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Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees! — Chapter 133

Except for the sky.

At this moment, the ground has also become the gathering place of the Zerg army!

There are three other zergs: [Thunder Pulse Worm], [Bone Splitting Worm] and [Dark Blade Mantis].

Can’t fly, or can only glide long distances.

Therefore, at this moment, it occupies all the ground within a radius of twenty kilometers.

In the center of the ground is the upper zerg [Thunder Pulse Worm]!

Each [Thunder Pulse Worm] has a body length of 50~70 meters, and in the huge body, the head accounts for only a small part, and most of it is an inflated abdomen.

And the abdomen is also the main attack site of [Thunder Pulse Worm].

As a long-range attack worm species, the huge abdomen of the thunder pulse worm can give birth to a highly cohesive and high-intensity [Thunderstorm Laser Pulse Bomb]!

Then launched from the tail.

The power of these thunderstorm laser pulse bombs is very huge.

Each one is equivalent to firing an advanced version of the magic energy cannon, which can destroy all creatures below the king rank within a radius of five kilometers!

Moreover, the thunderstorm magnetic field generated by the pulse cannon also has a huge ability to interfere with king-rank creatures.

Can interfere with each other’s perception with high intensity!

Although, [Thunderstorm Laser Worm] has only this one means of attack.

However, [Thunderstorm Laser Pulse Bomb] has an ultra-long attack range and huge lethality.

Let this zerg become a sharp weapon for large-scale destruction on the battlefield!

On the periphery of the ground swarm.

There are two other insects, the dark knife mantis and the bone splitter.

The dark knife mantis with a pitch-black body is like an enlarged version of a praying mantis, each with a body length of 7~12 meters.

With the special ability of Night Sneaking, you can hide your body in the shadows and attack, and the attack methods are similar to those of the Sky Wing Worm, using a huge scythe at the front end to attack.

But as a mid-level zerg, in terms of strength, it is weaker than the sky wing worm, and each one is equivalent to a demon beast of about the eighth order.

[Bone Splitting Worm] is the lower zerg, the most numerous, wrapped in a white exoskeleton throughout.

These exoskeletons are both their defense and their weapon of attack.

Some exoskeletons take the shape of a blade and can kill enemies!

However, the level of each bone splitting worm is only equivalent to a fourth-order demon beast, which is relatively weak.

It may be that more than a dozen bone splitting insects attack together to effectively kill a Beamon warrior.


Heaven and earth have been completely wrapped in insects.

Located in the center of the Zerg army, the floating battle city is still giving birth to a steady stream of seven Zerg.

The overwhelming Zerg army has covered a piece of the sky, and it can be seen from far away!


The army of Beamon marching to the west, led by the golden King of Beamon, is galloping at this moment.

At this time, the goblin priest raised his head.

Suddenly saw a scene that shocked him incomparably!

“Your Majesty, look quickly! The sky in the distance… What is that?! ”

I saw that in the western sky, there seemed to be a huge dark cloud, covering the sky and the sun.

There is also a buzzing sound, which can be clearly heard thousands of miles away!

King Golden Beamon narrowed his eyes and looked in that direction.

He unleashed the powerful perception ability of his lower god and sensed it for a while.

Then he snorted coldly and said:

“Hmph, don’t care, it’s just some little minions who get together.”

“It seems that our enemies are also prepared.”

“Order the army to speed up your march towards the west!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

The goblin priest immediately relayed the order.

So, the Beamon army picked up speed again!

Beamon, a mythical species, is itself an existence standing at the top of the food chain.

Although he has a huge body, his running speed is not slow at all!

I saw that Beamon was in the army.

Beamon behemoths, which were at least twenty meters tall, wore armor made of bronze.

Run frantically, make a heaven-shaking rumbling sound, and rush towards the battlefield!


Twenty minutes later.

“Ding, remind the host that the 10 million Zerg army has all been born!”

“The system no longer consumes source energy crystals and supplies the Zerg Mother Nest.”

Hear the prompt from the system.

Ling Feng also withdrew his consciousness from the control runes of the Seven Zerg Mother Nest.

He stood in the holographic projection of the floating battle city, looked at the tens of millions of Zerg army outside, and nodded with satisfaction.

The seven Zerg Mother Nests absorbed a total of five million source energy crystals, giving birth to ten million different types of Zerg.

Together, they form a Zerg army that is enough to wreak havoc on the continent!


“Now that we have tens of millions of Zerg troops, what about a million Beamon? Even if it is ten times more, I am not afraid at all! ”

Long-range attack worm species, melee worm species, harassment worm species, reconnaissance worm species, Ling Feng is all available.

