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Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees! — Chapter 120

“Irons, help!”

“My territory is besieged by a group of beautiful elven sisters! Without saying a word, they killed my soldiers, bound me, hung me, whipped me, whipped me, and took me to the elven kingdom to do unspeakable cruelty to me! ”

“Upstairs, how do you look like you’re enjoying the process?” What are you shouting for help? ”

“Yes, the thief shouts to catch the thief!”

“Damn elf sister, let him go, let me come! Let me bear all the pain! ”


“Irons, now is not the time to joke, I am really helpless!”

“These elf sisters are not trying to play “special games” with me, they really want to kill me! ”

“I heard that many wanderers have been caught by the indigenous kingdoms that are fighting to dominate the continent, tortured, forced us to ask about our origins, and then killed the captives!”

“I’m afraid I’ll go through something like this too!”

“Upstairs, you’re captured by the elven natives, it’s better. Now my territory has been besieged by a group of trolls! ”

“All of them are terrifying creatures with a body length of thirty or fifty meters, and some of them are still sparks on their bodies!”

“Shhh, horror! I see that many lords have been besieged or annihilated, and this is definitely an organized and premeditated action of the local indigenous people! ”

“Ahhhhh A group of very ugly-looking barbarian troops have gathered outside my territory, and they are eyeing my territory and are about to attack! ”

“I’m already scared to pee, is there a nearby lord coming to rescue me?” There will be a lot of thanks! Sell. All you can! ”

“Caught by this group of wild creatures, I estimate to experience more than selling. Something that is ten thousand times more painful for the body…”


At this moment, on the World News Channel, many speeches are being discussed.

About the lord’s domain, besieged by a large indigenous army.

Ling Feng even saw a few related messages from the lord of the Star Sea Great Forest.

“Please! I am on the edge of the Star Sea Great Forest, and I am now besieged by a group of silver beamons! ”

“It’s really those silver beamons I saw in the video of the Heaven-Sealing God! Each of them has reached the king rank at least, and the highest strength of my arms is only the ninth rank! Who’s going to save me…”

“Same location, same circumstances… I am also in the Star Sea Great Forest, and I am also besieged by a group of silver beamons! My arms are about to be completely destroyed, help! ”

Ling Feng looked at these messages from the World Channel and muttered:

“It seems that there is also some common organization between the indigenous kingdoms fighting for hegemony on the continent.”

“Otherwise, the crusade against the lords of the continent would not have started at the same time.”

“The Rune Kingdom, on the edge of the Star Sea Great Forest, has also begun to take action. Perhaps it won’t be long before their army reaches my territory. ”

Thinking of this, Ling Feng also decided to take action in advance.

These unscrupulous indigenous kingdoms cannot be allowed to trample on his territory at will!


He wants to start a large-scale attack on the natives of the continent for hegemony.

The first thing to take is the Kingdom of Rune!

He wants all the people of the kingdom of Rune to become his believers and contribute to him.

Otherwise, the faith value of 100 million, relying on 10,000 dragons alone, is obviously too slow.

Only by taking the kingdom of Rune and building his religious shrine in the kingdom can all the people pray for him and bless him with infinite willpower.

In this way, we can ignite the divine fire as soon as possible, achieve the godhead, and visit the gods!

So, Ling Feng began to plan his next move.


Endless snow, wolf territory.

Bai Yuekui wore a fur coat, hunting and flying in the wind and snow.

Tall figure, pavilion and jade standing, a pair of beautiful legs, showing a large area of whiteness, reflecting the color of the snow, even the difference can not be seen.

Now her strength has reached the fourteenth rank, that is, the holy rank!

The highest classes under his command, the Snow Wolf and the Ice Emperor Scorpion, have also reached the fourteenth rank.

At this moment, more than thirty Cangxue Wolf Kings and six Ice Emperor Scorpions that had grown to more than ten meters in length were waiting for Bai Yuekui’s side.

And Bai Yuekui’s cold gaze was looking at a snow demon army that was entrenched outside her territory at the moment!

The flexible waist hangs the Zhen Spirit Fire Jar on the left and the Tang Dao Qiancheng on the right.

Her slender and slender fingers have already gripped the handle of the knife at this moment!

The entire snow demon army has about hundreds of snow demons.

However, most of them are dominant-level demon beasts, and only a few snow demons are dominant, reaching above the king rank.

Perhaps, for an ordinary lord, this is an army that is enough to destroy a territory.

But for Bai Yuekui, it can be easily eliminated.

“Did these snow demons actually find my territory…”

“The number of troops is not large, and the strength is relatively weak, it is estimated that it is an advance exploration team of the Snow Demon Kingdom!”

The Snow Demon Kingdom is the largest kingdom in the eastern part of the Endless Snow Domain, and it is also the main enemy faced by Bai Yuekui.

“If it is a weak lord, they will be directly annihilated.”

“And when encountering a powerful lord, these snow demons will go back to report, and soon after, the snow demon army will come to my territory.”

“Therefore, none of these snow demons’ advance team can be let go, they must all be annihilated here!”

In this way, the location of her territory would not be exposed to the Snow Demon Kingdom so quickly.

Now Bai Yuekui’s strength is obviously not as strong as Ling Feng, and it is impossible to fight against the entire Snow Demon Kingdom alone.

Unless, unless, uniting all the lords of the Endless Snow Domain, there may be a slight possibility.

“Then… Let’s fight! ”

Bai Yuekui’s beautiful eyes suddenly opened!

The mink fur on the fur coat flew in the wind and snow, and she pulled out the Tang Dao [Thousand Blades] and pointed at the snow demon army!

“Emperor Scorpion, Cangxue Wolf King, rush with me!”

The sturdy figure, in the next instant, entered the army of snow demons!

Actually, these days, in private.

Bai Yuekui often had friendly exchanges with the strongest lord on the surface.

It was also through this special relationship that she purchased a Heavenly Selection Skill Fruit from Feng Tian at a low price!

After eating the fruit, she acquired a new powerful ability:

【Mirror Realm】!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. (Ask for customization, ask for data, Yanzu~!!) )


Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Status: Ongoing Author:


The era of national lords has begun, and billions of people have crossed the continent to compete for hegemony.

As an orphan, Ling Feng got 300 billion world tree seeds at the beginning!

Dragon World Tree, planted with ancient candle dragon, mysterious frost dragon, blue-eyed white dragon, true red-eyed black dragon…

The blood follows the bounded world tree, planting the eye of reincarnation, kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, tense eye, dust escape, wood escape…

The cultivation method world tree, planting the idols to suppress the prison, the evil spirits, he transforms the free method, the idea of ​​​​chaotic gods and demons!

The bloodline world tree of all worlds, planted with supreme bones, heavy pupils, invincible body, and ancient sacred body!

When all the lords were still struggling with hunger and monsters, Ling Feng had already become a supreme god, leading the army of dragons, the army of demons, and the army of angels to conquer the endless planes!


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