons, and the army of angels to conquer the endless planes!


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