In any battle mode, he can grab it with his hands!

Moreover, it has the control runes of the seven major zergs.

He can easily manipulate the movement of the insect swarm and give all kinds of complex instructions.

“Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.”

“King Golden Beamon, you’re almost there.”

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and looked into the distance.

I saw that in the territory of the Rune Kingdom in the distance, layers of smoke gradually rose, and the rumbling sound of shaking mountains was faintly heard in my ears.

That’s the sound of Beamon’s army marching!

Less than ten minutes.

An army of one million Beamon led by King Beamon Gold, ten Generals of Gold Beamon, and one hundred Generals of Silver Beamon.

has come to the other end of the battlefield, and stands in confrontation with Lingfeng’s floating battle city from afar!

I saw that the black-pressed Bimon army, one by one, was more than twenty meters high, stationed not far from the Zerg army.

Standing in the front is a group of silver beamons that are forty or fifty meters high, and more than a dozen golden beamons that are close to 100 meters!

Battle, on the brink of a button!


At the moment in the world communication channel.

On the originally calm interface, a huge banner was suddenly pulled up, occupying almost half of the interface!

【Notice! The strongest lord, I want to seal the sky, I have already encountered the army of the Rune Kingdom, and I am about to start fighting! 】

【Notice! The strongest lord, I want to seal the sky, I have already encountered the army of the Rune Kingdom, and I am about to start fighting! 】

【Notice! The strongest lord, I want to seal the sky, I have already encountered the army of the Rune Kingdom, and I am about to start fighting! 】

[PS: The Kingdom of Rune is a third-class kingdom on the continent of hegemony, with a true god and a large number of demigod-level existences! ] 】

[Now, the interface starts to broadcast this kingdom battle live! ] 】

[The live channel has been opened, please go quickly to the lords who want to watch! ] 】

The world communication channel, which was originally a stagnant pool, was blown up by this sudden news.

Instantly choppy waves, full of voices!


“Crouch!! Three hours ago, the war declaration issued by the Heaven Sealing Boss was about to start the war of the kingdom so soon? ”

“The speed of the Heaven Sealing Boss is also too fast, right? He was able to take the army and rush to the battlefield in three hours! ”

“Yes, I also said that the battle will take at least a few days to happen, but I didn’t expect the big guy to be fast!”

“Shhh! Haven’t you all noticed? In the Kingdom of Rune, there is actually a god and many demigod-level existences! ”

“Fight a god! Is the Heaven Sealing Boss really ready? ”

“Joke, have you seen the Heaven Sealing Boss fail? Since the big guy dares to fight the hard steel of the army of the Rune Kingdom, he is ready for victory! ”

“Excited hearts, trembling hands… I have clicked on the live broadcast room, and it is still dark! ”

“Hurry up, hurry up, I can’t wait to admire the peerless demeanor of the Heavenly God!”

“Me too!!”

“I’ve begun to miss deeply those Dragon Ball loli and angel beautiful girls around the Heaven Sealing God, let me enjoy it!”

“Upstairs, put your pants on, this is not your place to be wild!”

“?! Say, did you install a camera in my villa? ”


A large number of lords have entered the live room link provided by the interface at this moment.

In the dark live broadcast room, countless barrages have begun to roll.

Most of them are talking about their excitement, anticipation, and curiosity.

Right at this time.

The pitch-black screen suddenly starts loading!

Then, the first picture appears…

Everyone, just after watching the live broadcast for the first time, they all confirmed.

This is definitely an earth-shattering, ghost-weeping battle!

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. (Ask for subscription, ask for data~~!) )


Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Status: Ongoing Author:


The era of national lords has begun, and billions of people have crossed the continent to compete for hegemony.

As an orphan, Ling Feng got 300 billion world tree seeds at the beginning!

Dragon World Tree, planted with ancient candle dragon, mysterious frost dragon, blue-eyed white dragon, true red-eyed black dragon…

The blood follows the bounded world tree, planting the eye of reincarnation, kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, tense eye, dust escape, wood escape…

The cultivation method world tree, planting the idols to suppress the prison, the evil spirits, he transforms the free method, the idea of ​​​​chaotic gods and demons!

The bloodline world tree of all worlds, planted with supreme bones, heavy pupils, invincible body, and ancient sacred body!

When all the lords were still struggling with hunger and monsters, Ling Feng had already become a supreme god, leading the army of dragons, the army of demons, and the army of angels to conquer the endless planes!


not work with dark mode